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Welcome to Business Facilitation Services

Business Facilitation Services is an initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources to
provide investors intending to set up an industry in Brunei Darussalam with fast, efficient and
business-friendly services and assistance throughout the various stages of business start-up,
maturity, growth and expansion of their industrial activity.

In international trade, key local strategies include:

Supporting small- and medium-sized businesses by identifying partners and
resources, and creating
channels for businesses to access these resources; and
Supporting international students at local post-secondary education institutions
through partnerships
and programs that foster positive relationships between international students and
As with most critical community issues, it is the work of cities and the innovations of
those at the
grassroots level, that drive change. Leaders are emerging in cities and towns across
the country in places
of all sizes. Many have come a long way in their view of global economic linkages,
and are helping to
create a local culture favorable to foreign investment and global trade. It is our hope
that the strategies,
resources and examples presented in this guide provide local officials the impetus
needed to create local
competitiveness through global linkages.

Todays consumers:
can choose how, when, and where they will engage with a brand, and increasingly
choose to do so
are used to being entertained at the click of a mouse by everything from music
and video to games
and social networks;
respect innovative marketing programs that value them as partners and
participants, and that reward them for their interest and engagement.


Focus on Prizes Consumers Want

The prize is the lure that hooks consumer interest and initially motivates
people to engage with your promotion. So job #1 is to make sure that your
prizing is in fact attractive to the audience youre courting.
Remember: the prize is the lure. If you dont make your prizing strategy
appealing, you wont optimize participation in your promotion. And if you
cant get people to even enter your game or a contest, you cant motivate
them to do anything else.

otivation is an inherent perception in human behavior and thus, also in consumer

behavior. Motivation can be commonly described as the driving force within individuals that
stimulates them to take a particular course of action; such as making the decision to buy a
given product or service. This driving force is cultivated by an attitude of tension, which exists
as a result of an unfulfilled need that leads us away from psychological equilibrium

Certainly, motivated behavior is activity that is directed towards the procurement of a desired
goal or objective. That stated, not all motives derive from physical drives. Having satisfied their
hunger and other physical needs, people may be found buying such items as fashionable
clothes or cosmetics. Evidently, the motives behind this behavior originate quite separately
from those that involve the satisfaction of the physiological drives (also
called biogenic drives) of, for example, keeping warm and needing to eat and drink in order
to live. A whole range of psychogenic drives (e.g., the desire to be appreciated or to have
status or feel at one with ones self) stem from our social environments, culture, and social
group interactions. Many even argue that want (or desire), which is basically social in nature,
is the major driving force or motivation behind much of our contemporary consumption.

Every individual has the same need structure, but different specific needs will be to the fore in
different individuals at various points in time and according to different cultural and social
contexts. In what is referred to as critical mode it is argued that marketing adds to
dissatisfaction, rather than satisfaction.

In 1971, according to E. J. Mishan, an English economist best known for his work criticizing
economic growth, advertising, taken as a whole, conspires first to make men feel that the
things that matter to them are the material things of life: the goods, services and opportunities
provided by the economy. Second, it conspires to make men dissatisfied with what they have
so goading them into efforts to increase their real earnings so as to acquire more of the stuff
produced by modern industry.

Mishan also maintained that the plethora of versions of products and services, with relatively
little differentiation (apart from the emotional) again added to consumer anxiety and
dissatisfaction. He preferred less choice but greater real differentiation.

So, marketers are often accused of creating a need for a product or a service that would not
exist except due to some aggressive and repetitive marketing activities that educate, inform,
and even persuade consumers to buy those products and services. For example, most
advertisements strive to portray products in such an emotional and persuasive manner that
consumers start to think that they ought to buy those products even if that specific brand is
not a necessity for sustaining life. However, our proposition is that marketing does not create
needs; rather it encourages us to want or desire brand Z by associating its acquisition with the
satisfaction of a latent need.

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