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4 HSE Performance Records

Industrial Disabling Injuries (IDI)
An on-job injury resulting in one or more full days away from work plus on job fatalities.
It includes:

Lost Workday Cases

Fatal cases

Lost Workday Case (LWC):

If an employee is unable to work on his next scheduled shift because of a work related
injury or illness due to work environment, the case is a Lost Workday Case (LWC).
Presence at the site does not constitute the work.
The shift on which the injury or illness occurred and the shift on which the employee
returns to work is not counted in the total days lost. Vacation days, holidays, and days of
rest that were scheduled before the occurrence of the injury are also not counted. Days
away from work include only full scheduled workdays.
A mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost time cases per 100 fulltime employees in any given time frame.
Fatal Accident Cate :
Fatal Accident cases are those work related injuries/ illness that results in death of one
or more employees. Only qualified physicians are authorized to certify death.
Industrial Non Disabling Injuries (INDI):
An on the job injury which requires medical treatment only, without causing any
disablement. It includes:

First Aid Cases (FAC)

Medical Treatment Only Cases (MTOC)
Restricted Work Cases (RWC)

First Aid Cases (FAC):

A First Aid Case (FAC) is one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor cuts,
scratches, burns, splinters, and other similar injuries, which do not ordinarily, require
medical care.

A case can be classified as first aid, if a physician or any other registered professional
administers it. Administration of a single dose of a prescription medication on a first visit
for a minor injury is also considered as first aid. Multiple uses of non-prescription
medication, cold packs, heat treatments and multiple antiseptic applications do not
affect the classification of First Aid Cases.
Medical Treatment Only Case (MTOC):
All Medical Treatment Case (MTC) Which neither result in restricted workday nor lost
workday is termed as a Medical Treatment Only Cases (MTOC),
Such cases will require one or more visit to a medical professional, but will not disable
or restrict the employee from carrying out his normal duties.
Restricted Work Cases (RWC):
Any work-related injury other than a fatality or lost workday case which results in a
person being unfit for full performance for their regular job. Work performance might be
as follows:

An assignment to a temporary job.

Part-time work at the regular job.
Continuation of full-time in the regular job but not performing all the usual
duties of the job.

Total Recordable Incident Rate for each year

Total Recordable Incidents Rate for each year include all work related deaths, illnesses,
and injuries which result in a loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion,
permanent transfer to another job within the company, or that require some type of
medical treatment or first-aid. Companies with 10 or more employees need to report
their incident rates, types of incidents and lost/restricted work days to OSHA every year.
Recordable incidents are incidents that resulted from an exposure or event in the
workplace and that required some type of medical treatment or first-aid. Incidents are
not recordable if the employee has symptoms that merely surfaced while at work but
were the result of a non-work related event or exposure.

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