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This nutrition program is set out to help you beat cancer and disease. Your body will receive
what nutrients it requires in order to heal itself. Even though there is no such thing as a quick
fix with healing; the rate of your healing will depend on your individual system, and its
nutritional deficiencies. Your body will heal when given the opportunity through self nurturing.
You must be prepared for it to take time to get back into shape.


Eating smaller meals, in a relaxed environment aids digestion.

In general, mankind since the improvement of cookery eats twice as

much as nature requires.
Benjamin Franklin

The digestive system is overstressed by eating too much, or eating too fast. Generally less is
usually best. Food should be chewed and eaten in a relaxed way. People tend to have a fast
moving lifestyle and seem to be always in a hurry, and often forget to sit quietly and eat their
meals in comfort and with pleasure. As a result many of us do not digest our food properly.
While we are on the run valuable nutrients are not being absorbed into our system from the
minimally chewed food that we have eaten.
Have you ever considered the importance of mealtimes? Who you share a meal with? Where
you eat and how? Also, how much time have you given yourself to enjoy your meal? Mealtimes need to be special pleasant occasions, not stressful or chaotic. Eating on the run or
when we are stressed or hurried, is not good for the digestion. Also, we make bad food
choices when we do not allow time for meals. People tend to grab what is easily available,
what is easy to get, or cheap to buy. They do not think about the harm that food will do to
their body.

The old parental instruction Chew your food slowly remains as valid today as it ever was.
Chewing slowly aids digestion and makes the transfer of food into your system as smooth as
possible. It is vital if you want to get well and stay well. As a guide each mouthful of food
should be chewed thirty times and mixed with saliva to activate liver secretions. To focus on
this aspect of your meal, you need to slow down and think about what you are doing. This
attitude alone is helpful to digestion. When eating is a pleasurable experience,
neurotransmitters such as serotonin and noradrenalin are released. This enhances our feeling
of well-being, and helps us become more alert. The opposite happens after a hurried, healthdestroying meal; we feel weighed down by the meal.
Try and sit at a table away from your work environment or TV to eat a meal. Leave your work
on your desk, or wherever it may be, and give yourself a well-deserved break! Light candles at
dinner, whenever possible, to create an atmosphere of relaxation and pleasure, even when
eating alone. Surround yourself with pleasant sounds and aromas and have your meals with
people who are caring, fun, and pleasant to be with. Bless the food and be thankful for what
you are about to eat and thank those who prepared it for you.


Diet has the distinction of being the only major determinant of health that is
completely under our control. You have the final say over what does and does not go into
your mouth and stomach. You cannot always control the other determinants of health, such
as quality of the air you breathe, the noise you are subject to or the emotional climate of your
surroundings, but you can control what you eat. It is a shame to squander such a good
opportunity to influence your health (Weil in Carper, 1998, pp 1718 in Food as Medicine Subject
Guide pp1.4 M. Blondel and Australian College of Natural Medicine)

Some foods go through the digestive system faster than others. Fruit for instance, is digested
faster than protein; so it is helpful if fruit be eaten first. Have you ever had an evening meal,
followed by fruit salad and then felt bloated or full of gas from the meal, or both? You see,
your main meal consisted of protein and other cooked vegetables. These take longer to
digest, so when the fruit follows and sits on top of the other food it begins digesting and
starts to ferment. Thus the bloating and gas is created.
When you health status is lowered, it is helpful to pay attention to how to combine foods in a
meal, and also to be mindful of the right sequence as well. Foods, such as the tomato, (which
is a fruit) combine well with non-starchy vegetables and nuts and avocado. To improve your
health it would be a good idea to become familiar with good and bad food combinations.
Commit the basic facts to memory as this will assist you when you are eating.
Once you remember which food combines better with other foods, you can combine
ingredients in ways that make your meals not only appealing to the pallet, but also healing to
your body.

Why should I eliminate all wheat, gluten, and products

made from these highly inflammatory foods from my diet?
Gluten is the primary protein found in wheat and grains. Medical evidence is reporting that
there is an epidemic of hidden intolerance to grain and wheat products. Oats, rice, corn,
buckwheat and millet also contain glutens, but the glutens in these foods does not contain
the gliadin molecule that provokes the bodys inflammatory reaction. Therefore, they are
usually safe. Other safe grains include teff, quinoa and amaranth.
How does this gliadin molecule cause toxic reactions in my
immune system?
When gliadin in gluten becomes water soluble, it is free to bind to
cells in your body. If you are sensitive, your body will make antibodies
to gliadin and attack the healthy cells gliadin has attached itself to, now
treating these cells as an infection. This immune response damages
surrounding tissue and has the potential to set off, or exacerbate, MANY
other health problems throughout your body, which is why gluten can have such a
devastating effect on your overall health. This is also why in some sensitive people they also
become allergic to rice, corn, buckwheat or millet, independent of the reaction to gluten/
Unfortunately, it may take 30 to 60 days for the present inflammation to subside, and up to 9
to 12 months for the lining of the small intestine to heal from the damage caused by the
immune response to gliadin.

Consume at least two-thirds of your food uncooked.

Your body is constantly replacing its cells at a rate of 300 million per minute. To increase your
level of health you must give your body the living raw enzymes from fresh raw foods. Eating
raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds is the best way to accomplish this!

Valuable and sensitive micronutrients are damaged when you heat foods. Cooking at high
heat and processing food destroys these micronutrients by altering their shape and chemical
composition. Cooking foods at high heat will also produce unhealthy byproducts, such as
acrylamide, and thermolysed casein which are carcinogenic.
On a more holistic note, you also need the living and stored up "sun energy" available only in
raw, uncooked foods for optimal health. One of our ultimate biological nutrients is in fact
sunlight, which you can absorb not only through your skin, but also through your food, where
it is stored in the form of 'biophotons.' Biophotons contain important bio-information, which
controls complex vital processes in your body. The biophotons have the power to order and
regulate, and, in doing so, to elevate your physical body to a higher oscillation, or body
balance. This is manifested as a feeling of vibrant vitality and well-being.
Every living organism emits biophotons, and it is thought that the higher the level of light
energy a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the
individual who consumes it. The more light a food is able to store, such as organically-grown
fresh vegetables, the more nutritious it is.
Remember: Regular vegetable juicing will easily help you achieve the goal of 2/3 enzyme/
micronutrient/biophoton rich raw foods in your diet.

Is limiting my sugar and fructose crucial to my health?

Medical evidence is mounting that excess amounts of sugar/glucose and refined
carbohydrates are indeed fuel for cancer cells. That is all forms of sugar, but fructose in
Cancer cells are extremely hungry. Their metabolism is much higher than that of your healthy,
normal cells, yet cancer cells are totally inefficient. Cancer cells actually have to work much
harder and burn more glucose to produce the same amount of energy as your healthy
aerobic cells. For example imagine comparing a environmentally friendly Prius (healthy cells)
with the super gas-guzzling Hummer SUV (cancer cells).

Aerobic Healthy Cell


Glucose Hungry Cancer Cell

For a cancer cells to obtain the amount of fuel they require for survival, they have around
nineteen times more glucose receptors than our normal cells which enable the cancer cell
to feed off glucose rapidly. For example, consider how a hospital PET scan works. Patients
are injected with a tiny amount of very toxic radioactive glucose (sugar). The scan measures
the parts of the body that absorb the most glucose. If the glucose hungry cancer is present, it
will absorb the radioactive glucose and glow in full display.
One of the ways that these cancer cells process this glucose is through fermentation. They
convert sugar to energy without utilising oxygen. Healthy cells require oxygen; cancer cells on
the other hand do not.
Research has also discovered that it doesnt stop there in regard to cancer cells and glucose.
Dr Servan-Schreiber teaches extensively about glucose, insulin and cancer. In his book
Anticancer: A New Way of Life, he states, The secretion of insulin is accompanied by another
molecule, called IGF (Insulin-like Growth Factor), whose role is to stimulate cell growth.
Furthermore, insulin and IGF have another effect in common: They promote the factors of
inflammation that also stimulate cell growth and actually acts as a fertilizer for cancerous
tumors. Bottom line: Excess insulin in the body feeds cancer cells enabling them to grow
more rapidly.
The importance of very low fructose levels in the diet can also be seen
from a study of 535 breast cancer patients. After ten years, those with
the highest insulin levels were eight times more likely to die than were
patients with the lowest levels. Insulin levels are strongly elevated when
ingesting high levels of fructose and high glycemic index foods and also

in a secondary degree when combining glucose, for example when you eat a meal the
combines both starches (grains/cereals) with fructose from fruit.
Whether normal cells or cancer cells, the cycle is the same: The more sugar you eat, the more
acidic (anaerobic) you body becomes, the more damage will be done to your immune system,
the more stress and inflammation will be created, the more insulin and IGF will circulate in
your bodyand thus the more opportunity for cancer cells to grow and divide.

What are some sugar alternatives?

Replace sugar with the natural herb stevia, or use sparingly raw un-pasteurised honey,
mesquite pod powder, lacuma fruit powder, xylitol (only derived from the Birch trees, and only
in small quantities occassionally)

What is an acceptable daily fructose level?

Many expert cancer specialists strongly recommend reducing your total sugar/fructose levels
to not exceed 25 grams per day. For people with cancer and other degenerative disease, it
would also be wise to limit your fructose even further from fruit to 15 grams or less, as you will
also be eating/juicing raw foods (such as carrots) that also contain glucose throughout the
When choosing low fructose fruits, you need to consider sucroses contribution to the total
dietary fructose (or total metabolic fructose).
Another source of fructose is in the natural sweetener raw honey. One teaspoon of raw
honey contains 4 grams of fructose. You might like to consider using the alternative natural
sweeteners like stevia or xylitol.
Grains and psuedo-grains also contain fructose, albeit they are very low but still worth noting.
choose a program with a high or a low level of supplements and remedies.

Fructose Levels Chart:

The chart below displays what happens to the total dietary fructose levels of fruit once the
sucrose content is taken into consideration.
NOTE: The serving size in the chart is based on an easy weight scale of 100 g of fruit.

Simple Rules when Eating:

Digestion starts in the mouth; drinking just before eating inhibits this
important stage.
Drinking at mealtimes and eating watery food (like juice) slow down digestion
by diluting digestive enzymes in the stomach. It is not advisable to drink with
The rule is: do not eat food earlier than twenty minutes after drinking and it is
advisable not to drink for two hours after eating so not to dilute and disrupt
the digestive process.
Remember to keep your protein, carbs and fructose levels within the
recommended amounts.
Food needs to be chewed slowly and mixed with saliva to activate digestive
enzymes and liver secretions.
Eating snacks between meals and overeating both retard digestion. Leave at
least four to five hours between meals.
Avoid too much oked food in the evening; this is a time to eat light meals so
your liver also has time to rest .
Combine foods that complement each other. (See food combining chart)
Food that digests faster than other foods, such as fruit and vegetables should
to be eaten first.
Eliminate all refined processed foods, meats, dairy (except for homemade
cottage cheese, and the occasional probiotic white cheese, eggs), breads,
pastries, artificial sweeteners, msg, caffeine, table salt, sugar, etc.
Black pepper and chili peppers are an irritant to the stomach lining, except for
cayenne pepper which has healing properties and works as a catalyst for
other herbs to work better.
Soda and baking powders need to be used with caution. If you desire to
make a healthy no-grain cake for special occasions choose a baking soda/
baking powder brand that contains potassium bicarbonate only.
Avoid barbecued, grilled, fried and sugary foods as they cause stomach
distress and char-grilled foods contain substances that are carcinogenic.
Avoid processed vinegar and alcohol, as they set in motion fermentation in the
stomach. The exception to this rule is raw/unpastuerised apple cider vinegar,
which aids digestion when taken with warm water 20 minutes before a meal.
Avoid processed heated-treated/hydrogenated oils and fats as the extreme
heat changes its chemical structure to become deleterious to the liver and
digestion. Do not use a microwave oven.
Avoid foods you are allergic to; as this will interfere with digestion and
absorption of nutrients, creating and extra burden upon your immune system.
Avoid cold foods, as they delay digestion.
Very hot drinks distress your stomach. It is best to drink liquids that are neither
too scalding hot nor too cold.
Avoid drinking municipal water. Drink purified ionised water or distilled water.


CRON-O-Meter - The Online Food Tracker

When you first commence this program it is advisable to keep track of your daily nutritional
requirements to help keep your fructose/carbohydrate, protein and fats levels low.
CRON-O-Meter Food Tracker is free and perfect tool to help you to monitor your daily
nutritional requirements accurately.
All you have to do is track your meals for a week or two so you then will be able to have an
accurate analysis of exactly where you are and how to adjust what you eat to meet your
nutritional program requirements.

CRON-O-Meter helps you to:

Track and Analyze over 60 nutrient levels for 10000+ different foods
Very easy to use data entry
Create custom foods and recipes
Log your diet, exercise, biometrics and notes
Track your progress with custom charts
Even transfer data to your Phone App


Optional Nutritional Supplements:

A wide range of nutrient supplements and remedies are useful in cancer therapy. Some of
them have direct tumour shrinking or inhibiting properties while others help to normalize them,
destroy metabolism microbes or parasites, strengthen the immune system and increase
vitality. Often these different roles overlap.
Depending on finances and preferences, you may choose a program with a high or a low level
of supplements and remedies.
Below is are a few charts that display supplements that you might like to consider choosing

Advanced Multi-Immune
Boosting Supplement

Cellgevity (120 capsules - 60 servings)

(To boost immune system and increase

glutothione and ATP levels)

Multi-Strain Probiotic
(Helps to maintain healthy digestive
function and balances out the friendly
bacteria of the stomach reducing
candida Infection and bad bacteria levels
in the stomach)

Parasite Cleansing Herbs

(Helps to maintain a healthy digestive
function and rid body of parasites,
worms, bacteria, and candida and gut

Garlic Oil
(Has a yeast killing effect in the
intestines ,inhibit the growth of the
infecting organism. Excellent for
eradicating candida, colds and bacterial

Herb - Horopito
(Astringent anti-candida, anti-fungal herb
that helps to maintain a balanced
intestinal flora)

PreScript-Assist - 29 Strains Beneficial Microflora

(60 Veggie Capsules - 60 servings) plus

Nature's Secret Parastroy,

Parasite Cleansing Program 2 Bottles,
Gaia Herbs, Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme
(30 mls - 60 servings) plus
(90 capsules in each bottle - 45 servings/bottle)

Natural Factors Garlic Rich

Super Strength Garlic Concentrate 500 mg,
(180 Enteric Coated softgel capsules - 45 servings)

Nature's Sources Kolorex

Advanced Candida Care

(60 softgel capsules - 60 servings)




Digestive and Metabolic


Bio-Genesis Nutraceuticals, InflamaZyme

(90 Veggie Caps - 30 servings) and

(To facilitate in beak down of food and

tumours. Promotes digestion, breaks
down plaque in the arteries, thins blood,
and stops the growth of malignant cells
in many forms of cancer. It enhances the
immune system and defends against

Source Naturals Essential Enzymes Ultra

(90 Capsules - 90 servings)

Co-Enzyme Q10
(Natural antioxidant that is essential to
our cells and muscle tissue. It improves
tissue oxygenation and supports immune

Natrol CoQ-10, 400mg

(30 softgel capsules - 30 servings)

Vitamin C
(Liposomes (fat) are used to increase the
bioavailability of vitamin C, since watersoluble vitamin C is not absorbed very
well, the Liposomal Vitamin C They
navigate through the digestive system
directly to a particular "target" where
needed and release their contents,
eliminating supplement degradation by
free-radicals, enzymes, digestive juices,
bile salts, foods or other active
substances. As a result, there is dramatic
increase in the amount of vitamin c
uptake. also potentially ease intestinal
discomfort associated with taking high
amounts of vitamin C)

Liposomal Vitamin C

Liquid Multi-Vitamin and Mineral

(Raw plant based superfood packed with
naturally occurring amino acids,
enzymes, essential fatty acids, vitamins,
antioxidants and trace minerals. It is an
immune booster and helps eliminate

Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton,

Essential Vitamins and Minerals with Trace Minerals
(30 mls - 30+ servings)

Pure EPA/ DHA Oil

(Contains unique phospholipids rich in
Omega-3,supports healthy blood lipids,
improve liver and glucose metabolism
and brain function)

Dr. Mercola Krill Oil


(60 Licaps Caps - 30 servings)



(A pure carotenoid that is natures
strongest antioxidant which is 10 times
more powerful in scavenging free radicals
than any other carotenoid. Prevents
lipoprotein oxidation in blood and
immune system. Supports the eyes, skin
and cardiovascular system and a
wonderful pain reliever.

Colon Cleanser
(A total intestinal cleanse that was
formulated for effective detoxification with
proven herbal ingredient that target the
liver which is the major organ involved in
the process of detoxification. This
cleanse utilises natural substances that
support liver cleansing and optimal liver

Nutrex BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin 12 mg

(50 capsules - 50 servings)

Aerobic Life ABC 45 Day Colon Cleansing

1. Aerobic Life, Detox-GuarD & Colon Cleanse II
Cleanse I - Detox-GuarD (90 capsules - 30 servings)
Colon Cleanse II - (90 capsules - 30 servings)
2. Aerobic Life, ABC Max (90 capsules - 90 servings)
3. Aerobic Life, ABC Max, Colon Cleanse
(352 grams - 30 servings)

Organic Green Powder

(Barley Grass is a super food. It is
alkalising to the body and helps with
energy levels)

Organic Barley Grass Powder

Organic Green & Berry Powder

(Made with 49 organic nutrient rich
whole foods. 21 Vegetable, 12 fermented
sprouted grains and legumes, 8 marine
plants, and 7 fruits and berries plus 10
probiotic strains to support digestive

Garden of Life, Perfect Food Berry Super Green

Fruit and Veggie Formula
(240 grams - 30 servings)

Amino Acid
(Assists with better night sleep plus
neutralises toxic ammonia in the blood)

Amino Acid
(Increases energy levels plus neutralises
toxic ammonia in the blood)

Twinlab L-Ornithine 500 mg

(100 Capsules - 50 servings)

Twinlab L-Arginine 500 mg

(100 Capsules - 50 servings)

Organic Coconut Oil

(Organic Coconut Oil has an anticarcinogenic effect on the body, and
helps rid the body of tumors)

Any Organic Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil



Organic White Tea, Green Tea and Pau DArco
Tea, Essiac Tea

Superfood - Protein Supplement

(Bee Pollen is a potent source of
energizing nutrition.It contains 18 amino
acids, DNA, RNA, vitamins A, B-1, B-2,
niacin, B-6, B-12, pantothenic acid, folic
acid, C, D, E, K, choline, inositol, rutin
and other bioflavonoids, calcium,
magnesium, iron, zinc, 10 types of
enzymes, coenzymes, and many other
nutritional factors. A superfood.)

Local Organic Bee Pollen


Optional Additional Nutritional Supplements:

All cancers

Mitochondrial nutrients such as Co Enzyme Q10
(most important, taken together with) :Folic acid which repairs DNA mutation in most cancers.
Grape Seed Extract
R-Lipoic Acid
Mycellised Vitamin A/E
Betaine hydrochloride
Metabolic Pancreatic (proteolytic) Enzymes
Multiple Strains of Probiotics
Red Clover Extract
The combination of all the above help to normalise all cancer

Basal cell carcinoma Selenium


Activated B6, Selenium/Zinc, Genistein


Vitamins, D3, CLA, GLA, K2, K3, GLA, CLA, Selenium /Zinc.


Red Clover Extract, Activated B6, Indole-3-Carbinol, CLA,

Selenium/Zinc, Pyridoxal-5-phosphate, D-glucaric acid,
Genistein, Licorice Root, Ashwagandha Extract.


Indole-3-Carbinol, Activated B6, Resveratrol,

Pyridoxal-5-phosphate, Selenium /Zinc.


Selenium /Zinc, Modified Citrus Pectin, Choline, D-glucaric acid,

Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin D3, Mycellised Vitamin A/E, CLA,


B6, Selenium /Zinc.


Mycellised Vitamins A/E, K, D3, Activated B6, Resveratrol,

Genistein, Selenium /Zinc.





Choline, Selenium /Zinc, GLA, Cucumin.


Selenium /Zinc, Activated B6, Mycellised Vitamin A/E, Vitamin



Selenium /Zinc, Resveratrol, Pyridoxal-5-phosphate.


Red Clover Extract, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Selenium /Zinc, Indole-3Carbinol, Modified Citrus Pectin, CLA, Genistein, Ashwagandha


Vitamin B3, GLA, Selenium /Zinc.


Genistein, Selenium /Zinc, Modified Citrus Pectin.


Mycellised Vitamin A/E, Selenium /Zinc, Folic Acid.


Mycellised Vitamin A/E, Selenium /Zinc.


Activated B6, Mycellised Vitamin A/E, Vitamin D3, Genistein,

Selenium /Zinc, CLA, Resveratrol, Melatonin, Modified Citrus


Selenium /Zinc, Genistein.


Selenium /Zinc.


Mycellised Vitamin A/E, Vitamin D3 and Selenium /Zinc.


Mycellised Vitamin A/E, Selenium /Zinc, Genistein, Folic Acid,

Ashwagandha Extract.



Ashwagandha: A natural hormone balancer, especially for the thyroid. Recent studies
show that a suggested dose of 800-1200 mg per day will balance the endocrine system.
Betaine Hydrochloride: When taken with meals it reduces the amount of enzymes the
pancreas will be rquire to produce for digestion, leaving more capacity for producing
enzymes to fight cancer. Restores pH reaction and desensitizes the tissues to disease
proteins, removes lactic and carbonic acids and other poisonous wastes . Removes
clostridium at intestinal level.
Choline: Protects the liver from all types of cellular damage, and can reverse damage
that has already occurred. Excellent source is non-GMO Lecithin.
CLA: Conjugated linoleic acid is a powerful natural fatty acid and anti-carcinogen and is
reported to reduce metastasis. CLA creates apoptosis, angiogenesis and a sensitivity to
growth signals.
Co Enzyme Q10: A vitamin like compound that is vital to life. It is a naturally occurring
substance that facilitates the production of cellular energy. In every cell in your body,
there are small "engines" called mitochondria. Ninety-five percent of the total energy
created within the body comes from these mitochondria, and none of it can take place
without CoQ10.
Is an antioxidant, boosts the immune and cardiovascular systems.
Studies have shown that Q10 inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells.
Cucumin (Turmeric): An antioxidant able to prevent free radicals forming and to
neutralize existing free radicals. It has the ability to stop cells from changing within the
DNA; it also interferes with the enzymes necessary for cancer to progress. Cucumin
should not be taken by those taking anticoagulants.
D-Glucaric Acid: An important nutrient found in fruit and vegetables. D-Glucaric Acid
eliminates harmful toxins and reduces circulating levels of estrogen.
Folic Acid: Repairs DNA mutation in most cancers.
Genistein (Red Clover): A strong antioxidant that removes damaging free radicals and
reduces lipid peroxidation. Genistein has been known to reduce the risk of some
hormone-related cancers, principally breast and prostate cancer. Genistein seems also to
inhibit the activity of tyrosine kinase, which plays a role in cell growth. If Tyrosine is
reduced so is the risk of cancer. It has anti-estrogen action. Genistein binds with
estrogen receptors, preventing and inhibiting cancer growth.
GLA: Gamma linolenic acid is an omega 6 fatty acid and used to reduce metastasis.
Grape Seed Extract: Standardised whole grape seed extract inhibits tumour growth,
and induces oxidative stress that leads to the programmed cell death known as
apoptosis, especially in colon and digestive cancers.
Recent studies show that a
suggested dose of 150 to 250mg daily is optimum in provided protection.
Indol-3-Carbinol: An antioxidant that can stimulate natural detoxifying enzymes in the
body. It occurs naturally in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale, and so on.
Indol-3-Carbinol protects against breast and cervical cancer thanks to the way it breaks
down estrogen.
A potent cancer fighter due to its anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-viral
properties. It is responsible for the production of various hormones and assists the body
in eliminating heavy metals and toxins such as lead, arsenic aluminum, mercury and



IP6 & Inositol: Removes calcified tumour deposits and radioactivity and heavy metals
from the body.
Liqorice Root: Is used with oestrogen-related cancers as it blocks the growthstimulating effects of oestrogen. It also promotes adrenal anti-inflammatory hormones.
However, licorice tends to retain sodium in the body while potassium is expelled.
Therefore minimize sodium and maximize potassium intake, and do not use it if your
blood pressure is high, or with symptoms of water retention (e.g. 3 x 500 - 1000 mg)
Modified Citrus Pectin: Helps prevent cancer metastasis and attach themselves to
lectins preventing new cancers spreading. Improves bowel flora, acts as a dietary fibre,
and stimulates the immune system.
MSM: (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is naturally present in food and in our body. It is a
biologically active form of organic sulphur. It can convert cancer cells back to normal
cells, plays a critical role in detoxification, and also in inflammatory conditions. For
detoxification, sulfur is part of one of the most important antioxidants that your body
produces: glutathione. Without sulfur, glutathione cannot work. It also helps to form
connective tissue, gives relief with arthritis and muscular pain, reduces inflammation and
reduces muscle spasms, promotes blood flow, and it softens hardened tissues and cell
walls, and makes them more elastic. Protects the liver from all types of cellular damage,
and can reverse damage that has already occurred. Use 3 to 6 teaspoons daily orally
and also can be dissolved in DMSO topically placed over the tumour site.
Mycellised Vitamin A & E (or Emulsified): Easily absorbed form of Vitamin A and E
that supports immune function, is important for vision health, and plays a role in the
development and maintenance of cartilage and epithelial tissue, such as tissue that lines
the digestive tract, especially in cancer, but especially epithelial cancers, carcinomas and
leukaemia. (Not recommended for Thyroid Cancer)
Pancreatic Enzymes (NZ Porcine): A powerful metabolic enzyme that digests the
proteic part of a tumour. There are other excellent proteolytic enzymes such as
nattokinase, lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, papaya and bromelain.
Potassium Gluconate/Citrate/Chloride: A vital mineral for all cancer patients as they
are lacking potassium.
Creates better intake of oxygen and a cellular respiratory
stimulant and offsets excess sodium.
Probiotics: Multiple strains of probiotics inhibit the growth of harmful microbes, protect
the gut cells from damage and enable the digestion and absorption of nutrients from the
foods we eat.
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate: Inhibits the formation of tumors, and breaks down fats,
protein and carbohydrates in food.

R-Lipoic Acid:

A vital mitochondrial antioxidant that can combat radiation sickness,

repair damaged livers, treat diabetes and protect against oxidative processes that
promote degenerative diseases.
Red Clover Extract: An anti-oestrogen herb that helps beat breast and prostate
cancers, but also helps in all cancers. Red clover contains biotin, choline, copper,
coumarins, glycosides, inositol, magnesium, manganese, and selenium. It also contains
vitamins: A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, B17, C, P and the mineral zinc. (Do not take with
Warfarin/blood thinning drugs.)



Resveratrol: A powerful antioxidant found in the skin and seeds of grapes, blueberries,
and other fruits. It helps to prevent cell damage and to normalise cancer cells.
Selenium: Vital anti-cancer mineral. This powerful mineral feeds the immune system,
and activates an enzyme gluthathione peroxidase that protects the body from free radical
damage. It is a tumour growth inhibitor.
Thyroid: Stimulates the mitochondria of the tumour cells to divide and grow, producing
in this way more oxygen.
Vitamin D3 in conjunction with Vitamin K2: Remarkable anti-cancer sunshine
vitamin that inhibits cancer growth and removes tumour calcium deposits especially
when taken together with IP6 & Inositol. It promotes cell apoptosis, metastasis and


(For more information please talk to someone at BriLin)
B17 - Laetrile - Amygdalin: Laetrile works by targeting and killing cancer cells and
building the immune system to fend off future outbreaks of cancer. Used in conjunction
with zinc and mycellised vitamin A and E. (Refer to Ty Bolingers book)
Budwig Protocol: Combination of natural cottage cheese and pure flax seed oil. Its
purpose is to energize the cells by restoring the natural electrical balance in the cell.
Many human diseases are caused by "sick cells" which have lost their normal electrical
balance; generally via a lower ATP energy in the cell's mitochondria. (Some recipes are
available at end the of this book.)
CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution): Very effective oxidative therapy. It is one of the
strongest broad-spectrum microbicides. Very effective in removing heavy metals,
pathogens, fungi and harmful microbes, plus neutralising their toxic effects and
especially after chemotherapy. (For information about CDS talk to someone at BriLin)
Metabolic Enzymes (Pancreatic Enzymes): Proteolytic enzymes support the immune
system by assisting in the breakdown and elimination of cellular debris, toxins, dissolve
fibrin, proteins, and tumours.



Where to From Here?

Optimum Daily Dietary Program:
Once you have completed the thirty day cleansing program you
will be ready to commence the Optimum Daily Program.
This program is set out for you in order to maintain health. It
provides suggested menus and nutritional supplementation.
Some of the supplements can be decreased over a period of
time according to the cancer/tumor marker tests. (see Appendix)
What else would you like to go here?


On Rising



Test pH Levels: this must be done prior to any food

or liquid.


1 large glass of warm water with the juice of half a


(This is the best

time to take a
coffee enema to
clean the
system and
increase energy
levels and

Optional Supplements:
15 Drops of Oceans Alive
1 Cellgevity
1 gram Vitamin C (preferably lipsomal/lypo-spheric)
1 capsule Prescript Assist Probiotic
2 tablespoons Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Garden of Life Perfect Food Berry, Super
Green Fruit & Veggie Formula or Barley Greens
2 capsules Twinlab L-Arginine
1 capsule Dr Mercola Krill Oil
1 capsule Natural Factors Garlic Rich Oil
2 glasses of water up to 30 mins before breakfast.
(You can also add an extra vitamin and mineral supplement
if desired.)

Fresh Fruit - Choose at least 3 varieties and colours
Suggestion #1
2 tablespoons SLAPSB
(See recipe section). Avoid peanuts.
2 tablespoons organic desiccated coconut
1-2 tablespoons Organic Bee Pollen
1 teaspoon Maca Powder
Fresh Grated Ginger
Top with Organic Coconut Milk or Organic Yoghurt.
Optional: A handful raw organic oats
Plus: Poached, scrambled or soft boiled organic eggs
with lightly grilled tomato and avocado with dressing
(see recipes)

Or Alternative: Plain omelet topped with Celtic salt

and cayenne pepper. (Do not use black or white pepper).
Serve the eggs with a small serving of one of the
following grains: slow cooked amaranth, millet,
buckwheat, quinoa, or oats. Occasionally you can use
a slice of sour dough gluten free bread.


The enema may

be taken at any
other time of




Poached, scrambled, or soft boiled eggs or an Omelet
Suggestion #2 with mushrooms, onion, garlic, tomato, asparagus,
and parsley.
To this add:
Fresh salad vegetables including mixed lettuce,
rocket, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, grated carrot,
avocado, olives, goat/sheep feta or vegan cheese,
olives and salad dressing.
Optional add: Steamed vegetables, broccoli, brussels
sprouts, carrots, topped with organic cold pressed
olive oil.

Optional Supplements:

Mid Morning

No food or fluids for at least 1 hours after

breakfast. Then drink 1 litre of pure water before
lunch. Drink this water in regular small amounts.

1 capsule Natrol CoQ-10

1 capsule Source Naturals Essential Enzymes Ultra

1 cup of organic white or green tea

Fresh vegetable juice diluted with volume of water
with 1 tablespoon Garden of Life Perfect Food Berry,
Super Green Fruit & Veggie Formula or barley green
30 Minutes
before Lunch

1 glass of water with juice of half a lemon.

1 gram Vitamin C (preferably lipsomal/lypo-spheric)


Protein Foods. Choose from eggs, lentils, chickpea

patties, humus, tempeh, miso, a variety of legumes.
With: Fresh salad vegetables, sprouts, and dressing
(see recipe section in this book)

Soft White Cheeses. Choose from feta, camembert,

brie, cottage, and ricotta. If available goat and sheeps
milk are superior.
Celtic salt and cayenne pepper, if desired.
Organic sour dough gluten free bread, organic raw
cracker bread or gluten free wraps.


Test pH Levels
prior to mid
(2 hours after



Optional Supplements:
1 capsule Nature's Sources Kolorex
1 capsule Natrol CoQ-10
1 capsule Source Naturals Essential Enzymes Ultra

Mid Afternoon No food or fluids for at least 112 hours after lunch.
Then drink 1 litre of pure water before dinner.
Drink this water in regular small amounts.
1 cup organic white or green tea.
30 Minutes
before Dinner

1 glass of water with juice of half a lemon.

1 gram Vitamin C (preferably lipsomal/lypo-spheric)
1 capsule Prescript Assist probiotic
1 capsule Dr Mercola Krill Oil


Choose one of the following:


Optional Supplements:

Before Bed

Natural herbal sleep tonic or herbal tea if needed.

Plus any additional supplements of choice.

1 cup miso soup

Fresh vegetable juice
Protein smoothie (eg using chia seeds)
Potassium broth
Vegetable sticks and humus
Homemade soup of choice
Fresh salad
Steamed vegetable

1 capsule Source Naturals Essential Enzymes Ultra

2 capsules Twinlab L-Ornithine

A warm soak in a bath with a few drops of clary sage
(or other relaxing herbs), magnesium salts.
This is also a good time for meditation and reading of
inspiring and uplifting books.





Sprouts can be included in all salads wherever
possible especially broccoli
Follow an exercise program that suits your general
daily routine
Meditate daily. You may like to join a meditation
group or prayer group
Go for an early morning walk and do stretch
Find a good, caring, personal trainer, preferably a
trainer qualified in rehabilitation
Laugh a lot, watch funny movies
Listen to uplifting music
Avoid loud and aggressive people
Avoid hostile situations and confrontations to reduce
your stress level
Avoid over-exertion and very strenuous work or
Surround yourself with loving, caring, gentle and
spiritually aware people who are concerned about
your wellbeing
Be gentle with yourself.
Visualise the cells in your body as being healthy
Have Faith
Affirm your positivity; use affirmations
Believe in yourself and be determined to succeed



Cancer (Tumour) Blood Marker Tests:

What is a Cancer (Tumor) Marker Test?
Lab Tests Online UK states, Tumor markers are substances, usually protein, that
are produced by the body in response to cancer growth, or by the tissue
itself. Some Tumor markers are specific for one type of cancer, while others are
seen in several cancer types. Lab Tests Online UK is a public resource available on all
clinical lab blood testing from the laboratory professionals who do the testing.
Kevin Taylor from the Canterbury Health Laboratories makes a statement in regard to
obtaining cancer tumour blood marker tests or any blood test. He quotes, If you are a
New Zealand resident and your local GP deems it to be clinically appropriate there will
be no charge (for the test/s).
The following is a list of Marker tests carried out by New Zealand pathologists:

Cancer Type

Marker Test Name


CA 15.3

Bile Ducts

CA 19.9


CA 125

Bile Ducts



B2M Beta 2 Microglobulin



(Serum Protein Electrophoresis)

UPE (Urine Protein Electrophoresis IFE
















































_____________________ ADDITIONAL RECIPES_______________________

Ann Wigmore's Energy Soup

Ann Wigmore, a pioneer of living foods, understood the
importance of blended greens. So she created an "energy
soup" which included:

1 1/2 cups Rejuvelac *
1 teaspoon dulse flakes
1 to 2 apples, coarsely chopped
1 cup baby spinach leaves
1/4 to 1/2 cup sunflower sprouts
1/4 to 1/2 cup buckwheat sprouts (optional)
1 avocado (if not in season a handful of almonds)

Combine the Rejuvelac and dulse in a blender and process for about 30 seconds. Add the apples and pulse to
combine. Add the spinach and pulse until chopped. Add the sunflower sprouts and optional buckwheat
sprouts and pulse until coarsely chopped. Add the avocado and pulse until the soup is the desired
consistency. Pour into a beautiful bowl and serve. Store in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator, Dr.
Wigmore's Energy Soup will keep for 7 to 10 days.
Use a high-powered blender, such as a Vitamix, with a variable-speed dial.
For some people, Dr. Wigmore's Energy Soup is an acquired taste.Tweak the ingredients and amounts to
your taste.
If you like savory seasonings, add cayenne, garlic, and sea salt to taste.
If you don't have sunflower and buckwheat sprouts on hand, use any other sprouted greens you have.
Make a double batch of soup and store it in the refrigerator to use throughout the week. The soup with
expand so store it in a glass container, not plastic.
There's no doubt that the Energy Soup is extremely healthy. There's also no doubt that it's not very appetizing,
no matter how much hot sauce you add to it to make it palatable The Energy Soup is something you eat for
health, not for taste. Some people don't mind the taste, but it's not appealing like a green smoothie, made with


Rejuvelac *
2 cups soft wheat berries
Purified Water

1.Soak in purified water 8 hrs or overnight.
2.Drain, rinse, then allow to sprout for 2 days, without rinsing.
3. When white sprout tails begin to show, add 6 cups purified water,
cover jar with cheesecloth, put in a warm place where it can
be exposed to at least 70 degree temp for 2 days.
4. THEN pour off, drink or refrigerate or use "rejuvelac" in a recipe.
5. The leftover seeds can be used one more time, with 4c. purified
water, will culture in 1 day. Then seeds can be composted, or thrown to birds.
6. Do not drink the initial soak water. Seeds must be sprouted first.





How to test your pH:




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