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Glossary topic: UN

secretario general: secretary general

general assembly: asamblea general
plenary assembly: asamblea plenaria
committee: comisin
subcommittee: subcomisn
opening meeting/sitting: reunin de apertura
final meeting/sitting: reunin final
board of governors/governing body: consejo de administracin
executive council: consejo ejecutivo
trustee: gestor
board of trustees: consejo de gestores
heads of delegations: jefes de las delegaciones
nomination committee: comisin de nombramiento
finance committee: comisin de finazas
steering commitee: comisin de investigacin
credentials committee: comisn de verificacin de credenciales
drafting committee: comisin de redaccin
liaison committe: comisin de enlace
staff committee: comisin de personal
round table meeting: reunin de mesa redonda
symposium: simposio
study group: grupo de estudio
working party/group: grupo de trabajo
international court of justice: corte internacional de justicia
arbitration tribunal: tribunal de arbitraje
session: perodo que abarca sesiones
meeting: sesin
regular intervals: intervalos regulares
body/agency/organ: organismo
fact finding organ: organismo de verificacin de hecho
briefing meeting: sesin preparatoria
standing body: organismo permanente
interim committee: comit interino
UN chart: carta orgnica de la ONU
economic and social counsil: consejo econmico y social
the meeting is called to order (at 6pm): se abre la sesin a las 6 de la tarde
trusteeship: fideicomiso
cese de hostilidad: seize of fire
dispute: disputa
adjournment: supensin aplazamiento(?
peacekeepers: mantenedores de la paz
peacekeeping forces: fuerzas de mantenimiento de paz
observers: observadores
troops: tropas
autonomy: autonoma
oponent forces: fuerzas opositoras
permanent members: miembros permanentes
non-permanent members: miembros no permanentes
member states: Estados miembro
states parties: Estados parte
official/officer/civil servant(GrBr): funcionario
in my capacity as: en calidad de
in our view:desde nuestro juicio
allow me: permtaseme
to state: indicar/sealar
to be in order to: autorizado por el reglamento

to pay homage/tribute to: rendir homenaje a

to meet overlapping with other meetings: reunirse con simultaneidad a otras reuniones
to set up a committee: crear una comisin
to appoint a committee: nombrar una comisin
to give the floor to/call on someone: ceder la palabra a alguien
to confirm: dar fe
to be deeply moved/touched: profundamente conmovido
to decline: negarse
to adopt: aprobar
to entrust with: asignar
to submit presentar
to report: informar
to request: solicitar
to cast a vote: emitir un voto
to abstain: abstenerse
to withdraw what I say: retiro la palabra
to pursue: procurar/ buscar
to put an end: terminar
to come from: proceder de
pursuant to: de conformidad con
accountable: responsable
utmost: suma
full-fledged: pleno
wholehearted: honesto/sincero
equitable: equitativa
fundamental freedom: libertades fundamentales
equality of rights: igualdad de derechos
colonialism: colonialismo
inauguration: toma de/asuncin al poder
agreement: acuerdo
treaty: tratado
stalement: estancamiento
holding: retencin
scope: alcance
adhearance: adhesin
provision: disposicin
strating point: punto de partida
allocation: asignacin
commitment: compromiso

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