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The Diamond Attunement

Seraph Zapharel

Presented by
Wings Therapies Energy Centre

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005

I was first introduced to Seraph Zapharel whilst sending a distant attunement to a
I had a very strong and vivid image of an angel in front of me, so vivid and real
that I asked the angel it's name. I was given the name Zapharel and I then
continued with the attunement.
Later when I did some research on the internet about the name Zapharel I was
surprised to see that there was no information available.
The name and the vision of the angel Zapharel were so incredibly strong and
vivid, I HAD to know more!
Every opportunity I had, I contacted Zapharel and channeled more information.
During the initial channeling/conversation I was informed he is an Archangel. As
I continued my work I discovered he is, in fact, a member of the Seraphim.
This information was confirmed by a friend and co-healer upon her attunement to
I channelled the Light of Zapharel attunements which are available through my
website or These connections have
proved to be amazing to all who have received them.
Subsequent channelling with Seraph Zapharel gave me the Diamond of Zapharel
which is placed etherically in your aura to permanently offer the qualities and
assistance of a diamond along with Zapharels presence.
Once you have received this attunement you will be able to call upon Seraph
Zapharel and his diamond whenever you need assistance, guidance or simply his
presence. The Diamond is a symbol of purity and can assist in bringing your life to
a more balanced and whole state. More information on the Diamond can be found
in this manual.
I hope you enjoy this attunement and will feel the benefits of the connection for a
long time to come.

Stephen Lovering
Founder of The Diamond Attunement of Seraph Zapharel.


Angelic energies radiate from beyond our universe and arrange themselves into
different layers. The highest energy layer is known as the Seraphim.

Hieracy of Angels
Archangels are a division of Angelic Beings and watch over and care for the
human race.
There are 9 levels within the Angel Hierachy starting with the Seraphim which is
the highest level closest to the Source, through to Angels who are the closest to

The 9 levels are as follows with number 1 being the closest to the Source.
The Seraphim who are beings of pure light are the level closest to the source and
are considered to be the angels of pure light, love and fire.
An individual member of this group is called a Seraph. The Seraphim is the highest
level and it is to this group that Seraph Zapharel belongs.
Seraphim represent the highest forms of love and joy and are not as serious and
regulated as we think. Seraphim have a great sense of humour and have great joy
in all that they do.
Seraphim are sometimes described as having three pairs of wings one pair
covering their face, another covering their feet and the other pair for flying.

The next level is the the Cherubim who channel positive energy from the Source
and guard the stars. They represent the wisdom of the source.

The Thrones are the next level and channel energy to you through your guardian
angel. They are the investigators for the Source and create and collect positive
energies and represent justice. They also provide guidance in matters of karma.
The Dominions are the next level and represent wisdom and intuition.

These are the Angels that keep track of human history. They will send messages
when someone or something is out to harm you. The Powers will help you to see
through situations and problems and you protect you when in trouble.
The Virtues work hand in hand with the Thrones and send lots of spiritual energy
to help people develop the tools required to progress along their spiritual path.
They love positive people and also often perform miracles. The Virtues also
represent extreme courage.

The Principalities guard countries, cities, and groups of people on Earth. They
protect political and religious leaders and help them make the right decisions.
The Archangels can actually belong to several levels, but they enjoy dealing with
humans when and where they can. They are considered the "Special Team Force
of the angelic realms. They channel positive energy to the world from the source.
The last level but by no means the least important are the angels. The Angels help
us with our day to day life and bring information and guidance from the source to
humans. Your Guardian Angel belongs to this level and works closely with you at
all times.
Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005

The Diamond is a symbol of purity with a brilliant and pure white light. The
Diamond can help bring completeness and wholeness to your life and is able to
assist you in many ways.
For many years the diamond has symbolised wealth and status in life and is one of
the stones of abundance and manifestation - the larger the diamond the more
wealth it supposedly represents.
The Diamond is a stone that doesnt need recharging so once you receive this
attunement you will be connected to Seraph Zapharel and his Diamond for life.
You will not need to be reattuned to it.
The Diamond is an amplifier of energy and can assist with removing negativity
and fear from a person or situation. It is also useful for repairing holes that may
appear in your aura and recharges and energizes the aura.
If you have any negativity attached to your aura which is preventing you from
moving along your spiritual path, the Diamond can help to release this negativity
and replace it with a new, refreshing energy enabling you to move forwards with
a renewed enthusiasm and passion.
The Diamond can also assist in matters of the heart, whether it is a relationship
difficulty or life in general, the placing of the diamond in your aura and chakras
can bring harmony and peace to you.
Finally, the Diamond can assist with mental clarity enabling you to see more
clearly the path that you need to take.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005



There are 7 major Chakras. They are energy portals where energy flows. When a
Chakra becomes blocked an imbalance occurs. If it is not cleared then illness and
disease can manifest itself.
1. The Root Chakra - located at the base of the spine. It is linked to survival
and our ability to ground ourselves in the physical world.
2. The Sacral Chakra - located just beneath the navel. It is related to our
sexual and reproductive capacity.
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra - located behind the solar plexus which gives us
our personal power in the world.
4. The Heart Chakra - located at the Heart and gives us the ability to express
5. The Throat Chakra - linked to creativity and communication.
6. The Third Eye Chakra - located between the eyebrows. This is the centre
of intuition and awareness.
7. The Crown Chakra - located at the top of the head. This is relates to ones
personal and spiritual connection to the universe.

Chakra Chart:Chart:-

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


The attunement can be received distantly or in person.
You will need to go to a place where you will not be disturbed for 30-45 minutes.
Remember to switch off the phone and your mobile phone and ask people not to
disturb you.
You can receive the attunement in either a laying down or sitting position,
whichever position makes you more relaxed and comfortable.
Prepare your room as you wish light candles, burn incense, play relaxing music,
At the appointed time make yourself comfortable and say either silently or out
I am now prepared to receive the Diamond Attunement of Seraph Zapharel being
sent to me by teachers name here
Then simply relax and let the attunement flow. Visualise the Diamond of Zaphrel
being placed firstly into your aura and then into each of your chakras in turn (see
chakra chart and information).
You may experience tingling in your hands and feet, colours, sounds or sense a
presence with you. Or you may feel nothing at all apart from relaxation. Every one
is different but the attunement will still work. If you are disturbed during the
attunement simply return to your position as soon as possible and let the
attunement flow again.
After a while you will sense that the attunement has stopped this can take
anything from 10 minutes to one hour and again every one is different.
After the attunement, take your time getting up and drink a glass of water.

If you are receiving the attunement in person your teacher will arrange for you to
either be sitting down or laying down depending on the facilities that they have
available. Again simply let the attunement flow and your teacher will advise you
when the attunement is complete.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005



The Diamond of Seraph Zapharel will work with you automatically and
permanently in the background. However there may be times when you wish to
ask for assistance from Seraph Zapharel and his Diamond.
To ask for assistance simply make yourself relaxed and comfortable and say either
outloud or silently
Seraph Zapharel, I need your assistance to help me with (problem/question).
Please guide me and show me the best solution and enable me to feel your
presence and loving guidance.
You can also visualise the purest white diamond light surrounding you or the
problem to help release any negativity that you may have. Allow these pure loving
energies to wrap around you and help remove the negativity or problem and give
you the clarity to see the solution and best way forward. Be receptive to any
messages or signs that may be given to you.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


How to pass the attunement to the Diamond Of Zapharel.

There are no symbols or complicated attunement procedures with this

attunement. If you are sending the connection distantly you can prepare the room
that you are in as you would prepare for any other attunement.
Make yourself comfortable, light candles, burn incense or play music follow
your guidance and intuition with this as there is no wrong or right method to
prepare to send an attunement.
When you are ready to send the connection, make yourself comfortable and
simply read, either outloud or silently , the following attunement script:

Divine Spirit, Keeper of the Light, Seraph Zapharel and all of my guides, please be
with me to pass this Diamond Attunement of Seraph Zapharel to (Persons name).
May (Persons name) receive this attunement full of love, light and joy and for
their higher good and benefit.
(Persons name) You are about to receive the connection to the Diamond Of
Seraph Zapharel.
Zapharel is approaching you now to place his Diamond into your aura to infuse it
with the loving, protecting and purifying energy that it carries. Feel the energy
flowing into your aura, infusing you with its purity and clearing qualities. Your
whole aura is now surrounded by the pure white light that will assist you in your
daily life and spiritual journey. The Diamond and the energies and guidance of
Seraph Zapharel will be with you for ever and you will be able to call upon this
energy whenever you need it... (continued)

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


Seraph Zapharel is now ready to place his Diamond into each of your chakras to
further strengthen the connection with you and create a permanent connection
with the Diamond. Feel the Diamond being placed into your crown chakra, filling
it with the purest white light that will be with you from now on. Now sense the
Diamond being placed into your third eye chakra.. into your throat
chakra..into your heart chakra..into your solar plexus chakra..moving down
into your sacral chakra and finally your base/root chakra feel the Diamond
infusing your chakras with its pure energy and know that this Diamond will be
with you to use whenever you need to.
Before the attunement comes to an end Seraph Zapharel is going to create a
permanent connection with you so that you can call upon him at anytime.
Zapharel is now placing his hands over your crown chakra and is sending you his
loving, protective energy which will be with you from now on
(Persons name) you are now connected to Seraph Zapharel and his Diamond
and will be able to use the energies whenever you need to. You are also able to
pass this connection onto others to enable them to receive the Diamond and
energies of Seraph Zapharel.
We now give thanks to Seraph Zapharel for being with us today to pass this
connection to (Persons name).
The attunement is now complete, when you are ready please open your eyes.

The above attunement script should be read either outloud or silently for a
distance attunement and outloud for an inperson attunement.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


To pass the Diamond Of Seraph Zapharel in person.

Prepare your room as you would do for any other attunement.
Ask the recipient to make themselves comfortable and close their eyes. They may
either sit in a chair or, if you have a treatment table, the person can lay down if
they feel more comfortable doing this.
Place your hands on the persons shoulders for a minute or so to establish a
connection with them.
Remove your hands and then read the above connection script outloud.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


When you have attuned a student to the Diamond of Seraph Zapharel please
register the person with Wings Therapies by filling out the online form at - if you have any
problems with this form you can email the information listed below to
Students Name
Students Email address
Students location (Town/Country)
Date of connection
Teachers Name
Teachers Email address

Once this information has been received the students name will be added to the
list of registered teachers of the Diamond of Seraph Zapharel.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


As with all complimentary and alternative therapies, none of the treatments listed
on my website or in the training manuals are meant to be a substitute for proper
medical diagnosis, treatment or care from your GP.
I do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medication or interfere with a GP's
If you are currently taking medication prescribed by your GP, do not stop taking it
without his/her's advice.
If you have any concerns regarding your medical condition please speak with your
GP first.
I do not accept responsibility if you choose to treat yourself using any information
from my website or training manuals.
I accept no responsibility for any loss or damages caused as a direct or indirect
result of the use or misuse of any information contained on this website or
through attunements.
Attunements will only be given to persons aged over 18 years.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


The contents of this manual are copyrighted.

You may pass the manual to your students in its original format
format and all references
to Wings Therapies Energy Centre and copyright notices must remain intact.
Editing of this manual is not permitted without the written permission of Wings
Therapies Energy Centre.

Wings Therapies Energy Centre 2005


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