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Unit 3: The Outsiders

Week 3
September 26-30, 2016

Name: ________________________________

Class Name: ___________________________

*This Packet is Due on Monday, October 3*

Do Now:
Write down what you remember about the formula for a good thesis statement. Feel free
to use your notes from earlier in the year if you do not remember.
The Outsiders Chapter 8 Text-Dependent Questions
I couldnt, she said in a quiet, desperate voice. He killed Bob. Oh, maybe
Bob asked for it. I know he did. But I couldnt ever look at the person who killed him.
You only knew his bad side. He could be sweet sometimes, and friendly. But when he got
drunkit was that part of him that beat up Johnny. I knew it was Bob when you told me
the story. He was so proud of his rings. Why do people sell liquor to boys? Why? I
know theres a law against it, but kids get it anyway. I cant go see Johnny. I know Im
too young to be in love and all that, but Bob was something special. He wasnt just any
boy. He had something that made people follow him, something that marked him
different, maybe a little better, than the crowd. Do you know what I mean?
I did. Cherry saw the same things in Dallas. That was why she was afraid to see
him, afraid of loving him. I knew what she meant all right. But she also meant she
wouldnt go see Johnny because he had killed BobIt wasnt Johnnys fault Bob was a
booze-hound and Cherry went for boys who were bound for trouble.
Multiple Choice
Which is NOT a character trait of Johnnys mother?
Small Framed
Straight Black Hair
What was Two-Bits prized possession?
His gun
His car


His books
His switch blade

What was the only reason Darry wasnt a Soc?

He was too poor
He didnt have the right look

Having to care for his brothers

He wasnt smart enough

Why wouldnt Cherry see Johnny?

He killed Bob
Ponyboy didnt want her to

She didnt have time

Johnny requested she not come


Which definition of marked best fits the way it was used in the passage?
Having an ink splotch
Seeming out of place

Read the passage.

It is interesting that many countries in Europe allow teenagers to drink freely. In reading
the passage, we know that Cherry is against drinking alcohol, especially for young boys.
Think about possible reasons why Cherry would be against teenage boys consuming
alcohol. They can be as obvious or made-up as necessary. .
Write out three reasons why Cherry would believe that teenagers in the United States
should not be allowed to drink alcohol. Use some evidence from the text, and make up
some of your own reasons.
Write a thesis (as if you are Cherry) based on this topic: Some European countries
believe teenagers are responsible enough to drink, however America would disagree.
Make sure you use the same three reasons Cherry might use! (Follow the rules!)

Do Now:
Write a Thesis Statement in response to this prompt:
Who is the greatest menace to society? The Greasers or the Socs?
The Outsiders Chapter Text-Dependent Questions
Dally licked his lips nervously. Theyre still writing editorials about you in the paper.
For being a hero and all. He was talking too fast and too calmly. Yeah, theyre calling you a
hero now and heroizin all the greasers. Were all proud of you, buddy.
Johnnys eyes glowed. Dally was proud of him. That was all Johnny had ever wanted.
I barely heard him. I came closer and leaned over to hear what he was going to say.
Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold The pillow seemed to sink a little, and Johnny died.
You read about people looking peacefully asleep when theyre dead, but they dont.
Johnny just looked dead. Like a candle with the flame gone. I tried to say something, but I
couldnt make a sound.
Dally swallowed and reached over to push Johnnys hair back. Never could keep that
hair backthats what you get for tryin to help people, you little punk, thats what you get
Whirling suddenly, he slammed back against the wall. His face contracted in agony, and
sweat streamed down his face.

Multiple Choice
Who started the rumble with the first punch?
Dally Winston
Paul Holden


Darry Curtis
Ponyboy Curtis

Johnny just looked dead. Like a candle with the flame gone has an example of which
figurative language?
Which quote from the passage is an allusion to a Robert Frost poem mentioned earlier
in the novel?
Theyre calling you a hero now
Johnnys eyes glowed
Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold
I couldnt make a sound.
What does agony most likely mean as it is used in the passage?
Which vocabulary word was a mental character trait of Dally at the end of the chapter?

Dally may act tough and indifferent about most people, but he really seems to care for
Johnny. How do we know that Dally loves Johnny like a brother? Dally acts like Johnny
isnt special to him sometimes, but there is some evidence of his special bond with
Johnny. Remember: he risked his life to save him from a fire, he is proud of Johnnys
heroism and accomplishments, and he is upset and wants revenge over his injuries and
Your job is to write an essay that proves that Dally really does care about Johnny like a
Write an opening paragraph that contains the hook, overview, and thesis statement. For
your hook, you can either tell a story, ask a question, write a quote or statistic.

Introduction Paragraph: H.O.T.

H = Hook

Catch the readers attention! Make them want to keep reading!

Ask a question, OR
Define an important concept, OR
Describe a related situation, OR

Remember: this is just ONE sentence and it should be related to your topic!

O = Overview

Give the reader background information about your topic. Imagine they never read
the book you are writing about. What do they need to know?

Include the title and author of the book
Give a brief explanation of the characters/setting/conflict depending on what
the topic of your paper is
Give them the information they need to know in order to understand the
arguments you will be making in your essay

Remember: this is THREE to FOUR sentences and it should be background information
about the book and/or your topic!

T = Thesis
This is the MOST IMPORTANT part of your whole essay!! This is your main claim!!

What is your argument? What will you be proving in your essay?
Use the formula! ***BELOW***
Provide the general reasons that you will focus on in your body paragraphs!

Remember: this is just ONE sentence and it structures the rest of your essay!

[Although statement], [take a stand] because [reason 1], [reason 2], and [reason 3].

Example Thesis:

Although Cherry says that the Socs dont have it easy, the Soc life is way
easier than the Greaser life because the Socs are seen as an asset to
society, the Socs have money, and the Socs have freedom.

Your take a stand is your main claim of your essay!

Intro Paragraph Practice

How to Write a Hook
1. Anecdote (tell a brief situation):
2. Quotations (use a relevant quote from the text):
3. Facts or Statistics (they have to be real!):
4. Rhetorical Questions (questions that you want the reader to think about, but
not know the answer to right now. YOU will answer it in your essay):
5. Contrast to Thesis Statement (information that would make your thesis
statement more surprising):

How to Write an Overview:

What is the name of the book?
Who wrote the book?
What is the book about?

Where is the book set?

What is the main conflict in the book?

Who are the important characters you will be writing about?

You will combine the above information into a cohesive overview of the
background information, thinking specifically about YOUR topic. What does the
reader need to know in order to understand YOUR essay. 3-4 sentences.
Imagine you are writing an essay about our Do Now Thesis: Who is the greatest
menace to society? The Greasers or the Socs? Create an Overview for this topic:

Do Now:
What are the three components of a good Introduction Paragraph?
The Outsiders Chapter 10 Text-Dependent Questions
It was only yesterday that Dally had told Johnny and me that. But yesterday was years
ago. A lifetime ago.
Dally raised the gun, and I thought: You blasted fool. They dont know youre only
bluffing. And even as the policemens guns spit fire into the night I knew that was what Dally
wanted. He was jerked half around by the impact of the bullets, then slowly crumpled with a look
of grim triumph on his face. He was dead before he hit the ground. But I knew that was what he
wanted, even as the lot echoed with the cracks of shots, even as I begged silently Please, not
himnot him and Johnny both I knew he would be dead, because Dally Winston wanted to be
dead and he always got what he wanted.
Nobody would write editorials praising Dally. Two friends of mine had died that night:
one a hero, the other a hoodlum. But I remembered Dally pulling Johnny through the window of
the burning church; Dally giving us his gun, although t it could mean jail for him; Dally risking
his life for us, trying to keep Johnny out of trouble. And now he was a dead juvenile delinquent
and there wouldnt be any editorials in his favor. Dally didnt die a hero. He died violent and
young and desperate, just like we all knew hed died somedayBut Johnny was right. He died

Multiple Choice
Who was likely the most upset over Johnnys death?


The policemens guns spit fire into the night has an example of which type of
figurative language?
Yesterday was years ago. A lifetime ago has an example of which type of figurative
Ponyboy says in reference to Dally dying, He died gallant. What does gallant most
likely mean?
Without consequences
Without thinking
Without hesitation
Without fear
Which of these character traits does NOT describe Sodapop at the end of the chapter?

Ponyboys parents, Bob, Johnny, and now Dallas have all died. The topic of death is found all
over in The Outsiders. Though there are many important topics within The Outsiders, the topic of
death is especially important in the book. Write an introductory paragraph to an essay that takes
the position that the topic of death plays a big role in The Outsiders. Think of three reasons why
this is true to use in your thesis statement. Use the three reasons from the thesis statement to
write three topic sentences on the next page.
Hook: Catch your readers attention! Ask a question or tell a story.
Overview: Write 3-4 sentences that provides the necessary background information for your
essay (if you were writing a whole essay on this topic).
Thesis: [Although statement], [take a stand what will you be arguing?] because [reason #1],
[reason #2] and [reason #3].

Introductory Paragraph:
(Take a stand) because (reason from thesis)
Topic Sentence 1:

Topic Sentence 2:

Topic Sentence 3:

Writing Your Body Paragraphs

Once you have your Thesis Statement written, the rest is filling in the blanks!

We are going to use our topic from the Chapter 10 Text-Dependent Questions to practice
writing Body Paragraphs for an essay. Read the Example Thesis and Topic Sentences below
to see how your thesis can be used to outline your whole essay!

Although there are many important topics in The Outsiders, the topic of death is significant
because it has negatively affected the lives of many characters including the Curtis
brothers, Johnny Cade, and Dallas Winston.

Formula: [Take a stand] because [reason from thesis].

Topic Sentence 1:
The topic of death is significant because it has negatively affected the Curtis brothers.

Topic Sentence 2:
The topic of death is significant because it has negatively affected Johnny Cade.

Topic Sentence 3:
The topic of death is significant because it has negatively affected Dallas Winston.

As you can see, you can easily create the topic sentences for each of your 3 Body
Paragraphs from your Thesis Statement! Now, we create an outline for each Body
Paragraph using those topic sentences! Fill out the example below as Ms. English models it
for you on the board. We will use the first topic sentence to outline Body Paragraph 1.

P1: The topic of death is significant because it has negatively affected the Curtis brothers.








With your table partner, create a power paragraph using the second topic sentence. This
would be Body Paragraph 2 in your essay.

P1: The topic of death is significant because it has negatively affected Johnny Cade.








Finally, you are going to try this on your own! Create a power paragraph using the third
topic sentence. This would be Body Paragraph 3 in your essay.

P1: The topic of death is significant because it has negatively affected Dallas Winston.








Do Now:

Write down what you remember about the formula for a Conclusion Paragraph.


After we finish the book (!!), we are going to use the example essay topic from yesterday to
write a Conclusion Paragraph that follows the S.T.O.P formula.

Conclusion Review:

S: ______________________ Formula: ____________________________________________________________________
T: _______________________________ What do you do? __________________________________________________
O: _______________________ (________ Sentences) that connects topic to ______________________________
P: _______________! What do you do? __________________________________________________________________

Essay Topic: The topic of death is significant in The Outsiders.

Use the Conclusion Cheat Sheet on the next page to fill out each section of the Conclusion
Paragraph below. HINT: Find the [Take a Stand] from yesterdays notes!



Conclusion Paragraph (S.T.O.P)

S = Sum up! (Start off, take a stand)

EXAMPLE: Clearly, the Greasers could be considered

Start off examples:
l Clearly,
l As you can see,
l Based on the evidence,
l In conclusion,
l In essence,
l In sum,

T = Thesis Revisit (restate your thesis)


O = Outreach (connect the topic to the real world

3-4 sentences)

EXAMPLE: Societys judgment of the Greasers

created an unfair perception of who they were as
individuals as well as a group. In our society, the
media has the ability to frame how we see groups of
people and individuals as well. It is important that
we are aware of this media bias so that we can judge
people for who they really are, not for who we are
told to believe they are.

P = POW! Leave the reader thinking! (1-2 sentences)


EXAMPLE: Although they are considered the hoods

in their society, the Greasers could be considered
heroes because Johnny, Dallas, and Ponyboy are

Imagine if the Greasers just believed they were

hoods and never believed they could be heroic.
They may have never lived up to their potential.

The Outsiders
By S.E. Hinton

Tomorrow you will participate in a discussion, where you will discuss The Outsiders as a class. During the
discussion, you will be graded for participation and quality of comments. In order to prepare for our class
discussion, please look over the following questions. Feel free to jot notes next to each question, or on sticky
notes, or in any other way you feel fits your learning style. It is possible we will not get to ALL of the questions,
however, please be prepared to discuss each.

1. The Outsiders has been banned in some public schools in the United States. It is
considered a bad example for young people because it has characters that smoke,
drink, swear, and fight. It even includes a murder. Using examples from the book, how
can you convince the class that this book actually contains good morals and examples
for young people?
2. What is a hero? Could any of the characters in our book be considered a hero? Use
evidence from the book to support your answer.
3. What faults in our society does S.E. Hinton point out in The Outsiders?
4. Is Ponyboy still gold at the end of the story?
5. Does Johnnys wish for Ponyboy to stay gold have meaning for people today, too?
6. "Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the
things you want to learn" (p. 122). Discuss this quote from the novel and how it applies
to each of the boy's lives. What things did they learn? What things might they have liked
to learn? Support your ideas with what you know about the characters through examples
from the novel.
7. Does Hinton want her readers to favor the Greasers over the Socs? Explain.
8. Think of teens today. Are the differences, the groups, and the cliques Hinton writes
about exaggerated in the book, or still relevant? Explain your opinion.

Pre-Discussion Notes:
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________________

The Outsiders Paper

The last thing we will be doing during the unit where we read The Outsiders is going to
be writing a paper. You will be expected to complete a 5-paragraph paper, typed and
double-spaced, in response to one of the following prompts. There are three options, and
you may select whichever appeals most to you.
Option 1:
Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not
the things you want to learn (p. 122). Discuss this quote from the novel and how it
applies to each of the boys lives. What things did they learn? What things might
they have liked to learn? Support your ideas with what you know about the
characters through examples from the novel.
Option 2:
Write an essay explaining why you believe each of the main Greasers could be
considered a hero. Include your own definition of hero in the essay, and be sure to
explain how each boy, in his own way, meets your definition. Remember to support
your ideas with examples from the novel.
Option 3:
Write an essay explaining how the Socs were more of a disgrace and menace to
society than the Greasers. Look at how society viewed and treated the two groups.
Examine the characteristics of each group, their actions, and the choices each made.
Be sure to support your ideas with examples from the novel.
Please be aware that regardless of what option you choose, your writing will be graded
according to the Rubric on the back of this sheet. We will review this rubric in class so
that you are aware of exactly what will be expected of you. Be sure to pay attention to the
criteria as this will allow you to receive the best grade possible.
There will be a number of deadlines associated with this paper, each serving the purpose
of working towards an excellent final draft. The deadlines are as follows:
10/4: Rough Draft (typed in class on 10/3) due
10/5: Peer Editing Checklist (completed in class) due by end of Writing Workshop
10/6: Changes Assessment Form due
10/7: Final Draft (typed in class on 10/6) due
At each stage, students who fail to turn in their assignment will be given a failing grade
and will have their parents or guardians notified. As always, please reach out with any
questions or concerns. Parent signatures are due on this paper to make sure they are
aware of all due dates.
Parent Signature:_______________________________________________


Clear and effective


Clear thesis
Eff. intro
Variety of

Purposefully and
logically structured.

Clear and effective

development of
ideas, using precise


Adequate command of
Correct sentence



relevant, and

structure that feels
Topic is clear
Some variety
intro or

Generally focused.

of ideas from
beginning to

between ideas

elaboration of ideas
with support and
Evidence is

elaboration of ideas
with support and
Evidence is
integrated and
relevant, but

development of
ideas, using mix of
precise and general

Correct punctuation
Correct grammar
Correct spelling


Little or no
Unclear thesis
Little variety

Weak intro or
No transitions
Missing intro
Minor drift in
or conclusion
Little or no focus.
Related to
topic but

copied text)
In a language
other than


Uneven elaboration
of ideas with
support and
Evidence is
repetitive or

development of
ideas, using

Partial command of
Limited use of

correct sentence
Mix of correct and
grammar, spelling

elaboration of ideas
Evidence is

used, or mostly

In a language
other than

Unclear or
development of

Little or no command
of conventions
Infrequent use of

copied text)

correct sentence
grammar, spelling

Insufficient (includes
copied text)
In a language other than

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