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SECIPPNCD/BSE!20161553 BAJAJ FINANCE LIMITED 30 September 2016, BSE Limite, ‘PhirzeJejebhoy Towers, 2th Foor Dalal tres, Seip Code S000 ‘Sep Code: WASFINANCE EQ Dear Sirs, Sub. Inination of allotment of Unsecured Subordioated [Tir Il] Relcemable Non-Convertble Debentures fon Private Placement ta Pusuant to Regulation 30 ofthe Securities and Exchange Board of lia (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Regiremenis) Regulations, 2015, this isto inform you thatthe Debenture Alleament Committe of Company has, at is mowing held on 29 Septomber 2016, alloted $000 Unsecured Subordinated [Tier I] Redeemable Non-Convertbles Debentres, wth details as Blow: Seeariy Name ‘Ban France Lined Unsecured Sabordnned [TM] Redeemable Non Convertible Debentres (NCD) Tasuar Nae Bajaj Finance Lined Mode of Private Placement Date of Allotment 29 Soper 2016 Proposed 1 be iste "Yes, on the WOM sagan of OSE Lane ‘Number of Debentures aie 3000 Unsecured Subord nated [Tier] Redcemable Naw Convertible Debentures of fce valu of 10 las each sgaregatng w €500 Cres Deals of Coupon Rae, Schedule oT Payment of lterea Redemption, Tenor & Pieter blow Cash Flows Date of Maturity ‘casi FLOWS Date 082007 ‘tstcoupon Date | NootDays xs “Amount () Per NCD ‘450000 Dato orso2018 2nd Coupon Date | Noof ars 367 “Amount () Per NED 24.06500 Dato" we209 98 Coupen date [Noofays 368 “Amount (Per NOD 2426800 oat th: 3 Pancha ran ga Fe joe ier endian, tl Ae ate “Fax: +9120 30186368 ows oe BitiBiows | © OD BAJAJ FINANCE LIMITED Date 79.09.2020 440 Couponate | NoofDaye 3s ‘vount Per NCD 426800 Ee { eo) ‘stcouponoae —[NootDays 365, ‘Amount (@) Per NCD 134500000 ae 080m th Coupon Date [Nef Dars 355, “Amount (@) Por NCO 14.5000 ater 79-00-2008, 7m Coupon date [No ot Oays 368 ‘Amount () Per NOD 4.80000 Date 30-00-2024 ‘am Couponoate | NeofDays 367 ‘Amount Per NCD ea7a100 a 79.09.2025 sin Coupon Date [NoofDays Ey ‘Ariont( Por NOD 420800 ater 2-09-2008, 101 Coupon Date [NoofDays 365 ‘Amount (@) Per NOD 18450000 Pepa ater 79.08.2008, Redemption Amount | No of Days 3882 “Amount ) Per NCO 19,00,000 00 ‘Coupon Rate Bash pa. Tenor (ays) 3682 Redemption Date 29-08-2026, ‘Redemption Promumibiscount NAL ‘Coupon Payment Frequency “anual and on maturity ‘Coupon Type Feed +a a i i i eo a Rone comorina wed pr SEDI craar CTRIMD DPI82013 dated 29. ic Ge 1) a 3/ te wotastsavajtneee Samer on cng ai: Pht ho, en i pele Mush xt, Ah Poe, Mae BAJAJ FINANCE LIMITED ‘Charge eecriy, any, cresed over he] Not pple ace te ies of Unsecured Sobornatd Tee Redecmble Non-Convetbe Debentures givin lege aad [Ni strument and changes thereof ‘layin psy ment of teres principle] NT Redemption as well sete, Details of any leer or commons wi ‘ezarding paymenvnoe-payment of inerest,picipe on do dates, oc any other mater eonceming the security and ortho asset alongwith its eommonts thereon if any "The above i for your frmation and read ‘Thanking you, pasate te aHog os ak mtogs ne abe | ana Feaied ie mntaiine out At Ae-sras ae,s | go

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