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TECHNICAL APTITUDE 1. It the settlement of a single nlle In cand is denoted by 48. TE ag Tyee ate seen s po aN pre Te 3 and that of a group of M identioal piles (each ple eS seer see ft ae sae fg, are Ae ouerying the same load) by &,, then te raito 23 will: a eer aut: (1) Be equaled lmespectve of wish of the group (2) SecqualloN imezpectee of wah of he grou Seen cise eres ae |. For Gtabiity aneiyek of topec of purely oonenve 47. come, te ores oemire i taken to ie at te Intereeation of: (1) The perpencicuiar binector of the slope and locus of she centre (2) The perpendicular drawn at one-third slope fom fe (2) The perpendicuer drawn at tectin’ slope trom te 1. A model of a-woir made to a horizontal coals of (val 48, and verteal cone of 18 cieohangec 1 Mire/sso. Thon the dlechange In prototype is estimated as: il i) 108 ps (4) 10800 Ips 1. Tho length, eoeMotent of thermal expansion and 48. ‘YOUNG'S MOGWUE of a bar SA are twins that of a bar 'S* ithe temperature of both the bare Ie Inoraaced by came amount while prewenting any expancion, then the rabio of cirece developed in bar A to that In bar @ will be: 2 ae (4) Mone of these: |. A beiok maconry wail of nominal thicknece 200 mm 6D. carries an axial load of 32 kMim and ancther toad of 18 Kivi aoting at an sovsntriotty of 45 mam. The recutant ‘ecosntrotty and ssoentriaity ratio are recpectively: Pee (2) Z2mmand 1.20 Ha) None of these et ae LAY and Gare two traverce ctations thee from foal 61. (a! aie (6! dt sea es Pat eh aan et Tae attraction errors. ifthe tru bearing of line AB is aa", = 1 We a ABR we Ait ae Pe A oe then the magnets bearing of ling BA le: cy sa" (a) Zeer (1 None of thee and the magnetic ceollnaticn at point A Is 1” weet, geen fap a° ise 2 ft oe BA & gee Rat a 2 st Rat Dunng weepage through an partn macs, the cirection 62. Fern & or oe te eon Pree Bar of compage ie: arate! ip the equipotent tines In [4) Along the direction of gravthy msazeuss [ ACT] RABE 1 [814072] ‘The “Gack sight’ reading on 2 vertically held staf at a point A on the ftocr siong the centre line of a railway tunnel fn 2.485 m, and the ‘Fore sight" on the imworted ‘ctaff held at the roof of the tunnel juct vertioaliy ebowe Ate 1.166 m. The height of tne tunnel siong tne oantre line at Noor point 4.46: 4). 2310m Tha maximum energy stored at eactio umm of 2 matenatts called: @ 3455m (8) None of these G3) Modus of resilence (4) Buk restience: 4 plan of an area érawn trom the criginal coale-of 1 om = 18 m, hae ehruni cuoh thal a ling, originally 16 om Fong on the plan, measures now ‘4.6 om. The shrunk. seala ke now given by: (4) 10.57 m ‘Tha head loss in a pipe of diameter d, camying oll at a flow rate of Q over a distance IIc A. The pipe Ic replaced with another with half the diameter, all ather things remaining the same. The heed locs In éhls sce will be: uy on 20h apn 7. Phytometer mathed Ie generally weed for tho measurement cf: (3) antercepton (6) None of these |. Aclroular piste 100 mm diameter fe welded to ancther plate by maanc of 2 @ mm fillet wed. If the permiccibie: ‘eheasing clrect in the weld squats 40 kginm®, then the Orestect twicting moment that can be recicted by the: ‘wold wall be: () 300nRam ia) 428 nem ‘Tha cawer, whioh traneportc the cawage to tha point of treatment Ic called: (Branch (8) intemal ee pe te 8 ge i 8 eee Tee Se aE ae Fe {al Sar sere Ta se ST ae! 1m fer uae ‘a? or eer ter Fae gt a wet eee oe werd ot seer aie oe tate alte ae St ee a. a se 4) RP St ntp hid eae ST ay eae ger 9 i oe tet oH TT ts om PRT a7 Ta ee Hoge ae ae aT Te . A mild ciel fiat eubjeoted tc a tenctie foroe of £4 tone: fe wonneoted to 2 guecet plate ucing rivate. if the forces required to ehear 2 cingle rival, to onach the rivet and to tear the plate par pltah tengih are 6000 kg, S000 kg and 8000 ing recpectively, then the number af rivets required te: " 1. The methed of travorcing in survey be: (2) Measurement of a Gstarnces #4) Mensuremert of ai Bearrgs onty 4 rointoreed concrete beam is act during 2 cummer month when the amblent temperature ic around 42°C. During the winter when the amblent temperature Is around 6°C, the siroce in the eonoratn will be: 14) The same ac atte te of careng The baok sight reading on a6. M.heving R. L. 123.150 m near a bridge is found to be 7. 050 m A foresicht reading of 2. $60 m wee obtained on an inverted cinft held againet the girder of the bridge. What ic the RL. of Eve girder of tise bricigo. (in mater): 493.450 124,550 : Bak Coneider the following ctnlements: (A. For the came shear fore, mayimum shear siness eveloped in the circular section is lesser that In the ractanguisr R Cirmutar cecton is ronger in shear (0) AtturandR stabe Ais aloe and ls tur 4) Bob And Aare tise .Conelder the following ciatemente: “A Anporopie maternal lr auays nemapenenus RAN [soto manenay '= one in which a he propertes are the same in alitne cirectons = every noint Ofthere statements Som A and ® ame mus and Ri tt comect expiaration cra. ) AwtueanaR same (4) Awtee put ome Mate Ft wh ge eG Fe oe or 2 ten ae 9 oer ee fae tet tr St Ss 3B 8 green ait} a sh fe peat er. ooo 2000 ko ar 2000 ko @ at afeeg feaet ot her 1 as " ar en 7 ger Fee 0) Se what aa tee sees @ RR ET 7m tm apa wig Ae RL ee teem ae BL ageo mH 2e60m Fret ann eee om tg 3 ait RL. wre Get A } 198. 480 (6) 4127. 450 . Peet Rear st ATH wee a 8 Gop ow Tog eee cer es See a eT an ® Rete woe sett a) Amita eet i Awe eatenne ART ast ee Amato t |. Pe et or er st A Tey ae ve ae et R aS geeks ge oe at Get ot feat @ wee Bg 9 St Oe RR oF Rees (0) Age née gf 3 ae Raw ag seem § Aga Rart ae 8g Ace ae oie tS Ave taranet Acer Eat Re A torclon member It fabricated from two concentra thin fubec. At the ende, the tubec are welded to rigid ditor co that both the tubes are twicted ac a unit. The radhot of the outer tube I 2rand that of the Inner tube lee. ifthe chear ctrese developed In the cutter tube be r, ‘them the shear ctrect in the inner tube wil be: 2 (a) oFsT (a) 1.00 Contact preseure dletribution below a rigid footing on the surface of a ochesive coil Is: (unin ae as atmo thee oo () adr alee enact ate abe en A cieel treme coneiste of members GA, 08, OC and CO all having came tength L and come flexural ciifiness Bl. If Joint © of the frame Ic rigid and ond A and © ore fixed, Bic: hinged and D i trea, then the rotabonal ciiftmess of the frame at point Cle glen by: A ciply supported beam Ic. made cf bwo wooden Blanke of came width resting one upon the other ‘without toben and wttnout connection. The upper plank ie of halt the thieamecs ac ecenparec'to the lower plank Tht accembiy i loaded by 2 unitormay aictrmuted sosd on the entire epan. The ratio of the mann cfreckec cevedoped in the top anc bottom planus: will De: g 5 BOD te prefered fo COO ac an index of cewage concentration beoaues: (7) BOO represents meth carbonaceous and rérgenous ‘organic matter weiie COD may incente carbonaceous ‘ratier ony (2) BOO test Is ender to pertorm and gives more retabie resut ave (a) wz (4) C00 relates im fe impwetes ‘apich con only be removed by chemical treatment which & expensive true meridian ic: that meridian through 2 given point Joining: 4S) Eactand West Poles of earth's ais gir soe 8 pee # ae coos ore sco e 0) 200 ST aT St st ae oe See 3 coo he er EM FF St 2) Boo thet err aan ge tat ee feerir ar Fes SE B00 Ri = 7 5 eine eat 9 ats F ae ie) Coote ist fais Se Se Re oe aay uw oes bat wer eet ee wet ardtar ay Rie oy ee are gre a Pts wf a et ae Steal bare are placed In conoreta ctructural elementz with 9 wlew to inparting: (0) Enhanced compressye srengin to concrete 2) None of the ancwe mensonec purposes Point of Inflection {Contrafaxure) in a member uncer bending action tc:thve paint where: (1) Bending moment is zerc (2) hearing force bs zero (4) Sheatng force mero win oopesm curvature on eter sce ott In 2 riveted connection, a minimum alctanae of tha Hvet from the edge is kept with a view to preventing {allure us to (1) Sheaang strat (2) Bearing on twee i sees Sharp orected weir uced for dicoharge meacurement in an open channel. coe peroent errar ir made in the meacurement of head over the weir, the percentage error'in the dlcoharge moncuroment will be: (1) Les man 10% me Ht turbidity removal ic the only objective of a water treatment plant, Ho chould have following untte In = Fi fee icpuaigncunasceaceaats pig saeosileaecrash eae 1) asco foc sober aie The prio of volume of ar wold to the volume of volo, |. The load factor to be uced tor plete decign of cteel ctructures for dead lead and impored load sombination ie: ay 4.5 @ 20 mw 22 Sa A asian a BY te ere et Spee wt Ft ae aT on) wee Bae pga BT one ask Q) Geers os a8 Ba al as oer er S (2) SRF fee ies tape & ae fer © onpty ge om ft ihe (ease) whe tat = sae get se Te ) ae S42 ied of Oe 2 age oer is os ay yk ) oe ao 2a et dt ee 2 ae ee we Te . Rae See @ Bat 2 Fa @ ee gt at a eet sae at oF aed amar 9 ast ot ae tt ot oy fr eee @ fra Oo) Seo @) ee wn a er (3) 20% deme gest dt we cone apie ot oe a ater Pat Rie Sea RR er ae Sten (a) ty fe, ie dr ad where ees fed sea su tt doar aged ta aint was (1), Enhanced compreseive strength to concret= (a) None of the above mentioned purposes Point of Infiection {Gontrafexure] In a member uncer bending sation ic the point where: (0), Sencng moment s:mern, (2) Sheanng tore os zero cy (4) Shearing force i zero wih oppasite curvature on wer sce oft In @ riveted eonnection, a minimem dictanoe of the Tivet trom the eage ie kept with a wiew to preventing allure due bo ‘Shearing ofrivet ) Bearing on rivet (ectenhgcta Sharp orected welrlke weed tor meacurement in an open channel. one peroent ervar i made in the measurement of head over the weir, tha prroentage error in the dlesharge mencurement will be: Less man 10% i ia 7. if turbidity remowal ke the onty objective of a water treatment plant, it chould have fofowing unite In aera (tn, comp Mona crin (2 mouse tera erm (hae ecu sea Tha rxte of volume of air wold to the volume af vole, ‘Tha load factor to be ueed tor placte dacign of cheat structures for dead load and impocad load ‘sombinatior: = 1s @ 20 22 7. 35 Ser 8 nets oe om 4 ai (Peter) ee t i oe TS ae hae ee a we TF ve, Paz Sa 2 Sat @ fe Sree gt a et eet A et oe tt A ee oe ghee ay tate were ae aa Bey oe tar or The orcsnaise of the infuenos ine tor ine tert eupport reaction of a clmply cupportsd beam wit an overnang onthe lett are 7. © and 1.2 at the weet cunport point and at free enc recpectvaly. tts epan of the baam ie 6m, ‘the length of the comeang b= si a @a2m #1 &om The laoing bare shall be Inclined at an ample with the aU of he member .. The speed density retation on 2 ceament of highway Is alven by tive following equation WS O.002K — 184-2 Wie fhe epoed In kre and Ke te clensty in vehi. “The free flow spoed:on the higiway te: 2) 70 2kmer ald kmbr (3) 1840 kr Ths two way chear In a footing hse to be checked at a (2) G2 fom the cebal line of ne column atthe cert Ine of the cotumn atd-tom the exge of me column ‘where de eMtectve depin of fre footing A ciroular hole of 63 men diameter ic cut out from a siroular dice of 100 mm clameter ac chown in Fig. The verter of gravity af the ceation wi q i) inthe hole (3) Abcenter of bigger crcie (4) Atcenter of smaier cree ‘Whien of the following paire are cerrssty matohec: A. Peaoretichead —suncfdaien neadard pressure head B Qynemic head .. sumof chum head and vetocky head Signaton head — sumof presaue head and venocty head D. Total hend ... sumo pleanmetic head and dynamic heat Selectine correct answer ushg the codes given betom, Codes: Bac ABAD BcaD gat arte (S) ao" ye ae ro" a ee Ser sehen are seer See SS PL pa gi acmianonrres oo So RPT ae oe Tae fetieg 2 tds dt Seer te A eer St. a ti mma 8 ee de Sr th a te © aad en dtr ae oa. aaes oo es A BS sea wnse wwe R. m Aparc @ AcHro 3) ABaTD #8, carD 88. Two coli comploc have the following mite: (ton ay ceo 3) Lu. ee) Fi PL=a (Concider the following oanotutlone drawn trom thie: data A. Soll Ase more compreccibie than ccllB. B. Soll Ase lene ecmprecemie than coll B. C. Rell Ase more pisctio than cou = D. Sola l¢ lees piscte than com B. Oftheee conciucians: (0) Aand D are comect (2) Aand C are comect 87, in Lime tiatec Oecign metnod tor RC members, the ‘Conorete i: utuzed upto cirecess eorrecponcing ta: 1) ts peak vatue (2) Lower than kr peak vue (4) Higher than its peak value 438 For decign momant ina oolumn of an RC trams, the: Bye load arrangement on the cubcitiuts trams ehould beoncpan onc (1) Both sides of the column (2) The let ide of the column plus altemate spars 88. Zemi-central angle for an RG Soherioa Shell enoulc be keot peiow a onrinin cpeoitied value with 2 view tn avoiding dawslopment of (i) Tense Merona! stresses (4) None of the stove mentioned stresses 30. Puring are weed a ctuotural mempers in trucced roots. The purling are pramarity: Tension members ‘Compression members isaac 1. Reinforcing $toel bare (Ambar) may be located in petit se ene sa Development length for a Rebar In teaming tauren trios Kaos car (2) The same 4) Adore or lest depencing unon me bar caamener #2. The tendenoy of dence cand to expand or applloation Of chaaring load tr known ac: abate a) Sentvtty . aye ae a Ree dt oa) ee LL=7 u PL PL=a Wa atee @ Fee Reiptag Promtt wr fear Sr ee arte’ otter as aig 8 Pega sé ate ti ee age Sate aes oe Dea are 6 te oe 7 Pest 7 tp adrow? Atom? @makewt wi pdromt aa, Fant ifs geen after vel ee 7 fe te Soest oe ee ster en a ch eee 2) Sag SP Se ae Fe fara a ce) Te rar as 9 see fied rca. Se & tee 2 eS ee ee Fig fey Ba wa a (ty Sage 2 aaa or Q) ee eS ote eer age G) eee aes Ser Gay ar 9 ees gh 3 Ber . oe der arab. cis & aati Se STF @ fee fe a a7 & fie oe Bite a a a we ale (ty Tre hai star Estas OR dee ome ort a) ae (@) ae 8 ar é oer oer ie Bt aren soe Sit won ag eos St gh OF Ry ne rae ee o Dad Piostiotzer ic used In oonorete in achieve (9), Reduction in cement content auction in fine fa) High compressive skengen ‘The kerocene oll kt ured In the preparation of: (1) Emusion ‘Sow curng cumack (2) Raga cunng cumacr Gradually varied Row Ie one in which along the length: 1) Discharge decreases (2) Discharge increases: 3 oe eee mathod i generally uced to (2) SORES raartas inno totes runoT (2) Total ranted imo alrect nano (6) Toga rental im total nance 7. @hear strength of call Ie unique-tunetion of: (2) Tos sressonty (3) Som wom and emectve stress 18), Pore water pressure Allowable bearing preceure for 2 foundation depends. ae (5) Alowable settiement only [s) Nemer aiouane cetewerc por unmate nearng capacty Ths bearing preccurs dictibution under a footing recting an cand will be: (0). Union throughout (2) More af he edges ac compared to that at the mice iia ‘Tha: airmasth of line le Be (1) Clockwise angle that a Ine makes with the south end of the selected material (2) Ant-clockwise angie that a line makes wif the sooth fa) None of these ‘Tha method of leveling uced to oary out the reconnalceanot of area k= (0) Check leveling (3) Frome leweing, (4) Sipe veing wie t ede wt vin en oe Se & fe eo ae Fe ere saa 2 Ae oe ee er oe Ce pal Senne ee G) ie a) AE Sat chad wag ay Feat pend & oe ty er eet On Sue cia (4) Sag Stead Gd oie et a7. FOn mere a pe a Re EE (1) Se oe she (2) Sea as soa = ee 3a hy age Pet ae oie 0) Sa ag dee 2) A a Bs ee Sepa fiesine oe acm Bafta gee ot (a) Tarps deanery are Beas Se or ee ta wr fee tat $3 fete oe eee ae a a Aes feet feet or ee aed @) ro eet ieta ‘yoo. Piri area aw Fer & 0) Seael Se 2 gag at eh eS at ft vat (2) 35RE Se SE gas Bet so ed Fit Tree cy) Sead Se tt Sa oon Bet a et Set a we aa ee fam Glew ott fey oe a et ee ed see er 2) a aT 0 ee 401.

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