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3 primary security features of relational databases:

(1.) Access controls (2.) Encryption (3.) Audit logging

------------------------------------The 4 categories of risk treatment are:
(1.) Avoidance (2.) Transfer (3.) Mitigation (4.) Acceptance
------------------------------------The 4-item focus of a Balanced Scorecard is:
(1.) Financial (2.) Customer (3.) Internal processes (4.) Innovation / Learning
------------------------------------The 5 types of risks that are related to audits include:
(1.) Control Risk (2.) Detection Risk (3.) Inherent risk (4.) Overall audit risk (5.) Sampling risk
------------------------------------The 7 phases and their order in the SDLC are:
(1.) Feasibility (2.) Requirements (3.) Design (4.) Development (5.) Testing (6.) Implementation
(7.) Post-implementation
------------------------------------An Administrative audit is:
An audit of operational efficiency.
------------------------------------An alternate processing center that contains no application servers is knows as a:
A Cold Site contains no information processing equipment
------------------------------------Annualized Loss Expectance (ALE) is defined as:
ALE is the annual expected loss to an asset. It is calculated as the single loss expectancy (SLE) X
the annualized rate of occurrence (ARO.)
------------------------------------Application Controls:
handle application processing
------------------------------------Application controls limit information systems access in what three ways?
(1.) Point of Entry (Input Controls) (2.) During consumption (process controls) (3.) At the point of
expression (Output Controls)
------------------------------------Application Layer protocols:

(1.) Utility (DNS, SNMP, DHCP (2.) Messaging protocols (SMTP) (3.) Data Transfer protocols (NFS,
FTP) (4.) Interactive protocols (Telnet)
------------------------------------Attribute Sampling means:
A sampling technique used to study the characteristics of a population to determine how many
samples possess a specific characteristic.
------------------------------------Audit Methodologies define what 10 elements of an Audit?
(1.) Subject of audit (2.) Audit Objective (3.) Type of audit (4.) Audit scope (5.) Pre-audit planning
(6.) Audit procedures (7.) Communication plan (8.) Report Preparation (9.) Wrap-up (10.) Postaudit follow-up
------------------------------------An auditor has detected potential fraud while testing a control objective. What should the auditor
do next?
Notify the Audit Committee. Because Audit committee members are generally not involved in
business operations, they will be sufficiently remove from the matter, and they will have the
authority to involve others as needed.
------------------------------------An auditor has discovered several errors in user account management: many terminated
employees' computer accounts are still active. What is the best course of action?
To improve the employee termination process to reduce the number of exceptions. For a time,
the process should be audited more frequently to make sure that improvement is effective.
------------------------------------An auditor has discovered that several administrators in an application share an administrative
account. What course of action should the auditor recommend?
Several separate administrative accounts should be used. This will enforce accountability for
each administrator's actions.
------------------------------------An auditor has reviewed access privileges of some employees and has discovered that
employees with longer terms of service have excessive privileges. What can the auditor conclude
from this?
User privileges are not being removed from their old position when they transfer to a new
position. This results in employees with excessive privileges.
------------------------------------An auditor is examining a key management process and has found that the IT department is not
following its split-custody procedure. What is the likely result of this failure?
Someone may be in possession of the entire password for an encryption key. For instance, split
custody requires that a password be broken into two or more parts, with each part in the
possession of a separate person.

------------------------------------The audit program is an audit strategy and plans that include:

(1.) Scope (2.) Objectives (3.) Resources (4.) Procedures used to evaluation controls and
------------------------------------An audit report usually includes the following 10 elements:
(1.) Cover letter (2.) Introduction (3.) Summary (4.) Audit description (5.) List of systems
examined (6.) Interviewees (7.) Evidence (8.) Explanation of sampling techniques (9.) Findings
(10.) Recommendations
------------------------------------The availability of IT systems is governed by:
(1.) Effective Change Management (2.) Effective Application Testing (3.) Resilient Architecture (4.)
Serviceable Components
------------------------------------BCP Plans must be tested to validate effectiveness through:
(1.) Document Review (2.) Walkthrough (3.) Simulation (4.) Parallel testing (5.) Cutover testing
------------------------------------The BCP process encompasses a lifecycle:
(1.) Develop a BC Policy (2.) Conduct BIA (3.) Perform critical analysis (4.) Establish recovery
targets (5.) Develop recovery and continuity strategies and plans (6.) Test recovery and
continuity plans and procedures Train personnel Maintain strategies, plans, and procedures
through periodic reviews and updates
------------------------------------Blade Computer Architecture:
consists of main chassis component that is equipped with slots are fitted with individual cpu
modules. Main advantage is lower cost per unit.
------------------------------------Business Continuity focuses on:
maintaining service availability with the least disruption to standard operating parameters during
an event
------------------------------------The Business Process Life Cycle aids in the coordinating of business processes using a sequence
of what three events?
(1.) Business process creation (2.) Implementation (3.) Maintenance 3a. Benchmarking:
Facilitates continuous improvement within the BPLC
------------------------------------Change Management includes a formal waterfall of six steps:

(1.) Proposal or Request (2.) Review (3.) Approval (4.) Implementation (5.) Verification (6.) Postchange Review
------------------------------------Cloud computing is:
a dynamically scalable and usually virtualized computing environment that is provided as a
service. Clout computing services may be rented or leased so that an organization can have a
scalable application without the need for supporting hardware.
------------------------------------The COBIT Framework is composed of six elements:
(1.) Executive Summary (2.) Governance and control framework (3.) Control Objectives (4.)
Management Guidelines (5.) Implementation Guide (6.) IT Assurance Guide
------------------------------------A collection of servers that is designed to operate as a single logical server is known as a:
A server cluster is a collection of two or more servers that is designed to appear as a single
------------------------------------A Compliance audit is:
An audit to determine the level and degree of compliance to a law, regulation, standard, contract
provision, or internal control.
------------------------------------A computer uses RAM for several purposes:
(1.) Operating System, to store info re running processes (2.) Buffers, that are used to
temporarily store information retrieved from hard disks (3.) Storage of program code (4.) Storage
of program variables
------------------------------------Confidence coefficient means what?
The probability that a sample selected actually represents the entire population. This is usually
expressed as a percentage.
------------------------------------CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT definition:
The process of recording the configuration of IT systems. Each configuration setting is known in
ITSM parlance as a Configuration Item.
------------------------------------Control Risk means:
The risk that a material error exists that will not be prevented or detected by the organization's
control framework.

Controls are:
The means by which management establishes and measures processes by which organizational
objectives are achieved
------------------------------------COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission):
Defines internal controls and provides guidance for assessing and improving internal control
------------------------------------The COSO cube consists of THREE dimensions:
(1.) Objectives (2.) Components (3.) Business Units / Areas
------------------------------------COSO framework is composed of Four Volumes:
(1.) Executive Summary (2.) Framework (3.) Reporting to External Parties (4.) Evaluation Tools
------------------------------------The COSO pyramid consists of four elements:
(1.) Monitoring (2.) Control Environment (3.) Risk Assessment and Control (4.) Information and
------------------------------------The CPU has:
(1.) Arithmetic Logic Unit (2.) Control Unit (3.) a small amount of memory (usually in to form of
------------------------------------The CPU is:
the main hardware component of a computer system, which executes instructions in computer
------------------------------------A critical application is backed up once per day. The recovery point objective for this system:
The RPO for an application that is backed up once per day cannot be less than 24 hours
------------------------------------A database administrator has been asked to configure a database management system so that it
records all changes made by users. What should the DBA implement?
The DBA should implement audit logging. This will cause the database to record every change
that is made to it.
------------------------------------A database primary key is:
one of a database table's fields, whose value is unique.

------------------------------------Data Link Layer Standards:

(1.) LAN protocols (2.) 80 (2.) 11 MAC/LLC (WiFi) (3.) Common Carrier packet networks (4.) ARP
(5.) PPP and SLIP (6.) Tunneling - PPTP, L2TP
------------------------------------Deming Cycle - a four-step quality control process known as PDSA, or PDCA. Steps:
(1.) Plan (2.) Do (3.) Study (4.) Act
------------------------------------Describe the advantages of outsourcing.
Outsourcing is an opportunity for the organization to focus on core competencies. When an
organization oursources a business function, it no longer needs to be concerned about training
employees in that function. Outsources does not always reduce costs, because cost reduction is
not always the primary goal of oursourcing.
------------------------------------Detection Risk means:
The risk that an IS auditor will overlook errors or exceptions during an audit.
------------------------------------Disaster Recovery focuses on:
post-event recovery and restoration of services
------------------------------------Disasters are generally grouped in terms of type:
(1.) Man-made (2.) Natural
------------------------------------Discovery Sampling means:
A sampling technique where at least one exception is sought in a population
------------------------------------During an audit, the auditor should obtain what 6 types of documents?
(1.) Org charts (2.) Department Charters (3.) third-party contracts (4.) policies and procedures
(5.) standards (6.) system documentation
------------------------------------EMERGENCY CHANGES should include 4 steps:
(1.) Emergency Approval (2.) Implementation (3.) Verification (4.) Review
------------------------------------Examples of Application Controls:

(1.) Authentication (2.) Authorization (3.) Change Management (4.) Completeness checks (5.)
Validation checks (6.) Input controls (7.) Output controls (8.) Problem management (9.)
Identification/access controls
------------------------------------Examples of IT General Controls:
(1.) Access Control (2.) Change Management (3.) Security Controls (4.) Incident Management (5.)
SDLC (6.) Source code and versioning controls (7.) Monitoring and logging (8.) Event
------------------------------------Expected Error Rate means:
An estimate that expresses the percent of errors or exceptions that may exist in an entire
------------------------------------External auditors are needed under what conditions?
(1.) When the organization lacks specific expertise or resources to conduct an internal audit. (2.)
Some regulations and standards require external, independent auditors
------------------------------------An external IS auditor has discovered a segregation of duties issue in a high value process. What
is the best action for the auditor to take?
The external auditor can only document the finding in the audit report. An external auditor is not
in a position to implement controls.
------------------------------------Features of TCP/IP Transport Layer packet delivery
(1.) Reliable delivery (2.) Connection oriented (persistent connection) (3.) Order of Delivery (4.)
Flow Control (transfer rate is throttled) (5.) Port Number
------------------------------------A Financial Audit is:
An audit of an accounting system, accounting department processes, and procedures to
determine if business controls are sufficient to ensure the integrity of financial statements.
------------------------------------A fire sprinkler system has water in its pipes, and sprinkler heads emit water only if the ambient
temperature reaches 220 deg. F. What type of system is this?
A wet pipe fire sprinkler system. The system is charged with water and will discharge water out
of any sprinkler head whose fuse has reached a preset temperature.
------------------------------------A Foreign Key is:
a field in a record in one table that can reference a primary key in another table that can
reference a primary key in another table.

------------------------------------A Forensic Audit means:

An audit that is performed in support of an anticipated or active legal proceeding.
------------------------------------The foundation of an effective information security program is an information security policy that
(1.) Executive Support (2.) Well-defined roles and responsibilities.
------------------------------------The Four typical Configuration Items in Configuration Management include:
(1.) Hardware Complement (physical specifications) (2.) Hardware Configuration (firmware
settings) (3.) Operating system version and configuration (4.) Software versions and
------------------------------------Frameworks are:
Collections of Controls that work together to achieve an entire range of an organization's
------------------------------------Gantt VS. PERT
Gantt: used to display resource details. PERT: shows the current and most up-to-date critical path
------------------------------------General Controls:
Support the functioning of the application controls
------------------------------------Grid Computing is:
a large number of loosely coupled computers that are used to solve a common task may be in
close proximity to each other or scattered over a large geographical area.
------------------------------------Incident Management - any event which is not part of the standard operation of service and
which causes or may cause an interruption to or reduction in quality of that service. Includes
THREE incident types:
(1.) Service Outage (2.) Service Slowdown (3.) Software Bug
------------------------------------Individual events may often create combined threats to enterprise operations:
A tornado might also spawn structural fires and transportation accidents
------------------------------------Inherent Risk means:

The risk that there are material weaknesses in existing business processes and no compensating
controls to detect or prevent them
------------------------------------In Release Management, utilizing a gate process means:
A gate process means that each step of the release process undergoes formal review and
approval before the next step is allowed to begin.
------------------------------------An Integrated Audit is:
An audit that combines an operational audit and a financial audit.
------------------------------------an IS audit is:
An audit of an IS department's operations and systems.
------------------------------------An IS auditor has discovered a high-risk exception during control testing. What is the best course
of action for the IS auditor to take?
The IS auditor should immediately inform the auditee when any high-risk situation is discovered.
------------------------------------An IS auditor is auditing the change management process for a financial application. The auditor
has two primary pieces of evidence: change logs and a written analysis of the change logs
performed by a business analyst. Which evidence is best and why?
The change log is best because it is objective and unbiased.
------------------------------------An IS auditor is examining the IT standards document for an organization that was last reviewed
two years earlier. The best course of action for the IS auditor is:
Report that the IT standards are not being reviewed often enough. Two years is far too long
between reviews of IT standards.
------------------------------------An IS auditor needs to perform an audit of a financial system and needs to trace individual
transactions through the system. What type of testing should the auditor perform?
Substantive Testing, which is a test of transaction integrity.
------------------------------------IS auditors can stay current with technology through the following means:
(1.) training courses (2.) webinars (3.) ISACA chapter training events (4.) Industry conferences
------------------------------------IT Governance is most concerned with....
IT Strategy

------------------------------------ITIL definition of CHANGE MANAGEMENT:

The process to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and
prompt handling of all changes.
------------------------------------ITIL definition of PROBLEM:
A condition often identified as a result of multiple incidents that exhibit common symptoms.
Problems can also be identified from a single significant incident for which the impact is
------------------------------------IT Service Management consists of 11 distinct activities:
(1.) Service Desk (2.) Incident Management (3.) Problem Management (4.) Change Management
(5.) Configuration Management (6.) Release Management (7.) Service-level Management (8.)
Financial Management (9.) Capacity Management (10.) Service Continuity Management 1(1.)
Availability Management
------------------------------------IT Service Management is defined in what International Process Framework?
ITIL - IT Infrastructure Library. ITIL content is managed by the UK-based Office of Government
------------------------------------IT Services Financial Management is the portion of IT management that tracks the financial value
of IT services that support organizational objectives. It includes 4 activities:
(1.) Budgeting (2.) Capital Investment (3.) Expense Management (4.) Project accounting and
project ROI (Return on Investment.)
------------------------------------Judgmental sampling means:
A sampling technique where items are chosen based upon the auditor's judgment, usually based
on risk or materiality.
------------------------------------Name the 5 types of Evidence that the auditor will collect during an audit.
(1.) Observations (2.) Written Notes (3.) Correspondence (4.) Process and Procedure
documentation (5.) Business records
------------------------------------Name the Eight Types of Audits
(1.) Operational (2.) Financial (3.) Integrated (4.) IS (5.) Administrative (6.) Compliance (7.)
Forensic (8.) Service Provider
------------------------------------Name the seven types of sampling an auditor can perform.

(1.) Statistical (2.) Judgmental (3.) Attribute (4.) Variable (5.) Stop-or-Go (6.) Discovery (7.)
------------------------------------Name the three Types of Controls
(1.) Physical (2.) Technical (4.) Administrative
------------------------------------Name the two Categories of Controls
(1.) Automatic (2.) Manual
------------------------------------Network Layer Protocols:
(1.) IP (2.) ICMP (3.) RRC (Radio Resource Control) (4.) AppleTalk
------------------------------------An Operational Audit is:
An audit of IS controls, security controls, or business controls to determine control existence and
------------------------------------The options for Risk Treatment are:
Risk Mitigation Risk Avoidance Risk Transfer Risk Acceptance
------------------------------------An organization experiences frequent malware infections on end-user workstations that are
received through email, despite the tact that workstations have anti-virus software. What is the
best means for reducing malware?
Implementing antivirus software on the email servers will provide an effective defense-in-depth,
which should help to reduce the number of viruses encountered on end-user workstations.
------------------------------------An organization has chosen to open a business office in another country where labor costs are
lower and has hired workers to perform business functions there. This organization has done
The organization is insourcing - while they may have opened the office in a foreign country, they
have hired locals to do the work as opposed to contracting with a third party.
------------------------------------An organization has discovered that some of its employees have criminal records. What is the
best course of action for the organization to take?
The organization should have background checks performed on all of its existing employees and
also begin instituting background checks of all new-hires. It is not necessarily required to
terminate the employees - their offenses may not warrant termination.

An organization is building a data center in an area frequented by power outages. The

organization cannot tolerate power outages. What power system controls should be selected?
The best solution is an electric generator and an uninterruptible power supply. The UPS responds
to the outage, and the generator provides backup power for extended periods.
------------------------------------An organization that has experienced a sudden increase in its long-distance charges has asked
an auditor to investigate. What activity is the auditor likely to suspect is responsible for this?
The auditor is most likely to suspect that intruders have discovered a vulnerability in the
organization's PBX and is committing toll fraud.
------------------------------------An organization that is undertaking a business continuity plan should perform what first?
A business impact analysis is the first major task in a disaster recovery or business continuity
planning project.
------------------------------------An organization wants to reduce the number of user IDs and passwords that its employees need
to remember. What is the best available solution to this problem?
Reduced sign-on. This provides a single authentication service (such as LDAP or AD) that many
applications can use for centralized user authentication.
------------------------------------OSI: Data Link Layer:
Information is arranged in frames and transported across the medium. Collision detection.
Checksum verification of delivery.
------------------------------------OSI Layer 5: Session
used to control connections that are established between systems (1.) TCP (2.) IPC (3.) SIP
(Session Initiation Protocol) (4.) RPC (Remote Procedure Call) (5.) NetBIOS
------------------------------------OSI Layer 6: Presentation
used to translate or transform data from lower layers into formats that the application layer can
work with.
------------------------------------OSI Layer 7: Application
contains programs that communicate directly with the end user.
------------------------------------OSI: Network Layer
The delivery of messages from one station to another via one or more networks.. Routes packets
between networks.

------------------------------------OSI: Physical Layer:

concerned with electrical and physical specifications for devices. No frames or packets involved.
------------------------------------OSI: Transport Layer
Concerns the reliability of data transfer between systems. (1.) Connection Oriented (2.)
Guaranteed Delivery (3.) Order of Delivery
------------------------------------The party that performs strategic planning, addresses near-term and long-term requirements
aligning business objectives, and technology strategies.
The Steering Committee
------------------------------------The possibility that a process or procedure will be unable to prevent or deter serious errors and
wrongdoing is known as:
Control Risk.
------------------------------------Precision means what?
A representation of how closely a sample represents an entire population.
------------------------------------The primary purpose for a change management process is to:
The main purpose for change management is to review and approve proposed changes to
systems and infrastructure. This helps to reduce the risk of unintended events and unplanned
------------------------------------The primary source for test plans in a software development project is:
The REQUIREMENTS that are developed for a project should be the primary source for detailed
------------------------------------PROBLEM MANAGEMENT:
When several incidents have occurred that appear to have the same or a similar root cause, a
PROBLEM is occurring.
------------------------------------A programmer is updating an application that saves passwords in plaintext. What is the best
method for securely storing passwords?
Passwords should be stored in a hash. This makes it impossible for any person to retrieve a
password, which could lead to account compromise.

------------------------------------A project manager needs to identify the tasks that are responsible for project delays. What
approach should the project manager use?
Critical Path Methodology helps a project manager determine which activities are on a project's
critical list.
------------------------------------The purpose of a Balanced Scorecard is:
To measure organizational performance and effectiveness against strategic goals.
------------------------------------The purpose of Function Point Analysis (FPA) is to:
FPA is used to estimate the effort required to develop a software program.
------------------------------------The purpose of Input validation checking is:
To ensure that input values are within established ranges, of the correct character types, and free
of harmful contents.
------------------------------------The purpose of the Internet Layer in the TCP/IP model is:
Delivery of packets from one station to another, on the same network or on different networks.
------------------------------------The purpose of the ISO 20000 Standard:
Framework for auditing and measuring IT Service Management Processes.
------------------------------------A quantitative risk analysis is more difficult to perform because:
It is difficult to get accurate figures on the frequency of specific threats. It is difficult to determine
the probability that a threat will be realized. It is relatively easy to determine the value of an
asset and the impact of a threat event.
------------------------------------Rating Scale for Process Maturity consists of six levels:
0. No process at all (1.) Process are ad hoc and disorganized (2.) Consistent processes (3.)
Documented processes (4.) Measured and managed processes (5.) Processes are continuously
------------------------------------Recovery time objective is defined as:
A Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is defined as the maximum period of downtime for a process or

Referential Integrity
A database term, which means that the database will not permit a program (or user) to deleted
rows from a table if there are records in other tables whose foreign keys reference the row to be
------------------------------------Registers are:
The memory locations in the CPU where arithmetic values are stored.
------------------------------------RELEASE MANAGEMENT: ITIL term used to describe the SDLC. The Release process is used for
several types of system changes:
(1.) Incidents and problem resolution (bug fixes.) (2.) Enhancements (new functionality.) (3.)
Subsystem patches and changes (require testing similar to when changes are made to the
application itself.)
------------------------------------A Sample Mean is:
The sum of all samples divided by the number of samples.
------------------------------------Sample Standard Deviation means:
A computation of the variance of sample values from the sample mean. This is a measurement of
the spread of values in a sample
------------------------------------Sampling means:
A technique that is used to select a portion of a population when it is not feasible to test an
entire population.
------------------------------------Sampling Risk means:
The probability that a sample selected does not represent the entire population. This is usually
expressed as a percentage, the numeric inverse of the confidence coefficient
------------------------------------Sampling Risk means what?
The probability that a sample selected does not represent the entire population. This is usually
expressed as a percentage, as the numeric inverse of the confidence coefficient.
------------------------------------A Server Cluster is:
a tightly coupled collection of computers that are used to solve a common task. One or more
actively perform tasks, while zero or more may be in a standby state.

Service Continuity Management is:

the set of activities that is concerned with the ability of the organization to continue to provide
services, primarily in the event that a natural or man made disaster has occurred.
------------------------------------Service Level Management means:
use of a set of monitoring and review activities that confirm whether IS operations is providing
service to its customers.
------------------------------------A Service Provider audit means:
An audit of a third-party organization that provides services to other organizations.
------------------------------------Six steps of the Release Management process:
(1.) Requirements (2.) Design (3.) Development (4.) Testing (5.) Release preparation (packaging)
(6.) Release Deployment
------------------------------------A software developer has informed the project manager that a portion of the application
development is going to take five additional days to complete. The project manager should do
When any signification change needs to occur in a project plan, a project change request should
be created to document the reason for the change.
------------------------------------The Software Program Library is a facility that is used to store and manage access to an
organization's application source and object code. It consists of 5 parts:
(1.) Access and authorization controls (2.) Program checkout (3.) Program Check-in (4.) Version
Control (5.) Code Analysis
------------------------------------Statistical Sampling means:
A sampling technique where items are chosen at random; each item has a statistically equal
probability of being chosen.
------------------------------------Stop-or-go Sampling means:
A sampling technique used to permit sampling to stop at the earliest possible time. This
technique is used when the auditor feels that there is a low risk or low rate of exceptions in the
------------------------------------Stratified Sampling means:
A sampling technique where a population is divided into classes or strata, based upon the value
of one of the attributes. Samples are then selected from each class.

------------------------------------TCP/IP Internet Layer

Deliver messages from one station to another on the same network or on different networks.
Messaging at this layer is not guaranteed.
------------------------------------TCP/IP Link Layer
lowest layer. Delivers messages (frames) from one station to another vial local network.
------------------------------------TCP/IP Network Model:
(1.) Link (2.) Internet (3.) Transport (4.) Application
------------------------------------TCP/IP Transport Layer
consists of two main packet transport protocols: TCP and UDP.
------------------------------------This first step in Business Impact Analysis is:
The first step in a business impact analysis is the inventory of all in-scope business processes
and systems
------------------------------------To determine effectiveness of a disaster recovery program, an IT auditor should:
Examine documentation and interview personnel
------------------------------------Tolerable Error Rate means:
The highest number of errors that can exist without a result being materially misstated.
------------------------------------Transport Layer Protocols
(1.) TCP (2.) UDP
------------------------------------Two main types of Controls:
(1.) General (2.) Application
------------------------------------Under what circumstances should an auditor use subjective sampling?
Subjective sampling is used when the auditor wants to concentrate on samples known to
represent high risk.

Variable Sampling means

A sampling technique used to study the characteristics of a population to determine the numeric
total of a specific attribute from the entire population.
------------------------------------A Virtual Server is:
an active, instance of a server operating system running on a machine that is designed to house
two or more such virtual servers.
------------------------------------WAN Protocols:
(1.) MPLS (2.) SONET (3.) T-Carrier (4.) Frame Relay (5.) ISDN (6.) X.25
------------------------------------A web application is displaying information incorrectly and many users have contacted the IT
service desk. This matter should be considered:
A problem.A problem is defined as a condition that is the result of multiple incidents that exhibit
common symptoms.
------------------------------------What activity involves the identification of potential risk and the appropriate response for each
threat based on impact assessment using qualitative and/or quantitative measures for an
enterprise-wide risk management strategy?
Risk Management
------------------------------------What are Project Management Strategies useful for?
Project Management strategies guide program execution through organization of resources and
development of clear project objectives.
------------------------------------What are the 7 SDLC Phases?
(1.) Feasibility Study (2.) Definition of Requirements (3.) Design (4.) Development (5.) Testing (6.)
Implementation (7.) Post-implementation phase
------------------------------------What is a Gantt Chart?
Gantt Charts are used to schedule and sequence activities in a waterfall-type representation.
Planned activities are shown flowing downward to completion. More simplistic than a PERT
------------------------------------What is a PERT Diagram?
Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) is used to illustrate the relationship between
planned activities. PERT diagrams show multiple routes through the project activities, as
necessary for accomplishing a goal.

------------------------------------What is Business Realization?

Business Realization is the result of strategic planning, process development, and systems
development, which all contribute towards a launch of business operations to reach a set of
business objectives.
------------------------------------What is Capability Maturity Model?
A model that is used to measure the relative maturity of an organization and its processes.
------------------------------------What is Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)?
CMMI is a maturity model that represents the aggregations of other maturity models.
------------------------------------What is the appropriate role of an IS auditor in a control self-assessment?
The IS auditor should act as a SME in the control self-assessment, but should not play a major
role in the process.
------------------------------------What is the best approach for identifying high risk areas for an audit?
The IS auditor should conduct a risk assessment first to determine which areas have highest risk.
She should devote more testing resources to those high-risk areas.
------------------------------------What is the Critical Path Methodology?
A technique that is used to identify the most critical path in a project to understand which tasks
are most likely to affect the project schedule.
------------------------------------What is the most important consideration for site selection of a hot site?
Geographic location of the hot site is most important. IF they are too close together then a single
event may involve both locations
------------------------------------What is the purpose of a Capability Maturity Model?
A CMM helps an organization to assess the maturity of its business processes, which is an
important first step to any large-scale process improvement effort.
------------------------------------What is the purpose of a criticality analysis?
A criticality analysis is used to determine which business processes are the most critical, by
ranking them in order of criticality

What is the purpose of an auditor doing interviews?

To observe personnel to better understand their discipline, as well as organizational culture and
------------------------------------What is the purpose of a Security Awareness program?
To communication security policies, procedures, and other security-related information to an
organization's employees.
------------------------------------What is the purpose of a Statement of Impact?
A Statement of Impact describes the effect on the business if a process is incapacitated for any
appreciable time
------------------------------------What personnel should be involved in the requirements phase of a software development
(1.) Developers (2.) Architects (3.) Analysts (4.) Users
------------------------------------What testing activities should developers perform during the development phase
Developers should only be performing Unit Testing, to verify that the individual sections of code
they have written are performing properly.
------------------------------------What three elements allow validation of business practices against acceptable measures of
regulatory compliance, performance, and standard operational guidelines.
(1.) Polices (2.) Procedures (3.) Standards
------------------------------------What type of testing is performed to determine if control procedures have proper design and are
operating properly?
Compliance Testing
------------------------------------What type of testing is performed to verify the accuracy and integrity of transactions as they flow
through a system?
Substantive Testing
------------------------------------Who is responsible for imposing an IT governance model encompassing IT strategy, information
security, and formal enterprise architectural mandates?
IT executives and the Board of Directors

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