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Handles: The number of process handles that the process opened.

A handle is an i
nteger that Windows assigns to processes. For instance, each process thread is t
ypically assigned a handle.
NPM(K): Non-paged memory the process is using, in kilobytes.
PM(K): Pageable memory the process is using, in kilobytes.
WS(K): Process working set, in kilobytes. The value refers to the number of memo
ry pages that the process recently accessed.
VM(M): Virtual memory the process is using.
CPU(s): Processor time used on all processors, in seconds (!).
Id: Process ID.
ProcessName: Self-explanatory.
Handles: Banyaknya penanganan proses dari proses yang sedang terbuka
NPM(K): Non-paged memory yang digunakan oleh proses, dalam satuan kilobytes
PM(K): Page memory yang digunakan oleh proses, dalam satuan kilobytes
WS(K): Kumpulan dari working set, banyaknya page memory yang diakses oleh proses
, dalam satuan kilobytes
VM(M): Virtual memory yang sedang digunakan oleh proses
CPU(s): Penggunaan waktu prosessor pada semua prosessor, dalam satuan detik
Id: Id Proses
ProcessName: Nama proses
get-process | Sort-object ProcessName | out-gridview
get-process | Sort-object ProcessName -Descending | out-gridview
get-help * | out-gridview

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