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Types of Supervisors
Every workday all employees set out to their workplaces. Whatever means of transport
they use, they take the time to see into their day ahead; what are some of the duties they will
engage in, do they have deadlines to meet among others. This all comes to the expectation of the
various types of supervisors, their system of administration and hope to deliver for the staff.
From the different types of leadership styles employed, supervisors can be divided into six
categories, these include:
Coach- this is one whose major focus is on the employees. They indulge their members in the
decision-making process, event planning and setting timelines to meet their goals. This support
of the employees and participation creates positivity in the workplace as all work to the interests
of the organization (Conger & Stuart 371-375). The supervisor delegates duties offer guidance
throughout until completion of the task. The style of leadership adopted is democratic.
Team player- is competent, truthful and takes into account the role of the employees. They can
get their staff to open up to them for any ideas as well as make tough decisions without
disrespecting others (Oliva, et al. 2013). They understand that goals are shared with employees;
thus their success depends on the staff and vice versa. They give credit where it is due hence are
regarded as the kind of bosses everyone would want to work with.

Mentor-. Having a better understanding of the employees profession is the primary requirement
to give guidance and direction in their careers. This is efficient if the supervisor takes the
responsibility of mentorship for the employees. This kind of Supervisors significantly impacts on
the career development of their employees which makes them easy to work with. Leading by
example; transformational leadership.
Laissez-faire- are the kind of supervisors who exercise little follow up on employees trusting
that they will perform to expectation. The employees do not expect to learn from them as much
given their inactiveness. It is high risk working with this supervisor unless one has a knowledge
of research skills (Conger & Stuart 371-375). As a result, the employees need to be independent
and determined to achieve what they want.
Control freak- needs always to be in the loop of all that happens. Here the staff members are not
engaged in calling shots. As an employee working with this supervisor, you must know how to
deal with them by just ensuring a constant flow of information on the progress of your project.
Asking lots of questions makes them open up and thus give one a vivid image of their
expectations as they hold onto knowledge for their power.
Autocrat- has total authority and is fully in control of decision making. This one has his
objective and hardly pays attention to the employees. They are very hard to please so, to get
along with them you are tasked to make them share what their focus is.
Both the control freaks and autocrats use the authoritative style of leadership. They have
more in common, but their only difference is; the autocrats are definite on what they want while
the control freaks are less clear mainly to have open options for future changes if the need arises.

In conclusion, we need to keep in mind that in any organization there are objectives to be
achieved. Whatever the nature of your boss, employees should learn to work with them for the
set goals.
Work Cited
Conger, Stuart. "Fostering a career development culture: reflections on the roles of managers,
employees and supervisors." Career Development International 7.6 (2012): 371-375.
Oliva, Peter F., and George E. Pawlas. Supervision for today's schools. Jossey-Bass, An Imprint
of Wiley. 10475 Crosspoint Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46256, 2013.

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