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JCI, rupiah stay in green zone, Jakarta | Business | Thu, October 15 2015, 8:03 PM

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The rupiah strengthened against the US dollar while the Jakarta Composite
Index (JCI) stayed in the green zone at close, as the market welcomed the
fourth economic package expected to help the economic recovery.
According to, the rupiah was at 13,458 to the US dollar,
appreciating 1.19 percent from Wednesdays close at 13,620. The US is
predicted to maintain its interest rate longer than the previous target.
The JCI, meanwhile, climbed 0.54 percent or 24.11 points to the level of
4.507,19. There were 137 stocks that rose, 129 stocks that declined and 109
stocks that were stagnant. A total of 6.7 billion lot of shares were traded,
amounting to Rp 5.26 trillion.

A treasury research analyst at PT Bank Negara Indonesia Trian Fatria said that
the market is expecting the US interest rate hike to be delayed from this year
to next year, giving room for the government to strengthen the economy.
It will give more room for Indonesia to implement the announced policy
package in an effort to prepare our economy from the impact of the coming
increased Fed rate," he said in Jakarta.
Seven of ten sectoral indices contributed the JCIs gain on Thursday, led by the
Miscellaneous Industry Index, which added 3.65 percent, followed by the
Manufacture Sector Index which rose 1.25 percent.
On the opposite, three sectoral indices were down. The Agriculture Sector Index
dropped 0.76 percent, Trade Sector Index decreased 0.44 percent and the
Construction and Property Sector Index fell 0.23 percent. (ags)
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IHSG, tinggal rupiah di zona

hijau, Jakarta | Bisnis | Thu, 15 Oktober 2015, 08:03

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Rupiah menguat terhadap dolar AS sedangkan Indeks Jakarta (IHSG) tinggal di

zona hijau di dekat, karena pasar menyambut baik paket ekonomi keempat
diharapkan dapat membantu pemulihan ekonomi.
Menurut, rupiah berada di 13.458 per dolar AS, menguat 1,19
persen dari penutupan Rabu di 13.620. AS diperkirakan mempertahankan suku
bunga lebih lama dari target sebelumnya.
IHSG, sementara itu, naik 0,54 persen atau 24,11 poin ke level 4.507,19 dari.
Ada 137 saham yang naik, 129 saham yang mengalami penurunan dan 109
saham yang stagnan. Sebanyak 6,7 miliar saham banyak diperdagangkan,
sebesar Rp 5260000000000.
Seorang analis riset treasury di PT Bank Negara Indonesia Trian Fatria
mengatakan bahwa pasar mengharapkan kenaikan suku bunga AS 'ditunda dari
tahun ini untuk tahun depan, memberi ruang bagi pemerintah untuk
memperkuat ekonomi.
"Ini akan memberikan lebih banyak ruang bagi Indonesia untuk menerapkan
paket kebijakan yang diumumkan dalam upaya untuk mempersiapkan
perekonomian kita dari dampak kedatangan peningkatan denyut Fed," kata dia
di Jakarta.
Tujuh dari sepuluh indeks sektoral memberikan kontribusi keuntungan IHSG
pada hari Kamis, dipimpin oleh Industri Indeks Miscellaneous, yang
ditambahkan 3,65 persen, diikuti oleh Industri Indeks Sektor yang naik 1,25
Pada sebaliknya, tiga indeks sektoral turun. Indeks Sektor Pertanian turun 0,76
persen, Indeks Sektor Perdagangan menurun 0,44 persen dan Konstruksi dan
Indeks Sektor Properti turun 0,23 persen. (ags)
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In my opinion, the government and Bank Indonesia also willing to take
the policy without having to wait for the policy to be taken by the Fed.
So that not only suppress the the US Dollar against the Rupiah, but
also can improve the JCI.
Menurut saya, Pemerintah dan juga Bank Indonesia harus berani mengambil
kebijakan tanpa harus menunggu kebijakan yang akan diambil oleh Bank
Central Amerika, sehingga bukan hanya dapat menekan laju nilai tukar Dollar
Amerika terhadap Rupiah, tapi juga dapat meningkatkan IHSG

2. Opinion for Premium Rush Movie Part Momments

Best part momments of Premium Rush movie according to me is when
wilee know the contents of the envelope he was carrying, it was just a
piece of ticket stubs, thus making curious because many people who
want it. It happens because he (wilee) does not know whats behind
a piece of the small ticket stub.
Bagian terbaik dalam film Premium Rush menurut saya adalah pada saat wilee
mengetahui isi amplop yang dibawanya, yang ternyata hanya berisi selembar
potongan tiket/karcis. Hal ini membuatnya semakin penasaran karena banyak
yang menginginkannya. Hal itu terjadi karena dia (wilee) belum tahu ada apa
dibalik selembar potongan tiket kecil tersebut.

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