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UGC-CSIR Sample Question Paper

Duration:2 Hrs

100 Marks

1. Two sample of gas initially at same temperature and pressure are compressed to half of their original volumes, one
adiabatically and other isothermally. The final pressure is

(a) Greater for adiabatic compression

(b) Greater for isothermal compression

(c) Same for both
(d) Half the original pressure for isothermal compression and same as orginal pressure for the adiabatic compression.
2. A gas expands adiabatically and reversibly to a temperature TA . If the same expansion happens adiabatically, but
irreversibly, the final temperature is T . Then
(a) T > TA

(b) T < TA
(c) T = TA
(d) T can take any value independent of TA .
3. The figures shown represents two engine in T S plane. Let a and b denote the efficiency of the engine (i) and
(ii), respectively. Then
(a) b > a

(b) a > b
(c) b = a
(d) a a

4. Two thermally insulated vessels are filled with an ideal gas and connected by a short pipe equipped with a valve.
The volumes of the vessels and their pressure and temperature are given by (P, V, T ) and(P , V , T ). The valve is
opened the pressure inside them would be


(a) P = (P V + P V )/(V + V )

(b) P = (P V + P V )(V + V )

(c) P = P V /(V + V )

(d) P = (P + P )(V + V )/(P V + P V )

5. Consider an ideal gas whose entropy is given by


+ 5Rln + 2Rln

where n =number of moles, R =universal gas constant, V =volume and =constant. The specific heat at constant
volume is given by

2 nR
2 nR


2 nR
2 nR

6. The state of ideal gas was changed three times in a way that the volume stays the same. The graph represents three
isobaric lines.which of the following is true about the volume of the gas ?

(a) V1 > V2 > V3

(c) V1 < V2 < V3

(b) V1 > V2 < V3

(d) V1 = V2 > V3

7. An ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process presented by PV-diagram. Which of the following point has highest temperature ?

(a) A

(b) C

(c) D

(d) E

8. A sample of ideal gas has an internal energy U and is then compressed to one-half of its original volume while the
temperature stays the same. What is the new internal energy of the ideal gas in terms of U ?
(a) 2U

(b) U

(c) 1/2U

(d) 1/4U

9. A sample of ideal gas is taken through a closed cycle presented by P-V diagram. The process is perfectly isothermal.
Which of the following is true about the change in internal energy and heat added to the gas during the process
31 ?

(a) U = 0 Q > 0
(b) U > 0


(c) U < 0


(d) U = 0 Q < 0

10. The free energy of a gas of N particle in a volume V and at a temperature T is

F = N KB T ln[a0 V (KB T )3/2 /N ]
where a0 is a constant and KB denote the Boltzmanns constant. The internal energy of the gas is
(a) 3/2N KB T

(b) 5/2N KB T
(c) N KB T ln[a0 V (KB T )3/2 /N ] 3/2N KB T
(d) N KB T ln[a0 V (KB T )3/2 ]
11. An adiabatic process for an ideal gas is represented on a P V diagram by
(a) A hyperbola

(c) A vertical line

(b) A circle

(d) None of these

12. Consider the following processes: The temperatures of two identical gases are increased from the same initial
temperature to the same final temperature. Reversible processes are used in both cases. For gas A, the process is
carried out at constant volume while for gas B it is carried out at constant pressure. The change in entropy is
(a) Greater for B

(c) Same for A andB

(b) Greater for A

(d) None of these

13. The Vander Waals equation of state for a gas is given by

(P +

)(V b) = RT

where P, V, and T represent the pressure, Volume and temperature respectively, and a and b are constant parameters.
At the critical point, where all the roots of the above cubic equation are degenerate, the temperature is given by




(d) 3b

14. For a particular thermodynamic system the entropy S is related to the internal energy U and volume V by
S = CU 3/4 V 1/4
where C is a constant. The Helmholtz free energy F = U T S for this system is


(c) 3C4S
4/3 V 1/3

(a) 0

(b) 3C 4/3
V 1/3


S 4/3
3C 4/3 V 1/3

15. If the equation of state for a gas with internal energy U is P V = 1/2U then the equation for an adiabatic process is
(a) P V 1/3 =Constant
(b) P V


(c) P V 3/2 =Constant


(d) P V



16. The melting point of a solid is lowered by increase in pressure when solid melts, its volume
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases

(c) Does not change

(d) None of these

17. The free energy of a gas is given by F = ( a3 )V T 3 where a is a constant. The entropy S and pressure P of the gas
is given by
(a) 1/3aV T 2 ,
(b) aV T 3 ,

aT 3

(c) 1/3aV T 3 ,

a/3T 3

(d) aV T 2 ,

aT 3

a/3T 3

18. An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal expansion (at constant temperature T )to double its volume. The change in
the entropy per mole is
(a) 2R

(c) R ln2

(b) R ln2



19. If an ideal gas with initial temperature Ti and volume Vi is adiabatically changed to a volume Vf , the final temperature
Tf is
(c) Tf = Ti VVfi
(a) Tf = Ti Vi


(b) Tf = Ti



(d) Tf = Ti


20. An ideal gas is expanding such that P T 2 = constant. The coefficient of volume expansion of the gas is






21. Clausius-Clapeyron equation for liquid gas transition is given by

expression for saturated vapour pressure is given by
(a) = constant e1/RT
(b) = constant e




T (vg vl ) .


If vg >> vl and vg = RT , the

(c) = 0

(d) = constant

22. The Gibbs free energy of a gas is

G(P, T, N ) = N T ln(

) N P a(T )

where a(T ) is a function of temperature alone and rest of the symbols have their usual meaning with p0 being a
reference pressure. What is the equation of state of gas ?

(a) P [V + N a(T )] = N T

(c) P V = N a(T )T

(b) P [V N a(T )] = N T

(d) P V = N (a(T ) + T )

23. An ideal gas has a specific heat ratio Cp /Cv = 2. Starting at a temperature T1 the gas undergoes an isothermal
compression to increase its density by a factor of two. After this an adiabatic compression increases its pressure by
a factor of two. The temperature of the gas at the end of the second process would be
(a) T1 /2



(c) 2T1

(d) T1 / 2

24. In the temperature range 100 1000 C, the molar specific heat of a metal varies with temperature T (measured
in degrees Celsius) according to the formula Cp = (1 + t/5)J/ Cmol. If .2 kg of the metal at 600 C is brought in
thermal contact with .1 kg of the same metal at 300 C, the final equilibrium temperature, in C, will be
(a) 466

(b) 567

(c) 383

(d) 519

25. The equation of state for a gas is given by



 N 2 i
(V N ) = N KB T

Where P, V, T, N, andKB represent pressure, volume, temperature, number of atoms and the Boltzmanns constant,
respectively, while and are constants specific to the gas. If the critical point corresponds to a point of inflexion
on the P-v curve, then the critical volume Vc and critical pressure Pc for this gas are given by
(a) Vc = 3N, Pc = 2 / 2

(c) Vc = 3N, Pc = 82 /27

(b) Vc = 3N, Pc = /27 2

(d) Vc = 3N, Pc = 2 /27 2

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