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Cross-cultural in Negotiation

George. J. M., Jones. G. R. & Gonzalez. J. A. 1998, The role of affect in cross-cultural
negotiations. Journal of International Business Studies, 29, 4, 749-772.
Model of cross-cultural has explained it will affect negotiators during the negotiations process
and its outcome. In this journal, Jennifer has define the negotiator affect in three categories,
which is individual differences, cross-cultural differences and contextual factors. Negotiators
influence the information during negotiation process and it may lead to either virtuous or vicious
cycle in negotiations. Negotiators can break out of destructive vicious cycle by engaging in
Each culture group has their own characteristic way of thinking, feeling and emotional for
negotiation. These individual differences will affect the negotiators experience during the
negotiators process. Cross-cultural differences which mean every culture has their own value and
norms that guide their citizen behavior. When value and norms are internalized, individual
comply with them because they believe the values and norms themselves. Besides that, context
factors can affect negotiators during negotiation process. The nature of the relationship between
both parties, trusts and the condition surrounding the negotiation are known as context factors.
Negotiators will conflict when their relationship are break and they dont trust each other.
In conclusion, cross-cultural negotiations are uncertain and complex. The negotiators experience
will influence their information processing, judgment and interpretations. To solve the issues,
negotiators must understand each other in order to success in negotiation process. In fact, the
conflict between negotiators arise because they dont understand each other. Negotiators must
take some time to understand other people culture before make any decision.

Kopelman. S. & Olekalns. M. 1999, Process in cross-cultural negotiations. Negotiation

15, 4, 373-380
In this journal, it focused major on the relationship between culture and the negotiation process.
Culture influences the negotiators communication and relationship. Because difference culture
have difference perspective. Therefore, culture will influences the negotiators information while
provide information. If there was a difference in the true information, it will show us about
negotiators sensation of interdependence.

Besides that, a range of process will create and sustain shared frameworks. If negotiation process
dominated, it will be determined by whether it allocate goals negotiators value or it seeks to
build trust between people. Difference culture people can create a stable but an asymmetrical
negotiation process (Putnam and Jones 1982). Because negotiators are holding different
allocation norms and goals at the first of a negotiation. A research show that, individual
negotiators hold the allocation norms. It is because negotiations is refer to preferences of
individualist and competitive social motive.

In conclusion, culture will conflicts when it became complex. It also will strongly affect the
negotiation process when the problem arise. This problem will arise when have a blurring of the
distinction between business negotiations and conflict resolution. Cultural argument will occur in
a social relations. Therefore, we need to consider about the feasibility of classified form of
culture, since it will limit our ability to comprehend the cross-cultural conflict resolution.
Furthermore, we also need to understand our definition of culture in order to be familiar with the
different culture norm and their meaning for conflict in negotiation process. Emotional process is
also must include in our consideration in order to understand cross-cultural negotiation more

Gulbro. R. & Herbig. P., 1996. Cross-cultural negotiating processes. Industrial Management &
Data Systems, 96, 3, 17-23.
In the international business world, agreement is the important document that will be negotiated
between two parties to achieve their own need and want. While the negotiation is the process
which two parties reach an agreement on matters of common concern. At present, cross-cultural
negotiations take very important in international business world. Failure to negotiate effectively
will affect the relationship between both parties and may lead their company in danger situation.
In process of negotiation, discussions are frequently discouraged because both parties seem to be
pursuing different type of interests. There has a huge potential for misunderstanding in crosscultural fact. This issues becomes more obvious when the negotiation process is in international.
The process of negotiation seem very simple into cross-cultural, but it even more complex and
tend to grow rapidly. Different cultural systems can generate different negotiating styles.
Different people may not be seeing and hearing the same thing. People normally bring along
with various cultural assumptions to face negotiation process.
In conclusion, company must learn from different type of culture and it will improve the
performance in the negotiation process. Each experience, whether a success or a failure, it is a
new learning opportunity to company to learn from different culture people. To success in
negotiate with cross-culture people, company must be sensitive to others culture. Try to
understand their attitude. This is necessary because it is a beginning of a long-term relationship
between two parties from two cultures.

Gulbro. R. & Herbig. P., 1997. External influences in the cross-cultural negotiation process.
Industrial Management & Data Systems, 96, 3, 158-168.
In the international business world, cross-cultural negotiation is important to help company to
success in future. Cross-cultural negotiation is two parties communicate and to reach an
agreement. There has some external factor will influence the cross-cultural negotiation process.
The first external aspect is the usage of translators and bicultural brokers. Comparison of
translators to bicultural brokers was important and nominal that a tendency existed to use both or
neither. Obviously the more external agents a company, the higher the feasibility of success a
company tends to have in cross-cultural negotiations. Therefore, the company with one meaning
success, but the company with both is almost a certainty for success. The second external aspect
is assistance concerned pre negotiations briefings. Those company that used a country expert and
cultural experts for preparations tendency to be extremely successful in international business
world. However, when the company decide to invite business experts, they must do some
preparations in negotiation tactics. Yet, there is no difference in usage patterns between buyer
and sellers
In conclusion, in order to success in international business world, company must be culturally
neutral. Being different than other, it does not mean became better or worst. Company do not
judge other party based on difference culture. Because difference culture peoples have difference
norm and their culture value.

Gulbro. R. & Herbig. P., 1995. Differences in cross-cultural negotiation behavior between
industrial product and consumer product firms. Journal of Business & Industrial
Marketing, 10, 3, 18-28.
Cross-cultural negotiation is when two different culture people communicate and they rarely talk
about exactly the same topic to bargain their need and want. This journal is mention about the
differences between industrial product and consumer product in cross-cultural negotiation. Based
on our understanding, the major difference between these is that consumer goods are final goods
while industrial goods are a factor of production. Which means that consumer goods are simply
used by the consumer while industrial goods are used to create other goods.
According to Fern and Brown (1984), they discussed in detail and drew the conclusion that, there
is no major difference between industrial marketing and consumer marketing and that is a
mistake to differentiate between them. Besides that Cooke (1986) drew the opposite conclusion
and pointed out that it is not feasible to say that industrial marketing and consumer marketing are
the same. Cooke (1986) say that, the major difference between industrial product firms and
consumer product firms in the international marketplace tends to the concept of cultural
In conclusion, consumer products tend to be culturally grounded more heavily than industrial
products. Because consumer goods companies have either prospered or failed overseas
depending upon adapting to the culture. Consumer products firms spent greater amounts of time
in building rapport, solidifying, and persuasion, but they failed in negotiation process. Perhaps
they were too confident in their understanding of the humanistic aspect. Furthermore, industrial
products firms are often stereotyped as technically driven with little marketing expertise.
Industrial product firms have success than consumer product firms in cross-cultural negotiation.
Maybe consumer-product firms should learn from industrial product firms in order to success in
cross-cultural negotiation.

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