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English I Pertanian UGM

Bahasa Inggris 2014

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada
There are 26 letters in English alphabet. Five of them are vowels: Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu, but there is
one consonant which may serve as vowel.
Writing correctly is important -- correct in spelling
Belajarlah menulis dengan ejaan yang tepat !
I (saya, aku) selalu ditulis dengan huruf besar (capital letter).
Urutan kata dalam kamus disusun menurut alfabet, sehingga:
bottle boat bowl boring bull bike brother, jika disusun urutannya adalah:
bike boat boring bottle bowl brother bull
Noun, kata benda.
Noun menunjukkan benda. Umumnya merupakan jawab atas pertanyaan "what is that ?"
Common nouns -- segala macam benda.
Proper nouns -- benda tertentu
Abstract nouns -- melukiskan kesan/perasaan/pemikiran dll.
Collective nouns -- melukiskan sekelompok benda
Articles, kata sandang.
Merupakan jenis kata yang telah jarang dipakai dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Dalam bahasa Inggris
diperlukan untuk melengkapi suatu kata benda. Ada dua jenis, indefinite dan definite.
I. Indefinite articles a/an
digunakan untuk
1. Kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung (CN, countable nouns) pada saat diutarakan untuk
pertama kalinya dan tidak menunjuk orang/benda tertentu:
I want a plough The credit was taken from a bank A plot of 20 m2
2. CN yang merupakan contoh/sampel benda sejenis:
An interest is necessary A fertile land is rich in minerals
3. Pelengkap kata benda subyek tunggal
It was a peasant He'll be a good lawyer She is a dancer
4. Penyampaian kuantitas tertentu
a great deal, a pinch of, a couple of, a part of
5. Untuk bilangan tertentu
a hundred, a thousand, one and a half kilo (but half a kilo)
6. Penyampaian nilai rata-rata
five rupiah an ounce, three dollars a dozen, four times a day
II. Definite articles the
digunakan untuk tunggal maupun jamak

English I Pertanian UGM

1. Untuk objek/kelompok objek yang unik atau dianggap unik

the earth the Credit Union the production factors
2. Utuk kata benda yang menjadi tertentu karena disebut kemudian
His requests were taken by a supervisor, the supervisor advised him to open an
3. Untuk kata benda yang menjadi tertentu karena adanya frasa atau klausul
the girl in red the fertilizer with the tag the village where the sampling was done
the yield that he made
4. Untuk kata benda yang karena letaknya mewakili satu hal tertentu
My calculation was in the table (of the library)
Please pass the dessert
5. Untuk pembanding "ter/paling" (superlatives), kata pembilang (sebagai pengganti kata
benda), atau juga "only"
the best the first farmers group the only extension officer
Verbs, kata kerja
Menerangkan tindakan/aksi. Menjawab pertanyaan "What are you doing/what did you do/what
will you do ?".
Berubah menurut waktu (tense), suasana (mood) dan jenis (voice) kalimatnya.
Tenses mengubah verbs menurut waktunya: past. present dan future
Present: to go, to sleep, to hope, to try
Past: went, slept, hoped, tried
Future: ditambah kata kerja bantu (lihat modal verbs)
Mood mengubah verbs menjadi
indicative: ordinary statement/question
The village cooperative distributes seed and fertilizer.
imperative: request or command
Cut alongside the dotted line Please don't water the plant
subjunctive: unreal, hypothetical or doubtful statement
If it were not so bureaucratic, the farmers wouldn't be so angry
Menurut jenis kalimatnya: Aktif dan pasif
Aktif : The bank teller counts the stock money
Passive : The stock money is counted by the bank teller

Auxilliary verbs, modal verbs

Auxilliary is also called helping verbs
There are four major auxilliary verbs: be, have, do and modal auxilliaries
be is used to form progressive (continous) and passive

English I Pertanian UGM

have is used to form perfect tense

do is for special needs in the stead of verbs
modals are will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, dare, need (to), ought (to), and
Kadang-kadang verbs dan nouns menggunakan kata-kata yang sama:
I run He is on the run
I am hiking Hiking is fun
Adjectives, kata sifat/keterangan
Dipakai untuk menerangkan nouns:
A phosphate fertilizer a mature credit an Inmas program a pretty face
Also describe numbers: twenty days, eleven new tractors
Sometimes not the exact numbers: many tubes several books
Also describe ownership: my report, your lab-coat, our class
Jenis-jenis adjective:
demonstrative: this, that, these, those
distributive: each, every, either, neither
quantitative: some, any, no, little/few, many, much, one, ten
interrogative: which, what, whose
possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
of quality: clever, dry, fat, golden, bad, light, fair
Urutan penggunaan adjective: size-general description-age(&little)-shape-color-materialorigin-purpose
e.g. a long sharp insect pin
a small suspicious rodent
a kindly black peasant
a big dull old pointed metallic copper Indian paring dagger



more fearsome most fearsome
more useful
most useful
farther/farthest (further/furthest), little-less-least, good-better-best, bad-worse-worst, elder,
Adverbs, menerangkan verbs
manner: bravely, fast, happily, hard, quickly, well etc.
place: by, down, here, near, there, up
time: now, soon, still, then, today, yet
frequency: always, never, occasionally, often, twice
sentence: certainly, definitely, luckily, surely

English I Pertanian UGM

degree: fairly, hardly, rather, quite, too, very

interrogative; when?where?why?
relative: when, where, why
Bentukan dengan ly (pembedaan dengan adjective)
Beberapa adjective berubah arti jika ditambah -ly:
deep hard just much/more/most right short
direct high late pretty near wrong
Pronouns, menggantikan nouns/proper nouns:
Personal pronouns :
I, me
We, us
you, you
you, you
he, she, it, his, her, it They, them
Possesive pronoun:
his, hers
Relative pronouns:
who, whose, which, that
Interrogative pronouns:
who, whose, what, which
Pronouns dipakai untuk memudahkan kalimat.
Conjunction, kata hubung
and, but, either, or, neither, nor, because, although, unless, both, etc. Untuk
menggabungkan/menghubungkan dua kata atau kalimat/pengertian
I like fried chicken but hate hamburger
You are thin because you think too much
Either go outside or stay here in the classroom
He went to school although he was not well
Either -- or, neither -- nor, both -- and adalah bentukan kalimat dengan conjunction
Prepositions, kata depan
Preposisi identik dengan kata depan, acapkali menunjukkan letak atau waktu, tetapi juga
menyambung kata agar terbentuk hubungan logis.
Jenis katanya: of, by, in, on, into,onto,over,under,above,below,beside,at the back (of), in front
(of), from, to, at, off, away
Most of the students here are above average
Government should be of the people, from the people, by the people

English I Pertanian UGM

Too many people live by the river

Different words with similar meaning:
work (n.), job, profession
afraid, scared, fear
hear, listen see, look, watch, stare, gaze, notice, observe
small, tiny, minute, petite, little, itsy-bitsy, microscopic, runty, wee, puny, elfin, minuscule,
stunted, shrimpy, Lilliputian, pigmy, mini, infinitesimal
perbedaannya sering karena tingkat intensitasnya (diction)
Same words with different meanings
like: I like this flower. It is like my uncle's.
arms: He broke his arms, so he can not carry his arms.
bank: The Manhattan Bank is located at the bank of Manhattan River.
Question Tags
Statement/kalimat yang diberi tekanan untuk menyangatkan. Selaras dengan kalimat Bahasa
Indonesia yang diikuti , bukan ?
positive statement ----, negative tag; dengan tenses dan verb yang tepat
contoh: She is pretty, isnt she ?
He borrowed your notes, didnt he ?
They have finished their lab, havent they ?
negative statement----, positive tag; dengan tenses dan verb yang sesuai
contoh: I dont need that chemical, do I ?
You will take this course, wont you ?
We were behind in theory, werent we ?
Ada empat jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris :
1. Positive statements (affirmative sentences)
I live in Yogyakarta
He is a car salesman
He went to Bogor last week
He were little ten years ago
2. Negative statements (negative sentences)

English I Pertanian UGM

I do not (dont) stay with my parents

He is not a student anymore
He did not (didnt) go to Bogor Last week
We werent small, but we werent big, too
3. Questions (interrogative sentences)
a. Without question words (pronouns/adverbs/adjectives)
Do you live in the U.S.A. ?
Is he a bank manager ?
Will he come here ?
Shall I be your guide ?
b. With question words
(What, when, where, who, whom, why, whose, which, how, how much/many)
Why do you go by yourself ?
Why are you so sad this morning ?
What is this ?
Who are you ?
Which one is mine ?
Whose money is it ?
4. Exclamations
How right you are !
My, you are so big !
Direct & Indirect Speech
Consider the following conversation:
Amiranti : Please, sit down. How are you ?
Barusamsi : I am fine, thanks. Is this the central laboratory ?
A : Yes, it is. You have been expected here since yesterday, Mr. Samsi
B : How do you know that I am Samsi? I havent told you anything
A : You dont need to tell us. We know. What is it that you want, though?
Now, if we want to make the above conversation into indirect speech or reported speech, there
are things to remember:
1. the persons who are talking
2. the time of the talk
3. the statement/sentence form
The reported speech of the conversation above would be:
A asked B to sit down and how he was
B said that he was fine and asked whether this was the central laboratory
A said yes it was and that he (Mr. Samsi) had been expected since the day before

English I Pertanian UGM

B asked how she knew that he is Samsi and said that he hadnt told her anything
A said that he didnt need to tell them, they knew. She asked what was it that he wanted.
There are three distinct forms that should be noted:
1. The affirmative and negative common sentences
2. The question/interogative sentences without question words
2a.The interogative sentences with question words
3. The instruction/exclamation sentences
Vocabulary Builder
Menambah perbendaharaan kata dapat dilakukan dengan:
1. Banyak membaca, mendengarkan, melihat dan mengamati semua bentuk ekspresi dalam
bahasa Inggris. Upayakan membaca dengan lebih banyak menggunakan ingatan daripada
kamus. Kembangkan cara menambah kosakata dengan teknik asosiasi dan interpretasi
untuk lebih menangkap makna daripada padanan arti.
2. Perhatikan jenis bacaan. Mulai dengan bacaan-bacaan yang berbahasa lugas: petunjuk
penggunaan alat dan instrumen; abstracts; journal articles, kemudian ke handbook dan
textbook. Jika belum terbiasa jangan mulai dengan tulisan sastra !
3. Pelajari lirik lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris yang jadi favorit anda. Dengarkan cara
pengucapannya, cari makna dan artinya.
4. Perhatikan sinetron/video/film berbahasa Inggris, baik yang menggunakan teks (subtitled)
maupun tidak. Ikuti kira-kira makna dan maksudnya.
5. Jika anda termasuk rajin, gunakan teknik berikut: Buatlah potongan kertas kecil, kira-kira
sebesar 2 x 3 cm, tuliskan satu kata berbahasa Inggris di atasnya, dan tuliskan padanan
Bahasa Indonesianya di sebaliknya. Tumpukkan sebanyak lk. 100 lembar kertas semacam
ini, dan setiap pagi ambillah lima potong. Jika anda dapatkan bahasa Inggrisnya, cari arti
Bahasa Indonesianya. Jika anda peroleh Bahasa Indonesianya, cari arti bahasa Inggrisnya.
Tergantung dari kuat tidaknya daya ingat anda, ambil sampai sekitar sepuluh potong. Jangan
lebih dari itu. Lakukan setiap pagi. Niscaya tambahan kosakata anda akan dapat tercapai
dengan teratur.
PART II. Exercises
Read carefully:
1. The old man in blue coat reads KOMPAS every morning in front of his flat
2. The course will begin at five in the same building but with different teacher
3. The requests are easily increased in their number and cause confusion
4. Without the extension workers, farmers may unable to secure the farming credit
5. All of the products will be for export, except a single commodity, i.e. pepper
6. When you go to work, dont forget to pick up the incoming parcel and all mails
7. We are trying to raise shallot and onion, but the rains are too much
8. Somebody has not done his job and there has been a lot of crops damage
9. He went out several minutes ago to prepare the extension talk
The decision making process is mainly the work of most farmers
a. Which one are the nouns? What kinds?
b. Which one are the verbs? What kinds?

English I Pertanian UGM

c. Are there adjectives and adverbs?

Specifically for adverbs and adjectives:

The new members were mostly from foreign countries

The beautiful butterfly flies rapidly to evade its chasing collector
The conceptual idea is good, but mistakenly interpreted by many growers
When the farmers started to plant, no diseased seeds were seen
Why is it that plant diseases are harder to control on wetland crops?
If you dont understand a little bit of economy, it is hard to rightly practice agriculture
Some experienced farmers diligently monitor their newly-made seed bed
Ordinary people prefers traditional markets than modern department stores
More than half of the invited guests came late, since big thunderstorm raged violently for
two hours
Something scary suddenly happened on the way to the informal meeting
a. Show which are the verbs and adverbs!
b. Show which are the adjectives!
Pronous :

These loan would be mature for our crops only when this season is over
My plan of his return is part of our strategy to invite them this week
She told you that those are hers, while in fact her husband has given them to me
The ricefield was full of their light traps, but these moths still infested it
What does the man who wear red hat want my note for ? Its mine all right.

Use conjunction to connect these sentences

1. He went out with his bag, his coat, his umbrella _____ his dog
2. Nobody come to the group meeting _________ you didnt send them invitation
3. I still have to prepare the loan request _________ the budget is very ample
4. _________ the farmers _____ the officer knew that the guests would go to the field
5. The cooperative wont profit heavily _______ you work hard
6. _________ the water ______ the soil had been contaminated by dangerous residues
7. We will continue to do the observation everyday ________ Sunday
8. They think that was the right thing to do, ______ they always practice it
9. The dam busted by flood last night, _________ the field is now underwater
The damage is not that heavy ________ the peasants have prepared themselves well
Put the right prepositions in these sentences

Dont forget to turn the printer _________, and put it _______ from the window
He drove his car drunkenly _____ the ditch and the car went ________ water
We have to observe it ________ field condition and not ______ the laboratory
The solution was made _____ the leaf _____ the plant which grows _____ this building
Go to the room # 145, directly _____ the 12th floor, two floor _____ the highest

Construct the right sentences!

1. He surprises me with his tricks
_______________________________________________________________ (-)
_______________________________________________________________ (?)

English I Pertanian UGM

2. We didnt read the news of their departure

_______________________________________________________________ (+)
_______________________________________________________________ (?)
3. Are they aware of those important credit loans?
_______________________________________________________________ (-)
_______________________________________________________________ (+)
4. Shall we continue spraying the ripening crops?
_______________________________________________________________ (+)
_______________________________________________________________ (-)
5. We are going present this in the local agricultural field day
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()
6. The farmers group might not win, but they are proud to participate
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()
7. Her sister had to stay home during the trip
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()

8. Have you arrived at your home when the rain fell?

______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()
9. The price margin wasnt higher than we thought
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()
The foreman took the ladder away without warning
______________________________________________________________ ()
______________________________________________________________ ()

He saw me, _________ ?

We wont like it, ________ ?
I know you, __________?
They arent here, ________ ?
She loves me, _________?

6. It is a catterpillar, _________ ?
7. I have done it, ____________ ?
8. You never understand us, ______ ?
9. Nobody are asking him, ________ ?
10. The program worked, _______ ?

English I Pertanian UGM

Reported Speech

He said, I can show you the method and technique

Spray until two weeks before harvest only! he warned
Are you the extension worker of this farmer group? asked the visitor
The said, We are not the officers, we are the growers
The participant asked, What is the substitute for the pesticides?


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