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Chapter 13: Identifications

1. Desiderius Erasmus - (1466-1536) Popularized the reform program of
Christian Humanism, most influential of Christian humanists; emphasized inner piety
and deemphasized external sources of religion
2. Thomas Moore - (1478-1535) lord chancellor of England, became an intimate
friend with Erasmus; despite governmental career he had spiritual and intellectual
3. Sacraments - A Catholic's chief means of receiving God's grace
4. Martin Luther - Born in 1483, a deeply religious man, asked the question
"What must I do to be saved?". His unusual answer led to the Reformation, achieved
no certainty through time as monk and Catholic Church. Believed humans were
saved by faith in the promises of God, not good works
5. Johann (John) Tetzel - reacted to Pope Leo X's indulgences, "As soon as the
coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs."
6. Ninety-Five Thesis - Luther's explanation of the abuse of church in selling
indulgences, his reaction to Pope Leo X selling to support financially; nailed to
church door or sent to superior; translated and spread
7. The Diet of Worms - as an imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire
8. The Peasants War - German peasants did not see economic gain like
everyone else, looked for support in Martin Luther but radical Thomas Mntzer
flamed peasants against their rulers, revolt erupted in Southwestern Germany in
1524; Luther had princes kill peasants, Luther supported the rulers b/c it helped him
with Reformation
9. Philip Melanchthon - was a German reformer, collaborator with Martin Luther, the
first systematic theologian of the Protestant Reformation
10. Charles V - (1519-1566) elected Holy Roman Emperor in 1519, dealt with
French (rivalry with Valois king of France, Francis I... possession of land... HabsburgValois Wars), the Papacy (their alliance with Valois king), the Turks (overrunning
Hungary, Austria) and the Lutheran problem in Germany
11. Peace of Augsburg - Holy Roman Emperor Charles V attempted to settle
Lutheran problem in Germany at this event in 1530, Charles wounded up demanding
that Lutherans return to Catholic Church.
12. Ulrich Zwingli - (1484-1531) Product of Swiss forest cantons, influenced by
Christian humanism; became cathedral priest... through his preachings he started
the Reformation in Switzerland; disagreed greatly with Luther on the subject of the
Last Supper
13. John Calvin - (1509-1564) second generation Protestant reformer;
experiences a religious crisis of God bringing his mind to a teachable frame,
convinced of inner guidance of God; Calvinism
14. Marburg Colloquy - an attempt to resolve the differences between Zwinglian
and Lutheran faiths to create a strong alliance against the Holy Roman Empire;

Zwingli believed the Lord's Supper was only a meal of remembrance, Jesus was not
actually present in bread and wine; Luther believed his spirit was present in the
bread and wine; failed to reach agreement
15. Transubstantiation - doctrine denied by Martin Luther... regarding the Lord's
Supper, Luther didn't believe that the substance of bread and wine is miraculously
transformed into the body and blood of Jesus
16. Anabaptists (The Munster Incident) - protestants who emphasized the
voluntary nature of faith and the complete separation of church and state
17. Menno Simons - founder of anabaptist called Mennonites, (1496-1561) man
most responsible for rejuvenating Dutch Anabaptism, dedicated his life to the spread
of peaceful Anabaptism... followers became known as Mennonites
18. William Tyndale - first person to print an English language New Testament,
reformation leader, hero, and martyr of Christian history.
19. Act of Supremacy (Henry VIII) - law that made British monarchs the head of
the church of England
20. Thomas Cranmer - archbishop of Canterbury who refused to follow Henry
VIII's split from catholicism and was executed
21. Thomas Cromwell - advisor of Henry VIII who was responsible for acquisition
of land and financial overseer
22. Book of Common Prayer - a new Protestant prayer book during young
Edward's reign in England
23. Edward VI - Henry VIII's sickly son who died at the age of 14
24. Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) - Took the English throne in 1553. She was the
oldest daughter of Henry VIII, part of the Tudor family, and a devoted Catholic.
Married to Philip II of Spain. Helped lead Counter-Reformation against
Protestantism. Her goal was to return Britain to the Catholic Church. Nicknamed
Bloody Mary because of the 300 Protestants she killed during her reign. Died with no
heirs to the throne
25. Puritans (9/22) - a member of a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and
17th centuries who regarded the Reformation of the Church of England under Elizabeth
as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship
26. Catholic Reformation - mixture of old and new Catholic elements; Jesuits
27. Ignatius Loyola - principal founder and first Superior General of the Society of
Jesus, a religious order of the Catholic Church professing direct service to the Pope
in terms of mission. Members of the order are called Jesuits.He was very active in
fighting the Protestant Reformation and promoting the subsequent CounterReformation, - advocated rigorous self-discipline and complete submision to
authority of Catholic Church
28. Council of Trent - a council of the Roman Catholic Church convened in Trento
in three sessions between 1545 and 1563 to examine and condemn the teachings of
Martin Luther and other Protestant reformers; redefined the Roman Catholic doctrine
and abolished various ecclesiastical abuses and strengthened the papacy, paul III
catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on: the church's interpretation of the bible is

final anything else is a heresy, faith and good works are needed for salvation, the
bible and church tradition are equal, indulgences are ok, all sacraments stand
29. Catherine dMedici - Ruled as Queen of France for after Francis II and fought
to reconcile French and Protestant relations. Because of her fear of the Guises, she
fought to maintain the monarchy. However she was forced to cooperate with the
Guises. Balanced the two religious sides.
30. Huguenots &St. Bartholomew's Day - any of the Protestants (French Calvinists)
in France in the 16th and 17th centuries, many of whom suffered severe persecution
for their faith. The Edict of Nantes (1598) granted them tolerance in France and
ended the French civil wars of religion. A Catholic attack on Huguenots in Paris.
August 24, 1572 Huguenot leaders from all over France came to celebrate the
wedding of Henry and Margaret, but were instead slaughtered by the Guises and
their supporters. Ordered by King Charles IX.
31. Henry VI (and Edict of Nantes) - Orginally Henry of Navarre. He was a
Politique . He became a Catholic because he knew most of France was Catholic. He
gave the Huguenots religious liberty. His rule paved the way for French absolutism
and helped restore internal peace in France. 1598 - Granted the Huguenots liberty of
conscience and worship., 1598, decree promulgated at Nantes by King Henry IV to
restore internal peace in France, which had been torn by the Wars of Religion; the
edict defined the rights of the French Protestants
32. Philip II (of Spain) - King of Spain, "the Most Catholic King", wanted to make
Spain a dominant power in Europe
33. Elizabeth - Queen of England from 1558 to 1603. Inherited throne from Mary,
helped England become Protestant leader of Europe. Religious policies based on
moderation and compromise.
34. Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) - Catholics wanted to replace Elizabeth with
Mary, but Elizabeth executed Mary in 1582
35. Spanish Armada - the Spanish fleet that attempted to invade England, ending
in disaster, due to the raging storm in the English Channel as well as the smaller and
better English navy led by Francis Drake. This is viewed as the decline of Spains
Golden Age, and the rise of England as a world naval power.
36. Pacification of Ghent - 1576; all provinces in the Netherlands would stand
together under William of Orange's leadership, respect religious differences, and
demand the removal of Spanish troops

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