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Compiled by Kim Hughes, M.Ed.

& SLA, National Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

updated July 2015

3-minute Games, Activities and Brain Breaks

These Games, Activities and Brain Breaks will only take a few minutes, and then you can get back
to the lesson with your students ready to focus and LEARN.
1. 5-4-3-2-1. In this simple game, students stand up and the teacher (or leader) has them do five
different movements in descending order. For example the teacher would say: "Do five
jumping jacks, spin around four times, hop on one foot three times, walk all the way around the
classroom two times, give your neighbor one high-five (pausing in between each task for
students to do it).
2. Trading Places Have students stand behind their pushed-in chairs. Call out a trait and
everyone who has that trait must change places with someone else (students who do not have
the trait stay where they are). Examples: "Everyone with curly hair." "Everyone who ate cereal
for breakfast." Everyone who is wearing stripes."
3. Six Spots Number six spots around your room from 1-6. Have students each go to a spot of
their choice. Choose a student to roll a die (if you can make a big one out of foam, it adds to
the fun). All the students at the number rolled must go back to their seats. Students that are left
go to a new spot and the die is rolled again. Continue until only a few students are left.
4. Mingle, Mingle, Group! In this game students mill about the classroom saying, "mingle,
mingle, mingle" in soft voices until the teacher says "Groups of 5," at which point the students
must quickly group themselves into groups with the correct number of people. Students who
are left over must do three jumping jacks before the next round starts. The teacher can call out
any number for the group size. You can also add rules such as: as soon as a group is
complete, all members must sit down in a line.
5. Dance Party! Put on some rockin' music and dance! If you can make the room semi-dark and
have a black light or other special effect, your kids will love it!
6. Freeze Dance! Similar to Dance Party except that every so often the music stops and students
must freeze and hold the position they are in until the music begins again.
7. Name Moves Students stand behind their chairs. In turn, each student says his or her name
accompanied by a special movement. For example a student might say, "Kayla!" while
dramatically dropping to one knee and doing Jazz Hands. After the student does his or her
move, the rest of the class says the students name in unison and imitates the move. Then it is
the next student's turn.
8. Keep it Up: Students must keep a beach ball from hitting the ground. Add two or three balls to
make it even more fun.
9. Simon Says An oldie but a goody!
10. Movement Songs Sing a song with whole-body movements such as, Head, Shoulders,
Knees, and Toes, Father Abraham, Toe-Knee Chest-Nut, Shake Your Sillies Out (Raffie),
Grand Old Duke of York, My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean etc.
11. Recorded Movement Songs Older students might enjoy a simple Zumba routine, YMCA, or
the Macarena. Littler ones will love Sesame Street's A Very Simple Dance to Do.
12. Animal Pretend Younger children will enjoy pretending to be various animals (or even objects
such as lawn mowers or airplanes). Call out a few in sequence.
13. Find it Fast Call out a color or other trait (something round, something made of wood), and
students must find an object in the room that fits the trait and get to it quickly.
14. Physical Challenges Challenge students to do something physically difficult such as standing
on one foot with arms extended or this one: grab your nose with left hand and grab your left
earlobe with your right hand, then quickly switch so that your right hand is on your nose and
your left hand is grabbing your right earlobe. Yoga poses could also be a good variation.

Compiled by Kim Hughes, M.Ed. & SLA, National Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

updated July 2015

15. Plates Give each student a paper plate. Students must walk around the room balancing the
plates on their heads. If a student drops his or her plate, the student must freeze until another
student picks it up and places it back on the student's head (while keep his or her own plate in
place, of course).
16. Line Up! Have students line up using a specific criteria such as age (use day and month, not
just year), height, alphabetically by middle name, hair length, etc.
17. Limbo All you need is a long stick and a pair of kids to hold it. Music is nice too.
18. Human Knot Divide students into groups of about eight students. Have students each grab
right hands with someone who is not directly next to them. Then do the same with left hands.
The challenge is to untangle and become a circle without releasing hands.
19. Jump Skip Counting Have students count by twos, fives, tens etc. while jumping with each
count. You could also practice spelling words this way.
20. Keep It Up Have the kids toss around a beach ball trying to not let it hit the ground.
21. Class Volleyball Same type of game as above but have the kids pass the ball back and forth
from one side of the room to another.
22. Heads Up & Up 7 kids are up in front of the classroom and all others have their heads on their
desks with their thumbs up. Each of the 7 tap one person and they put their thumb down. Once
all students choose one person, you say "heads up- 7 up" Those 7 stand and try to figure out
who picked them.
23. Telephone All students sit in a circle and one person whispers a message in another's ear. It
gets passed around until the last person hears it and shares out.
24. Relay Races You could do all sorts of things with this.
25. Cross Lateral Moves Have the kids move by doing cross lateral things such as touching the
left shoulder or knee with the right hand, etc.
26. Ear and Nose -- right hand ear and left hand nose repeat.
27. Lap Clap - Lap, Clap, Miss, Clap, Lap
28. Vowels Use arms to create these patterns: A= wave/ E= fists / I= Point to eye / O= O with
hands over head / U= point to others and say you, you, you / Y= Hands out over head with a
Y. Say letter and participants use arms that correspond.
29. Dancing -- One hand up and down and then other up and down side to side and opposite
make circle twist at waist
30. Fish and Snake Fish arms move up and down and snake arms move side to side fish
moth puckered lips and snake tongue out. Do individually and then one arm is the fish and the
other is the snake.
31. Tap Your Head and Rub Your Tummy at the same time
32. Hands Brain Break
1. Stand Up.
2. Start by waving your right hand in front of you left to
right. Your palm should be facing away from you while
keeping your hand with your fingers pointing up.
3. Now stop that hand and have your left hand in front of you
waving it up and down.
4. Now practice moving them at the SAME TIME. Do not move
your hands going diagonally.
5. Now switch to have your right hand up and down and your left
hand left and right. Do this faster and switch often to make it more difficult.
6. Lastly, to increase the difficulty, have your arms crossed while doing this.

Compiled by Kim Hughes, M.Ed. & SLA, National Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

updated July 2015

33. Finger Tips Brain Break

1. Stand up.
2. Make an X with your arms out in front of you. Move your palms to face you with your fingers
up in the air. Lock your thumbs together.
3. With your index finger on your right hand, try to touch each of the fingertips of your other
hand, one by one.
4. Now take your middle finger on your right hand and do the same thing and touch the
fingertips of your other hand one by one.
5. Do this same process for your ring finger and pinkie on your right hand.
6. Now do the process for your left hand index, middle, ring and pinkie fingers.
34. Pen Flipping Brain Break
1. Stand Up.
2. Take a pen and flip it ONE REVOLUTION. (Imagine a piece
of tape on one end of the pen, then throw the pen from the tape side. Have the pen go one
full turn around to get to the tape side again)
3. Now do the same thing with your other hand.
4. Now get a pen for both hands and try to do both pens at the same time.
5. If you really are good at that, then try to throw the pens up into the air and catch them in
opposite hands. This is tough.
35. Cross Crawl
1. Stand up.
2. Place your right hand across the body to the left knee as you raise it.
3. Do the same thing for the left hand on the right knee just as if you were marching.
4. Do this for 2 minutes.
36. Blinky Thinky
1. Stand up.
2. Blink your left eye while simultaneously snapping your fingers with your right hand.
3. Now blink your right eye and while snapping with your left hand.
4. Try to blink one eye while snapping on the opposite side's hand 15 times in a row alternating
eyes. In other words, blink your left eye while simultaneously snapping with your right hand
and then blinking your right eye while snapping with your left hand.
37. The Nose Knows
1. Stand up.
2. Grab your right ear lobe with your left hand, and your nose with your right hand.
3. Now switch. (In other words grab your left ear lobe with your right hand.)
4. Switch.
5. Repeat in rapid succession.
38. Push Your Brain Buttons
This activity helps you increase the blood flow to your brain. Its great during testing!
1. Make a U-shape with the thumb and index finger of your right hand and place it in the center
of your chest, just below your collarbone.
2. Place your other hand over your navel.
3. Gently press on these points in a pulsing manner for about 2 minutes.
39. Armed and Ready
1. Stand up.
2. Reach up above your head with your left arm, lengthening from your rib cage.
3. Hold your arm just below the elbow with your right hand.
4. Now activate your left arm muscles isometrically for a few seconds in each of these
positions: away from your head, toward your ear, forward, and backward.
5. Now switch arms and repeat.
6. Let both arms relax by your sides.

Compiled by Kim Hughes, M.Ed. & SLA, National Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

updated July 2015

40. Pressure Point Massage

1. Stand up straight.
2. Gently massage the pressure point between your thumb and pointer finger for one minute.
3. Switch hands after 30 seconds.
41. Ear Acupressure
Not only does this activity help with focus and short-term memory, it might actually help ease a
1. Stand up straight.
2. Pinch your right ear lobe with your left hand, thumb in front.
3. Cross your right arm over your left and pinch the left ear lobe with your right hand, thumb in
4. Gently squeeze both ear lobes at the same time.
5. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth.
6. Inhale through your nose 15 times.
42. Energy Yawn
Just like any other high-powered computer, your brain can get overheated. Yawning actually
helps cool your brain and it sends additional blood to re-energize the brain.
1. Massage the muscles around the junction of your jaws.
2. Let your bottom jaw drop and open your mouth to yawn.
3. Thinking about yawning and watching others yawn will help you to yawn.
4. Try to yawn deeply at least 5 or six times.
43. Finger-Thumb
1. Stand up.
2. Put your fists together.
3. Point your index finger on one hand and stick your thumb out on the other hand
4. Now switch and switch againHow fast can you go?
44. Friend Connect
1. Stand up.
2. Partner up with a friend or someone you dont know.
3. Take 2 minutes to connect with a friend in class. Talk about your weekend or your day, or
even how you are doing.
45. Mirror Drill
1. Stand up.
2. Partners face one another.
3. Hold palms up in front of chest, facing partner.
4. The leader will move one hand at a time and the follower will mirror the movement.
5. Switch hands every minute.
46. Chair Action
Teacher will need to play music for this one!
1. Sit on the edge of your chair or desk while keeping your back straight.
2. As your teacher calls out actions, do them in time to the music.
A. Hiking: Swing your arms and reach left and right while tapping your toes and lifting
your knees.
B. Swimming: Students move their arms as if doing the front or back crawl and kick their
legs in a flutter kick.
C. Cycling: Students hold on to the seat of their chairs and pedal their legs as if riding a
D. Paddling: Students use an imaginary paddle to paddle a canoe (both sides).
E. Boxing: Students shadow box.

Compiled by Kim Hughes, M.Ed. & SLA, National Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

updated July 2015

47. Gotcha: Try to grab another persons finger on one side of you, while at the
same time avoid being grabbed by the person on the other side of you.
1. Stand up and get into groups of 3-10 people.
2. Form a circle with your group.
3. Each person should hold out their left hand with their palm flat and facing
up. Now take your right hand index finger and point it directly into the
palm of the person to your right.
4. When the instructor says Gotcha, you are to try to grab the persons
finger that is in your palm, and at the same time avoid being grabbed by the person you are
pointing to.
5. Repeat with your arms crossed.
48. Would You Rather Ask a would you rather question and have students show their choice by
moving to one end of the room or the other. Have a few kids share why.
Would You Rather Questions:
1. Would you rather always take a cold shower or sleep an hour less than you need to be fully
2. Would you rather always get first dibs or the last laugh?
3. Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?
4. Would you rather always lose or never play?
5. Would you rather always wear earmuffs or a nose plug?
6. Would you rather be 3 feet tall or 8 feet tall?
7. Would you rather be a deep sea diver or an astronaut?
8. Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
9. Would you rather be able to read everyones mind all the time or always know their
10. Would you rather be able to stop time or fly?
11. Would you rather be an unknown NFL football player or a famous professional volleyball
12. Would you rather be forced to tell your best friend a lie or tell your parents the truth?
13. Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?
14. Would you rather be happy and poor or sad and rich?
15. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?
16. Would you rather be rich and ugly, or poor and good looking?
17. Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
18. Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
19. Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave?
20. Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
21. Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?
22. Would you rather get caught singing in the mirror or spying on your crush?
23. Would you rather get even or get over it?
24. Would you rather give bad advice or take bad advice?
25. Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?
26. Would you rather go to an amusement park or to a family reunion?
27. Would you rather go without television or junk food for the rest of your life?
28. Would you rather have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?
29. Would you rather have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
30. Would you rather know it all or have it all?
31. Would you rather live without music or live without T.V.?
32. Would you rather love and not be loved back, or be loved but never love?

Compiled by Kim Hughes, M.Ed. & SLA, National Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

updated July 2015

33. Would you rather make headlines for saving somebody's life or winning a Nobel prize?
34. Would you rather meet an alien visitor or travel to outer space?
35. Would you rather never use the internet again or never watch TV again?
36. Would you rather not be able to text or e-mail?
37. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
38. Would you rather publish your diary or make a movie on your most embarrassing
39. Would you rather spend the day surfing the internet or the ocean?
40. Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years
49. Pass It On Teacher hands out one Uno card to each student. Students identify color on card
and perform activity that corresponds to that color for 10 -15 seconds:
o Blue: jump to the sky
o Red: squats
o Yellow: twist
o Green: swim
Students then pass the card to the right and repeat the process.
1. Teacher holds up cards to the whole class and they perform the activity that corresponds.
2. Play in partners and give each pair four cards. One partner shows the other partner a card and
the partner does the corresponding activity.
3. Teach colors in Spanish.
4. Use playing cards as students identify suit and perform activity that corresponds:

: jump to the sky

: squats
: twist
: swim

Here is a nine-minute video about how to manage Brain Breaks in your classroom: with some good ideas on how to
quickly transition and group students. Also, try searching Brain Breaks on YouTube for ideas and
dance routines you can use with your students.
Here are some other resources:
Energizing Brain Breaks by David Sladkey
Energizing Brain Breaks 2 by Scott Miller
Brain Breaks for the Classroom by Michelle Gay
NC Energizers K-5 (movement linked to learning standards and the Common Core) -
NC Middle School Language Arts Energizers -
NC Middle School Math Energizers -

Compiled by Kim Hughes, M.Ed. & SLA, National Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor

updated July 2015

Brain Breaks on Pinterest --

20 Brain Break Clips: Fight the Fidgeting! --
Peaceful Playgrounds --
Austin Independent School District Resources -
Michigan Original Brain Breaks --
Free Stretch Break Video Program --
JustAMinute School Program --
ABC for Fitness --
Adventure to Fitness
Take 10 --
A great site from Scott Williams, author of Energizing Brain Breaks 2 -
Janet Kennedy, NASPE 2012 Southern District Elementary PE Teacher of the Years school
website --
Brain Break Clips --
(Better than YouTube because theyve been run through a student friendly filter.)
20 More Brain Break Clips --
YouTube (Look for any of the Just Dance, Kinect, Dance Central, Kidz Bop Kids,
TheLearningStation, kookookangaroo or MovetoLearnMS videos) -

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