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Psychological horoscope analysis

Psychological portrait
There are many schools of thought regarding astrology, and they all are valid. However, the reading that we want to propose in this
section is the psychological one. A tool which gives an excellent opportunity for personal awareness that can be of great help in a path of
growth and understanding of one's own inner world, above all in those personal "parts" that are not easy to identify and to express
Unfortunately, each of us has had a childhood, a period in which we were particularly fragile and needy, and it is precisely in this period
of our lives that the need to adapt to external requirements often makes us transform, repress or even remove some our parts because
they are perceived as being "unacceptable".
At a psychological level, the parts that are not acknowledged are those that will try to make themselves noticed, causing us difficulties:
this is because our psyche moves towards completeness, and it is through the interpretation of symbols that the reading of our birth chart
allows us to reasonably easily identify our potential and what instead needs to be extracted to reach a more solid and truer sense of
identity. The birth chart therefore becomes a very interesting tool to understand how things really are and what energies, if used better,
will allow us to complete our life's mission.
The psychological portrait is developed by reading different elements that are present in each natal chart but that combine differently for
each of us, thereby forming a unique and special mix in our ways of associating, distributing and exchanging energies: this unique mix is
our individual personality, the one that makes you a different human being from anyone else.
To recover trust in life
Your relationship with limits and with practicality and an excessive sense of duty easily engender in you a lack of energy: you are so often
sucked into a whirlpool of activities and duties that you forget that your batteries need to be recharged and that to do this you need to
get back into contact with the magic of life, with something deep that you have inside and that can make you experience the sense and
meaning of things; all this involves abandonment, even if only temporarily, of your daily routine and activities. Life is wonderful but
nothing can make you feel this if your contact with reality does not leave space for anything else and if the mythical and creative
dimension is missing. You need to be in the open air, to feel the rays of the Sun warming your body; you need to fall in love, to approach
spontaneity and simplicity like a child: all of this can regenerate you and let you feel that coursing flow of energy that desires to be
expressed. An overly strict and prolonged relationship with the practical and material dimension can end up debasing the nature of
things, and at the same time, lead you to be overloaded, always stressed, imprisoned inside the worry of problems that seem to
continuously increase rather than dissolve. Therefore, take a break every now and then, get in touch with your imagination and your
creative energy, and leave space for your feelings, and you will also see that what frightens you is in fact simpler than you think. You also
need physical movement and to follow your immediate impulses; avoid planning everything, but do something "crazy" each day.
something that breaks you out of your heavily organised mind.
The creative spirit as conquest
You have a strong predisposition for seriousness and rationality: everyone sees you as a person with a lot of good sense who assesses
and thinks before deciding and before starting new projects. However, this excessive planning has ignored the need to play and
spontaneously create things without too many thoughts or misgivings.
At times you get lost in the small details and in trying to organise things so that they go almost perfectly, but all this is to the detriment of
a taste for enjoyment, amusement and those feelings of joy that only arise when you "suddenly" run into things and understand that you
are able to improvise even without planning.
Perhaps when you were little you always had to take on responsibilities that have accustomed you to not take anything for granted and to
try to keep things under control: this way of living can be satisfactory if from time to time you allow yourself to "let go" and also to take
life a little bit as it comes.
The ability to let one's creativity flow is something almost miraculous because it allows us to understand that we share something with
the "big scheme of things" and that, if we allow this to express itself without blocking it with doubts and fears, it flows out and manages
to amaze us due to its indubitable qualities.
Discovering your talent
You should sometimes stop to watch children when they play and enjoy themselves: whatever they do, they manage to do it as if it were
the most important thing in the world: you have lost sight of this; you feel out of place and perhaps ridiculous if you abandon yourself to
something that seems "lighthearted" to you. Instead, what one does to release tension can be a wonderful and valuable means of
lightening up, and so it should be taken with the utmost seriousness: even games must be taken seriously else they lose all of their
intrinsic worth. If you manage to behave in this way you will have the talent to "become enthusiastic for things"; Don Juan in Castaneda's
book states: "a man should do everything as if it was the last thing he does", in other words it has to be done with intensity.
This is the secret one can learn from children: you must carry out a game with the same mindset as when you carry out your daily tasks.
Life makes us too easily forget our time as children, which instead remains inside and lets us come into relation with our divine inner
child. It is the one who knows how to make the "talent" emerge; it need not be searched for, it is already there, it is there waiting,
although it requires you to listen, remain in silence and be fascinated while it comes to the fore.
To fall in love with things and people

Give yourself the time to follow what you like and what you have a passion for; this is not a waste of time because it means that there is
a wellspring in you that can reduce your thirst, but which can also run out if it is never used. It is not important what you do in the
moments you are alone with yourself; what you have to understand is that what you really like doing will be able to reward you to such a
point that you will feel yourself renewed but also regenerated in terms of energy.
A bit more enjoyment, the ability to feel your spirits lifting while watching a beautiful sun-set or being close to a child who is smiling and
rushing forward to meet life: these are the things that can make a real difference between a man who has lost his feelings and one who
has maintained them and has discovered their great value.
To look in wonder at a flower or the tenderness of a puppy are not "things for children", but are things for people who perceive the
essence of creation.
Work is important, but it cannot feed the soul. The "Peter Pan" in you can once again come alive simply by allowing him to express
himself and by letting your imagination go. This is the true generosity of life.
The meaning of somatization
The ease with which you erect walls that protect you from the world, creates obstacles for your ability to feel the inner movements and to
identify the things that you do not tolerate; all this produces blocks that find their way to a physical level: thus you end up somatizing
what you cannot analyse or understand on other levels; somehow you symbolically live those aspects which are difficult to consciously be
aware of. The impossibility of true involvement and of getting to the bottom of your emotional world renders you unable to properly
integrate your experiences and creates difficulties in assessing the world that surrounds you.
Since you have this particular way of expressing your uneasiness you will have to pay a lot of attention to what happens in your body: by
carefully analysing the symptoms you will be able to glean better insight into your internal processes.
When one's emotional reality is disconnected from daily life this produces energy blocks that can impact health, your affections and your
intimate relationships.
There is something crude and infantile in your emotional world, something that you feel is threatening: underlying emotions tend to
present themselves in dreams, in little irrational reactions or in particular moments in life, especially those less favorable and less ideal
moments. You must let yourself listen and learn to "feel" what is happening and stirring inside you: this is the only true alternative to the
overbearing power of rationality that, in the end, is a very sophisticated alibi.
Letting you inner world flow
You are so accustomed to blocking the things that come from inside you, to nip intuition or flashes in the bud: you do so claiming that
they are "irrational", and "not logical". However, you do not notice how attracted you are to people who instead use these faculties and
make you feel welcome and understood. The world of "ideas" is not all that exists; there are also other aspects of the psyche that allow
you to experience intimacy, union, the need to feel close to something or someone, not just by talking and sharing ideas. There is a side
of you that seems cold, so logical that it cannot but arouse suspicions that there is, in fact, something that torments you inside. If you do
not manage to enter into contact with your emotions you will end up feeling cyclically subject to the power of your internal dynamics
which, since you are unable to assess them clearly, you try to repel and ignore as soon as they arise. The world of emotions leads to the
development of ideas and the ability to let go of the things that belong in the past so they can become experience to be used in the
It is through emotional thought alone that you can reallocate life experiences, leaving in the past those things which are rightfully a part
of your history but which cannot and must not tyrannize your present and future. To close off this connection means bringing all your
baggage with you.
Re-contacting the power of imagination and dreams
Perhaps you are not so solid, strong and rational as you think. Maybe inside of you something has remained of that child who suffered
and who now needs to be connected with again through letting yourself go, allowing yourself to use your imagination, to fly among the
clouds of your dreams; without necessarily experiencing this as something to be cast aside because it's weak or immature, or believing it
to be a leftover of your childhood. This is the world where true strength can come from.
Imagination is the quality that lets you raise yourself above reality: only those who do not accept it and consider it to be "inferior" risk
being swept away and being swallowed up; without its counterpart, reason becomes infertile, sterile, almost glacial in its incapacity to
give sense to life. Only the world of feelings is capable of giving it some kind of "value".
The world of the thoughts, which is so clear, linear and precise in its contours, is in fact cold, rigid and defends itself by trying to hold at
bay a more shapeless, certainly less well defined, but infinitely softer and more enchanting world; a world that has a memory and that
seduces you with the promise of returning to that "centre" from which everything originated, for which you are nostalgic. It is important
for you to once again discover a desire for dreaming and to express this part of you that has been buried for such a long time; without it
you will not be able to feel involved or to live experiences intensely. You can do it; gradually, on tip-toes, you will find again your senses
and a feeling of belonging.
The fear of getting lost and of letting yourself go
Your great potential abilities to discriminate and evaluate may in themselves be a strong barrier against the fear of being swallowed in
the vortex of what you feel is "chaos" without structure: to enter this chaos with your mind can be an experience that is initially difficult
and confusing, but it can be transformed into something extremely rewarding and healthy: it can directly lead you to "feeling" what is

pulling the subtle strings underneath your preconceived ideas and the solid structures that so reassure you and give you the illusion of
always being able to understand what is the best thing to do and say.
You will be able to see clearly many prejudices about strength and weakness and you will see first hand that nothing is as defined as the
mind would like it to be: that which seems to be chaotic and disturbing may simply manifest itself in an order that is different from the
usual one, perhaps because it is closer to being "absolute". Giving yourself up to what you feel and to your various emotional states
allows you to get to know them without experiencing them with a sense of loss or negation of the mind, but instead, as an experience
that can reorganise the power of the mind, recovering its capability to listen to and contact the wide realm of the soul.
Planning and realisation: an infallible combination
The taste for planning comes from the ability to make the best use of mental routes: you are not content with known paths, but always
need to measure yourself against something new, explore possibilities, never taking anything for granted: there is something in you that
is never mundane, that tends to go in search of innovation and experimentation: your mind is very speculative and needs to be able to
roam, it cannot bear to see itself bridled in rigid and limited schemes. You have, nevertheless, also a strong need to put into practice that
which is thought up and planned; there is a very interesting mixture in you, a quite rare gift given that, usually, those who have good
planning abilities hardly ever manage to do justice to their ideas when it comes to realising them. You, on the other hand, possess both
these qualities and, therefore, in whichever profession you choose you will be able to shine thanks to these very peculiarities.
The relation between earth and sky
The earthly world is made of shapes: shapes often imprison thought and all its potential made of continuous movement and change; in
your case, though, you do not see these two worlds as mutually exclusive, but you easily manage not to be exasperated by the perfection
of shapes, managing to make what you have in mind workable, without losing yourself in absurd details or in sterile paranoia that would
end up dragging you down in a maelstrom without exit.
You are able to give yourself objectives that can be followed and that are feasible and this is one of your strengths: you do not lose
yourself in utopian intellectual sophistications that would not allow you to savour the fruits of the material and earthly world.
Among other things, you have a great ability for reflection and detachment that allows you to see things with a lot of objectivity, without
ever allowing yourself to be possessed by the excesses of intellectualism. In practice, inside you it is as if you manage to put together the
abstract world of reason (sky) with the more concrete one of shape (earth). The only thing that you should be careful of is detachment:
at times it might be excessive and make you a little too arid.
Practical efficiency and relational ability
There is a great need to interact with persons who will share projects and objectives with you. To feel at ease in the world of
relationships - which are important to you - you must necessarily find an intellectual type of affinity so as to be able to exchange points of
view; you have great professional ability: you possess communication skills, the ability to mediate and are also a reliable and efficient
person, able to maintain your commitments and, above all, able to shoulder responsibility for the choices you have made. Another ability
of yours - of extreme importance at a professional level - is control on an emotional level: you never allow impulse to get the better of
you and you manage to evaluate with precision what you are faced with; this is why you manage to solve both organizational and
"personnel" problems using your ability to listen, negotiate and mediate.
Ambition and determination
You are an ambitious person, prepared to devote yourself with constancy and strength to what you believe to be within your capabilities;
nothing startles you and you have on your side the brilliance of mind and ability to enact winning strategies without the need to see them
realised instantly: work is fundamental to you and you do it with extreme skill and determination, but you also expect confirmation which
gives you that fulfilment and recognition that you think you deserve. Rational and logical abilities are your best tools, those that support
you in your will to make things happen; self-discipline and control also make you a good "boss", able to solve practical problems while
maintaining a good attitude to human relations, too; this makes you someone who is respected and trustworthy in the minds of both your
superiors and your collaborators. You are also able to appreciate the work of others without putting yourself in competition with them.
The route to integration
The birth chart is not only an ensemble of characteristics that regard personality; it is much more; a birth chart encloses a plan
concerning your life. This plan contains the perception of your past and future, a vast area of experience from which we draw, through
which we have already developed much of our potential and a new direction, which is the one that we have in front of us and that we
must know to be able to make what we have chosen to come true and which represents our future.
None of us are born without capabilities; the potential that is indicated in the birth chart can be considered a "trend" that we have
acquired in the past and that influence our present: they are true skills which can be useful to us in moments of difficulty since they are
already tested, and therefore known to be effective.
However, this passage does not always turn out to be easy: there are in fact features of our past that rather than being useful simply as
experience, can actually hold us back, they may be features that are too rigid which are difficult to shrug off; if this happens we have to
pay particular attention to learning to mediate what we know - this must be an important source and not something to hinder us so that

we remain within its constraints - and instead we must grow learning to use new capabilities, which therefore have not yet been
fine-tuned - this is a passage that cannot be seen exclusively as a difficulty that will require a great deal of effort.
In this sense, our past represents the capabilities and competences that we have already acquired, something which we can use, our
tools; the future regards what we are called upon to develop during our lifetimes because this there will be of fundamental help in the
journey towards our future.
Build your personal power
The more you feel you have inside, the more secure you should feel and the less you will need to possess others, to seek value in others
but, more importantly, you will have less need for someone to provide for you and have power over you. You need to work a lot on what
needs "to be fed" and understand that no one will ever fill the void inside you, more so if it is a vacuum in your value system and sense
of self-esteem; from your ability to recognize your own resources and then be able to obtain the best rewards, you will be better able to
express your personal power which will allow you to feel more secure in your relationships. In this way, rather than thinking that your
strength and power depend upon your partner, you will instead become more self-sufficient, knowing that you can make your own
decisions based on your true potential.
Security without clinging
It's very important that you be able to understand that real security, present in every moment, cannot be supported externally and by
other people. The lesson that you are required to learn has to do with the structuring of an internal force that allows you to tolerate the
change and necessary transformations with which life will confront you. There can be no possibility of you just clinging on; you have to
find your "center" where your values are encapsulated along with your certainties and your personal skills. These will emanate from this
center, which will allow you to welcome the concept of "impermanence" that touches everything that is mortal and material. There is
nothing that remains forever, neither physically, psychologically, emotionally nor spiritually.
The sense of personal worth helps you to overcome the fear of detachment and the sense of mystery attached to all things, so that you through your personal power - don't have a feeling of "loss" whenever you have to undergo the necessary transformations that you face.
Transformation means "to work on the essence". Well, everything changes and nothing is destroyed: you can see this lesson applied daily
in nature, which wisely changes from day to day to get through the winter cycle to renew itself completely.
Use your personal resources in the best possible way
To be able to make best use of your inner resources, you need to put yourself to test, challenging yourself from time to time to go
beyond what you believe to be your personal limit. If you don't do this, you will periodically face crises that will themselves be a kind of
challenge. You must try to venture into a "lesser known" land in order to genuinely find your real strength, especially when you're under
pressure and without external support. In this way you can find your true power and handle difficult situations with real confidence.
Each of us has a personal power: we need to understand and know how to use it, it is always difficult to uproot ourselves, feel the
shaking of our foundations and experience the fear of losing what we have built up; these are the experiences that put us in a corner,
your resources and your true power may appear when you have no worries about losing ... then and only then, will you find out who you
really are and how much strength you have.
Understand your real motivation
When we have too much to carry around, the road becomes unsafe and dangerous because it is as if we were burdened. Nomadic
civilizations perfectly understood that to be agile and able to take full advantage of what nature had placed at their disposal, they should
travel light, without taking anything that was not strictly necessary. So, if during life we have worked on our essence we will not fear to
face the inevitable end, but if we rely on images or external resources, we will have the fear of time passing.
To have charisma and personal power you'll need to get in touch with your deepest core, the most creative and intense part of you which
knows the real reasons for your every breath and action and knows what is really important for you.
The moment you understand what "moves you from the inside", you will definitely align the desires of the "self" with your project, and at
that moment, you will have the perception of how much force is within you and know how to set it in motion to get what you want.
The purpose of your journey
Life asks you to clearly distinguish between what you are and what you have, never confuse the two. What you have there may or may
not be, what you are inside is built on your values, things that count and on the feelings and emotions that you feel you can share with
others. No one can take away what you are, while you may - at any time - lose what you have.
The main fear for people is the fear of losing everything they have painstakingly built, but this is illusory because the greatest fear that
we should have is the betrayal of our own values. Also the distress and the staunch defense of what we have created gives a sense of
impotence, because the fear of having to let go of something is the major limitation to really deciding what would be better and more just
for oneself.
It is so important to give due consideration to the concept of "Being" that has to come before "Having". Don't forget that the former is
older and includes much of the second, and the second is not possible without the first. In this way you can be really rich because there
is no need to cancel or waive your personal wishes because of fear or insecurity.

The hero's journey

Each sign has a higher purpose and a precise individual myth to discover and understand: this does not mean that the purpose and myth
have to coincide perfectly for everyone; however, the sign's myth will provide a kind of structure which the person can use and it will be a
reminder of the overall path that regards the people born under this sign; Joseph Campbell stated that myths represent a path which
allows people not to feel alone, since at all critical moments they remember that exactly the same kind of events, these crucial passages
in life, have already been faced by others before them.
The purpose and the myth of each sign are therefore also a path for us that helps us go forth on our personal journey. The myth is an
overall way of living that fits well with the personal one, which is why its validity persists over time; the purpose is instead something
personal which indicates what we have to become.
Everybody should therefore discover what their "solar purpose" is and which is their personal myth, because this will accompany them in
their journey through life, without doubt affecting life's main stages.
Each journey has certain symbolic characteristics which everyone can relate to.
The freedom of being yourself
Your personal journey consists mainly in identifying the conditionings, fears, unhealthy relationships, and the need for certainty that
prevent you from being free. Regarding freedom, your sign means "the true, authentic being", this is true freedom, to be able to live in
full contact with your essence without being afraid of not being accepted, without the fear of losing the affection of the people who are
dear to you and without feeling deprived of your own profound security.
It is not an easy journey as we live in a society full of superstructures, rules and psychological conditioning that aim to distract us from
what we are. In your particular mission, you must instead recover this relationship with your "soul"; you must create a solid interior
structure that allows you to gradually free yourself from what you feel does not to belong to you and which conditions you. It is a matter
of recognising your right to "be yourself" which in any case is based on independence and on the awareness that there is a price to pay.
The tools that you have at disposal to reach this condition are a high level of intolerance towards obligations you do not decide upon, an
impossibility of holding down relationships that do not reflect exchange and sharing, and finally, a strong ability to cut loose, without too
many regrets, what you feel does not belong to you anymore; you must not confuse this with the impossibility of stabilising your life that
might drive you to continuous change because you are not able to tolerate the frustration that your commitments ask of you; in this case
it would regard total immaturity, but your sign instead needs a great deal of maturity. Actually, these characteristics can make you feel a
bit alienated from the common way of seeing things and of perceiving the life, relationships and above all, freedom.
To develop a "social sense"
Among the important things that may accompany you in your journey is the feeling of friendship that, in a certain sense, is what satisfies
you and fits in most with your characteristics. You are unwilling to feel a lot of passion and to feel overwhelming sentiments that upset
the lucidity of the mind and create emotional storms: friendship, instead, is profound but not overbearing and it allows you the freedom
and detachment you need. With friends, you are free to freely discuss your way of looking at things and from this exchange you are able
to understand that each man is a world to himself and therefore this interesting for what he may give to society.
You have a strong social sense; inside you there is something which is let loose particularly when you see great injustices, when you
meet disparity and when rights are not respected and perhaps not even taken into consideration.
This particular way of "participating" in what is happening around you on one hand makes you perceive that in the end, a recognition of
equal opportunities is the only way society of tomorrow will go; however, on the other hand it leads you to being highly intolerant
towards the structures that have ambitious projects but end up in corruption, a condition to which people are particularly prone.
It is important for you to develop this "social sense" because among your tasks there is also that of contributing your abilities and
possibility to improve the community in which you are inserted and live. Share ideas and projects, work in a group with others, this allows
you communicate and discuss what you feel inside, and at the same time, to improve yourself through listening to the opinions of others.
The ideal of a better life
Your ideal in life is very high at times, even too high, in the sense that you always try to discover how it is possible to overcome the
difficulties that people encounter every day of their lives. Of course, at times you think that it is enough to be a little more tolerant and a
little less reactive: you are always willing to discuss things and you find it difficult to understand why people argue over everything
without seeing the possibility of negotiating their needs with others without causing arguments.
This way of thinking is certainly your noblest side: you have a true feeling of brotherhood towards the world, and, at least at an idealistic
thought level. You are very much open and willing to tolerate all the diversities that are inherent in mankind.
The potential you have may be expressed by trying to awaken others around you. However, you have to be able to discriminate well
between what is applicable in the near future and what is not. It is exactly like the Myth of Promethean, it is not certain that others
understand the blessings they have received: in fact he pays a high price for his generosity towards human beings: still, he is gratified by
the knowledge of having done something to help the world to improve and not by recognition of his gesture.
The difficulties of your journey are in precisely this part: your always active mind, which is like an antenna, intercepts everything around
and you are great at receiving information and trying to communicate it; however, you do not always have the sensitiveness and the
patience of letting others to work things out over time. You are a channel through which they can pass important information for the
collective world. However, your great mind, that gives you the opportunity to have powerful thoughts will not do you any good if you do

not manage to understand that not everyone has the same rhythms, the same timescales, or the same motivation.
Confronting the shadow
There is also a dark side to your personality: in fact, you have a kind of mental arrogance that leads you to be intolerant towards those
who do not understand and who still seem too emotional and instinctive, two powerful traps for humanity; this seems to be a huge
contradiction as you believe you are exclusively focussed on mankind and on social issues. Your journey consists of truly gaining the
acceptance of others and not only to talk about it with impetuosity because you do not yet feel it inside. To make a real improvement in
your conscience, you have to firstly work on what "is not tolerable" inside yourself, and only then will you be able to protect yourself from
others; otherwise, you will always have an intolerance that you will hide not wanting to know about things, indifference and also
contempt for those who, somehow, have not reached the capability to see things as you do. Another characteristic in which some
negativity can be hidden can be found in your incapacity to be consistent: you have a good relationship with change and the need to try
out new things, this trait, however, has nothing to do with honouring commitments and responsibilities you have agreed with others and
with yourself only because you feel imprisoned within structures; you must find the right balance between solidity and the need for
elasticity. For you to be really free it is necessary for you to have understood the rules and limits properly, and above all, you have to be
absolutely responsible.

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