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Monroe Elementary School

School-Wide Title I Program

School-Parent Compact
The Monroe Elementary School, Walton County School District and the parents/guardians of the students participating in
activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) agree that this
compact outlines how the parents/guardians, the entire school staff, and the students of Monroe Elementary School will share
the responsibility of improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents/guardians will
build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the States high standards.
Si usted necesita ayuda con la traduccin de esta carta, por favor comunquese con la Seora Eleanor Scott en Walton
County Board of Education. Su nmero de telfono es 770-266-4486.




2016-17 Walton County School District Goals

The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones ELA assessment (required participation rate of
95%) will increase by 3% in 2017. Baseline 2016: 66%
The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones mathematics assessment (required participation
rate of 95%) will increase by 3% in 2017. Baseline 2016: 73%
The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones science assessment (required participation rate
of 95%) will increase by 3% in 2017. Baseline 2016: 64% (Grades 5 & 8 only due to the discontinuation of science
assessments in grades 3,4,6, & 7 due to SB 364. Information only 2015: 61%, 2016: 63% (grades 3-8)
The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones social studies assessment (required participation
rate of 95%) will increase by 3% in 2017. Baseline 2016: 67% (Grades 5 & 8 only due to the discontinuation of
science assessments in grades 3,4,6, & 7 due to SB 364. Information only 2015: 64%, 2016: 67% (grades 3-8)
2016-2017 Identified Goals for Improvement for Monroe Elementary School
The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones ELA assessment (required participation rate of
95%) will increase by 3% in 2017.
The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones mathematics assessment (required participation
rate of 95%) will increase by 3% in 2017.
The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones science assessment (required participation rate
of 95%) will increase by 3% in 2017.
The weighted proficiency rate of students on the Georgia Milestones social studies assessment (required participation
rate of 95%) will increase by 3% in 2017.

School Responsibilities:
Monroe Elementary School will provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning
environment that enables the participating children to meet the states student academic achievement standards by:

Ensuring that specific instruction time for reading, language arts, writing, mathematics, science and social
studies are offered in grades K 5

Providing literacy resources to parents/guardians

Providing parent involvement opportunities such as Open House, Curriculum Night, Annual Title I Parent
Meeting, Family Events, Science/Social Studies Fair, Recognition Programs, etc.

Holding a minimum of two parent-teacher conferences during the school year at which this compact will be
discussed as it relates to the individual childs achievement

Providing parents with frequent reports on their childs progress (Progress Reports, Report Cards, Weekly
Folders, etc.)

Providing parents with reasonable access to staff by sharing email and phone contact information and
responding to parents in a timely manner

Providing parents with information regarding the Walton County volunteer procedures

Providing a safe and comfortable learning environment.

Parent Responsibilities:
I/We, as (a) parent(s) will support my childs learning in the following ways:

Making sure my child attends school regularly and is well prepared for school

Making sure my child is on time to school and is not checked out on a regular basis

Making sure that my child completes his/her homework

Ensuring that the school has accurate contact information at all times (email, phone, address, etc.)

Reading and responding to communication from my childs teacher and/or the school

Reinforcing the importance of my child following the system Code of Conduct and all school rules

Taking part in parent-teacher conferences when requested

Reading with my child daily and discuss reading strategies

Encouraging my child to make good choices academically and behaviorally

Student Responsibilities:
I will share in the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and achieve the district and school goals by:

Coming to school on time and be prepared to learn

Completing and returning homework on time

Completing class work on time

Following the Monroe Elementary School Discipline Plan, following classroom rule, expectations and
adhering to the Walton County Code of Conduct at school and on the bus

Treating all students and adults with respect

Having a good attitude

Doing my best

Asking for help when I need it/Speak up!

Giving my parent/guardian all communication from school and returning all communication that needs to
be returned

Reading with my parent/guardian each day

Please review this School-Parent Compact with your child. This School-Parent Compact will be discussed with you throughout
the year at different school-family events as we work together to help your child succeed in school.
Please sign and date below to acknowledge that you have read, received, and agree to this School-Parent Compact. Once
signed, please return the form to your childs teacher. We look forward to our school-parent partnership!
School Representative Signature: ___________________________ Date: _____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Revised 8/25/16

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