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Allergic rhinitis

It is a set of symptoms affecting the nose. These symptoms occur when you breathe in something
you are allergic, such as dust, dander, insect venom or pollen.
This article focuses on allergic rhinitis due to outdoor triggers, such as pollen from plants. This type
of allergic rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever.
An allergen is something that triggers an allergy. When a person with allergic rhinitis breathes in
an allergen such as pollen or dust, the body releases chemicals, including histamine, which causes
allergy symptoms.
Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen. A similar reaction occurs with allergy to mold, animal
dander, dust and other allergens that you breathe.
The pollens that cause hay fever vary from person to person and from one area to another. The tiny
and hard to see pollens often cause this fever. Examples of plants that cause hay fever include:




The amount of pollen in the air can affect whether or not exhibit symptoms of hay fever. Is more
likely in hot, dry and windy days have increased amounts of pollen in the air. In cold, wet and rainy,
most pollen falls to the ground washed away.
Some disorders may be linked to allergies, such as eczema and asthma .
Allergies are common. The environment and genes may make you more prone to allergies.
Allergies are often hereditary. If both parents have allergies, you are also prone to allergies. The
chance is greater if your mother who has allergies.
Symptoms that occur shortly after being in contact with the substance that you are allergic to may:

Itching in the nose, mouth, eyes, throat, skin or any area

Problems with smell



Watery eyes

Symptoms that may develop later include:

Stuffy nose (nasal congestion)


Plugged ears and decreased sense of smell

Sore throat

Dark circles under the eyes

Swelling under the eyes

Fatigue and irritability


People with allergic rhinitis often have symptoms of allergies also compromise eyes.
Exams and Tests
The doctor will perform a physical exam and ask about symptoms. The history of symptoms is
important for the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis. You will be asked whether the symptoms vary
according to time of day or the season, exposure to pets or other allergens.
Allergy testing may reveal the substances that trigger your symptoms. Skin testing is the most
common method of allergy testing. See the article on allergy testing for detailed information.
If the doctor determines you cannot undergo skin testing, special blood tests that can help with the
diagnosis. These tests can measure the levels of allergy-related substances, especially one called
immunoglobulin E (IgE).
A complete blood count (CBC), called white blood eosinophil count may also help diagnose
The best treatment is to avoid what causes your allergy symptoms. It may be impossible to
completely avoid all triggers, but often you can take steps to reduce exposure to triggers such as:




There are many medications available to treat allergic rhinitis. Which one your doctor prescribes
depends on the type and severity of symptoms, age and whether you have other health conditions
such as asthma.
For mild allergic rhinitis, a nasal wash can help remove mucus from the nose. You can purchase a
saline solution at a drug store or make one at home using one cup of hot water, half a teaspoon of
salt and a pinch of baking soda.
The treatments for allergic rhinitis include:
Antihistamines work well for treating allergy symptoms. Often used when symptoms do not happen
very often or do not last long.

Many antihistamines taken orally can be purchased without a prescription.

The older antihistamines can cause drowsiness. They can affect a child's learning and
make it unsafe to drive or operate machinery.

Newer antihistamines cause little or no drowsiness and usually do not interfere with

Nasal spray antihistamines work well for treating allergic rhinitis. You can try these
medicines first.


The nasal spray corticosteroids are the most effective treatment for allergic rhinitis.

They work best when used continuously, but can also be helpful when used for short
periods of time.

There are many brands available, but requires a doctor's prescription to buy them.

Aerosol corticosteroids are safe for children and adults.


Decongestants may also help reduce symptoms such as nasal congestion.

Do not use for more than 3 days.


The leukotriene inhibitor Singulair is a prescription without prescription approved to help

control asthma and to help relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Certain diseases that are caused by allergies (such as asthma and eczema) may require other
The allergy shots (immunotherapy) are sometimes recommended if you can not avoid the allergen
and your symptoms are difficult to control. This includes regular injections of the allergen. Each
dose is slightly higher than the previous one. The allergy shots can help the body adjust to the
substance that is causing the reaction (antigen ).

Most of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis can be treated. More severe cases require allergy shots.
Some people (especially children) may outgrow an allergy as the immune system becomes less
sensitive to the allergen. However, once a substance causes allergies, it usually continues to affect
the person for long.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
Make an appointment with your doctor if:

Have a severe allergy or hay fever symptoms.

The treatment was effective before no longer have any effect.

The symptoms do not respond to treatment.

Sometimes the symptoms can be prevented by avoiding known allergens. During the pollen
season, people with hay fever should remain indoors in air conditioning if possible:

Most trees produce pollen in the spring.

Grasses usually produce pollen in late spring and summer.

Ragweed and other late-blooming plants produce pollen during late summer and early fall.

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