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George Leemans magic program that is totally better than any of the veteran indus

try professionals shitty programs that have never gotten anyone any type of resul

DIET ADVICE: Do IIFYM, 35% fat, 25% protein, 40% carbs. Lower carbs if you gain
fat too fast. Eat at a massive surplus.

5g creatine

5g beta alanine

3g fishoil

1 package Animal Pak multi vitamin

1 package Animal Flex per day

Whey protein as needed to supplement your diet

***Assistance template:5 sets, picking a weight you can do for 20 reps on the fi
rst set, taking long breaks between sets (3 minutes minimum). Add weight every w
orkout until you cant get 5 reps on the last set, then stick to that weight until
you can beat 5 reps.
Bench day:

Pause bench: Start at 20 rep max for 1 set, add 10lb per workout and do as many
sets as necessary at that weight to get 20 reps. Once you need 5 sets to get all
20 reps, lower to 1 work set @ AMRAP, and 2 back off sets going down 20lb for
each set @ AMRAP.

Incline bench assistance template

Chest isolation assistance template

Deadlift day:

Touch n go deadlift (use straps): Start with a 2 deficit. Start at 20 rep max for
set. Add 20lb per workout still doing 1 set @ AMRAP. Continue this until you get
to 8 reps max, then remove the 2 deficit and continue adding 20lb per workout.

Yates row: Work to topset where you cant get 10 reps, increase each set by 20lb u
ntil you get there. E.g. 95x10, 115x10, 135x10, 155x10, 175x 8

Wide grip pulldownassistance template

Biceps isolation assistance template

Rear delts isolation assistance template

Static barbell holds in a rack, set the safety bars 3 inches from your lockout.
Use a weight you can hold for 5 sets of 5-15 seconds. Add 10lb every workout.
Bench/ shoulders day:

Close grip bench: Start at 20 rep max for 1 set, add 10lb per workout and do as
many sets as necessary at that weight to get 20 reps. Once you need 5 sets to ge
t all 20 reps, lower to 1 work set @ AMRAP, and 2 back off sets going down 20lb
for eachset @ AMRAP.

Barbell shoulder press: 5 sets starting with a weight you can do for 20 reps on
the first set. Add 5lb per workout.

Triceps isolation assistance template

DB lateral raise assistance template

Rear delts isolation assistance template

Squat day:

Start at 20 rep max for 1 set, add 15lb per workout and do as many sets as neces
sary at that weight to get 20 reps. Once you need 5 sets to get all 20 reps, low
er to 1 work set @ AMRAP, and 2 back off sets going down 30lb for eachset @ AMR

Romanian deadlift: 1 work set, start with 20 rep max, add 10lb per workout

Hamstring isolation assistance template

Calves isolation assistance template

Static barbell holds in a rack, set the safety bars 3 inches from your lockout.
Use a weight you can hold for 5 sets of 5-15 seconds. Add 10lb every workout.

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