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Week 1 - Introduction - Oya Demirbilek

Density and Urban Thinking

Urban Density Simulator, Urban Taskforce Australia
This website demonstrates a range of housing density types comparing 7 case studies in Sydney,
including Central Park. It also includes an Urban Density Simulator, visualising the impact of increasing
density relative to building heights and open space.
Building Hyperdensity and Civic Delight, Vishaan Chakrabarti, Places Journal, 2013
Americans are conflicted about urban development: somehow weve demonised both sprawl and
density. This article presents the case for the hyperdense city that is prosperous, sustainable and
Hyperdensity and Civic Delight, Vishaan Chakrabarti, Utzon Lecture, UNSW Australia, 2014
Vishaan Chakrabarti introduces the concept of hyperdensity, linking density to sustainability, discusses
how to build better cities and gives examples of successful hyperdense architecture, including that from
SHoP Architects.
Jane Jacobs: Parting Words, Diggable Monkey, 2007
Jane Jacobs: Parting Words captures urban thinker, writer, and activist Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) in her
final public appearance in Portland, Oregon.
Jane Jacobs, Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
An article on Jane Jacobs who inspired a generation with her writings and activism in support of
community-based planning.

Enchanting Examples
The dancing traffic light manikin, Smart
How can we make our cities safer places? For example, with traffic light manikins who entertain waiting
pedestrians? This video and article illustrates Smart's dancing traffic light manikin.
Balanoires (21 Swings), Daily tous les joursPlus4, 2012
This video displays the 21 musical swings interactive installation in Montrals Quartier des spectacles.
Each swing in motion triggers different notes, all the swings together compose a piece, but some
sounds only emerge from cooperation.

Re-Enchanting the City: Designing the Human Habitat

Central Park
Central Park Sydney, Frasers Property
Official site of Central Park Sydney.
Central Park Sydney (@CentralParkSyd) - Twitter
Central Park Sydney YouTube Channel, cpsydney
Numerous videos on the creation and use of Central Park Sydney.
The Brewery Yard Markets
Brewery Yard Markets at Central Park is a Sunday market in Chippendale, Sydney, with stallholders
offering produce, fashion, flora, wares and other products.

Re-Enchanting the City: Designing the Human Habitat

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