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MARKING SCHEMES PAPER 2 SPMRSM 2016 BIOLOGY QUESTION 1 No. ANSWER MARK 1@(i) | Answer: M : Plant cell 2 N_: Animal cell 1b) | Answer: P : Nucleus, Control cell activities//earry genetic information Q : Mitochondria, (site) to gencrate/produce energy/(ATP) 4 l(c) | Answer: ‘© More energy can be produced/generated/supplied used for contraction of muscle cells 2 1@ | Answer: The chili curves/bend outward © Distilled water is hypotonic/low osmotic pressure/higher water concentration compared to the chilli cell sap // cell sap of chilli is hypertonic compared to distilled water. © Water (molecule) diffuses into the cell/ vacuole/ cell sap (through plasma membrane) by osmosis * Vacuole expand © Cell become turgid TOTAL | 12 QUESTION 2 No. ANSWER MARK 2@w Answer: Pollen grain /microspore 2a Answer: Prophase 1/ late Prophase 1 2G) Answer: Can cause variation Crossing over (between non-sister chromatids) ‘© By exchange genetic materials/ DNA segment (between non sister chromatid) occurs * Produce new combinations of genes 20), Answer: Young erythrocyte: 46 Matured erythrocyte : 0 200M(ii) Answer: © (matured erythrocyte) has no nucleus «more space for haemoglobin Biconcave/dise in shape Increase total surface area // TSA/V Has haemoglobin ‘More oxygen can bind with haemoglobin//more oxyhaemoglobin will be formed # More oxygen can be transport to the cells * Flexible cell * To squeeze/fold and bend/to fit through narrow blood vessel 2) _| Answer: Disease : Leukemia Reason: The number of leucocytes/white blood cells / neutrophil / basophil/ eusinofil/ lymphocyte / monocyte higher/more (than individual’s T) 2@) | Answer: Avoid eating/intake artificial food colouring /flavouring /MSG /Processed food/ junk food/ TOTAL 12 QUESTION 3 QUESTION ; NUMBER ANSWER MARK 3(a) | Answers Autosome (Chromosome) 1 300) | Answer: Parent; Tt woo: tt 2 306i) - 3 3@\Gi) | Answer: 25% iI Ya /10.25/la quarter 1 3@@ | Answer Continuous variation 1 30M) | Answer izeldiameter/height/weight(of eggs) 1 3@Gi) | Answer: Thalassemia Chicken egg grade Discontinous variation Continous variation Controlled by a single allele Controlled by several alleles Does not have intermediate value | Have intermediate value / Hdistinet between individuals slight differences / non distinctis between individual ‘Qualitative inheritance ‘Quantitattive inheritance Represented by a bar chart //diserete | Represented by a histogram 7 distribution | normal distribution Influence by genetic factors only Influence by genetic and 3 environmenta/factors TOTAL | 12 QUESTION 4 Trem ‘Answer Marks @ai stimulating hormone / TSH 1 Gi) To stimulates the synthesis /release of thyroxine (from thyroid gland) (oyGi) Answer: Goiter//swollen at neck / Enlarged of the thyroid gland. (i) ‘Answer: Iodine deficiency Production of thyroxine decreases/too little ‘Thyroid gland enlarge to compensate/adjust the deficiency (OW Bloot ‘Answer: 1d osmotic pressure increases/higher Gi) Pituitary gland is stimulated to secretes more ADH ‘Answer: (ADH) increases the permeability of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duet toward water More water is reabsorbed (from the filtrate to blood capillary) Blood osmotic pressure decreases (to the normal range) Urine produce small in volume @ Able to explain the effect of alcohol on urine production Answer: * Less ADH secreted/ No ADH * Less/ decreases the permeability of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct towards water ‘less water is reabsorbed (from the tubule into blood * capillaries) TOTAL 12 QUESTION 5 Item ‘Answer Marks @i ‘Answer: Ovulation Gi) Answer: Luteinising hormone (LH) yi) Answer: «Level of progesterone increases * Inhibit secretion of FSH/LH (by pituitary gland) no development of new follicle/no ovulation occurs. (oyGii) Amswer: + Level of progesterone decrease © Endometrium wall break down/ slough off thin © ‘Answer: * to stimulate development of (many/ more) follicles © to make sure follicle mature//to form secondary follicle / Graffian follicle @a) Gi) Answer: Umbilical artery Umbilical vein Answer: * (placenta) secrete progesterone (and oestrogen) * Into blood stream ‘© to maintain the thickness of endometrium/uterine wall during pregnancy TOTAL 12 MARKING SCHEMES PAPER 2 TRIAL SPM 2012 BIOLOGY (csei) QUESTION 6 Ttem Sample answer - Marks (a) | Sample answer: Similarities © Both processes are anaerobic respiration * Both processes occur in absence of oxygen * Both processes produce less amount of energy # Both processes involve incomplete breakdown of glucose Differences ‘© Muscle cell produces lactic acid while yeast cell produces ethanol * Muscle cell does not produce carbon dioxide while yeast cell produces carbon dioxide © Muscle cell produces less energy while yeast cell produces more energy * Oxygen debt occurs in muscle cell while oxygen debt does not occur in yeast cell © The process in organism J occurs during vigorous activities while process in organism K occurs when there is less oxygen ) Sample answer: © Oxygen debt occurs * The athlete gasp heavily//breathing rate increase/breathe faster To inhale more oxygen To oxidise lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water Some lactic acid oxidised to produce energy Remaining lactic acid is converted to glucose Lactic acid eliminated from muscle cell (Concentration of Lactic acid decreased) © ‘Sample answer ‘© Has thin wall which is one cell thick «allow rapid diffusion of gases//increase the rate of diffusion © of gases//gases can diffuse easily # Has dense/many/rich/network of blood capillaries # to increase the rate of transportation of gases Numerous/large number of alveoli * to increase surface area (for more diffusion of gases) @i) Sample answ: © The person inhale more/excess carbon monoxide// the smoke © contains high amount of carbon monoxide (CO) * Carbon monoxide binds with haemoglobin // Haemoglobin has high afinity to CO © to form carboxyhaemoglobin © Less oxygen can bind with haemoglobin (to form oxyhaemoglobin) © Less oxygen is supplied to the body cells for (cellular) respiration * Brain cells and heart cell lack of oxygen (that lead to death) @ unple answer: Benzene/Formaldehyde/benzo-pyrene is carcinogenic compound _| increase the risk of lungs/tongue/mouth cancer TOTAL 20 QUESTION 7 Item Sample answer Marks @o ‘Sample answer ‘© Blood vessel P is aorta Phas thick muscular wall © To withstand high pressured flow of blood © (*Reject: To produce high pressured blood) © To prevent from bursting + To carry-oxygenated-blood away-from_the-heart/to-all-part of the body © Phas small lumen # Increase resistance of blood flow To maintain the high pressured flow of blood Blood vessel Q is pulmonary vein Qhas large lumen Carry more oxygenated blood/contain more oxygen Qhas valve To prevent back flow of blood // maintain the blood to flow in one way 10 (agi) 10 © Oxygenated blood cannot be transported to all parts of body © Body cells cannot receive oxygen and nutrients/glucose © Cellular respiration cannot occur © No nergy is released * Body metabolism/digestion/excretion cannot occur * Circulation of blood is incomplete The baby is less likely to survive within days/ die (6) © Y is tricuspid valves © It separate the right atrium and the right ventricle * Closes and opens according to the correct flow of blood © It opens to allow the blood to flow from right atrium into right ventricle * It closes to prevent backflow of blood (from ventricle) into right atrium * Controlled by chordae tendenae Total 20 QUESTION 8 Item ‘Sample answer Marks @i Sample answer: Individual P| 35 (.7ixi-71) = 11.97 Individual Q= _120 (271x171) 41.03 @ai) Sample answ Individual Q: © Qis overweight person © (Heattit problemy Obesity * Cardiovascular disease/ high blood pressure/ hypertension * Diabetes mellitus * Liver damage © Bone and joint pains * Kidney damage’ stroke/ © (Psychological effects) Mental/emotional imbalanced + Limited movement of body/uncomfortable to move body ) © High/more intake of food class M/proteins // Eat more fish/milk/ chicken (any suitable sources of proteins) «To form new tissues// increase the number of cells// repair 1 injured tissues// cell renewalll for growth © High / more intake of food class L / carbohydrate // eat more rice/ banana/ bread (any suitable sources of carbohydrate) © To provide energy for cell activity © More/ high intake of fat // eat more cheese/ chicken «To provides more energy for cell activity Sample answei Elodea sp R graph spectrum is highest absorb more light (energy) more photolysis of water occur more water will be split produces more hydroxyl groups produces more H+/ hydrogen atom produces more oxygen more ATP produced more air bubbles released Elodea sp S reflects (more) green light graph spectrum is lowest absorbs less light less photolysis of water less water will be split produces less hydroxyl groups produces less H+/ hydrogen atom produces less oxygen ess ATP produced less air bubbles released TOTAL 20 12 QUESTION 9 Item Sample answer Marks 9(@)@ | © The interaction is prey-predator | ‘Rats are the prey to owls/ Owls are predator to rats «The number of predators/owls is smaller than the number of preys/rats © The population of predators/owls are lags behind the preys / rais// the increase of preys/rats population is followed by an increase of predators/owls population During phase X «The number of predators/owls decreased causing the number of preys/rats increased © because of less predation occur (or other factors/ diseases) During phase Y © The number of preys/rats increased followed by an increase number of predators/owls © Due to the sufficient resources of preys/rats for the predators / rats During phase Z, © There is an outbreak of disease/ mass emigration/sudden change in abiotic factors that decreased the number of predators/owls. «number of preys/rats increased due to less/no predation. * The prey-predator (rats-owls) relationship is stable. * Because it takes place in a cycle. © Maintaining the population of both organism in a dynamic equilibrium, 9 (a) City 23 Advantages * Reduce the usage of chemical pesticides/ chemical-free / safe environment/prevent pollution Prevent the pests developing resistance towards pesticides. Provide long term solution Highly specific to particular pests / rats Achieve dynamic equilibrium Low cost Does not destroy beneficial organism in the food chain Disadvantages ‘© Takes time/ slower process to identify prey and predator «Takes longer time to overcome the problem * Predator (owls) may kill/hunt native species! negative impact to biodiversity # Causes imbalance in food chain © The owl/predator may migrate to other habitat/ecosystem 9) @ 9) i) Diagram 9. © Landslide * Decrease the number of plants/ trees ‘* Increase the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide © Cause greenhouse effect/ global warming © Destroy habitat ‘© Decrease the population of flora and fauna * Decrease the source of timber/ natural resources * Cause flashflood//shallowing river © Destroy water catchment area Replanting (more) trees * Practice sustainable logging ‘* Build conerete wall at risk area * Reserved forest © Well town planning/ Enforce law of town planning/ build residential area at low risk area ‘© Proper drainage system TOTAL 20

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