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In this essay I intend to conclude by means of the consultation, how it affects, a
prefeasibility study in an organization. On the one hand according to the Royal
Academy of the Spanish language (2016) feasibility is "something" that can be
done, what administrative speaking could be defined as, the feasibility of some
project, which through the formulation of strategies, seeks to minimize the
negative effects of competition on their performance. The purpose of this is to
ensure that the decisions that are taken can have significant consequences and
On the other hand, the strategies that were raised, must have as their
objective the growth and competitiveness of the Organization. As a result,
promotes the renewal finds of the objectives, which leads to the organizations
to the structural growth. The pre-feasibility as study we nourished of different
components such as the diagnosis of the current situation, identification of
situation without project, the technical analysis of the engineering and the size
of the project, These components help us to delimit through the financial
analysis, the type of population to which it is addressed the company, the type
of products that it will offer, the strategic demographic location that should
have the organization in pro of reaching the population intended and the type
of organizational structure.
The organizational structure is defined according to Robbins and Judge (2009)
as well as the manner in which are grouped the work of activities, the prefeasibility studies allow us to define or not within the organization a functional
structure, which is composed of six factors that are, specialization of labor,
departmentalization, chain of command, formalization, models and strategies,
where I would like to emphasize the departmentalization and strategies.
The departmentalization that occurs in the organizations depends on the
studies of pre-feasibility in reason of the functions, products, geographical base
and customer, and this departmentalization has as function to the division of
tasks within the company with the end of the fulfillment of the vision and
mission of the company, as well as the studies of pre-feasibility we help the
organization of organization charts and outline of processes to give meaning
and direction to the departmentalization.
With regard to the strategies must be chosen from the delimitation already
made through the studies, we are going to do in order to be competent or not
in the market, if we are going to innovate, to imitate or to minimize, delimiting
if we are a company with significant innovations and unique, short and
innovative, or with ideas capitalizing.

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