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Registration Page Fixed

Borrower Name (as shown on loan note document) Looks like field is only 20
character max. We have some borrower names that exceed this. Update to 40
character max Fixed

You will be redirected to Login page where you will see the message Thanks for the
email verification, now you can Login on Sabal Borrower Portal.

For the message in quotes above, can it be displayed a couple seconds longer
before disappearing? Fixed, it will disappear after 7 seconds.

Edit/Update ACH form

After borrower fills out form and saves it, show confirmation ACH details have been
submitted for review/approval. Servicing will be in contact to get additional items
from you. Thank you. Fixed
After saving/submitting new ach info in the form, the confirmation message in
quotes above, is only visible for a second and the page disappears. Is there a way to
make this visible a few extra seconds so borrower can read the notice?

Once the borrower submits new ACH info, the old info should remain active and
visible until confirmation process occurs and is completed with match.
Confirmation process:
1. After borrower submits new/updated ACH info, email is sent to servicing
(using for testing)
2. At this point, the visible ACH information in the portal, should remain
unchanged. Servicing will receive notice email, and will reach out to
borrower with additional requested information before updating PLM with
new ACH setup info
3. Asad can you confirm you guys are storing the user input ACH details in
a table somewhere?
a. We would want to do a cross check between user input ACH info,
and PLM side data which is ACHDetails table, matching loan ID
records to pull current ACH setup data compared to whats currently
stored in portal side table for ACH info.
b. Portal side ACH data/table should remain unchanged until the userentered ACH data matches the PLM side data in the ACHDetails
table for that loan.

c. Once servicing gets approval and updates PLM with new ACH
details, the ACHDetails table will be updated and the cross check
should see the new PLM ACH data matches with the user-entered
ACH details stored on the portal side. At this time, the portal ACH
data will be updated to match the new PLM data.
4. If borrower submits new ACH details, indicate confirmation pending on
the View/Update ACH window (screenshot below) until the cross check
finds a match between the two sources. Once portal is updated with new
ACH data (following confirmation of match), the new ACH details should
be displayed and the confirmation pending notice should disappear.

Additional notes and requirements:

PLM is a web based application with an API. Sam has created staging tables on the
SBP database (SBP_Test) which stores live data from the PLM database. A job will
populate any updates to these tables on a nightly basis, so that these tables can be
used for verification fields and looking at current data.

Borrower Registration Verification field requirements:

Registration Verification field requirements:


Use query below to pull all columns and data from SBP_TEST for verification fields:
select L.LoanNumber, IPL.*, IP.Name, IP.*
from dbo.Loan L(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN dbo.InterestedPartyLoan IPL(NOLOCK)
ON L.LoanID = IPL.LoanID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InterestedParty IP(NOLOCK)
ON IPL.PartyCode = IP.Code


Login email address - value must match Email

Borrower name value must match Name
Loan number borrower entered loan value must have a matched borrower record
(meaning the loan number exist in the data) as long as match is found, verification
is successful
Loan Amount value must match CurrentLoanAmount
SSN/TIN number value must match TaxID the entered value may be the SSN
or TIN. Is it possible to ignore any dashes? Could borrower still enter dashes and as
long as numbers match, verification is successful? Entered value could be either TIN
or SSN, so formatting could be different in each case.
Verification must be successful for each and every field above. If value doesnt
match on any one of these, confirmation email should not be sent to borrower and
error message should be displayed.
We are using the following SQL query to verify borrower. Please double
check the query and provide your feedback.
select L.LoanID from dbo.Loan L(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN dbo.InterestedPartyLoan IPL(NOLOCK) ON L.LoanID = IPL.LoanID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InterestedParty IP(NOLOCK) ON IPL.PartyCode = IP.Code
WHERE IPL.PartyType = 'BORROWER' and
''))) and
RTRIM(Ltrim(Convert(int,L.CurrentLoanAmount)))=RTRIM(Ltrim( Convert(int,@LoanAmount))) and
Lower(RTRIM(Ltrim(IP.Name)))=Lower(RTRIM(Ltrim(@BorrowerName))) and
Lower(RTRIM(Ltrim(IP.Email))) = Lower(RTRIM(Ltrim(@Login))) and
Please note that @LoanNumber, @LoanAmount, @BorrowerName, @Login and @SSN
represent the user entered values.

So in short, if the above query returned any record then registration will
be successful otherwise an error message will be displayed.
User Profile & Settings Address field mappings: (address fields should be
populated with data from same query as listed for borrower registration fields)
Zip Code ZipCode
City - City
State State
Address 1 Address1
Address 2 Address2

There is a problem in populating the data with the same query because we know
that a user can have multiple loans associated so in that case each loan might have
its own Interested Party Data. So in that case how will we display multiple address
fields of different Interested Party data? Please explain.

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