Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Lesson 1

Students learn to: say hello; introduce oneself and say goodbye; follow essential directionsfor
learning; ask and answer questions to identify essential items for learning

Los estudiantes aprenden a : saludar ; presentarse y decir adis ; seguir

las indicaciones esenciales para el aprendizaje ; preguntar y responder
preguntas para identificar los elementos esenciales para el aprendizaje
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to a spoken Word non-verbally; respond to sign
language or symbols; respond non-verbally to staff and other children within the classroom setting;
repeat modelled
sentences; hold writing tools effectively

Los puntos de referencia a nivel mundial : Los estudiantes pueden :

responder a una palabra hablada no verbal ; responder a la lengua de signos
o smbolos ; responder de manera no verbal con el personal y otros nios en
el saln de clases ; repetir el modelo
frases; sostener las herramientas de escritura con eficacia
Lesson 2
Students learn to: greet someone they have recently met with Hi and a question to check
knowledge of their name; give and follow some essential directions for learning and some other
useful directions; ask questions to check knowledge of the words for recently learned objects.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: follow a single step routine instruction; differentiate one
object/picture/letter/word from another; greet, say please and thank you with prompting; use one
or more words to respond to simple questions; make marks on paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 3
Students learn to: identify themselves and others as a boy or a girl; give and follow essential
classroom instructions; identify things they see.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to simple questions or directions supported by visual
cues/gestures/objects; differentiate one object/picture/letter/ word from another; respond to basic
questions through facial expression and gestures; begin to join in with a familiar rhyme or story;
make marks on paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 4
Students learn to:describe things they see; count from 1 to 10.
Global Benchmarks:Students can: respond to simple questions or directions supported by visual
cues/gestures/ objects; recognise a sequence; greet, say please and thank you with prompting;
repeat modelled sentences; hold writing tools effectively.
Lesson 5
Students learn to: ask and answer questions about where things are; agree
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to simple questions or directions supported by visual
cues/gestures/ objects; respond to basic questions through facial expression and gestures; convey
meaning through personal drawings.
Lesson 6
Students learn to: describe the color of things
Global Benchmarks:Students can: keep a steady beat; respond to visual cues/gestures/objects to
make a choice verbally or non-verbally; use one or more words to respond to.
Lesson 7 phonics

Students learn to: recognize, pronounce, and form Aa through Ff; identify anchor words for each
Global Benchmarks: Students can: distinguish between, identify or repeat sounds; understand
Lesson 8
Students learn to: ask and answer questions about who they see.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to simple questions or directions supported by visual
cues/gestures/objects; differentiate one object/picture/letter/word from another; respond nonverbally to staff and other children within the classroom setting; begin to join in with a familiar
rhyme or story; make marks on paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 9
Students learn to: ask and answer questions about shapes.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to spoken Word non-verbally; differentiate one
object/picture/letter/Word from another; respond to basic questions through facial expression and
gestures; with prompting use one or more words to respond to simple questions; make marks on
paper with a range of aterials.
Lesson 10
Students learn to: ask and answer questions about romos and furniture.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: differentiate one object/picture/letter/word from another;
respond to visual cues/gestures/objects to make a choice verbally or non-verbally; use one or more
words to respond to simple questions; make marks on paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 11 Phonics
Students learn to: recognize, pronounce, and form the letters Gg through Ll; identify anchor words
for each letter.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: distinguish between, identify or repeat sounds; hold writing
tools effectively.
Lesson 12
Students learn to: ask and answer questions about the days of the week.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to spoken Word non-verbally; recognise a sequence;
respond non-verbally to staff and other children within the classroom setting; repeat modelled
sentences; make marks on paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 13
Students learn to: ask and answer questions to identify different clothing tems.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to spoken Word non-verbally; understand basic
concepts of print; respond non-verbally to staff and other children within the classroom setting;
with prompting use one or more words to respond to simple questions; hold writing tools
Lesson 14 phonics
Students learn to: recognize, pronounce, and form the letters Mm through Pp; identify anchor
words for each letter.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: distinguish between, identify or repeat sounds; differentiate one
object/picture/letter/word from another; make marks on paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 15
Students learn to: ask and answer questions about ability.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: keep a steady beat; recognise a sequence; respond to visual
cues/gestures/objects to make a choice verbally or non-verbally; use one or more words to respond
to simple questions; hold writing tools effectively.
Lesson 16

Students learn to: ask and answer questions to identify different family members.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to simple questions or directions supported by visual
cues/gestures/objects; recognise a sequence; respond to basic questions through facial expression
and gestures; repeat modelled sentences; convey meaning through personal drawings.
Lesson 17
Students learn to: ask and answer questions to identify different people they know.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: show awareness of objects of reference; recognise a sequence;
respond to basic questions through facial expression and gestures; use one or more words to
respond to simple questions; convey meaning through personal drawings.
Lesson 18 Phonics
Students learn to: recognize, pronounce, and form the letters Qq through Vv; identify anchor words
for each letter.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: distinguish between, identify or repeat sounds; make marks on
paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 19
Students learn to: ask and answer questions about ability.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: respond to spoken Word non-verbally; recognise own name
accompanied by photo; make a request through visual cues/gestures/objects; repeat modelled
sentences; make marks on a paper with a range of materials.
Lesson 20
Students learn to: state their mood and the speed at which they can move.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: show awareness of objects of reference; recognise own name;
convey immediate needs using visual cues/gestures/objects; begin to join in with a familiar rhyme
or story; hold writing tools effectively.
Lesson 21 Phonics
Students learn to: recognize, pronounce, and form the letters Ww through Zz; identify anchor
words for each letter.
Global Benchmarks: Students can: distinguish between, identify or repeat sounds; differentiate one
object/picture/letter/word from another; make marks on paper with a range of materials.

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