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List of Questions and Answers

(Below are the Labeled Classes questions and answers that I was given along the
way/ a few questions I skipped. Enjoy)
point where 2 rivers meet is called- confluence
capital of argentina- buenos aires
capital of portugal- lisbon
what is the layer between a planet's crust and core- mantle
what is the gross domestic product of the united states- 16 trillion
capital of china- beijing
what is the capital of the netherlands- amsterdam
what is geology the study of- rocks
what is the upper part of the earth's mantle called- asthenosphere
capital of switzerland- bern
capital of iraq- Baghdad
land that used to be for industrial purposes- brownfield
which type of rock is made up of deposited materials- sedimentary
how many years of oil are we estimated to have left- 50 years
capital of ethiopia- addis ababa
capital of USA- Washington
what does GDP stand for- Gross Domestic Product
what is the gradient of a river from its source to its mouth- long profile
capital of germany- berlin
capital of romania- bucharest
what is the term for part of a coast that protrudes into the seawhich part of a river is close to the mouth- lower course
how long ago did the mesozoic era began- 250 m years
when did martin luther king win the nobel peace prize- 1964
when did the uk transfer hong kong back to china- 1997
when did protestants separate from the catholic church- 16th century
what is it called when people from one country take over another- colonizati
when did WW1 begin- 1914
what is the land left behind after buildings are demolished- derelict
when did pakistan separate from india- 1947
when was the house of judah invaded by the babylonians- 605 BC
approximately how long did the stone age last- 3.4 million years
when did James Meredith need security to attend Mississippi University- 1962
years of coal we are estimated to have left- 250
when was the battle of waterloo- 1815
when 1st jewish temple was destroyed by babylonians- 586 bc
how many jews killed during holocaust- 6 million
when Treaty of Versailles was signed- 1919
rosa parks gave seat to white person- 1955
when did john f kennedy become president- 1961
what was Malcolm X's birth Name- Malcolm Little
how long ago did the cenozoic era began- 65 million years
what is a supreme ruler otherwise known as- sovereign
who was the leader of nazi germany during ww2- Adolf hitler
when was the jewish mishnah put down in writing- 200 ad
Battle of Uhud- 625 AD
what were ghandi's last words- oh god
how did ghandi protest against registration cards in south africa- burned th

how many people marched on washington dc in 1963?- 250,000

how did ghandi protest against british rule in 1943- hunger strike
which part of an atom has the largest mass- neutron
what are contractions in the intestines called-peristalsis
substance composed of only one type of atom- element
what is electrical charge measured in- coulombs
what is electrical current measured in- amperes
what is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction- catalyst
what is a thin blood vessel called- capillary
what kind of respiration does not use oxygen- anaerobic
which device is used to measure electrical current- ammeter
what is a substance that speeds up a biological process- enzymes
what is a pattern of stars called- constellation
what is the term for breathing in and out- respiration
which part of an atom has a negative charge- electron
what is the process of moving particles from low concentration to high- acti
ve transport
which gas could turn limewater milky white- carbon dioxide
(not ionized) what does a dot to the right of a chemical symbol meanwhat is the term for removing oxygen from a substance- reduction
which state of matter has particles far apart- gas
what kind of ion has a net positive charge- cation
what is a nerve cell otherwise known as- neurone
at which temperature would atoms stop vibrating- absolute zero
species that benefits at the expense of another- parasite
removal of tress known as- deforestation
what does DNA stand for- Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
how many times does a frequency of 44,100Hz occur per second- 44,100
what does biosphere refer to- plants and animals
term for solution made in water- aqueous
what are molecules known as before an enzyme converts them- substrates
what color would carbon dioxide change limewater to- white
what measures a solutions ability to neutralize an acid- alkalinity
what is the process whereby 1 cell divides into 2- mitosis
how many pairs of chromosomes do humans have- 23
what is a segment of dna known as- gene
what is the day before lent called- shrove tuesday
what do hindus call the retired stage of life- Vanaprastha
where would you expect to find sephardic jews- southern europe
what is the sikh holy book called- Guru Granth Sahib
what is the raised platform in the centre of a synagogue called-bimah
what is the buddhist term for nothing being permanent- anicca
what does the sikh term kesh refer to- hair
what is a jewish teacher called- rabbi
arabic term nikah refer to- marriage
Christians celebrate christmas when- December 25
Christians mark Sabbath - Sunday
Term for a church that has more in common with Catholicism- High Church
what it was called when protestants separated from catholic church- the refo
what is the hindu holy book called- Bhagavad Gita
what do hindus call the married stage of life- Grihastha
what is the term for a jewish congregation- minyan
in judaism who was isaac's successor- Jacob

jewish term for holocaust- shoah

german word for who- wer
spanish word for man- hombre
french word for please- sil vous plait
(not hombre/hermana) what is the spanish word for brotherwhat does redoubtable mean- formidable
what does theravada mean in buddhism- school of elders
how many syllables are there in iambic pentameter- 10
german word for yes- Ja
spanish word for seven- siete
chinese word for china- zhongguo
arabic term adhan refers to- call to prayer
hebrew word kidskin refers to- wedding
what does the arabic word jihad refer to- striving to be good
latin phrase non grata mean- not welcome
french word for a when describing male word- un
french word for five- cinq
spanish word for 10- diez
spanish word for no- no
german word for nine-neun
spanish word for 2- dos
french word for 1- un
spanish word for time- hora
who is a soliloquy aimed at- the audience
spanish word for nine- nueve
french word for where- ou
who wrote anna karenina- leo tolstoy
who wrote canterbury tales- geoffrey chaucer
who wrote faust- johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote a clockwork orange- anthony burgess
who wrote journey to the center of the earth- jules verne
what is it called when words only sound right in a certain order- collocatio
what is a more polite way of saying something controversial-euphemism
what does the term aural refer to- sounds
who wrote brave new world- aldous huxley
who wrote captain corelli's mandolin- louis de bernieres
what does etymology refer to- origin of words
who wrote the rivals- richard brinsley sheridan
who wrote a christmas carol- charles dickens
who wrote the virgin suicides- jeffrey eugenides
person, place, or thing- noun
who wrote the history boys- alan bennet
what does reactionary meanwhat kind of word implies one thing is better than another- superlative
what kind of triangle has 3 equal sides- equilateral
how many sides does a decagon have- 10
what is a six sided shape called- hexagon
what is the top half of a fraction known as- numerator
what is the largest number in a list minus the smallest- range
how many sides does a rhombus have- 4

how many kilograms in a hundredweight- 50.8023

how many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have- 2
kilometers in a mile- 1.60934
acres in a hectare- 2.47105
how many sides does a quadrilateral have- 4
decimal number that ends or recurs- rational
144/12- 12
what angle is less than 90 degrees- acute angle
what is the term for how steep a line is- gradient
what is 100kph in mph- 62 mph
how many litres in a pint- 0.56
bottom half of a fraction- denominator
how many sides does a triangle have - 3
which number is a factor of 12-


Another fabulous game from MDikie on Android and iOS platform. This time, it's
about school days. This game has different concept that MDickie brought to you,
and that's why it makes this game so special.


As usual, you would be prompted three different kind of universe. Those three u
niverse has different charcters inside. Those universe are Inherit Universe, Gen
erate Universe, and Restore Default. For Inherit Universe, you would be joining
the last universe you joined. If you never played, than you would be joined the
original universe that MDikie created. For choosing Generate Universe, this woul
d generate a random character and a additional 10 character. So you could meet m
ore 'people' by choosing generate Universe. For restore default, this would rese
t the original MDickie universe. It could be a good new beginning, because you d
on't have to think the mess you left...
Then, after choosing your universe, now you would make your character. This tim
e, there is more options to make your character even better, not like in previou
s games. You would need to choose one character that you would edit. I would sug
gest you to choose the 10th Grade or 11th Grade student. So that you could gradu
ate from school faster. After you decide, you would see your character's complet
e profile. Now you can edit your character's basic profile. You can change it's
name, gender, age, and height (From x Feet to Y Feet). Then you could change you
r character's grade in the GRADES Tab. You could make everything to A* or F, it'
s all up to you. Finish with the grades, let's proceed to COSTUMES Tab. There ar
e three options of costume. The student tab is for the school uniform you would
be wearing on school time (when you are a student). Then you could change your c
ivilian clothes. This costume would be wore when school is up or when you had gr
aduated from school. Then, the last is Teacher costume. This costume is used whe
n you are already working as a teacher.
If you want to choose the body parts, just tap on the body part. Then, you can
also change the costume's color by sliding those three bar above. Remember to pr
ess the part you want to edit first before you make any changes.
After that, you will now edit your character's move in the MOVES tab. You can e

dit how he/she punch, crush, or special moves. Then you would see Stance and wal
k option. This determines how your charcter's pose when he stands or walks.
Then the last is Social or sometimes also know as relationship. This is the fir
st timme you could change your relationship right before you start your career.
There are only still 3 option you can change which is the Father, Mother, and Si
bling. Just tap on the name to change your father, mother, or sibling.
After you're done with everything, make sure that you don't miss a thing. Then
press Enroll in the top left corner.
On the first day of school, you would see your character sitting in the middle
of the class. You would see your class teacher introducing you to the class. You
would see some of your friends like and dislike you. It's okay, it wouldn't be
a serious problem. You would need to gather in this class, called the assembly
class, everyday before 9 am. The teachers would only tolerate 30 minutes for you
to reach your class or they would consider you late.
Every class session only takes 1 hour only. So after you are done with your ass
embly class, you would need to get to your next class. If you don't know what's
next, then you can see in which class you are next right below the clock. If you
also don't know the class' location, then touch the clock and you would see sev
eral option and choose Map.
Keep on joining the classes until you have lunch. You can take your lunch in th
e cafeteria. When you enter the cafeteria, your money would be cut by $5. But th
at $5 that they take is like the all-you-can-eat fee. You may eat everything but
becareful that you can throw-up. When you throw-up, it would decrease you Energ
y and Mental by half in addition a minus for your reputation. After lunch time i
s over, keep joining classes. Then after school is up, then you are free.
What's new in School Days is you have a place called home. You would see your f
amily there, or even your girlfriend if you have one. Your home is located besid
e the Furniture store. If you start by standing in the yard, head east, and you
would get to the beach. Keep heading east and you would reach Chinatown. After t
hat keep heading east and you would be in High street. Do you see a house? You c
an enter it just like you enter other doors. You could sleep in your house witho
ut anybody bothering you.
In the house, you would also find wardrobe where you would change your costumes
. How? When you enter your house, go to the top right corner of your house. You
would see a wardrobe and enter it like when you are entering a door. Remember, y
ou would need to ay for every clothes you change. you could see your money left
in the down left corner. It would cost $5 for every clothes you channge.
Another unique feature in School Days is that you could enter nearly everything
. When you are in High Street, head east and you would see several stores which
is Popscene (Music Store), Grass Roots (Sports Store), and Under Development (El
ectronic Store). You can enter those stores and buy what you want to buy. Just p
ick-up what you want to buy. Automatically, the store's owner would ask you whet
her you want to buy the thing you are holding with a amount of price. you could

also burgain the thing you are holding by rejecting the store's owner's price. t
here is two possiilities he may go, he would reduce the price a couple of bucks,
or he could say that is the lowest price.
After you agree about the price, you could bring the thing home. If that is a s
mall thing, you could directly bring it home. But if that's a heavy thing, for e
xample a computer or a Television, you could still bring it home or just put it
down and they would deliver it for you to your home.
# Money, Money, Money
Everybody knows that you need money to make the world spin! When you're still a
student, you couldn't make serious amount of cash. But that doesn't mean that i
t's impossible. Sweeping the floor is a good way eventhough it only pays a littl
e. You would be paid $1 for sweeping the floor in a certain amount of time. Make
sure that you didn't walk or run when you are sweeping the floor. Because when
you do, that doesn't count as sweeping and you don't get paid.
The other way to make money while you're a student is bringing a song. Before y
ou do this, you need to go to the Music Store and by any instrument you like, I
would choose Guitar. Then go to the bar. The bar is located beside groceries in
Chinatown. After you reach the bar, start playing your Guitar by pressing T (Tau
nt). Then some people would pay you $5 - $20 for you providing such a entertaime
nt. You could produce average of $20 dollars a night. Why only at the bar? Becau
se not everybody likes you to play music. People would say "Hey, cut of that inf
ernal racket, this is not the time nor place!". Only in the bar people would pay
you when you sing.
Another way to make a huge amount of money is by becoming a teacher when you ha
ve graduated. You would get paid $100 every 24 hours. You would still need to at
tend classes but you don't have to do anything. Just sit and walk around the cla
The last way is by accomplishing missions. People would ask you to do a mission
. When you complete those mission, sometimes they would pay you. But this doesn'
t always work, sometimes they would only say Thank You to you.
In school, you would need to attend classes. You're not gonna just sit in your
class. Your teacher would ask questions to your classmates and every answers wou
ld be written in the board. When there is already 4 possibilities of answer, you
would be tested. It determines that your grade would goes up or down. It's good
if you know the answers. But some people that have different curriculums like
the US, like me, you should study so you would pass the test. Did I told you alr
eady that you need to read 50 pages of books a day just for you to pass the test
? No? Good, because you doesn't have to that. Hahahaha... Bad joke sorry... You
need to read the books INSIDE the game. Different color of the book's cover mean
s different lessons. The book cover's color is the same like the lesson's class
door's color except for religion that is black. If you don't have the book you a
re looking for, just go to the Library. You would find any kind of books there o
r inside the classes.
Another ways rather than reading books are by searching the web. You could pres
s T (Taunt) on a computer or a tablet. But using this method takes longer time t
han reading books. For computers, you could even hack the schools file even thou
gh you can only read those files.

The last way is by a friend telling you the answer. If you are absent for a day
or you miss the entire lesson, some of your friend would tell you the answer or
they would ask you to buy the answers from them. But those answers aren't alway
s true. sometimes they would told you false answers. But this method could be us
eful if you don't have time to prepare for your test.

Everything you do inside or outside the school would be recorded. You can't run
from a crime. Crime means stealing, starting fights, attempted murder, or urina
ting in public. When you are caught by the crime that you do, you would be repor
ted to the Principal. The easiest punishments given to you is being detention in
a class until 9 a.m. The worst is you are brought back to school. You should st
art over being a student, follow classes, and graduate.

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