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World English Level 9

A. Complete the conversation with used to, didnt use to, did () use to or would and the words in
parentheses. More than one option may be possible.
Marie: Hey, grandma! I was curious Was life very different when you were my age?
Sarah: It was, my dear. It was... I think everything (1. be) ________________ simpler when I was 8.
Marie: How come? People (2. have) ________________ smartphones. That sounds crazy!
Sarah: Youre right, dear. We (3. send) ________________ lots of letters to our friends.
Marie: Wow! And what games (4. you / play) ________________, grandma?
Sarah: Well, card games (5. be) ________________ really popular. But I (6. play) ________________
that much I was always busy helping my mother with the chores.
B. Put the following words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.
1. courses / werent / those / offered / semester / last / .
2. in / Christmas / 19th / how / was / the / century / celebrated / ?
3. your / again / was / delayed / flight / ?
4. the / measles / discovered / vaccine / when / against / was / ?
5. her husband / itinerary / planned / Julies / by / was / .
6. were / here / years / last / festivals / held / .
C. Complete the following text using the words from the box.




takes place


What is Holi?
Holi is a Hindu tradition that marks the arrival of spring. It is known as the __________ of Color, and it is a
celebration of fertility, color, and love, as well as the triumph of good versus evil.
It is a __________ event, held somewhere between the end of February and the middle of March. People take
part in it all around the world, but it is __________ the most in parts of India and Nepal. It is often associated
with the __________ powders that its participants throw at each other people end up covered in bright blues,
pinks, yellows and greens!
But this is just one part of Holi, which is split into two events: Holika Dahan and Rangwali Holi. The first one
__________ the night before Rangwali Holi, where the people light a big fire. The next morning, __________
gather in public spaces and chase each other around, throwing handfuls of these powders (known as gulal)
and water at one another.
Last reviewed: apr/16
by JD Vsquez and S. Tablante

World English Level 9
D. Complete the sentences using the correct indefinite pronouns: everyone/body, someone/body, no
one/body, anyone/body, everything, something, nothing or anything.
1. This classroom is empty! ____________ is here.
2. Do you know _____________ who would like to join me for an adventure vacation to New Zealand?
3. ____________ must go through security. Those are the rules.
4. I had to quit working on Saturdays because I didnt have any time left for ____________ or
5. Last year I didnt do ____________ for my birthday, but this year I feel like doing ____________ fun!
6. You believe you know ____________ about me, but the truth is you dont know ____________!
7. Getting a job there is difficult if you dont know ____________ inside the company.
8. You cant travel to the US without a visa ____________ knows that!
E. Circle the mistake and write the correct word or words to fix the following sentences.
1. Everyone have to pay attention to the flight attendant.
2. My last vacations were exciting as they were expensive.
3. Kim believes academic vacations are really interesting but no one is agree with her.
4. I dont like planes. Im terrifying of flying.
5. When my dad was in school, he would be very popular!
6. Sarahs grandmother brought her on after her parents died.
7. Native people from South America tried to keep the colonists up from their land.
8. John felt really tiring after his 8-hour flight.
9. The nurse told me that she couldnt do something about my volunteering project.
10. The amount of slaves that died between the 16th and the 19th centuries is surprised.
F. Rewrite the following sentences using would rather (than), or would rather not.
1. Carlos wants to stay home on New Years Eve. He doesnt want to go out.
2. I prefer packing my bags early rather than leaving everything to the last minute.
3. Do you prefer to watch the movie or to read the book?
4. Jessica wouldnt like to celebrate her birthday this year.
5. Would you choose to be smart or pretty?
Last reviewed: apr/16
by JD Vsquez and S. Tablante

World English Level 9
G. Rewrite the following sentences using must, have/has to, ve/s got to, dont/doesnt have to,
mustnt or cant.
1. It is really important that you get to the airport early.
2. Bringing a copy of your passport is not necessary.
3. If you want to be successful, you will need to choose the right career.
4. Having liquids in your carry-on bag is forbidden!
5. Taking pictures inside the museum is not allowed.
6. Getting these vaccinations is optional, but it is recommended.
H. Read the following text. Then, write 5 complete sentences using the information in the article and
modals for giving advice.
Career Advice Job Interview Tips
Do your research
The better prepared you are, the more relaxed and comfortable you will be. Being unprepared will be obvious
in your body language and tone as well as in the answers that you provide. Before the interview, it is a good
idea to look for information about the company; try to relate your experience to the specific duties of the job
opportunity available.
Dress for success!
At an interview it is extremely important to look, act and dress professionally as you wont have a second
chance at making a good first impression. Ideally, you would wear a business suit. Clean shoes, clean finger
nails and well groomed hair are important.
Make a good impression
We cant truly emphasize how important first impressions are! Research has shown that an interviewer has
made an impression within the first eight seconds of meeting the person. The remainder of the interview is
spent confirming this opinion, or turning this opinion around.
1. You should ____________________________________________________________________________.
2. You shouldnt __________________________________________________________________________.
3. You ought to ___________________________________________________________________________.
4. You had better _________________________________________________________________________.
5. You had better not ______________________________________________________________________.
Last reviewed: apr/16
by JD Vsquez and S. Tablante

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