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Alamat : Jl.Solo-Semarang KM 45 Butuh Tengaran Semarang

Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS)

Tahun Pelajaran 2016 2017
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
Nama Peserta
Kelas/ Semester
: VI (Enam) / 1 (satu)
Nomor Absen
: 90 menit
Hari/ Tanggal
A. Complete these sentence.

: ..
: ..
: ..

1. Mr. Hendra goes to the office by (mobil) . . . .

2. Captain Yunus is in the (pesawat) . . . . he wants to go to Singapore.
3. Umar goes to Amin Mart by (sepeda) . . . .
4. Wildan is very happy going to school by (sepeda motor) . . . .
5. Mr. Basuki goes to Malang by (kereta api) . . . .
6. Mother goes to Kembangsari market by (becak) . . . .
7. Ezedin sings the song . . . . (dengan keras/nyaring).
8. Lukman move the table . . . . (dengan hati-hati).
9. Ismail studies english. . . . (dengan rajin).
10. Yurid runs . . . . (dengan cepat).
11. Hes work to fix car. He is . . .
12. Shes work to plant rice . She is . . .
13. Toni makes furniture. He is . . .
14. Mr. Tarjo delivers the letters. He is . . .
15. Mr. Abdu flies the plane. He is . . .
16. Mrs. Nina makes dress. She is . . .
17. Mr. Tukiman works hard to fight fire. He is . . .
18. Mr. Rahman work build house. He is . . .

19. Who teach students ?

20. Who examine patients ?
B. Answer the questions.
Mr. Eddy is my neighbour. He lives next to my
house. His wife is a nurse. He has a daughter.
Mr.Eddy is teacher. He teachs his students every
day. He work in Harapan Kita elementary school.

21. What is Mr. Eddy ?

22. Where does Mr. Eddy live ?
23. His wife is a . . .
24. Does he have a son ?
25. Does he teach his students every day ?
26. I have a long body. I can carry many passangers. I run on the railway. What am I ?
27. I can fly fast. I can carry many passangers. What am I?
28. I have two pedalls and two wheels. The children like me. What am I ?
29. I have four wheels. I have machine. You must have SIM to drive me. What am I ?
30. I have three wheels. No machine. I can carry two people. What am I ?
C. Arrange these word into corect sentences.
31. Usually goes- Jefri to by Yogyakarta train.
32. Always she school to goes on foot.
33. Bicycle Susi by never goes to market.
34. Walk- we most - days to school.
35. I Jakarta to went week last.
-- Selamat Mengerjakan --

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