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Tuesday Conference

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Theology e-weekly

To make humanity united in worshipping God

On the Amendment of

Our Heavenly Patron

Dear Fathers & Brothers,

Once again abortion emerges as heated debate in Indian civil

society. Tuesday Conference invites everyone to wake up against
the proposed amendment of MTP Act which extends abortion legal
till 24 weeks.
It must be clearly understood that whatever may be
laid down by civil law on abortion, man can never obey a
law which is in itself immoral, which would admit in
principle the liceity of abortion. Nor can he take part in a
propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for
it. (CDF on abortion)

The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if

a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to
kill you and you to kill me?

-Mother Teresa

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The first
right of
person is
his life. It
does not
belong to

Respect for human life is not just a

Christian obligation.
Abortion is one of the most controversial moral
issues of our days. Women with an unplanned pregnancy
often see abortion as their only solution to the crisis in their lives.
Social scientists estimate that abortion is the most frequently
performed surgery on adults in America. In fact one out of
three babies conceived in the USA is deliberately
Life was simpler before medical advances taught us how to
transplant kidneys, freeze embryos, and engineer genetics.
Before man invented respirators to breathe artificially for
patients, few families ever agonized over whether to pull the

nor does
it belong
to public
in any
form to
this right.

History of Abortion
The practice of abortion was common even in the ancient world..
many cultures (Assyrian, Babylonian, Sumerian, Hittite)
considered abortion as a serious crime. That is why in
Hippocratic oath it is stated , I will not give a woman a
pessary to produce an abortion. The Jewish historian
Josephus wrote against abortion.

Human reason is sufficient to impose it on the basis of

the analysis of what a human person is and should be.

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A Christian's
outlook cannot

Biblical Arguments against Abortion

Any student of the bible knows that the scripture say
nothing directly about abortion. So what biblical principles
can be used to come to a pro life perspective?

be limited to the

Ps 127:3- children as a gift

horizon of life

Gen 29:33, 30:22 God opens and closes the womb,

God is active in the event of conception.

Ps 139:1-4 sanctity of human life

Jer 1:5 God forms you in the womb

Is 49:1, Judg 13:7-8- God calls them when they Isaiah

and Samson in the womb

Ps 51:5 Surely I was sinful at birth , sinful from the time

my mother conceived me.

world is to

Lk 1:41-44 shows the humanness of the unborn child

turn one's

Exodus 21:22-25 here killing an unborn child carried

the same penalty as killing a born baby.

in this world.
To measure
happiness by
the absence
of sorrow and
misery in this

back on the

A baby inside the womb had the same legal

status as a baby outside the womb.

Fathers of the Church

Didache do not murder a
child by abortion or kill a
newborn infant. Epistles of
Barnabas you shall not slay
a child by abortion.
Athenagorus woman who
murderers. Clement
Alexandria those who use
abortifacient cause not
only the outright murder of
the foetus but of the human

Tertullian we may not destroy even the

foetus in the womb. Augustine destroy
the foetus in the womb die before it
lives .. condemns abortion.

Popes and Councils...

The first Council of Mainz in
847 decided that the most rigorous
penance would be imposed "on




elimination of the fruit conceived

in their womb."

The Decree of Gratian: "That

person is a murderer who causes to

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St. Thomas, the Common Doctor

of the Church, teaches that abortion
is a grave sin against the natural

At the time of the Renaissance




abortion with the greatest severity.

perish by abortion what has been


John XXIII "life which from its

A century later, Innocent XI





certain lax canonists who sought

to excuse an abortion procured
before the moment accepted by
some as the moment of the
spiritual animation of the new

Pius XI & Pius XII clearly

excluded all direct abortion, that
is, abortion which is either an end

beginning demands the action of

God the Creator."

Vatican II has most severely

condemned abortion: "Life must be
safeguarded with extreme care
from conception; abortion and




Paul VI, has not been afraid to

declare that this teaching of the
Church "has not changed and is

Humanae Vitae (1968),

Donum Vitae (1987),
Evangelium Vitae (1995), CCC
2270-75 reaffirms the above
teachings on abortion.

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Whose Rights
Right from fertilization, the adventure of a human life
and its capacities requires time to evolve and become a fully
grown baby. So it is not up to biological sciences to make a
definitive judgment on human personhood and legitimacy of

The Medical

abortion. Foetus can thus never be considered as a

mere tissue. Therefore no one has the right to alter its



of Pregnancy

What Rights

(MTP) Act
in India came
in 1971

In certain cases, the gravity of the problem comes from

the fact that by denying abortion one endangers very great
1) It may be a serious question of health, sometimes of life or
death, for the mother;
2) It may be the burden represented by an additional child, or

based on the

fear that the child will be abnormal or retarded;


3) It may considerations of honor or dishonor, of loss of social

standing, and so forth.
With regard to the future unhappiness of the child, no
one, not even the father or mother, choose in the
child's name, life or death. Life is too fundamental a
value to be weighed against even very serious

tions of the

Having recollected the catholic perspective on
abortion , we now move on to the current issue.
The Act was earlier amended in 2003 to facilitate better
implementation and increase access for women . However, 38
years after the implementation of a liberal MTP Act, unsafe
abortions continue to outnumber safe and legal abortions in the
country contributing to eight percent of the total maternal
deaths in India.

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Proposed amendments to the MTP Act

1. Expanding the base of legal abortion providers

In order to increase the availability of safe abortion services, it has been
recommended to include medical practitioners with Bachelors degree in
Unani, Ayurveda or Homeopathy, nurses with a three and half years
degree and registered with the Nursing Council of India.

2. Increasing access to legal abortion services for women

These are to remove operational barriers in the current law;
Remove the requirement for providers opinion for first trimester abortions.

Reduce the opinion of two service providers for second trimester

pregnancies to one .

Extend the indication of contraception failure to include

unmarried women also.

3. Increasing the upper gestation limit for legal MTP services

extend the gestation period from 20 weeks to 24 weeks for "special
categories", to include single women with unwanted pregnancy, disabled &
vulnerable women.

would also allow abortion any time during the pregnancy for "selective" foetal
abnormality, which cannot be detected during the 20-week gestation period.

4. Increasing clarity on the MTP Act

to replace the term registered medical practitioner with registered service

provider which would cover para-medicals (nurses), Unani, Ayurvedic and
Homoeopathic practitioners as legitimate providers of abortion service.

to introduce a clause which states that only the consent of a woman is

required which can avoid the practice of insisting on consent of the
womans husband/ partner.

The vocation of the Church is to defend human dignity since

the Son of God became man, there is no man who is not His
brother in humanity.

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To act against abortion is to take Gospel to

the large multitude of Indian mass, the
faith of the Church.

A 24 week
foetus can
survive if
taken from
womb and
period from
20 to 24
narrows the
line between
and to

How can the Church be involved?

We may not be able to stop amending the bill, but
following things can be done in our spheres...
1. Individual Christians can become involved in the pro
life movement.
2. Through prayer ; the bible admonishes to pray for the
leaders(1 Tim2:1-2)
3. Can provide financial support for the organizations
fighting abortion
4. Churches should be centers of information; Christians
should be informed on these.
5. Social action; also includes voting intelligently about
political candidates and know where they stand on the
issue of abortion.
6. We should support crisis pregnancy and begin
crisis pregnancy ministry
7. Pastors shall be informed about how to help
with crisis pregnancies

The unborn must be respected and treated

as a human person. Since the purpose of all law
is the promotion of human, pro-abortion laws
is the destruction of the very concept of law.






vigorously and decisively the injustice of proabortion laws.

Let us stand up and speak

for the voiceless...

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