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Raw Food Nutrition

Presented by Diet Guideline

Use caution when beginning a new nutrition
program. Not all wellness programs are
suitable for everyone. Check with your
doctor before you begin. Diet Guideline will
not be responsible or liable for any injury
sustained as a result of using any program
presented and/or discussed on the Diet
Guideline blog, via email communications
or in video format.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 You are What You Eat ......................................... 3

Chapter 2 Characteristics of Raw Foods ............................... 6
Chapter 3 Why Bother With Raw Food Nutrition? ............. 10
Chapter 4 What to Eat on a Whole and Raw Food Diet ...... 13
Chapter 5 The Importance of Food Combining ................... 19
Chapter 6 Tips and Strategies to Raw Food Success ............ 22
Chapter 7 - Where to Start in the Raw Food Nutrition ......... 24
Chapter 8 - Whole and Raw Food Recipes ........................... 28
Chapter 9 Frequent Asked Questions ................................ 32

Chapter 1 You are What You Eat

Garbage in garbage out!
This simple expression summarizes the effects of poor nutrition on yourself.

There is no way of staying healthy on the standard American diet. The standard
American/Western diet is made up of food products that have been processed
and refined for convenience and durability. There is a huge shortage of known
and unknown nutrients because food processing (refining, extracting, preserving,
canning, cooking, adding vitamins and supplements) destroy many of the
biological qualities of natural food and alter its natural harmony of nutrients.
If food products make up the major share of your daily diet over an extended
period of time, the result is a deficiency of nutrients. Over time, nutritional
deficiency builds up, and your metabolism cannot function properly because it is
lacking vital substances (nutrients) such as minerals and trace minerals, vitamins,
flavonoids, natural fats, fiber, anti-oxidants etc.

Food processing inevitably causes the diseases the Western people are suffering
from such as heart disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, susceptibility of
colds, flu and urinary infections, diabetes, overweight to name a few. Those
diseases do not happen overnight. Except for cavities, they take years and
decades on the standard Western diet to develop. Their common cause is a lack
of vital substances (nutrients), and they can be avoided, and stopped by eating
right. Frequently they can even be reversed.

Diseases caused by malnutrition

The list of diseases caused by malnutrition is long and scary. A diet rich in whole
and raw foods has done wonders for many people, if done right.
Caries, Periodontal disease, Tooth displacement, Facial Deformities
Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spine and Spinal Disc
Problems, Osteoporosis
Obesity, Diabetes, Liver Diseases, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, Gout, etc
Constipation, Gall bladder and Pancreatic Diseases, Celiac Disease, Colitis,
Crohns Disease, Digestive Disorders
Arteriosclerosis, Heart Attack, Stroke, Thrombosis
Lack of Immunity, Recurring Respiratory Inflammation, Ear Infections,
Bladder Infection, Pyelitis, Susceptibility to Colds, Flu
Allergies, Eczema
Multiple Sclerosis
Some forms of cancer

Raw food nutrition for optimal health, energy and wellness

There is no better way to build a foundation of lifelong health than whole and raw
food. Whole and raw foods contain all the components your organism needs for
optimal functioning. It supports the healing of a multitude of conditions. Here is a
list of the benefits:

Raw food is easy and simple to prepare, and inexpensive
You need not count calories and may eat until you are satisfied
It is rich in fiber and nutrients, so you do not need to take any supplements
It prevents digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhea
It promotes a strong immune system
It helps prevent and heal allergies and food intolerances
It helps overcome addiction
Mental clarity and a balanced mood
An increase of energy and endurance
Better coping with stress
It helps prevent and reverse chronic diseases as listed before.

You can help prevent and even reverse these diseases by healthy eating. The
sooner you begin, the better.

Chapter 2 Characteristics of Raw Foods


In order to build and maintain our body, we need to eat protein, fats,
carbohydrates and minerals found in the foods we eat.

We need to eat to build and maintain our body from protein, fats, carbohydrates
and minerals found in the foods we eat. To utilize those substances, we also need
biologically active vital substances (such as water and fat-soluble vitamins,
enzymes, essential fatty acids, trace minerals, flavonoids, and fiber). Vital
substances are also known as nutrients.

Each vitamin serves a distinct function in the body and thus cannot be substituted
by another vitamin. Moreover, certain vitamins complement each others

function. Nutrients function as an entity, not individually. They follow a pattern,

and any changes in their natural pattern will make all vital substances partially or
completely dysfunctional.

They follow a pattern, and any changes in their natural pattern or improper
handling of foods (cooking, processing, refining and extracting) will make all vital
substances partially or completely dysfunctional.

The body needs all vitamins and vital substances contained in natural unaltered
food in order for its intermediary metabolism to function properly.
Improper handling of foods (cooking, processing, refining and extracting) makes
the vital substances they contain dysfunctional.

The protein parts of food and enzymes are very sensitive to heat. Temperatures
above 42C damages proteins. This is why we need raw foods, they deliver native,
undamaged proteins.
Whole foods are foods in their natural state that have not been changed by
processing and refining, raw foods are foods that have not been heated above
42C. The protein parts of food and enzymes are very sensitive to heat.
Temperatures above 42C damages proteins. This is why we need raw foods, they
deliver native, undamaged proteins.

If we assume that the body needs 50 vital substances to maintain health and only
one of these substances is missing, then the remaining 49 substances cannot
function properly. Certain vital substances are only found in whole food such as
fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, raw milk and oil seeds. These vital substances are not
contained in the juice, butter and oil made from this whole food because they
remain in the pulp, milk and seed respectively.

All water and fat-soluble vitamins can function only in the presence of B-complex
vitamins, so you need to eat whole grains to get these B vitamins.
When you eat natural raw food, the right tools are available the very moment a
job needs to be done in your metabolism.

Food Processing Devalues Natural Food

Food processing (cooking, canning, refining, extracting, adding vitamins and
supplements) breaks the natural pattern and damages the structure of the vital
substances. These substances lose their biological qualities and harmony. Our
metabolism cannot function the way it is meant to when the natural pattern of
nutrients is broken.

What about supplements? As said previously, all nutrients in natural foods are
interconnected and function as an entity, not separately. Science does not yet
fully understand how nutrients are interconnected. Thus it is impossible to build
them in their naturally occurring harmony for any supplementation.
Raw food delivers what your organism needs. It is rich in water and fat-soluble
vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace minerals, protein, essential fatty acids,
flavonoids, and fiber.

Whole and raw foods go together

Whole foods are foods in their natural state that have not been changed by
processing and refining, raw foods are foods that have not been heated above

Does this sound complicated? Here are some examples: Cooked brown rice is
whole, a fresh apple is whole and raw, fresh apple juice is raw.
As mentioned above, parts of a whole raw food are nutritionally imbalanced. The
apple juice comes without the pulp, and yet to utilize the juice, also the pulp of
the apple is required.

On the other hand, whole cooked foods do not suffice for sustainable health as
their heat-sensitive compounds have been damaged. Whole and raw foods
supplement whole cooked foods with undamaged proteins and enzymes.
The majority of your food should be whole and raw.

Unaltered natural foods to stock up your nutrients

The standard Western diet causes a huge nutritional deficiency as it doesnt
deliver the nutrients you need in a natural form. The longer you and your parents
have been on the standard American diet, the worse the deficiency, and the
longer it takes to make up for the deficit. Whole and raw foods are the safest,
fastest and most reliable way to stock up your nutrients for optimum health.
When you transition to whole and raw food, you will notice increase of energy,
well-being, health and mental clarity within weeks after including whole raw
foods with your diet. Of course, you need to ban processed and refined foods
which are the cause of your nutritional deficiency.

Chapter 3 Why Bother With Raw Food Nutrition?

Raw Food in Therapy

The Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner rediscovered the healing effects of
raw food at the end of the 19th century and applied his discovery in the
successful treatment of numerous patients from all over the world. Professor Dr
W. Kollath MD researched how food influences health and chronic disease
starting 1924. In his research, Dr Kollath discovered the importance of whole and
raw grains. Since then, raw foods have been successfully applied in the treatment
of chronic and severe disease such as breast cancer, celiac disease, multiple
sclerosis, diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, high blood pressure,
and in overcoming the flu and recurring infections such as urinary and respiratory
infections, gum bleeding, recovery from surgery and poor healing of bone
fractures and wounds to name a few.

In cases of stubborn and severe disease conditions of any kind, a raw cure has
helped to activate the healing potential in the patient.
Raw food is the ideal diet to strengthen your immune system and to help your
body overcome disease. It has also helped to overcome depression and addiction.

Raw Food for Weight Loss

Overweight is caused by the lack of certain nutrients resulting in metabolic
disturbance. In this case, carbs and fats are no longer degraded to carbon dioxide
and water, which is the healthy way. Instead they are built into fats and deposited
in your body. To improve respectively heal this condition, you need to include the
lacking vital substances in your diet.

Raw food delivers an abundance of nutrients, and allows your organism to return
to healthy functions. It is the healthiest way of losing weight.
Weight loss on raw food comes with the welcome side effect of improving your
digestion, clearing your skin, and helping you prevent all the other chronic
diseases caused by the standard American diet.


Raw Food in Your Daily Diet

To maintain health, raw food needs to be part of your daily diet. Refined and
processed food products make you sick, so it is best to avoid them. They should
be replaced by whole foods.

If you ask yourself, how much raw food do I need, here is the answer: The
minimum amount for a person who is still healthy is about one third of your
overall intake. For better health gains and to improve conditions of bad health,
you may increase this up to 80 or even 100%.

If you opt for a partially raw diet, you may consider a 4 weeks raw cure. Details of
the raw cure can be found in chapter 6.

Also, whenever you are about to catch a cold or in an epidemic, switch to a fully
raw diet. It is very important to combine your raw foods right.


Raw Food Nutrition Reduces Our Ecological Footprint

Raw food comes without all the technology of food processing and refining of the
food industry which takes lots of raw materials, energy, and water and is polluting
the environment.

It requires less transportation, especially if you make it a point to buy local.
Even in your home, you need no gas or electricity to cook your meal, so your
electricity bill will go down.

You could even grow much of your food in your own garden or forage some of it
saving even more energy. There is less packaging involved, so there will be less
wrappings and other waste. Going with the season, will make your raw food
nutrition even more eco-friendly. You need to eat less to feel satisfied and full of
energy. On raw food, you only need about one third of the calories as compared
to cooked food. So the food resources last for more people.


Chapter 4 What to Eat on a Whole and Raw Food Diet

A whole and raw food diet is made up of a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts,
seeds, grains and legumes. These are the food types we can enjoy whole and raw.
As briefly mentioned before, whole is defined as the food as it is grown without
adding something or removing parts of it. For example, the apple as picked from
the tree is a whole food. It includes the edible skin and all. If you peel or juice it, it
is raw but no longer whole.

Whenever possible, choose foods that are whole and raw because you want to
include all the nutrients a food has to offer. If you throw away the skin of the
apple, you lose the nutrients that are found in the skin which are needed to utilize
the rest of the apple. If you drink only the juice of a fruit or a vegetable, you are
losing the components of the pulp, and you end up with metabolic imbalance.
This is why you should prefer whole and raw foods whenever possible.
This is easy to do with plant foods.


Its different with animal based food. As humans, we dont eat the whole animal
including skin, bones, blood, stomach, liver, lungs, kidneys, ovaries, intestines etc.
like the cat does when he catches a mouse. For full nutritional value, ALL of the
animal needs to be eaten raw. This is what wild animals do, and they thrive on it.
Eating only part of the whole animal such as a steak or chicken breast will not
promote health, even if youd eat it raw. This has been proven by the dentist
Weston Price and Dr F. Pottenger MD who did nutritional studies in the 1940s in

Some people can enjoy raw eggs, and if you opt for milk, full organic raw
unpasteurized and non-homogenized milk is the best choice.
Animal protein may be a health obstacle for some disease conditions, even if
eaten whole and raw. Please continue reading to find out what to consider.

Choosing vegetables Ripeness

Research has shown that flavor and most nutrients are being formed in the last
stages of a plants ripening. Store-bought vegetables usually have been
transported from quite a distance, and they are harvested before they are ripe.
Those foods never come with their optimum content of nutrients.
You are better off if you buy from local growers. As less transportation is
required, their produce will be riper and more nutritious especially when you buy
whats in season. Best of all, grow as much of your food as you can in your
garden. Some cities have community gardens which are wonderful opportunities
to share crops with each other.

Pesticide Residues

Studies have shown that chemical fertilizers and pesticides also affect the quality
of foods both their content of nutrients and their pesticide residues. Organic
produce is superior to factory farmed products.


Here are some food labels you want to know:

Conventionally grown produce will have a 4 digit code starting with the number 4.
Organic produce will have a 5 digit code starting with the number 9,
Genetically modified produce will start with the number 8, often assigned a 5
If a product is labeled as organic, it may not be fully organic. FDA regulations
allow for products that are not 100% organic to be labeled as organic.
100% organic is the ideal label.

The Food Revolution Networks Dirty Dozens

Organic foods can be quite pricey. Knowing which vegetables are the dirtiest,
helps make a reasonable choice. The Food Revolution Network recommends to
always buy kale, collard greens and hot peppers in organic quality as those
vegetables have been found with high levels of pesticides that are hazardous for
the nervous system. Also bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, imported
snap peas, celery, spinach and potatoes are among the dirtiest vegetables and
should be chosen from organic produce.

Choosing fruits

The same aspects apply to fruit as in the above section on vegetables. We all have
tasted the difference in flavor of ripe and not fully ripe fruits. So actually, the
taste and flavor of natural foods can guide you.
Here is The Food Revolution Networks list of the dirtiest fruits. They are the
ones youll want to buy in organic quality by all means.
Apples, strawberries, grapes, peaches and imported nectarines.
The fruits with the least pesticide residues are
Mangos, papayas, cantaloupe, kiwis, grapefruit, and pineapple. With those,
conventional produce may be acceptable.


Nuts, seeds, legumes and grains

In a scientific sense, nuts, seeds, legumes and grains are fruits too. Grains have
helped mankind to survive for 25.000 years according to latest research. They can
be stored easily and are a powerhouse of nutrients including protein, healthy fats,
and fatty acids, minerals, trace minerals, B-complex vitamins and fat-soluble
vitamins and fiber. They satisfy your hunger, and keep your bones and teeth
strong and your nerves and brain healthy.

Grains come in many varieties such as wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, spelt, teff,
emmer, kamut, rice, and corn. Ancient grain varieties (spelt, emmer, kamut) are
superior to modern breeds.

There is a variety of nuts and seeds to choose from such as almonds,
hazelnuts/filbert, pecans, walnuts, coconut, cashews, sunflower seeds, sesame
seeds, flax seeds. Most of them are edible raw just as they are.

There are some exceptions: Cashews have to go through some type of processing
to be edible, they cannot be eaten in their natural state. Californian almonds are
heated for preservation, so they are no longer raw either. Therefore you should
buy almonds grown elsewhere.

It is crucial to get all of your nuts, seeds, and grains in their natural, raw condition.
They must not be dried at high temperatures which are destroying their
germination capacity.

Test the biological quality of nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes in your kitchen

To find out if the seeds and grains etc. you bought are raw, do a simple test in
your kitchen. Sprout some of them. If they wont sprout, they are not fit for raw
food. In your sprouting test, more than 95% of the seeds should be sprouting.
Youll find instructions on how to sprout in the Recipe chapter.



Just like the other food groups, also fats need to be in their natural state to
support your health. Besides nuts and seeds, also cold pressed unrefined oils
(sunflower, olive, flaxseed, almond, mustard, walnut etc.) are part of a whole and
raw food diet.
Butter and fresh whipping and sour cream are milk fats which deliver a unique
combination of vital substances. Butter contains 76 different fatty acids including
poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids. They are essential for
immunity, and bone and tooth health.
If you can get raw milk butter, go for it. Be aware that it will not be durable.
If you have to take pasteurized butter and cream, this is acceptable as fats do not
suffer from heat as much as proteins do. Butter and cream contain only tiny
quantities of protein.

Coconut oil is not recommended as it is not possible to get it in an unrefined state
even if the vendors claim it as raw. (Eat the fresh coconut instead.) Raw coconut
oil would spoil and turn rancid during transportation from its origin in hot
climates to the North, so it needs to be refined to be edible. Oil refining destroys
many of the natural nutrients of fats.

Refining is not the same as applying heat in cooking or pasteurizing food. Refining
is a complex chemical process which destroys nutrients considerably. Therefore
refined fats need to be avoided.
With all fats, organic produce is recommended as fats tend to accumulate

Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk?

With any kind of meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk your body has to handle animal
protein. Even if eaten raw, animal protein may be a health problem to your
organism for several reasons.
Animal protein may be overburdening your protein metabolism. As a result,
many people suffer from allergies. (The antigen-antibody reaction is a
function of your protein metabolism).


Many people suffer from abnormal protein deposits in their blood and
capillaries after having been on the standard American diet for decades.
These deposits are caused by animal proteins as the German researcher
Lothar Wendt MD from the University of Frankfurt discovered. They are
little known risk factors of heart disease. They can be reversed on a whole
and raw food diet.
Protein fuels inflammation.
If you are struggling with inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
arteriosclerosis, heart disease, gout, allergies, are susceptible to colds, recurring
ear aches, respiratory and urinary infections, tonsillitis, and periodontal disease,
you are better off without any animal protein, even if eaten raw.


Chapter 5 The Importance of Food Combining

Observing a few simple rules will make certain that you get all the nutrients
required for short-term and sustainable health. These rules have been proven to
work for decades in Europe, and are backed up by European clinical experience
and nutritional science since the 1930s.

Youll find two sections one for those who want to go for a fully raw diet, the
second for those who opt for a partially raw nutrition including cooked foods.

How to Combine Your Fully Raw Plant Based Diet Right For Sustainable Health
Including vegetables grown above the ground (e. g. lettuce) and in the ground (e.
g. carrots), fresh fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains, cold pressed unrefined oils
and fresh whipping and sour cream with your daily meals will deliver all the
required nutrients.

How much of each food group do you need?
Vegetables contain a lot more nutrients than todays fruit. This is why vegetables
should make up two thirds of your overall intake, fruits only one third.


Half your daily intake should be above-the-ground vegetables (spinach, lettuce,
kale, red cabbage, white cabbage, chinese cabbage, cress, mushroom, celery,
herbs, kohlrabi, rutabaga, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, tomato, pepper,
cucumber, zucchini etc.)
Half your daily intake should be below-the-ground vegetables (carrots, beets,
celeriac, radish, parsnip, onion, garlic etc.)
Vary the vegetables and fruits you eat often - do not eat the same vegetable day
after day. You might get tired of it, and wont get the variety of nutrients you
Include two leaf veggies and 2 root veggies in every meal.
Eat unpasteurized fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut for variety.



Fresh ripe fruits (no more than one third of your overall intake)

Nuts, Grains, Seeds

A dish of raw cereal every day (made of kernels of oats, barley, wheat, rye, spelt,
emmer, kamut, millet, buckwheat) (see the Recipe Section). This a must do with
terrific health effects. Nuts and oily fruits (hazelnut, almond, walnut, Brazil nut,
pecan, sunflower seeds, sesame, pine seeds, olives, avocado, pistachio, coconut
) a minimum of one tablespoon a day. Sprouted and soaked legumes (e. g.
lentils, chick-peas) and grains for variety


Unrefined cold pressed oils (sunflower, olive, flax, sesame, almond, hemp,
mustard ) Fresh whipping and sour cream to make your salads and your raw
cereal tasty and (raw milk) butter (highly recommended)


What to Consider on A partially Raw Diet Including Cooked Foods

If you opt for a partially raw diet, you need to consider a few more aspects in
addition to those outlined above.

A minimum of one third of your total food should be raw (raw veggies and
raw fruit) combined as described in the previous section
Include a dish of raw cereal every day (see the Recipe Section)
The more raw food you eat, the healthier it is
Cook, bake and fry only natural food. For example make your mashed
potatoes from scratch. Eat fresh vegetables, brown rice, whole grain
noodles, whole grain bread, whole grain cakes, cookies and pancakes
(made using flour from freshly ground grain), legumes (lentils, dry beans)
Use natural fats such as butter, whipping and sour cream and cold pressed,
unrefined oils, nuts and oily seeds
Use fresh fruits and honey as natural sweeteners
Eat the raw food before you eat cooked food to de-stress your immune
system. Your body produces leucocytes when you eat cooked food as if it
was fighting an infection. It doesnt on raw food and when a nice helping of
raw food precedes the cooked food.

Avoid processed and refined food such as all kinds of sugar, (e. g. white
sugar, brown sugar, organic sugar, coconut sugar and the like) glucose,
dextrose, lactose, starches, syrups, (e. g. agave syrup, maple syrup, corn
syrup), white flour, convenience food, canned food, packaged food, done-
for-you food, etc, refined fats and oils (margarines, shortening, becel, etc.),
standard breads, cakes, cookies, candy, sweets, ice-cream
Avoid all foods and beverages with added sugar and syrups of any kind,
even if you see them in a health food store
Avoid all foods that have been made from white flour or starches or contain
Avoid drinking juices regularly


Chapter 6 Tips and Strategies to Raw Food Success

No sustainable health without whole and raw foods, its as simple as that. They
are a must eat for optimum energy, great immunity, a healthy weight loss, and an
active self-healing potential. Getting rid of unhealthy eating habits can be
challenging. Here are some tips to make it easier on you.

Transition to a healthier lifestyle

Transitioning to a healthier lifestyle before you are seriously ill is, of course, the
smartest thing to do. While there is more to healthy living than eating, diet is the
single most important factor to health. And it is you who decides whats on your
plate. Allow yourself to do what you need to do to improve your life!

For strong and lasting motivation, educate yourself about the health risks of
processed and refined foods, and the importance of natural unaltered foods.
Connect with like-minded people for mutual support.


Taking a cooking class may be a lot of fun and inspiring.

Ban all processed foods such as sugar, sweets, soft drinks, white flour and refined
fats (oils, shortening, margarine) from your kitchen and replace them with their
natural unaltered counterparts as you end up eating what you got in your pantry.

A raw cure to boost immunity and health
If you find it hard to decide for an all raw diet for the rest of your life,
consider taking a raw cure.
A raw cure of about 4 weeks once a year is a terrific way of boosting
immunity and health and lose weight fast. It is best to take the raw cure in
the main season of fresh vegetables and fruit. In many areas this is August,
the time of the year when you naturally delight in fresh produce.
If you go back to eating cooked foods (be sure to ban processed foods
though) after your raw cure, youll find it easy to include a large portion of
fresh vegetables and fruit with your regular daily meals.
You may also decide for one all-raw day once a week, and one all-raw meal
every day to stock up your nutrients regularly throughout the whole year.

Safe and healthy weight loss
If your primary goal is weight loss, there are a few rules that help you achieve
your goal.
Eat 3 meals a day, including a meal of raw cereal, and 2 meals of fresh
vegetables from above and in ground vegetables. Your meals need to be
prepared including some fresh nuts, cold pressed unrefined oils and a few
tablespoons of whipping cream. Your body needs healthy fats to get rid of
the depository fats.
Do not limit the quantity you are eating, eat until you are satisfied when
you eat your meals.
Do not eat anything between the meals, not even the healthiest apple. Your
fat cells need to shrink, so dont feed them.
Eat fruit before you eat vegetables, not for dessert.
Do not drink any juices or milk, only water and herbal teas. Youll find that you are
not very thirsty on raw food as it contains plenty of fluids, and there is no salt or
sugar added your body would need to dilute. Dont drink any more than your
thirst demands.


Chapter 7 - Where to Start in the Raw Food Nutrition

Your raw-friendly kitchen (Kitchen gear, gadgets and appliances)

This section is an overview of practical kitchen gear that makes cutting, slicing and
blending easy. If you have done any home cooking, you are likely to have most of
the basic kitchen gear.

Kitchen knife, citrus press, fine meshed strainer, rubber spatula, whisk, large
bowls, measuring cups and spoons.
A sharp chefs knife, a wooden cutting board and a vegetable brush
Wide mouth glass jars/mason jars
WMF Tall bowl made of stainless steel (with splash lid)
Hand operated box grater (Boerner Combi Chef), and mandolines (Boerner)
Paderno Tri-Blade Salad Shooter

Electric Appliances
Immersion blender (smart stick) (a must have)
Presto salad shooter electric
Electric Graters and Food Processors
If you have a stand mixer, you may consider slice/shredder attachments which are
available for just about all stand mixers. This can be a good option if your kitchen
space is limited, and you don't want to buy an additional appliance.
Kitchenaid slicer/shredder attachment for stand mixers
Choose a slicer that comes as drums. With disc slicers, veggies get easily stuck in,
and it seems to take forever to remove them and to continue your work.
Blender (Oster, Kitchenaid)
Mini-blender (Krups)
Food Processor

High speed blender (Vitamix, Blendtec, LEquip)
When do you need a high speed blender?
A high speed blender makes pureeing and liquefying food very convenient. It is
used to make nut purees, blend frozen food, and raw pie crusts.


The raw food pantry

A well-stocked pantry allows you to get your meals done very fast.

Apples, citrus (oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemon), kiwi, banana, pineapple,
Seasonal fresh fruit such as pears, peaches, apricots, berries, melons.
Frozen berries and fruits (without any additives, and preferably unblanched)
(Freeze your fruit while it is in season, so youll be sure it is not blanched which
would wash out your nutrients)

Carrots, beets, celeriac, radish, parsnips, rutabaga, turnip, kohlrabi; cabbage,
onion, garlic, leeks.
Seasonal vegetables such as snap peas, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower,
Fresh seasonal leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, herbs, endives, celery.
Frozen unbleached vegetables such as peas, tomatoes, peppers, kale.


Nuts and seeds: Almonds, avocado, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame
seeds, pistachios, pecans, flaxseeds, olives, coconut, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa

Grains: Berries of rye, barley, oats, wheat, spelt, emmer, kamut, millet,
buckwheat, brown rice

Fats and oils: Fresh whipping and sour cream, cold pressed unrefined sunflower
oil, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil

Herbs and spices: Fresh, dried or frozen such as parsley, chives, cayenne, thyme,
marjoram, oregano, pepper, nutmeg, basil, sage, ginger etc.

Condiments: Apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, Shoyu soy sauce, natural rock
salt (without any additives)

Sweetener: Raw honey (preferably from a trusted bee-keeper), banana, (dried
fruits such as naturally dried raisins and dates without any additives if you want to
make raw pie crusts)

How to prepare raw food
There are several options from very basic to elaborate dishes
Eat your raw food as finger food (e. g. carrot sticks, tomatoes, radishes,
peppers, fruit, sprouted grains and seeds, nuts)
Blend it in a smoothie (be sure to watch out for an overall healthy
combination, you may add the type of vegetable that is missing in the
smoothie as finger food)
Salads and stuffed vegetables and fruits
Raw cereal both hearty and fruity variations
Nut pastes
Raw cakes and desserts (frequently made using a high speed blender, and
sometimes also a dehydrator)
Fruit infusions


A word about juicing

Some recipes call for fresh juices. If they are used for flavoring (e. g. fresh lemon
juice), only small diluted quantities are needed, and wont cause digestive
discomfort and bloating in most people.

Its different when you drink juice. On juices, cooked fruit (such as apple sauce,
baked apple pie) and any kind of sugar from a package, and dried fruits, persons
suffering from food intolerance and sensitive digestion may experience digestive
discomfort and bloating when eating whole and raw food after having had juice
etc. You need to know that the discomfort is not caused by the healthy whole and
raw food but by faulty food combining.

Juices cause blood sugar spikes similar to refined sugar. Diabetics must avoid
them. If you need to eat your raw foods in liquid, make a smoothie which is whole
and raw as it includes all of the food.


Chapter 8 - Whole and Raw Food Recipes

A smoothie is a combination of vegetables, fruit, seeds and water which have
been blended resulting in a smooth puree. It was invented by a mother whose
kids didnt want to eat raw vegetables.

A smoothie uses the whole food including fiber, so all nutrients are included.
Blending is a very quick way of preparing large amounts of raw food and enables
even people with chewing problems to benefit from raw food.

How to Make a Vegetable-Fruit Smoothie
Equipment: (High speed) blender
Wash chosen fruits and vegetables
Cut the foods in chunks
Throw in the food with the most fluid content first (e. g. orange, apple)
Add enough water for blending (most food will be covered by water)
Blend until foods are really smooth


How to Sprout

Sprouting is a great way of growing your own food at low cost. You can use nearly
any seed which has not been manipulated by chemicals or heat.

Equipment: Fine meshed strainer, a wide-mouth jar or a sprouting kit
A warm spot in the kitchen works best.
Cover chosen seeds with water and keep it in the water overnight or for 6
8 hours, do not cover
After soaking, rinse the seeds with fresh water using the strainer.
Drip off excess water and put the wet seeds back into the sprouting jar
again, do not cover
Rinse and repeat in the morning and in the evening until the seeds show
tiny tips

How long does it take?

This depends on the seed and the room temperature. Grains sprout within 1 to 2
days, lentils need about 2 3 days, nuts about 3 4 days.
If sprouting is not successful, the room temperature may be too low, or the seeds
have lost their germination capacity. Dont buy a brand if its seeds wont
Raw grains have been found to provide terrific health benefits. 2 3 tablespoons
of raw grains a day will provide you with all the essential nutrients grains have to
offer. They all are rich in minerals, protein, fiber, healthy fats, and stand out for
their B-vitamin complex in perfect harmony and balance.


Power Drink (1 Serving)

Equipment: Blender (and flour mill)
50 grams (5 tbsp) oat berries (unhulled variety)
1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries or raspberries
1 fully ripe banana
1/2 cup water
4 tbsp whipping cream or 1/2 fully ripe avocado
How to prepare it:
Finely blend/mill the oats making them like flour.
Add all ingredients and blend to a smooth consistency.
Be sure to blend/grind grains just before using them. They oxidite faster than
an apple.

Easy Raw Apple Sauce (1 Serving)

Equipment: Blender or grater
2 ripe apples
1 ripe banana
Fresh lemon juice
1 tsp cinnamon
How to prepare it:
Wash and cut-up apples, do not peel
Grate or blend/mash apples and banana
Add fresh lemon juice
Add cinnamon


Beetroot Sauerkraut Salad (2 Servings)

Equipment: Grater
1 small beetroot
1 medium apple
1/2 cup raw sauerkraut
1 tbsp cold pressed unrefined flaxseed oil (or any other kind)
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 bunch of parsley
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
How to prepare it:
Grate beetroot and apple
Add sauerkraut
Add lemon juice and oil
Mince parsley and combine with vegetables
Spread sunflower seeds on top

List of Salad Vegetables

Greens: Endives, Spinach, Radicchio, Head lettuce, Cress etc.
Cabbages: White, red cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower,
kohlrabi, turnip, grated or finely cut
Kohlrabi, turnip, fennel, celery, diced
Roots: Carrot, celeriac, beetroot, rutabaga, radish, parsnips, turnip, grated
Fruit vegetables: Tomato, pepper, cucumber, zucchini, cantaloupe, melon,
pumpkin, squash, cut to pieces
Cultivated Mushrooms: Oyster mushroom, white or brown mushroom,
Herbs: Parsley, chives, dillweed, greens of celeriac, basil, thyme, oregano,
marjoram, mint, melissa, tarragon, boraga, lovage, burnet, nettle,
dandelion, minced
Fruits: Apple, pear, orange, tangerine, grape, berries, plum, apricot, peach,
cherry, kiwi, pineapple, whole or cut to pieces


Chapter 9 Frequent Asked Questions

Where Do I Get My Protein?

Protein can be found in all kinds of natural food, even in salad greens. So getting
enough of it is very easy. By varying your food often and combining your foods as
outlined in a previous chapter youll be certain to get all the vital amino acids you
need in sufficient quantity.

Plants carry an average of 3% protein. Green leaves contain 2%, grains and nuts
around 10 to 14% protein, legumes (beans, lentils etc) up to 20%.
You need to be concerned about the quality of your protein, not about the
quantity. The structure of native protein gets damaged by heat above 42C and
food processing of any kind. This is why we need a sufficient amount of raw foods
to get enough native, unaltered protein to build and rejuvenate our cells.

Research has shown that the health effects of native and heated protein are quite
different. Protein that has been damaged by heat or food processing does not
result in health but in chronic disease.

Where Do I Get My Calcium?

Calcium is a very common nutrient in food. It can be utilized by your body only if
your diet includes sufficient natural, unrefined fats such as nuts, seeds, fresh
cream and butter and cold pressed oils.

The standard American diet does not include sufficient natural fats.
Here is a list of the calcium content in common foods. Note that milk is by no
means the best calcium source as frequently touted.


Content of Calcium in Some Foods

(Sources: DGE, and Vitalstofftabelle)
1OO g Cow Milk 11O mg Calcium (DGE)
1OO g Brazil Nuts 176 mg Calcium (Vitalstofftabelle)
1OO g Oats 25O mg Calcium " "
1OO g Almonds 254 mg Calcium " "
1OO g Celeriac 257 mg Calcium " "
1OO g Green Beans 261 mg Calcium " "
1OO g Kohlrabi 427 mg Calcium " "
1OO g Beef 12 mg Calcium " "


For health we need to be concerned about utilizing the nutrients, not about
counting them.
Natural whole and raw foods always deliver nutrients in proper quantity and in
the right combination for optimum utilization.

Who Can Follow a Raw Food Nutrition?

There are no restrictions. Anybody will benefit from a whole and raw food
nutrition, if it is done right. Food combining is the crucial element for sustainable
health. Even babies who for some reason could not be breastfed have thrived on
a fully raw diet.

Planning parenthood and pregnancy are perfect stages to get started on whole
and raw foods as the baby will be starting with optimum health conditions, and
pregnancy and delivery will be easy for the expectant mother.

Diabetics should make the transition to whole and raw foods under medical
supervision. Your medication will have to be adjusted to avoid a too low blood
sugar, and there are chances that you wont need it any more.

Seniors will benefit too. They made need to blend the raw food if chewing is a


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