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1- Pick out from the text 6 verbs in the past form ( 6

verbes rguliers au prtrit ) then calissify them

according to their pronounciation :



2- Say if the intonnation is rising(montanye) or falling

(descendante) in these sentences:

Trace crite rellement produite:

The scene takes place in Ellis Island at the beginning of the 20th century. The main
character is Jacob who was there to take the tests to reach the USA. There was also an
inspector who was very strict and authoritative. He performed the literacy test and
selected the immigrants. Finally, there was Doctor Carl Travers: he was gentle and more
understanding than the inspector about the situation of Jacob. His role was to perform the
medical test. At the end of the document, the doctor let Jacob enter \varnothing the
country. He may have understood Jacob's situation. He may have been an immigrant
himself. He may have known that Jacob's life would be in danger if he was sent back to
The characters
Jacob is the main character. He immigrated from Russia to escape from the persecutions
of the Jews. He used to live in a small village but now he wants to enter the US so as to
have a better life.
The first inspector was very strict and authoritative. He checked if immigrants could read
and write in English. He also checked whether / if immigrants were healthy or not. He was
quick because he may have wanted to intimidate the immigrants. But he may have
wanted to have the most important number of immmigrants pass the tests.
The first inspector may have been authoritative because he thought he couldn't help
everyone. If he did help everyone, the immigrants might have taken advantage of him.
Doctor Carl Travers was, contrary to the inspector, very gentle and understanding. He
may have wanted to help Jacob. He may have understood Jacob's situation. If he didn't let
Jacob enter the US, Jacob might have died.
Some important vocabulary words concerning "fear":
- to be appalled of

to be terrified of
to be afraid of, frightened of, to be scared of
frightening, fearful
to fear, to dread

-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island

-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island

-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,

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