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Star Wars and the Martial Arts

Examines how the soaring popularity of

the Star Wars film franchise has also
resulted in a cunning validation of the
mystical ki (chi) energy of the Martial Arts.

Gaylene Goodroad
The author reveals how these Eastern
belief systems are threatening to subvert
and undermine the biblical Christian faith.


Part 1


And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the
unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall
not err therein (Isaiah 35:8)." [bold added]

Exhibit: The Force Awakens poster1

A Jedi's strength flows from the Force... Use the Force



For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its
energy surrounds us and binds us You must feel the Force around you. Here,
between tree... the rock...everywhere!
Concentrate... feel the Force flow. Through the Force, things you will see. Other
places. The future... the past. Old friends long gone2
~ Grandmaster Yoda to Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker
- Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


The recent phenomenal success of Disneys record-breaking blockbuster, The
Force Awakens,3 coupled with several other popular sci-fi sagas within the Star
Wars franchise for nearly four decades (with future sequels in the works), has
cemented the core belief of the films mystical life Force into the cultural
consciousness for generations to come. But few realize that the same wraithlike
energy wielded by Star Wars characters like Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Luke
Skywalker, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, and Rey, is also promoted, practiced, and
marketed through martial artists of all stripeseven under a Christian label.
Viewers, along with young Skywalker (Mark Hamill), first learn about the
mysterious Force under the tutelage of a shabby, weathered man in a monk-like
robe named Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi (Sir Alec Guinness), whom Luke finds hidden in
a rock canyon on the planet of Tatooine (Star Wars A New Hope):
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It
surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together the Force can have a strong
influence on the weak-minded. You will find it a powerful ally4

Skywalkers Jedi training in the Force would later be honed in the murky swamps
of Dagobah under the careful instruction of a 900-year-old green alien named
Yoda (Frank Oz), who had also trained a much younger Kenobi (Star Wars The
Empire Strikes Back).5



Exhibit: Star Wars - A New Hope poster6


Like young Skywalker, I too would learn about this same mysterious Force through
my own real-life training in the martial arts. As a young girl, I became mesmerized
by personal martial arts demonstrations and stories of hand-to-hand combat by
my uncle who introduced me to the combat arts. He had earned his black belt in
karate while stationed in Japan during the Korean War. My own martial arts
journey would begin with Tae Kwon Do, and culminate with a brown belt in
Okinawa Kenpo, and two second-degree black belts (nidan) in Shotokan and
Aikido, respectively as I was moved through the various colored belt (obi) levels
with a resolute and persevering dedication. I even became a karate sensei
(teacher)training several more karatekas the way of the empty hand (i.e.,
karate-do).7 My master instructor (shihan) at the time, as well as my fellow
instructors affectionately called me Sensei Ette, as I was the only female karate
instructor in the dojo at that time. A few of the other black belts I worked with


were also members of law enforcement. They often performed self-defense
demonstrations at local schools, which I also participated in from time to time.
But the most intense period of my karate training took place in Hawaii,8 while my
husband was stationed there in the Army. My sensei had been a marine in
Okinawa where he trained under the renowned grandmaster, Seikichi Odo, in the
hard style of Okinawa Kenpo.9 Sensei Odo visited the islands frequently to
maintain style standards within our dojo. This afforded me the opportunity to
train with him, one-on-one, during his frequent official visits. Partly under his
direction, I became proficient in fighting with the
bo staffthe martial arts weapon that Sensei
Odo made famous. Odo was one of the first
karate masters to incorporate weapons (kobudo)
with empty-hand karate. Kobudo means literally,
the way of weapons (combat).
Every training session (including karate
competition) began with seated meditation
(zazen), followed by basic drills of kicking,
punching, striking, sparring (kumite), and katas
detailed floor patterns that put all of the
techniques together in a moving meditation that
required controlled breathing (ki/chi kung or qi
gong) and ki extension (kime).10 The occult nature
of these practices as well as its connection to the
Star Wars Force, will be further developed in
Part3 of this booklet.
Exhibit: Author as a Shotokan Sensei



After returning to the mainland United States in the late 1980s, I was given the
rare opportunity to briefly trainas a black beltwith another world renowned
martial arts master, Hidetaka Nishiyama.11 This was especially important to me at
the time, because Sensei Nishiyama was one of the last surviving students of
Gichin Funakoshi, the father of modern-day karate (Shotokan). I discovered that
Chuck Norris also trained with
Nishiyama when the famous
martial arts instructor was much
Neither Odo or Nishiyama spoke
English fluently, so the training
was difficult and rigorous. I
remember my initial
astonishment at Sensei Odos
dense, weathered, and rigid bare
Exhibit: Sensei Odo in Hawaii with Author (on right)

feetfleshy tools that bore the abuse of lifelong karate training. I wondered how
he was able to wear shoes. He was a pleasant man, but very focused and intense
in practice sessions. He would hit, grab, or make disapproving sounds necessary
to bring my technique into bounds. Above all else, I dreaded making gaffes with
my bo, because I didnt want to experience his bo strike to the back of my leg.
Sensei Nishiyama was also an imposing figure for a man of small stature. He made
unpleasant guttural noises whenever my performance failed his stringent
standards. He would swiftly strike improperly placed limbs with his rugged hands;
self-developed weapons that felt like cement slabs vigorously flung against the
intended target with aimed precision. I had the bruises to prove it. This method
was quite effective as it generally brought about a quick correction. Looking back
to that period of time, I am struck with sorrow as I recall how noxiously driven
and self-focused I was back then. Karate-Do was my lifemy way of life. Most



of my martial arts instructors are gone now, and am grieved to consider the
strong possibility that they never knew the
Lord Jesus Christ.
In the early 1990s, not long after my
Christian conversion, I also left the Roman
Catholic Church. It was during this period
of time, that I began to read the Bible for
the first time in my life. I didnt understand
everything I read, but enough to give me
niggling doubts about my chosen
profession. From my newfound
understanding of the New Testament, I
couldnt reconcile some of the hard-style
karate training I was doing (and teaching).
Exhibit: Grandmaster Hidetaka Nishyama with Author

The physical brutality associated with the combat arts seriously contradicted with
what the Lord Jesus taught: Love your enemies, do good to them, bless
them, and pray for them (Lk. 6:35; Matt. 5:44). I couldnt find any loopholes to
support my martial arts lifestyle, not even the self-defense argument.
I also became conflicted about spending so much time away from my family and
friends to pursue a lifestyle based solely upon self-cultivation. The martial arts
system is a combat scheme centered directly on self. Self-awareness, selfconfidence, self-control, self-empowerment, self-actualization self-defense. The
karateka climbs up through the belt-ranking system on his/her own merits.
Becoming proficient in karate is not a team effort; the pit is dug with ones own
bare hands. Later on, it appalled me to realize that instead of relying upon the
Holy Spirit of the Living God to enable me, I was actually depending upon the
impersonal Ki-Forcethe Star Wars mystical energy force that supposedly
connects everything in the universe togetherand empowers martial artists to do
amazing exploits. I began to see that these things clashed dramatically with my
faith in Christ.



Then one day I read John 14:6, Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth,
and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. In an instant, I knew
Id been on the wrong paththe broad wayleading away from Christ, for
karate-do literally means, the way of the empty hand. The do suffix denotes
the Tao (Ying/Yang), which is an Eastern religion opposed to true Christianity. It
was clear that the two belief systems were not compatible and could not be
syncretized without rendering the Bible false. I had been going the wrong way.
I resigned my senseiship (which was also a lucrative vocation) and renounced
both of my black belts, which also meant severing ties with karate
contemporaries and connections. Not one of them could grasp my radical
decision to halt my training and teaching. Many times I pleaded with the Lord to
help me forget what Id learned in over 13 years of extreme martial arts training.
But, I couldnt warn others about these things if Id forgotten everything. It was
my heaviness of heart about teaching Eastern mysticism to so many others that
led me to write the first edition of my e-booklet exposing the Christian martial
arts, My Life in the Way,: From the Broad Way of the East to the Narrow Way in
Christ in 2009. Here is how I began that writing:
In 1992, I renounced both of my black belts, after discovering the sobering truth about my
chosen vocation in light of my Christian faith. For the years since, I have grieved over the fact
that I was a teacher of the Way to many dear soulsincluding children. Although I can never
undo that grievous error, my prayer is that some may heed what I have written here. 13 [bold

My prayer is the same for this online booklet exposing the Mystic Force.


The Force, as I was to discover, was not a figment of George Lucas fertile
imagination, but a concept derived from the Eastern religions of Buddhism,
Hinduism, & Taoism, as well as Shintoism and Confucianism. This universal force
or energy is referred to as ki in the Japanese and Okinawan styles that I learned
and taught, but also called chi (qi) in Chinese, or prana in Indian styles, including
yogawhich actually birthed the martial artsby a 6th century warrior-monk


from India who taught yogic disciplines to the Buddhist monks in China.14
According to notes I kept from my black belt exam, Bodhidharma (or Daruma)
meditated with his face to a wall for nine years while listening to the ants
scream. I learned that yogic postures were necessary to help the monks endure
lengthy meditation sessions, even though most wouldnt last for nine years. The
early forms of Darumas system of breathing and exercises came to be known as
Kung Fu.15

Exhibit: The Martial Arts born from Indian/Chinese Yoga16


Harvard-trained professor of religious studies at Indiana University, Candy
Gunther Brown,17 documents these facts surrounding the Force, its connection to
pantheism (monism), and its astonishing adoption by conservative Christians
within the mainstream healthcare market via complementary and alternative
medicine (CAM), which includes the martial arts18:
The recent integration of CAM into the mainstream healthcare market and conservative
Christian subculture is an extraordinary development Holism, as the term is often used today,
presupposes that all reality is essentially one (monism), and matter and energy, physical and


nonphysical entities, exist in a continuum and constantly affect each other. Holisitic ideas
permeate American culture
A central assumption unifying diverse CAM practices is the existenceand possibility of
redirectinguniversal life force or vital energy. This energy is variously termed qi
(pronounced chee), ki, prana, animal magnetism, vital force, biofields, or Innate Intelligence,
concepts that may sound familiar to those introduced to the Force by Star Wars. 19 [bold

These Eastern religious concepts invaded the American culture through mega
motion pictures like Star Wars, as well as a flood of other martial arts films and
television programs during the 1970s and beyond. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and
Chuck Norris have become cultural icons. As Gunther Brown highlights in her
book, these movies have also disseminated mystical ideas of the Force as an
energy field created by all living things that binds the galaxy togetherdirect
quotes from Yoda and Kenobi explaining the Force to their young apprentice:
Fitness centers portray martial arts as a distinctive brand of self-defense, exercise, or sport
one surrounded by the mystique of cultivating extraordinary physical and spiritual power.
During the 1970s and 1980s, English-dubbed Hong Kong and Hollywood films introduced
Americans to kung fu and ninjas, generating curiosity and fascination. Hong Kong actors Bruce
Lee and Jackie Chan and European-American Chuck Norris (an Air Force veteran who learned
martial arts in Korea and an outspoken Christian) became cultural icons. Martial arts found a
niche among youth and children through films such as The Karate Kid (1984), Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles (1987), and Pokmon (1990s), alongside related comic books, video games, action
figures, trading cards, and cereal-box advertisements. More indirectly, the Star Wars series
(1977-2005) disseminated mystical ideas of the Force as an energy field created by all
living things that binds the galaxy together; one of the greatest Jedi warriors is named QuiGon Jinn, which sounds very much like qigong. Martial arts have become as American as
baseball.20 [bold added]

Not only have the martial arts become as American as baseball, but sadly, they
have also found friendship within Christianity through savvy Christian media
proselytizing. Martial arts legend and actor Chuck Norris, whom Gunther Brown
described as an outspoken Christian, has almost single-handedly attempted to
sanction, sanitize, and sanctify these Eastern religious concepts for Christian



consumption. But while loudly professing a Christian faith, he has instead
practiced and promoted a Buddhist spirituality.

Exhibit: Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back poster21

In Norris 1996 national bestselling book, The Secret Power Within: Zen Solutions
to Real Problems, written almost forty years after his Christian conversion, he
Ki: The Universal Power.
This source of inner power, called ki, is an invisible life force that flows throughout the
universe and that, given the proper training and practice, is available to everyone on demand.
The fact is that everyone has ki, which is really little more than a technique of visualization
allowing one to utilize the internal energy that we all have and letting it flow through the
body martial artists learn how to harness their ki22 [bold added]

These are the words of a Jedi master, not a faithful Christian. The Bible mentions
10 | P a g e


nothing of kithe universal life force that flows through the universenor that
anyone must learn to harness their ki. Norris teaching on the Ki Force is the
identical teaching emanating from the lips of Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and other
Jedis whove mastered the art of manipulating the Force, just like other real-life
swamis, yogis, wizards, and other Eastern religious gurus down through the
centuries. Note that Norris also admits to using the occult visualization techniques
of Napoleon Hill, and other New Thought gurus, in winning his many
championship karate matches spanning several decades:
Thanks to my mental-image drills I had a sense of
confidence when my bout with Joe commenced. I
didnt stand in the ring worrying about what he
was going to do or what was going to happen. I
had visualized almost every possibility, and I was
prepared as well as determined to winmy
mental imaging had prepared me for every
eventuality, and I defeated Joe by one point. It
was around this time that I began reading books
such as Napoleon Hills Laws of Success and Dr.
Joseph Murphys The Power of Your
Subconscious Mind. I discovered that I had
intuitively been doing what these authors
suggestedusing visualization and my
subconscious mind to help me achieve my
goals.23 [bold added]

Exhibit: Norris The Secret Power Within Ki24

In his Christian autobiography, Against All Odds, Norris also divulges that he was
able to pass his black belt exam in Korea, while still in the Air Force, by utilizing
such occult visualization techniques.25 In an early 2005 post, Herescope excerpted
the definition of visualization from The Seekers Handbook: The Complete Guide
to Spiritual Pathfinding by John Lash (Harmony Books, 1990), an occult dictionary:

11 | P a g e


VISUALIZATION A loose term for numerous practices in which mental pictures are called up
and used for different purposes: to contact someone telepathically, heal from a distance,
achieve a desired state (happiness, peace, courage), attain a desired goal or possession (fame,
money, sexual charm). Encompasses many popular practices now in use, though the discipline
itself is very ancient and seems to have been developed in almost every culture of the past.
May be divided into two classes: CREATIVE VISUALIZATION for the purpose of producing
external effects and the use of visual imagery for inner exploration of the processes of the
unconscious, as in the Jungian work.26 [bold added]

Occult visualization is also connected to the Law of Attraction (New Thought)

which was spawned by New Age mysticism. This concept was discussed in a
lengthy article on Quantum Spirituality in 2013, titled: Metaphysical Mysticism
Masquerading as Science - The Rise of End-Time Occultism Part 6:
The Law of Attraction, a Theosophical concoction (also called New Thought), postulates
that humans can control reality with thoughts of the mind. It is based on the idea that
everything in the universe (including thoughts) is an expression of vibrational energy
everywhere. This is part and parcel of the non-locality principle of New Age metaphysics
which states that everythingincluding human thoughtis interconnected in cosmic
oneness; i.e., as above, so below. This sort of oneness is the goal of esoteric evolution, and
teaches that we will all evolve to become part of a cosmic whole.27 [bold added]

In this metaphysical worldview, not only is the impersonal Ki Force connected to

everything in the quantum universe in cosmic oneness, but so are human
thoughts that can be manipulated to affect or change reality too. The practice of
using ones mind (thoughts) to attain a desired goal or possession, i.e., winning
a karate match, is actually a form of witchcraft that the Bible condemns (Deut.
18:10; Lev. 19:26; Rev. 19:26).
In his 2009 book, Unshackled: Breaking Away from Seductive Spirituality, Pastor
Larry DeBruyn warns about these seductively false teachings. In the chapter titled,
From Cosmos, To Chaos, To Consciousness: Quantum Physics and the New
Spirituality, he succinctly sums up the issue; New Spirituality is taking the
quantum leap from physics to metaphysics, from what is below to what is
above.28 [bold added]
12 | P a g e


In another article titled Bewitched! Evil Eye Over Evangelicalism, Pastor Larry
DeBruyn has examined in careful detail the occult nature of the New Thought
(mind over matter) philosophy that has infiltrated the Church:
New Thoughtthe Mind of the Devil
The appeal of New Thought lies, I believe, in the hidden power of it over the mind. So in the
Old Testament, the children of Israel were to have nothing to do with occult (occult means
hidden) powers, knowledge or sources, with what God called an abomination (Deuteronomy
18:9-12). In the early church revival at Ephesus, many believers which used curious arts
brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of
them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver (Acts 19:19, KJV). The result was that the
Word of God grew mightily and prevailed (Acts 19:20). Yet contrary to Gods prohibition, and
the early churchs example, here we have a network of contemporary influential Protestant and
evangelical ministers and ministries whose themes of preaching are indebted to an occult
belief system rooted in New Thought, and whose books and recorded sermons, had they been
extant in the apostolic era church, would have been burned!
New Thought is a worldly-wise philosophy of life masquerading itself as Christian.
Harmonialism is spiritual pretension, a form of godliness that denies the power thereof (2
Timothy 3:5, KJV; Read 3:1-9.). After all, who needs Providence if weve got principles? Thus,
the apostle instructs believers turn away from messengers who teach this worldly,
narcissistic and self-indulgent philosophy of life. Such earth-bound thinking easily blinds the
minds [Greek, noma] of the unbelieving from the the light of the gospel of the glory of
Christ (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).29 [bold added]

Norris has compounded his promotion of the martial arts Ki-Force with occult
visualization techniques, a belief and practice that is thoroughly compatible
within the New Age and Eastern religions, but not true Christianity.
Norris has also failed miserably to distinguish the Ki Force from the Holy Spirit of
the living Godthe third person of the Trinitywho is the Comforter, Teacher,
and divine Enabler to Christian believers (Jn. 14:26; 1 Jn. 2:27; 1 Cor. 2:4).30 The
Holy Spirit is not an impersonal energy Force that is controlled and manipulated at
will. Tonie Gatlin, Christian and former martial arts expert, has rightly written,
this attempt to manipulate a supposedly impersonal universal energy is the basis
of all sorcery and witchcraft:
13 | P a g e


Whether called serpent power, Kundalini, or the Ki (or Chi) force, the idea of an
impersonal universal energy is widespread in Eastern cultures and inherent to the philosophy
behind the martial arts. It is intrinsically tied in with the symbol of the serpent dragon, for the
writhing serpent represents the undulating energy of the supposed universal force.
Yogis focus on releasing this power through what they believe are spiritual centers in the body.
Religious Taoism teaches that the Ki force can be manipulated by human beings.
In fact, this attempt to manipulate a supposedly impersonal universal energy is the basis of all
sorcery and witchcraft31 [bold added]

Gatlin adds another ominous dimension to the Ki Force definition: serpent power
or kundalini. In the Hindu religion, the Ki Force (prana) is depicted as a slumbering
serpent at the base of the spine that is awakened during Eastern meditation,
enabling it to writhe up through the various energy channels of the body
(chakras) to bring about spiritual Enlightenment. It is attaining an altered state of
consciousness gained through intense breathing exercises (meditation) that
enables a martial arts practitioner to activate, harness, and extend their ki (the
Force). We have exposed the occult practice of Eastern meditation elsewhere.32
It is not surprising that Norris also writes about the need for martial artists to
engage in Eastern meditationvia concentrated breathing exercisesin order to
be able to harness and control the Ki Force. Hes devoted a chapter in his book,
The Secret Power Within, to unbiblical meditation titled: My Way of
Those familiar with the Word of God will also recognize that the serpent (dragon)
represents Satan or the devil (Rev. 12:9; 20:2). Along with the Yin and Yang (The
Tao) symbol, it is common to find a dragon (serpent) emblazoned on martial arts
uniforms, patches, and karate school logosand more.

14 | P a g e


Exhibit: Bruce Lee film (w/Chuck Norris)34

Way of the Dragon & fiery Tao (yin/yang) graphic

This demonic nature of the Star Wars Force is played out through many
unsettlingly familiar escape techniques used by a wide cast of characters (from
both dark and light sides of the Force) who find themselves in various galactic
predicaments. They unanimously engage in a litany of dark practices forbidden by
the Bible, including telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, mind-control, telepathy,
clairvoyance, and even necromancy (Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27; Deut. 18: 11, 14; Is. 2:6;
A number of other paranormal, psionic Force powers are demonstrated in the film series,
including telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, and mind control, as well as extra sensory
perception based abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and enhanced empathy. Darth
Vader telekinetically chokes Admiral Motti using the Force in A New Hope, an ability he is able
perform in The Empire Strikes Back by viewing his distant subject though a video screen.
Jedi and Sith can also telekinetically summon their lightsabers into their hands from across a
room. They are also able to influence and control the minds of others by making use of the
"Jedi mind trick", or using the Force to implant suggestions with which the subject is compelled
to comply. Obi-Wan uses this ability in A New Hope to convince a stormtrooper that "These
15 | P a g e


aren't the droids you're looking for."] This same trick is used by neophyte Rey in Star Wars: The
Force Awakens (2015) to compel a stormtrooper to release her from her retraints [sic], permit
her to escape her cell, and leave his weapon behind for her. In that film, First Order commander
Kylo Ren uses the Force to restrain others in a paralyzing telekinetic hold, suppress and
influence their motor skills, levitate them in the air or render them unconscious. He uses
telekinetic force to interrogate and torture Poe Dameron and Rey by invading their thoughts,
emotions and memories in a manner that causes discomfort and pain. He is also able to
suspend, in mid-air, a blaster bolt fired at him.
In the Star Wars Legends works, which take place in an alternate continuity, the Force can be
used to manipulate and erase thoughts and memories, turn victims to the Dark Side, destroy
the mind completely, give the victim hallucinations, cause a victim pain and torment, heal or
drain the life force of others, increase resistance to attack, and warp space.35 [bold added]

These satanic devices are especially obvious in the dueling lightsaber scenes
between Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Rey (The Force Awakens). Rens imposing
fiery-red lightsaber looks suspiciously like an inverted cross.

Exhibit: Kylo Rens fiery red lightsaber36 The Force Awakens

Professing Christians who equate the so-called Ki Force or Serpent Power

(kundalini) with the Holy Spirit of God commit the sin of blasphemyfor the Star
Wars Force is derived from occult mysticism and Eastern religion, and is not even
remotely related to true Christianity. It all comes from the Dark Side.
16 | P a g e


To date, Chuck Norris, who has become a conservative Christian political pundit,
has not publicly recanted any of his Eastern mystical teachings in one of his
current writings or multimedia projects. To the contrary, he has devoted his
legacy, time, and funding to promoting the martial arts to children within the
American public school system through his Kickstart Kids organization.37 Rather
than face scrutiny for his continued promotion of the martial arts, Norris has
actually been recognized for his martial arts achievements within Christianity.
Norris, the legendary
martial arts champion
and media superstar
was honored with the
prestigious NRB
Chairmans Award at
the 2014 National
Religious Broadcasters
(NRB) convention. He
was joined on stage by
WND publisher, Joseph
Exhibit: WND publisher Joseph Farah and friend Chuck Norris38
In a rare public appearance, legendary martial arts champion and media superstar Chuck Norris
will face off on stage with WND founder Joseph Farah in the climactic event of the 15th annual
National Religious Broadcasters convention Thursday, Feb. 26, in Nashville at the Gaylord
Opryland Hotel.39 [bold added]

Norris, a weekly columnist for WND, was also the subject of an exclusive feature
article on the online website prior to receiving his NRB award titled, No joke!
Chuck Norris mano a mano [i.e., hand-to-hand combat] with Farah - Superstar
faces grilling on stage at Christian media convention. Note the basis of Norris
special recognition:

17 | P a g e


Norris first made his mark as a renowned teacher of martial arts and was a six-time undefeated
World Professional Middle Weight Karate Champion. He is the first man from the Western
Hemisphere in the 4,500+ year tradition of Tae Kwon Do to be awarded an eighth degree Black
Belt Grand Master ranking. He has also starred in 24 motion pictures. Furthermore, his
television series, Walker, Texas Ranger, ran for 8 1/2 years and was the most successful
Saturday night series on CBS since Gunsmoke.40 [bold added]

While making his mark as a renowned teacher of martial arts as well as his
success as a famous motion picture actor matters to the world, it scores no points
in the Lords economyand should not be honored in the Church.

For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many
mighty, not many noble, are called:
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen
the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things
which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
That no flesh should glory in His presence. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made
unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
That, according as it is written, He that glorieth,
let him glory in the Lord (1 Cor. 1:26-31). [bold added]

18 | P a g e


Part 2


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan
unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are
sanctified by faith that is in Me. ~ Jesus, Acts 26:18

Exhibit: Star Wars X-Wing X-mas sleigh 2015. In the background is the Death Star moon41

The next generation of Star Wars toys, collectibles, books, and apparel is in range. is thrilled to announce that Star Wars: The Force Awakens products will land in
our galaxy on September 4, 2015, at 12:01 a.m. Force Friday with stores around the
world opening their doors at midnight for a special celebration of all things Star Wars.
It will be a day long remembered. Every lightsaber, every action figure, every LEGO set tells a
story for generations of Star Wars fans, and this global event is a celebration of those stories.
Were excited to be part of the countdown to this enormous movie moment
~ StarWars.com42 [bold added]

19 | P a g e


Exhibit: Star Wars merchandise for children, Christmas 2015


Consumers around the globe will note how 2015 became a very Star Wars
Christmas for retail outlets everywhere, as fans piled in movie theaters in
December to watch the latest Star Wars adventure, The Force Awakens, which
reunited characters from the original Star Wars Trilogy and introduced new ones
to the current generation. Giant Yoda dolls, Stormtrooper action figures,
Millennium Falcon toy models, Darth Vader cookie jars, X-wing knife blocks, and
even Death Star waffle irons filled the store shelves. May the Force be with you,
trumped Merry Christmas as even greeting card vendors tapped into the Star
Wars Force frenzy.

20 | P a g e


Exhibit: A very Star Wars Christmas card 201543

Forbes online reported that Disney, who purchased Lucasfilm from George Lucas
for $4 billion in 2012, would generate considerably more money from the
licensing of Star Wars merchandise than from box office sales already over $2
billion in just three months since the release of The Force Awakens in December
of 2015:
Analysts predict Star Wars merch will generate some $3 billion in sales in 2015, and $5 billion
over the next 12 months. Disney kicked up its marketing to a higher level Sept. 4 with Force
Friday, an engineered shopping day pegged to the launch of a new line of Star Wars toys. It
produced holiday-esque sales that bettered Amazons Prime Day and neared Black Friday
levels, even without any deals, according to Adobe. There were 15 million visits to websites
selling Star Wars products between September and November, Adobe says. It helps that Disney
licensees have expanded the range of merchandise to goods traditionally targeted at girls,
including cosmetics (a The Dark Side mascara by Covergirl) and jewelry (a Stormtrooper
necklace at Kay Jewelers). Even fast-fashion mainstay Forever 21 has a line of Star Wars
sweatpants and shirts. it seems clear that Star Wars merchandise is moving millions.44
[bold added]
21 | P a g e


The most recent estimates, put the Star Wars franchise net worth near $10
billion.45 While moviegoers and consumers continue to tap into the Force, smart
marketers have cashed in on lucrative licensing agreements with Disney.

Exhibit: Darth Vader and Stormtrooper toys46

May the Force be with you

The now famous greeting, may the Force be with you, was first uttered by
former Force skeptic Han Solo, (cargo pilot of the Millennium Falcon) to Jedi Luke
Skywalker, in the first installment of the Star Wars Trilogy (episode IV, A New
Hope) in 1977, as Skywalker prepared to embark on the fated mission to destroy
the Death Star in his X-wing fighter jetutilizing the Force to do it.47 General Jan
Dodonna (Alex McCrindle), military commander of the Rebel base, whose plan it
was to penetrate the Death Star's vulnerable defenses with Starfighters, rallied his
Rebel Starfighters with the same dark blessing, Man your ships! And may the
22 | P a g e


Force be with you!48 General (formerly Princess) Leia (Carrie Fisher) blesses
young Jedi neophyte Rey (Daisy Ridley) with May the Force be with you as Rey
departs on a mission to find the now elderly Skywalker who is in hiding on a
remote rocky island planet (The Force Awakens).
But what does this greeting mean? What is really being said? First, this replaces a
greeting found in Scripture, which serves as a blessing. The best example is found
in the story of Ruth when Boaz came from Bethlehem, and said unto the reapers,
'The LORD be with you.' And they
answered him, 'The LORD bless
thee' (Ruth 2:4). In the New
Testament, the Apostle Paul ends
his letter with words such as The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
with you (See: 1 Cor. 16:23; 2
Cor. 13:14; Phil. 4:23; 1 Thess
5:28; 2 Thess. 3:18; 2 Tim. 4:22;
Rev. 22:21). The Lord is being
replaced with an impersonal
Force. How many children are
growing up never knowing the
blessing found in these Scriptures,
but knowing by heart the words
from this movie?
Exhibit: May the Force be with you keychain49
The supposed presence of this ubiquitous Force not only serves as the foundation
of all martial arts systems, it also glues together the themes, galaxies, and
characters of the entire Star Wars enterprise. The two are permanently
intertwined financially and spiritually.
For example, Skywalkers drab tunic is nothing less than a karate gi (martial arts
uniform) embellished with knee-high moon boots. His lightsaber; a light-up
Japanese kendo stick.50

23 | P a g e


Exhibit: Martial Arts Gi and Luke Skywalker's tunic51

Darth Vaders space uniform and black helmet were actually fashioned after an
ancient samurai
warrior. Kenobi,
Yoda, and
become martial
arts teachers
(senseis) to
adepts, like
Rey, who is
destined to
train with
the seasoned Jedi
Exhibit: Ancient Samurai Warrior and Darth Vader52
24 | P a g e


master, Skywalker, in order to further develop her inner power, the Force (ki or


Another facet of the Force is a major tenet of Taoism, which forms the core of the
martial arts, is the idea of splitting of the Force into light and dark sides. It is also
the central thrust of the Star Wars cosmos. The familiar Yin and Yang symbol is
the graphic depiction of the Tao. Wikipedia defines this religious concept simply
and accurately:
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang... describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually
complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give
rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many tangible dualities (such as light and
dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting) are thought of as physical manifestations of
the duality symbolized by yin and yang. This duality lies at the origins of many branches of
classical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being a primary guideline of traditional
Chinese medicine, and a central principle of different forms of Chinese martial arts and
exercise, such as baguazhang, taijiquan (t'ai chi), and qigong (Chi Kung), as well as appearing in
the pages of the I Ching.
Duality is found in many belief systems but Yin and Yang are parts of a Oneness that is also
equated with the Dao [or Tao]. A term has been coined dualistic-monism or dialectical
monism. Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary (rather than opposing) forces that
interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts53
[bold added]

25 | P a g e


Exhibit: Selling Star Wars tissues Christmas 2015

This pantheistic or monistic (i.e., all is One) belief is at direct odds with the God
of the Bible who is above His creation and transcendently separate from them. All
is NOT One (i.e. God).54 This unbiblical philosophy cannot be joined to or
blended with Christianity in any way; the two belief systems are not compatible.
The Tao is parallel to the concept of the Way, which is an Eastern religious path
to self-enlightenment (godhood)a path the Bible refers to as the broad way
leading to destruction (Matt. 7:13). Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
(Jn. 14:6). There is no other Way than Christ. He alone is the supreme God. The

26 | P a g e


Tao (Dao/Do) is prevalent in every
martial art form and is captured in each
peculiar style named with the Do
ending; i.e., Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee),
Chun Kuk Do (Chuck Norris), Aikido
(Morihei Ueshiba). Karate-do literally
means, the way of the empty hand
(i.e., the Tao/Dao/Do).55 This is why
most martial arts uniform patches
feature the yin and yang symbol in
some form.

Exhibit: The Tao (Yin & Yang). Note the white and black, light and dark56

The Tao forms a critical thread that is woven throughout the Star Wars universe,
as well as being central to the martial arts. Without it, the entire edifice crumbles
into ruins. In this bankrupt system, there is no right or wrong; truth or error. This
evil relativism utterly destroys the Gospel of Jesus Christ which claims that Christ
died to save mankind from sin, which is the unrighteousness nature within every
human being. Mankind cannot save itself, nor the cosmos for that matter.

Through the Lord Jesus Christ were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in
earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:
all things were created by Him, and for Him and by Him all things consist And, having made
peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself
(Col. 1:16-20).

The Tao (yin and yang) also denies the veracity and sufficiency of the Word of
God. Gods Word is truth (Ps. 119:160; Jn. 17:17).
Note these apparent Star Wars opposites (The Tao) that feed into the same
universal Ki-Force field:

27 | P a g e


The Galactic Empire The Rebel Alliance

The First Order The Resistance

Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker

Kylo Ren Ben Solo

Imperial Stormtroopers Rebel Soldiers

Chancellor Palpatine Grandmaster Yoda

Grand Moff Tarkin Princess Leia Organa

Tie Fighter X-wing Fighter

The Death Star The Rebel Base (Ice Planet Hoth)

Supreme Leader Snoke Master Jedi Luke Skywalker

Exhibit: Selling Star Wars cotton swabs Christmas 2015

28 | P a g e


Mentoring Moral Relativism
Since everything is supposedly connected to this universal Ki-Force, some
characters find themselves on both sides of the Force at various points in their
life. Anakin Skywalker (Luke & Leias father), is seduced by the Dark Side of the
Force and becomes the evil Darth Vader (James Earl Jones).57 Ben Solo (Han and
Leias son) is also seduced by the Dark Side and becomes the wicked Kylo Ren
(Vaders grandson). That is why it becomes necessary for a new, empowered Jedi
(this time a young woman named Rey) to hone her natural Jedi skills (via the
Force) and restore balance to the galaxyunder the advanced training of Master
Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who had been in hiding since Ben Solo turned to the Dark
Side (The Force Awakens).
In other words, with murky distinctions between good guys and bad guys who
vacillate between light and dark, Star Wars conditions children to shifting beliefs,
vague values, and mystical ways of thinking. Children are being trained to
synthesize beliefs and to trade old absolute beliefs and values for ever-changing
compromise positions. According to Berit Kjos's review of the Star Wars The
Revenge of the Sith, here is how it works:
the main issue here is not Mr. Lucas' personal beliefs. Far more important are the "takehome" images and suggestions that shape the thoughts of his fans. One such suggestion came
from the mouth of Obi-Wan, one of the most honorable Jedis. "Only a Sith deals in absolutes,"
he told Anakin. The apparent implication? Since absolutes belong on the evil side, those who
deal in absolutes must be enemies of the "good" side. [bold in original]

29 | P a g e


Exhibit: Marketing Star Wars ideology via Christmas gifts for children 2015

Star Wars is a mythological story that has become a culturally significant fictional
fantasy based on Eastern mysticism. Teaching this myth to a new generation
requires spiritual mentors. In Star Wars these teachers of the Force are actually
embedded into the film. This highlights another aspect of Taoism, the master
teacher: or sensei. The Japanese word sensei literally means born before,
meaning a special guide who has knowledge or skill to impart to those who come
after. The sensei, in this respect, also becomes a spiritual guide for the way; an
enlightened custodian of the Force. Thus in Star Wars, the Jedi Master Yoda trains
Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader). Both Yoda and Obi Wan
train the younger Skywalker, who later trains Ben Solo, but Hans son is seduced
by the Dark Side and becomes Kylo Ren, creating a major wrinkle in the balance of
the Force.

30 | P a g e


But Rey, who does not have a last name as of yet, has been safely hidden from
nefarious powers on the sandy planet of Jakku. She comes on the scene at just
the right time, giving hope that she might restore harmony to the disturbed
galaxy. Again, she seeks out the seasoned sensei-sage, Luke Skywalker, who is
destined to continue her Jedi training.
Her lineage has been kept a mystery in The Force Awakens, but many movie
speculators suggest that she may be Lukes nieceKylo Rens twin sister (Luke
and Leia are also twins). If this turns out to be the case, then she would also be
Han Solo and General Leias daughter, as well as Darth Vaders (Anakin
Skywalkers) granddaughter. Viewers will have to wait until the next sequel is
released to find out for sure. The plot murkily thickens. By the way, this familial
scenario not only fits well within the Tao, but also with elements of
Confucianism,58 which stresses social and ancestral harmony.

Exhibit: Rey with Lukes lightsaber The Force Awakens59

31 | P a g e


Every theme, every subplot, and every eccentric character is a plot device that
tries to release the pulsating, perpetual tension generated by a disturbance in the
Force, attempting to bring the troubled cosmos into balance.
In The Force
Awakens, Lor San
Tekka (Max Von
Sydow), a rugged
space explorer
bearing a striking
resemblance to
the late Obi Wan
his reliance in the
ancient Tao when
he says to
Exhibit: Lor San Tekka and Poe Dameron60

Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) on Reys home planet, I've traveled
too far, and seen too much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi,
there can be no balance in the Force.61
This idea of creating a harmonic balance in the cosmosa ubiquitous energy field
connected to and surrounding all thingsis a central New Age concept that is also
prevalent in Quantum Spirituality. In this occult worldview, the seemingly
benevolent blessing, may the Force be with you, casts a sinister and ominous
shadow. Tragically, the Force sells big.

32 | P a g e


As Berit Kjos concluded in her review of Star Wars The Revenge of the Sith:
Our sovereign, all-wise, all-loving Creator is nothing like the Force. The very suggestion makes a
mockery of His holiness and glory! According to Biblical definitions, the Star Wars Force is a
different god -- the kind of counterfeit god that the Bible tells us to shun. And like those pagan
gods of the past, it comes with an enticing built-in mythology. It may well have the largest
group of devotees of any pagan deity throughout history...
The "highest good" God shows us in His Word is His holiness, not the eventual defeat of
darkness (a victory which is according to His work and time, not ours). Therefore He calls us to
separate ourselves from all the cultural influences that would mar His holy life in His 'born
again" children...

Mythical stories that evoke strong feelings distract fans from true realities and
bombard them with contrary suggestions that appeal to emotions rather than
In spite of man's unceasing quest for feel-good revelations and mind-blowing
thrills, there's only one source of absolute truth: the Bible.

Exhibit: Countdown to Force Friday Christmas sales 201562

33 | P a g e


And He [Jesus] was saying to them [the Jewish leaders],

You are from below, I am from above;
you are of this world, I am not of this world (Jn. 8:23).

And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God,

whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30).

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Part 3


But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces... (Daniel 11:38a).

Exhibit: Kylo Ren (the Dark Side) and Rey (the Light Side) engaged in lightsaber duel63

Almost everyone has seen karate demonstrations in which martial artists break boards, cinder
blocks, or bricks with chops or kicks. Ive done it lots of times I knew it served a valid purpose
by giving people a dramatic and memorable demonstration of the power of ki Its clear that
learning a martial art involves coming into possession of a certain amount of powerful force.
~ Chuck Norris, Martial Arts Master64

The idea of emptying one's mind

is fundamental to all meditative practice.
~Marianne Williamson65

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Another aspect of advanced martial arts training connected to the Ki Force, that is
prevalent but not overt in the Star Wars saga, is a form of meditation in motion66
called mushin, mind of no mind, or no mind. One martial artist simply states it
this way: Mushin no shin is a state into which very highly trained martial artists
(e.g. samurai fighters) are said to enter during combat.67
Mushin is an altered state of consciousness that enables the martial artist to
harness ki and defeat the opponent. This state of mind is akin to teaching on the
Presence or entering the silence in Contemplative Spirituality.68
By the time I became a brown belt in Okinawa Kenpo (see Part 1), I came to
realize that I had been initiated into a religious pursuit, rather than just a physical
sport. By that time, all of the fundamental techniques were conditioned and
honed. Thereafter, the focus of my black belt training was replete with mystical
mushin drills, such as sparring in the dark and grappling while blind-folded.
Further advancement was not possible without deeper meditation and inner
intuitive exercises. The focus shifted from seeing my opponent, to sensing him.
This ability is a form of occult mysticism called clairsentience.69
A Zen Buddhism blog underscores that mushin is the essence of Zen and
Japanese martial arts and that this state of no-mindnesscannot be grasped
with the intellect but must be experiencedwhich is the pinnacle of the
mystic mindset:
Mushin - Mushin is the essence of Zen and Japanese martial arts. Mushin literally means the
"mind without mind", and it is commonly called "the state of no-mindness". Mushin is the
essence of Zen and Japanese martial arts. It is a state of mind where mind is not fixed on or
occupied by any thought or emotion, and is thus connected to the Cosmos The concept of
Mushin is identical to the Japanese metaphorical expression "mizu no kokoro" or the "mind like
water." This mental attitude refers to a mind that is in total harmony with the Cosmos that it
resembles a still pond of water without any ripples where the surface reflects a clear and
perfectly undistorted image of the surroundings, like a mirrorMushin cannot be grasped with
the intellect; it must be experienced. A Mushin mind has no Ego and no substance; it is pure
Enlightenment and is the perfect realization of the self70 [bold added]

36 | P a g e


An Aikido (martial arts) website concurs with this definition, adding that mushin
is vital to the martial artist:
Mushin cannot be grasped with the intellect; it must be experienced. In Aikido, the state of
Mushin is crucial during a martial situation. The practitioner must become one with the
attacker for the technique to be effective, efficient, and harmoniousTo achieve this state of
Mushin, the mind must be free from any conscious thought; free from anger, hesitation, doubt,
fear and pride. Mushin is vital to the martial artist. It is a concept that liberates the mind
from the restrictions of the present situation.71 [bold added]

A classic example of mushin is masterfully illustrated in an iconic scene from the

original Star Wars movie, A New Hope. Before Skywalker can ultimately use his
innate mystical powers to defeat the Dark Side of the Force, he undergoes
advanced martial arts training with sage Jedi master Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi,
aboard the Millennium Falcon, who coaches Luke to develop his no mind abilities.
In this instance, Luke
practices lightsaber
combat against a remote
lightsaber unit. Note that
Lukes success comes only
by letting his conscious
thoughts go, covering his
eyes with a blast shield,
and allowing the Ki Force
to flow through him,
control his actions, and hit
his target:
Exhibit: Luke Skywalker develops the Force with a remote lightsaber72
Luke stands in the middle of the small hold area; he seems frozen in place. A humming
lightsaber is held high over his head. Ben watches him from the corner, studying his
movements. Han watches with a bit of smugness.
BEN: Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him.
LUKE: You mean it controls your actions?

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BEN: Partially. But it also obeys your commands.
Suspended at eye level, about ten feet in front of Luke, a "seeker", a chrome baseball-like robot
covered with antennae, hovers slowly in a wide arc. The ball floats to one side of the youth then
the other. Suddenly it makes a lightning-swift lunge and stops within a few feet of Luke's face.
Luke doesn't move and the ball backs off. It slowly moves behind the boy, then makes another
quick lunge, this time emitting a blood red laser beam as it attacks. It hits Luke in the leg
causing him to tumble over. Han lets loose with a burst of laughter.
HAN: Hokey
religions and
ancient weapons
are no match for a
good blaster at
your side, kid.
LUKE: You don't
believe in the
Force, do you?

Exhibit: Luke trying out the Force73

HAN: Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but
I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling
everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.
Ben smiles quietly.
HAN: It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.
BEN: I suggest you try it again, Luke.
Ben places a large helmet on Luke's head which covers his eyes.

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BEN: This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct.
LUKE: (laughing) With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?
BEN: Your eyes can
deceive you. Don't trust
Han skeptically shakes his
head as Ben throws the
seeker into the air. The ball
shoots straight up in the
air, then drops like a rock.
Luke swings the lightsaber
around blindly missing the
seeker, which fires off a
laserbolt [sic] which hits
Luke square on the seat of
the pants. He lets out a
painful yell and attempts
to hit the seeker.
Exhibit: Luke adding the blast shield74
BEN: Stretch out with your feelings.
Luke stands in one place, seemingly frozen. The seeker makes a dive at Luke and, incredibly, he
managed to deflect the bolt. The ball ceases fire and moves back to its original position.
BEN: You see, you can do it.
HAN: I call it luck.
BEN: In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.
HAN: Look, going good against remotes is one thing. Going good against the living? That's
something else.
Solo notices a small light flashing on the far side of the control panel.
HAN: Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan.
Han and Chewbacca head back to the cockpit.
39 | P a g e


LUKE: You know, I did feel something. I could almost see the remote.
BEN: That's good. You have taken your first step into a larger world.75 [bold added]

Indeed, through
Ben and Luke,
movie viewers
have also taken
their first step
into a larger
world; the
occult realm of
Exhibit: Luke about to exercise mushin in his X-wing fighter jet76

Luke Skywalker would later use his advanced mushin (no mind) martial arts
techniques to thrust the fatal proton torpedo into the Death Stars thermal
exhaust portwith his X-wing fighters targeting computer switched off and his
eyes closed.77
Throughout the last moments of this perilously impossible mission to destroy the
Galactic Empire space station, Skywalker was able to stay his target with Kenobis
phantom voice echoing through the cockpit of his space craft (the Jedi teacher
had been killed by Vader prior to Lukes combat assignment): Use the Force,
Luke. Let go, Luke. Luke, trust me. Remember, the Force will be with you...
always. Incidentally, this occult phenomenon is called clairaudience: the ability to
hear departed spirits.78

40 | P a g e


A most-fitting parallel
scene to Lukes training
with the remote lightsaber
unit was captured in the
2003 motion picture The
Last Samurai with Tom

Exhibit: Mushin and The Last Samurai79

Cruise plays a thirty-something Civil War veteran who sails across the ocean to
train with the Japanese samurai warriors. This particular film clip is recounted and
examined in an online essay by a martial arts student in fulfillment of his Aikido
black belt exam:
Nathan Algren [Tom Cruise] begins to train with the sword. In one scene where the samurai
teach him a lesson, he gets an advice from Nobutada, Katsumoto's son:
N [Nobutada]: Please forgive. Too many mind.
N.A. [Algren]: Too many mind?
N [Nobutada]: Hai. Mind the
sword. Mind the people watch.
Mind the enemy. Too many mind.
No mind.
N.A. [Algren]: No mind. (Last
Samurai 2003: (54:35)

Exhibit: Screenshot from TLS movie - No mind80

41 | P a g e


Nobuta [sic] wants to explain the Zen expression of mushin. This is an abbreviation of mushin
no shin, which could be translated as "the mind without mind". Mushin is a state of mind
which a martial artist tries to reach during a fight Algren follows this advice and is able to
match his opponent for the first time. In a further scene he also follows this insight. He has
trained with the samurai for one winter. There is a fight between him and the samurai Ujio
(Last Samurai 2003: 1:02:00). He loses the first two encounters. Before the third one he repeats
"no mind".
The fight is shown in slow motion and ends with a draw. Algren has successfully mastered the
sword and is now able to completely concentrate on the upcoming battles. After he has
returned with Katsumoto to Tokyo, Katsumoto is being arrested and Algren is shadowed by four
swordsman [sic]. He faces them at night, concentrates and again repeats silently "no mind"
(Last Samurai 2003: 1:27:57). He fights them, wins and in ecstasy the battle is repeated in his
mind in slow motion.81 [bold added]

In this case, Captain Algren (Cruise) exercises mushin while fighting with a
Japanese sword instead of Skywalkers lightsaber, but its essentially the same
replay. Both martial arts warriorsone feudal, one galacticare empowered to
accomplish super-human feats, defeat the opponent, or hit the target by
exploiting the universal Ki Force. This power is only accessed through emptying
self of rational thought through Eastern meditation (or moving meditation) in a
mystical dance between the Serpent Power (kundalini) and an altered state of

Exhibit: Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris in action (Way/Return of the Dragon)82
42 | P a g e


Where does the power come from to do these magical-appearing feats in the
martial arts? The kundalini (serpent power) is the yogic (Hindu) term for the
Force. They are synonymous. The late New Age expert Dave Hunt explained the
source of this Kundalini spirit power or force in a Search the Scriptures radio
interview for The Berean Call:
Well, to put it bluntly, its demonic. There is no way you can explain it physicallyits a nonphysical force. There certainly is nothing coiled at the base of the spine, three and one-half
times coiled, like a serpent thats going to spring up when you get in the proper state of
consciousness, supposedly. This is the same occult power that all the occultists are in touch
with, or try to be in touch with...
Because the serpents lie to Eve was, You can be like the gods. The only way he can
demonstrate that is to give some kind of power.... Who needs this God of the Bible who claims
to be the Creator? He says I am a sinner, but yoga doesnt tell me that I am a sinner. In fact,
Hinduism says theres no such thing as a sinner. The only sin is to call yourself a sinner. This is
Hinduism, so its like the Star Wars Force. When these kids walked out of that theater, one
thought remained with them: May the Force be with you... The god Force, this Force, and its
neutralit has a dark and a light side. You can play whichever side you want, but its amoral.83

Seeing is believing for pragmatic witnesses. Most spectators whove seen a live
martial arts demonstration become awestruck by the unbelievable feats that
karate experts are able to do in their midst: bending thick rods of iron with bare
hands, breaking piles of bricks with a single hand strike, or even walking on fire or
glass without injury.
John Ankerberg and John Weldon have included a chapter on the martial arts in
their classic Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs. In their book they examine these
mystical power abilities displayed by seasoned martial arts practitioners:
...since chi [or ki] is a mystical force or power that can be generated and controlled by the
martial artist through meditation and breathing exercises, the connection between chi
development, breath control and the powerful physical feats of martial arts displays is
43 | P a g e


Most martial arts have feats of incredible power, such as powerbreaking, which is the breaking
of thick pieces of wood, layers of tile or bricks, and so
on with the hand, foot, elbow, head, or even
fingertips Other amazing feats are immunity to fire,
cuts, severe blows, and the like. The purpose of these
feats is to make the student aware of the power
within [Morihei] Ueshiba often demonstrated his
command of ki. He was five feet tall and weighed only
120 pounds, yet by directing his ki down to the ground
could remain rooted to the spot and resist the efforts
of several men to pick him up. Likewise, he used ki to
send several assailants flying, while barely moving
himself.84 [bold added]

The contention that the purpose of these

feats is to make the student aware of the
power within, concurs with the teaching of
martial arts superstar Chuck Norris who wrote
Exhibit: 1989 Norris book85

two books with a familiar theme, The Secret of

Inner Strength (1989) and The Secret Power
Within (1997). Both books reveal that the
supposed secret source of power within the
martial artist is ki (the Force). In his 1997 book,
Norris writes:
Almost everyone has seen karate demonstrations in
which martial artists break boards, cinder blocks, or
bricks with chops or kicks. Ive done it lots of timesI
knew it served a valid purpose by giving people a
dramatic and memorable demonstration of the power
Exhibit: Norris book teaching Zen86
of ki Its clear that learning a martial art involves coming into possession of a certain amount
of powerful force.87 [bold added]

While it may be true that learning a martial art involves coming into possession
44 | P a g e


of a certain amount of powerful force, the frightening reality is that it actually
comes from an occult source.
After a careful examination of ki and how it is manipulated and manifested by
martial artists, Ankerberg and Weldon draw this conclusion: there appears to
be little difference between the mystical energy used in the martial arts and the
psychic energy used by the occultist, whether shaman, witch doctor, medium,
spiritual channeler, or psychic healer88
The troubling implications of this difficult truth, is that Norris, who is a
conservative professing Christian, has taught the same foul gospel to his many
adepts as did Obi Wan and Yoda to young Skywalker and millions of Star Wars
fans: a Jedi [or a ki-trained karateka] can feel the Force flowing through him.
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living
things. It surrounds us and penetrates us.89
It is also a sad fact is that many eager martial arts beginnersincluding
Christianspursue these abilities and powers and neglect to question the source.
All that matters is that it workswhatever it is.
Perhaps it was disintegration of the Death Star before his very eyes that changed
Han Solos (Harrison Ford) mind about the Force. The once hokey religion and
make-believe mystical energy field at some point became real to him. In The
Force Awakens, Rey asks the now aging smuggler pilot about the reality of the
Jedi. I used to wonder that myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo
magical power holding together good, evil, the dark side and the light 'Crazy
thing is, it's true. The Force, the Jedi, all of it. It's all true.90

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Exhibit: Star Wars- Return of the Jedi poster91

Eyewitness testimonies can be a powerful sales tools to friends and family. Solos
old pirate friend, Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyongo), a tiny, thousand-year-old, fourfoot-tall, female alien wearing adjustable goggles, reinforces Solos testimony
about the Force. Maz comforts Rey, who is destined to eventually take the Jedi
baton from Skywalker (now in hiding). Rey has stumbled upon Skywalkers old
lightsaber which has been nestled safely inside an old trunk in Mazs castle

46 | P a g e


The belonging you seek is not behind you. It is ahead. I am no Jedi, but I know
the Force. It moves
through and surrounds
every living thing. Close
your eyes. Feel it. In
this scene Maz serves as
yet another sensei, a
charming character like
Yoda teaching the
occult way of the Force
to a new generation of
children (see Part 2).
Exhibit: Alien Maz Kanata knows the Force92

Appallingly, like Solo and Rey, many Christiansespecially those involved in the
so-called Christian martial artshave come to falsely believe that the Force (and
the powers it holds) is not only real, but biblical. Those who eventually experience
the power of the Ki Force for themselves, after their initiation into this magical
realm is complete, have been terminally seduced by the Dark Side.

When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the
detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son
or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery,
interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who
consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these
same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.
You must be blameless before the Lord your God (Deut. 18:9-13). [bold added]

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Part 4


For though we walk in the flesh,
we do not war according to the flesh,
for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh,
but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (2 Cor. 10:3-4).

Exhibit: Punch Thy Neighbor93

The martial arts is a philosophy that is pretty much the principles in the Bible. Even though we
cant talk about Jesus, we can talk about what Jesus talks about in the Bible love, loving your
neighbor, being good people. Even though we cant quote Scripture, we can say what Jesus
says in the Bible or what the Apostle Paul says or what St. Peter says. We can say that in an
indirect way, which we do.
~ Chuck Norris, Christian and Martial Arts Master94 [bold added]

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Years after I renounced my martial arts black belts, I was teaching a womens
Bible study two times a week in the basement of a large church. Thursday
evenings became problematic for me because of excessive noise upstairs above
my classroom. At times, the roof seemed to rumble, which created an unpleasant
distraction to our Bible study. One night, I traveled up to the first floor to see
what the ruckus was about. To my utter dismay, the upstairs area of the church
as well as the sanctuarywas teeming with martial artists of all ages who were
yelling, kicking, screaming, and wielding practice karate weapons. That night, I
found out that the church I was a member of hosted a karate class every week
in the large room above my class. Later I would discover a favorable article about
this karate class on the church websitealong with a prominent photo of the
black belt instructor, arm-and-arm, with the senior pastor! This unsettling
situation, I learned, has become all too common within the Christian church.

Exhibit: the syncretism of Christianity and the Martial Arts95


Most martial arts practitioners (let alone Christians) do not realize the spiritual
dangers lurking within the repetitious training. I didnt. Neither did Gichin
49 | P a g e


Funakoshi, the father of modern-day karate.96 In 1962, while Chuck Norris was
still a young black belt, he allowed a Buddhist monk to guide him into an altered
state of consciousness. After this experience, he wrote:
The monk tried to convince me to convert [to Buddhism], but my Christian faith was too strong.
But that was when I first became aware that there was more to the martial arts than just the
physical, and it was a turning point in my lifeover the years my understanding of that other
side of the martial arts has grown considerably. In the end, the idea of a third eye helps in an
understanding of Zen, since Zen is another way of seeingyou could even say a way of seeing
with both your eyes closed.97 [bold added]

This seeing without the eyes hearkens back to Luke's training in the Force by Ben
Kenobi described in Part 3. The fact that this occult experience was a [positive]
turning point in Norris life and that his understanding of the other side of the
martial arts has grown considerably, is quite disturbing. The evidence suggests
that the Buddhist monk in the saffron robe converted Norris to Buddhism after

Exhibit: Fight Church screening advertisement98

The idea of a third eye as well as seeing with both eyes closed is a Buddhist
tenet, not a biblical one. It is New Age mysticism. The Bible teaches us to
meditate (think about) things with intentional, rational thoughtswith our eyes
wide open so-to-speaknot by emptying our mind, entering into an altered state
of consciousness, and sensing an enlightened understanding (Ps. 63:6; 119:15, 99;
Josh. 1:8; Rom. 12:2). The Word of God becomes meaningless and insufficient in
50 | P a g e


this occult worldview.
The troubling fact is that many unwitting Christian karatekas will be drawn into
Eastern religion and occult mysticism, far away from true Christianity, just by
joining a karate dojo, a place martial arts go to train. Norris defines the Japanese
word in The Secret Power Within:
The name dojo was borrowed from the Buddhist nomenclature for the halls set aside for
meditation and other spiritual exercises in virtually every monastery and convent, and the
original Sanskrit word, bodhimandala, means the place of enlightenment.99 [bold added]

Buddhist enlightenment takes place when, through Eastern meditation, an adept

becomes aware that he/she is God. This fact alone out to cause Christians, who
are considering training in the martial arts, to pause before they ever enter
through the doors of a martial arts dojo.
In the book The Healing Gods author Gunther Brown documents this troubling
trend as conservative Christians dabble in the dark spiritual dimensions of
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)which according to Gunther
Brownincludes the martial arts:
The study in this book indicates that participating in
CAM may result in significant spiritual transformations
even for those individuals who do not intend to
become involved in CAMs spiritual dimensions.
Michael Rapose, a martial-arts scholar and
practitioner, used aikido as an example. Morihei
Ueshiba, (1883-1969) developed aikido in Japan to
embody a new religious movement, Omoto-kyo,
which draws on Taoism, Buddhism, and Shinto. For
Ueshiba, the cosmos has a divine center, and
meditation, or sinking into the center of ones being,
is a way of returning to the cosmic center. The cosmos
gave rise to ki, the energy that animates everything,
and breath, which is both physical and spiritual,
embodies ki. Aikido students breathe in and let
51 | P a g e

Exhibit: Martial Arts = CAM100


yourself soar to the ends of the universe; breathe out and bring the cosmos back inside British
martial-arts scholar Stewart McFarlane argues that many people, particularly in the West,
have been drawn to Zen and other forms of Buddhist practice through an initial interest in
and pursuit of Eastern martial arts.101 [bold added]

As I described in Part 1, my personal testimony is that I was drawn to Zen and

other forms of Buddhist practice through an initial interest in and pursuit of
Eastern martial arts. I earned my second black belt in the soft martial arts style of
Aikido. Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, claimed to be an Enlightened
individual [i.e., he became aware that he was divine through meditation] who
possessed (or was possessed) by superhuman abilities achieved through
harnessing, manipulating, and manifesting the kundaliniserpent powerof the
Ki Force. He believed that everyone was innately a god or goddess. Not
surprisingly, Ueshibas martial arts sensei was a grand shaman.102 The astute
reader will recognize the correspondence to Yoga, as documented in Part 1.
Ankerberg and Weldon in their Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs comment on the
source of Ueshibas power:
At least some of the martial arts were
influenced by or developed from occult
experiences. For example, although its
origins may be traced to twelfthcentury Japan, the modern developer of
aikido was Morihei Ueshiba (18831969). An article in Yoga Journal by
Buddhist scholar and aikido instructor
John Stevens states, Morihei Ueshiba,
founder of Aikido, looked like a Taoist
immortal, acted like a Hindu swami
and spoke like a Shinto shaman.103
[bold added]
Exhibit: Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido104

It is a great mystery that so many professing Christians revere a man who looked
like a Taoist immortal, acted like a Hindu swami and spoke like a Shinto shaman.
Chuck Norris, for example, uses his own notoriety to re-cast Ueshibas dark
52 | P a g e


abilities in a positive light:
In my tape library is an old film of Ueshiba, taken when he was in his late seventies. In it, he is
attacked by several much larger and burlier men, and he throws them around a though they are
children with simple movements of his hand using his ki. Sound impossible? Its not. Its
practiced use of ki.105 [bold added]

In this statement above by Norris one can almost hear Obi Wan instructing Luke,
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. Learn to use it Rather than warn
readers of Ueshibas occult powers, Norris instead admits to getting inspiration
from this venerable old martial artist and Zen practitioner:
Occasionally I take down from my tape library, films of some of the most remarkable old men I
have ever seen. Two of the venerable old martial arts masters and Zen practitioners who give
me inspiration are Gichin Funakoshi, the father of modern karate, and Morihei Ueshiba, the
founder of Aikido. Ueshiba was one of the first men to unite spiritual beliefs with technical skill;
he realized that the truly critical struggle in man was not physical combat, but rather the
internal confrontation with the forces that lead him out of harmony with the spirit of the
universe.106 [bold added]

Unfortunately, the spiritual beliefs that

Ueshiba united with his martial art came
from Taoism, Hinduism, Shintoism, etc.,
not biblical Christianity. Using his mystical
art to bring oneself back into harmony
(balance) with the spirit of the universe is
no different than a Star Wars Jedi
endeavoring to bring balance to the
Forceback from the Dark Side. Its
pantheistic. Its monistic, i.e., All is One.

Exhibit: Ueshiba in 1922107

This belief is directly opposed to the God of the Bible (the Creator), who is
separate from His creation. We are not all part of the same cosmic One (God), or
as the old occult maxim says, as above, so below.

53 | P a g e


Despite the greater awareness over the last few years of these unbiblical practices
at the core of all martial arts, a simple Google search will pull up millions of socalled Christian martial arts schools. Notice the Yin and Yang (the Tao) symbol
(as well as black versus white uniforms) depicted in the backgrounds of these
Christian martial arts school patches:

Exhibit: Christian martial arts uniform patches108

Note also the troubling mixture of

truth versus error, i.e., the cross of
Christ incorporated into the Tao, the
dove (which represents the Holy
Spirit) within the Tao (suggesting
perhaps that the Holy Spirit and the
Ki-Force are one), or the karate fist
salute defacing the Cross (seen right)
in a Christian martial arts
instructors guide).
Exhibit: Christian Martial Arts materials109

54 | P a g e


Below is a sampling of Christian martial arts schools in operation today:

Christian Martial Arts Association

Christian Karate Association

Martial Arts Ministries

International Fellowship of Christian Martial Artists

Christian Martial Arts Council

Karate for Christ International

American Christian Karate Association

World Christian Karate Federation

Christian Soldiers Karate

Gospel Martial Arts Union

Grace Martial Arts

White Tiger Martial Arts

Christ Mixed Martial Arts

The Gospel Martial Arts Union (GMAU)

The Gospel Martial Arts Union (GMAU) is one of thousands of so-called
Christian martial arts ministries in operation. Note how it misuses Psalm
144:1 from the
Old Testament in
its school logo
(right) in a sad
effort to sanctify
the practice

Exhibit: Gospel Martial Arts Union (GMAU) logo110

55 | P a g e


of the Christian martial artsnot simply Christians who join a secular martial
arts programbut a martial arts system that is distinctly Christian.
The stated purpose of the GMAU is to encourage and aid Christian martial arts,
develop a distinctly Christian philosophy of martial arts that is Bible-centric, and
set a national and international standard for true Christian martial arts
The GMAU was founded as an organization to encourage and aid Christian martial arts. To that
extent, the GMAU has developed a distinctly Christian philosophy of martial arts that is Biblecentric in its origin and purpose. We endeavor to publish, propagate, and set a national and
international standard for true Christian martial arts philosophy.111 [bold added]

This is complete nonsense! Christian martial arts is an oxymoron. The two views
are diametrically opposed and cannot be syncretized. Attempting to do so tosses
the Bible upside down and turns the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a lie.

Exhibit: Martial Arts studio: Christian Principles Taught Here112

Take note of a sample listing of courses offered by the University of Biblical

Martial Arts & Sciences (UBMAS)a college offering B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees
56 | P a g e


in the Christian Martial Artsand a school promoted by the GMAU. As you read
down this list (with exhibits added to illustrate the points) ask yourself what this
has to do with the simplicity of the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ:

Principles of Public Relations

Fundamental Physics Principles 1

BushidoThe Philosophy of the Warrior

Zen, Taoist, and Buddhist Thought 1

The American Legal System


New Testament Survey

The Christian Family


Martial Arts in the Old Testament

Conducting Martial Arts Events

Exhibit: Screenshot from Fight Church trailer113

The Role of the Christian Shihan

57 | P a g e


Advanced Weapons Arts

The Martial Artist

Dynamics of Kata

Principles of Ki (Chi) [i.e., the Star Wars Force]

Scientific Basis of the Martial Arts

Martial Arts and Missionary Work

Martial Arts Evangelism

The Christian Sensei

The Martial Arts and Christianity

Exhibit: Another example of Christian Martial Arts114

Etiquette in the Martial Arts

Famous Martial Artists

Spiritual Disciplines

The Bible and Science

58 | P a g e


Human Anatomy and Physiology 1

Statistical Analysis

Introduction to Philosophy

Classical Martial Arts Philosophy

Defensive Mind-Leading

Physiology of Exercise

Old Testament History

Care and Prevention of Sports Injuries

Organization and Administration of a Christian Martial Arts Ministry

The Martial Arts and the New Testament

Advanced Hard Fist Arts

Exhibit: Example of Christian versus Christian115

Advanced Soft Fist Arts

Martial Arts Weapons

Principles of Technique

59 | P a g e


Principles of Kumite

Christian Dojo Management

Martial Arts for Children

The Martial Arts and Youth Work

Psychology and the Martial Arts

Martial Arts Exercise Programs

History of the Martial Arts

Survey of the Martial Arts 1

Principles of Biblical Leadership

Biblical Counseling116 [bold added]

This Christian martial arts program is totally devoid of the Lord Jesus Christ, but
abounding with study of the Ki Force (i.e., Principles of Ki [Chi]). It is an unbiblical
mixture of truth and error.

Exhibit: 2014 GMAU Karate Tournament poster117

60 | P a g e


GMAU Executive Director, Dr. Johnny Russell, holds black belts in seven
traditional martial arts styles and is also a Christian pastor.118 Where in all of the
Scriptures does it teach the Lords bondservant to perform a choke hold on
anybody (i.e., Advanced Soft Fist Arts), or to conduct weapons training (i.e.,
Advanced Weapons Art) for that matter? (See illustration on left)
And what exactly is Defensive MindLeading in the list above? It sounds
ominously suspicious to my trained eyes.
Some of the other courses listed in this socalled Christian martial arts university are
quite blatantly from Eastern religion: Zen,
Buddhist, and Taoist Thought 1,
Principles of Ki (Chi), and Bushido The
Philosophy of the Warrior. Note the Do
(Tao/Dao) ending of that last item. Bushido
literally means way of the warrior. It is
from Taoism.
Exhibit: Pastor Johnny Russell - GMAU Executive Director119

Grievously, the Lord Jesus Christ is totally absent from this lengthy list of
purported Bible classes, as well as the entire Christian martial arts movement.

Christjitsu Discipleship Course

Another glaring example of such unbiblical syncretism can be found in the
Christjitsu Discipleship Course sponsored by Martial Arts Ministries. Their ministry
motto is, Defend Yourself.
Defend Your Faith, as
though the two ideas
belong together. There are
obvious Dominionist
ramifications to this.
Martial Arts Ministries motto120
61 | P a g e


Here how the Martial Arts Ministries website describes their martial arts
discipleship course. They go so far as to call themselves Anointed Fighters:
Welcome to ChristJitsu
Almost every style of martial arts in existence today has a Grandmaster. The Grandmaster is the
person who is responsible for either the formation of the art or the person who is currently
responsible for making sure the art is taught correctly. ChristJitsu looks to Jesus Christ as its
Grandmaster. He is the one who made a way for mankind to be reconciled to God. It is by
following his teachings and the example he set in life, that Anointed Fighters gain the
knowledge needed to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).
The name ChristJitsu is formed by the joining of two separate terms. The first of these terms is
Christ, meaning anointed, the Greek translation of the Hebrew word "Messiah. This term
occurs 1,514 times in the New Testament. It denotes that Jesus Christ was set apart for Gods
work to redeem His people and earth as Prophet, Priest, and King. The second term Jitsu is
often translated "art", "technique or way of. We desire that Anointed Fighters are
equipped in the best possible techniques or ways to fight the good fight of faith.
ChristJitsu is the spiritual martial art fighting system that teaches Anointed Fighters to fight
the good fight of faith through the power of Jesus Christ within. ChristJitsu teaches that there
is only one way to the Father and that is through His son, Jesus Christ121 [bold added]

Not only is it blasphemous to suggest that the Lord Jesus is a martial arts
Grandmaster (a la Yoda), but
nowherenot one placein the
Word of God are believers
instructed to fight the good fight
of faith by using physical kicking
and punching (or Eastern mystical
practices for that matter)! For
though we walk in the flesh, we
do not war according to the flesh,
for the weapons of our warfare
are not of the flesh, but divinely
Grandmaster Yoda unleashing the Force122
powerful for the destruction of fortresses (2 Cor. 10:3-4).
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Note the syncretism inherent in their name Christjitsu. Below is the definition of
jujitsu (a form of jitsu) from the dictionary:
jujitsu - noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
Martial art that employs holds, throws, and paralyzing blows to subdue or disable an opponent.
It evolved among the samurai warrior class in Japan from about the 17th century. A ruthless
form of fighting, its techniques included the use of hard or tough parts of the body (e.g.,
knuckles, fists, elbows, and knees) against an enemy's vulnerable points. Jujitsu declined in the
mid-19th century, but many of its concepts and methods were incorporated into judo, karate,
and aikido.123 [bold added; hyperlinks removed]

The Christjitsu webpage admits to marrying Christ to various ruthless forms of

fighting: The physical techniques taught within ChristJitsu are derived from
Kenpo, Taekwondo, American Boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, Kali and various other
styles. This Christ in Christjitsu is NOT the Christ of the Bible. Faith is not
physical, but an inner conviction that Gods Word is true. Right actions flow from
true faith (Heb. 11:1; 1 Tim. 4:8). Incorporating the combat arts to faith renders
it null and void and distorts the Bible, as well as the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Christian Martial Arts

There is also a Bible published specifically for
Christian martial artists. Its called Wisdom
for the Warrior. In the Preface to this Bible,
the Lord Jesus Christ is again likened to a
martial arts master, but note how the Lord is
spoken of in the past tense:
On the pages of this book you will read about the
greatest Warrior Who ever lived. The Master. Jesus.
He was Humble. He was Confident. He had Courage.
He was committed to a Purpose. He offered Himself
as a Sacrifice. He was pure. He
Exhibit: Christian martial arts Bible124
63 | P a g e


had Faith in His heavenly Father. He was a man of Love. He fought a battle in our place, facing
an enemy we had no chance to defeatdeath; and He gained the victory using the weapon of
love. It is our heartfelt prayer that you will submit yourself to the Master. He alone can teach
you the techniques necessary to defeat death the last enemy.125 [bold added]

I commented on this troubled martial arts Bible in my booklet My Life in the

The publishers of Wisdom for the Warrior: The Bible for Martial Artists were indeed audacious
to sandwich an NIV bible between such seductive error. The Lord Jesus Christ was never a
martial arts sensei or warriorthe intended meaning of using the title Master in this context
He is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is NOT in the past tense, but the presentbecause He lives
forevermore (See: Heb. 7:25).
Furthermore, the Lord does not have to teach us additional techniques to defeat death (or
sin)! This assertion usurps Christs finished work on the Cross (See: Jn. 19:30).126 [bold added]

Bob Jones University & CRU

So-called Christian martial arts
are not a new phenomenon. Bob
Jones University has been using
the martial arts as an evangelistic
tool for many decades. Note these
excerpts from an early article that
was published in Black Belt
Magazine in August of 1969:
Exhibit: Black Belt magazine, Aug. Issue 1969 (Vol. VII, NO. 8)127
The Judo-Gentlemen of Bob Jones University are selling the gospel thanks to a demonstration
of judo techniques which effectively capture an audiences interest and attention.
Team work of Budo and the Bible!...
Young people seem more interested in sports than in formal religion said Don Blackburn,
leader of the group. Judo is a particularly effective gospel vehicle, [he explained]. Through it
[Judo], we are able to win the confidence of youths who are otherwise uncooperative where
Christian teaching is concerned.128 [bold added]
64 | P a g e


Gunther Brown also cites several Christian martial artists ministries in her
2013 book The Healing Gods:
The Champions for Christ Karate team at Bob Jones Universityan institution in South
Carolina that exists to grow Christlike character in its studentsbring the Gospel to needy
people through the Southeast as karatekas learn to sharpen their soul winning skills, be an
encouragement to others, and use their [karate] skills to glorify God. (THG, pg. 87) [bold

Exhibit: BJUs Team IMPACT uses Martial Arts to share the Gospel April 2015129

Away with wimpy Christians! admonishes Karate for Christs Daryl Covington [who] stresses
that martial arts serve as an evangelistic tool to draw a crowd and reach children and
teenagers with the gospel of Jesus Christ. (THG, pg. 87) [bold added]
Campus Crusade for Christ [CRU] sends students on short-term mission trips in which they
teach tae kwon do because it opens hearts to the gospel (THG, pg. 87) [bold added]

65 | P a g e


Mixed Martial Arts
Gunther-Brown also cites another pastor:
Fight Pastor Brandon Beals of Canyon Creek Church in Washington uses MMA [Mixed Martial
Arts] to make Jesus look good and relate to those who otherwise would not attend a
traditional church. The church-based Clarksville Mixed Martial Arts Academy in Tennessee
Where Feet, Fist and Faith Collidehas the unique ministry of using knowledge of MMA to
lead others to Christ by reaching young men which many feel have been abandoned by the
modern church.(THG, pg. 87) [bold added]

It is incredible that anyone would

assert that Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
can be used to make Jesus look
good. Over and above the occult
mysticism associated with the martial
arts, is the raw brutality exhibited in
such martial arts forms as MMA. The
Lord Jesus Christ commands His
followers to love their enemies and
pray for them (Matt. 5: 39; 44; Lk.
6:27, 29, 35), not beat them into
bloody submission. This unsavory
aspect of Christian martial arts is
soberly examined in a full-length video
documentary called Fight Church.
Exhibit: Fight Church documentary130

The trailer of this film can be seen below:

66 | P a g e


Exhibit: Fight Church trailer. Click HERE to view.131

The martial arts cannot be Christianized. The Force cannot be interchanged with
the Holy Spirit. The martial arts are rooted in occult mysticism and Eastern
religions entirely contrary to true Christianity. There is an impassable gulf fixed
between them. The myriad of particular practices distinct to each style are in fact
separate branches springing up from the same rotted tree destined for eternal
fire (Matt. 7:18-19). Nothing can save the evil tree, nor the wicked sprouts
attached to it, not even the Force.
Christians need to flee from these unbiblical practices trusting that the Lord
alone is our Strength, Protector, and Defender (Ps. 18:2, 61:3; Prov. 18:10, 2 Cor.
1:10; Eph. 6:10). We must deny the worldly self-focus and ungodly practices
inherent in attempting to master and manipulate the occult Ki Force and instead
be about the business of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: praying, studying His
Word, proclaiming the Gospel, and serving othersearnestly waiting for His soon

67 | P a g e


Exhibit: The rotted New Age tree sprouting Martial

Arts branches 132

For further reference, I have written an updated and expanded e-booklet

exposing the Christian martial arts titled, My Life in the Way (see below). To
access this booklet and other related materials exposing the martial arts, click

68 | P a g e


Exhibit 27: Exposing the Christian Martial Arts

For You have abandoned Your people,

the house of Jacob,
Because they are filled with
influences from the east(Isaiah 2:6).

69 | P a g e


Part 5


To open their eyes,
and to turn them from darkness to light,
and from the power of Satan unto God,
that they may receive forgiveness of sins,
and inheritance among them which are sanctified
by faith that is in Me (Acts 26:18).

Exhibit: The Martial Arts born from Indian/Chinese Yoga133

More than a clear understanding of the Bible and the Christian way of life, instructors need to
have Gods blessing to facilitate the development of youth in the martial arts and the Christian
way of life, by meeting their unique needs. [bold added]
~ Wendy Williamson, Black Belt Instructor,
Author of Martial Arts, the Christian Way134

70 | P a g e


YOGA: Mother of the MARTIAL ARTS
During the past few years, many strong voices within the Church have sprung up,
sounding the alarm concerning the spiritual dangers of Yoga. They expressed
concern as so-called Christian Yoga groups cropped up all over the country
seducing unsuspecting believers away from the simplicity in Christ. Many of these
discerning speakers and authors have not made the connection with the Martial
Arts to its Eastern mother, Yoga.
This troubling oversight is what prompted me, in part, to write about these things,
especially as I searched in vain to find thorough warnings on this subject. As
evidenced in Part 4 of this article series, the syncretism of Christianity with the
Martial Arts is proliferating at an alarming rate. Just as believers who practice
Yoga will assert that they are divorcing the movements from its Eastern religion
foundation, the same is being claimed by those who practice Martial Arts. What
most avid practitioners of both systems do not realize, however, is that they are
dabbling in Eastern religion even if they don't recognize it. This Eastern mystical
way opposes Christianityand it is a spirituality that will seduce them away from
Christ and into the occult. (Read my testimony in Part 1.)

The Kinship of Yoga & the Martial Arts

So how are the two seemingly separate body
disciplines alike? Lets begin with the mother,
Yoga. Candy Gunther Brown, author of The
Healing Gods, has accurately struck to the core
of Eastern Yoga:
Efforts to secularize or Christianize yoga often result in
superficial relabeling rather than creation of
fundamentally distinctive practices. The earliestknown written references to yoga are in what people
today identify as Hindu texts.
Exhibit: Lukes pose during his Jedi Force training on Dagobah135

71 | P a g e


[They] describe yoga primarily as meditative disciplines, the purpose of which is to withdraw
ones senses from the world to yoke with the divine, or Brahman136[bold added]

In order for one to withdraw his/her senses from the world and to yoke with
the Hindu god, the practitioner has to master certain meditative poses (postures,
positions) and thus awaken the sleeping serpent at the base of the spine through
meditation, unleashing the kundalini or Ki Force. As mentioned in Part 1, these
meditative Hindu practices were the very
teachings that the forefather of Yoga and
the Martial Arts carried with him from India
to China, and hence to the rest of the world
(see map at top of this chapter):
These yogic disciplines were designed by
Bodhidharma to facilitate Eastern
meditation and spiritual enlightenment:
The renowned Indian Buddhist monk Daruma
Taishi journeyed overland from India to China to
instruct the Liang-dynasty monarch on the tenets
of Buddhism he explained to them that, although
the aim of Buddhism is the salvation of the soul,
Exhibit: The Kundalini The Ki Force illustrated via Yogic Meditation137
the body and soul are inseparable and in their weakened physical state they could never
perform the ascetic practices necessary for the attainment of true enlightenment.
To remedy the situation he began to teach them a system of physical and mental discipline
embodied in the I-chin sutra [Chinese book of divination]
~ Hidetaka Nishiyama, Grandmaster, Japan Karate Association Deshi (Student) of Gichin
Funakoshi138 [bold, underlining added]

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Exhibit: Bodhidharma: Forefather of Yoga & the Martial Arts139

In agreement with this history, master Yoga instructor and author Paul Jerard has
written several articles documenting the kinship of Yoga and the Martial Arts,
many of them republished in online publications such as Yoga Magazine. In The
Foundation of Martial Arts Yoga, Jerard explains how the two faith systems are
bound together in perpetuity:
At first glance, Martial Arts and Yoga seem like
opposing forces and philosophies, but these two health
maintenance systems have more in common than
meets the eye. For a moment, consider the similarities
between Tai Chi and Hatha Yoga. Within the warm up,
you notice very similar movement, philosophy, and
Why does "climb the mountain" stance look so much
like Warrior I posture? Is it coincidence, luck, or a
common link? Why does Kundalini have movements
that resemble punching, kicking, and martial arts foot
work? Are Kung Fu forms an extension of Vinyasa?
Each has been referred to as meditation in motion.
Exhibit: Martial Arts meditation140

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The place of origin, for most Asian martial arts, is agreed to be the Shaolin Temple. Apparently,
the monks at the Shaolin temple had become very proficient at meditation, but had not
developed a health maintenance system to sufficiently train their bodies.
In the sixth century A.D., Bhoddidharma, [sic] a visiting Buddhist monk, from India, began to
teach the monks at the Shaolin temple, a form of physical health maintenance, which is
believed to be Yoga. It is also said that Boddidharma was a member of the Warrior caste.
Therefore, he should also have had working knowledge of Kalarippayat; an indigenous Indian
Martial art. After all these years, it looks like Yoga and martial arts will be together again. 141
[bold added]

Kung Fu instructor, John Leporati, agrees. He has also written an article that
historically joins these two meditative religious systems together. In The Scholar
Warrior-Bodhidharma and Patanjali: The Father of Zen and The Father of Yoga,
Leporati writes:
In the history of martial arts, Bodhidharma holds a special place. The third son of an Indian king
in the 6th century, he left his homeland and journeyed by boat and then on foot, from South
India to China. Eventually arriving near the famous Shaolin temple, it is said he sat in
meditation facing a wall for nine years. Suitably impressed with his great spiritual power and
discipline, the monks at the temple asked him to teach them his methods for gaining
enlightenment. He began to teach them the Chan (later Zen) method of seated meditation. The
monks at the time, so the legend goes, were learned academicians who spent most of their
days translating and commenting upon the ancient texts. Although they had much book
knowledge, they had little practical experience with this new form of meditative practice, often
falling asleep during protracted sessions of seated meditation considered necessary for gaining
enlightenment. To improve the monks physical and mental health, Bodhidharma devised and
taught them a series of static and moving yoga-like exercises that are now usually called 18
Monks Boxing, the Sinew Change Classic and the Marrow Washing Classic. Although many
variations exist, posturally, these ancient exercises show the influence of classical Hatha Yoga
and even Kalaripayat (a complex fighting art from ancient India).142 [bold, underlining added]

According to Leporati, Bodhidharma's series of static and moving yoga-like

exercises were eventually adapted into Martial Arts fighting movements while
maintaining their yogic postures.
The monks did indeed eventually grasp Bodhidharmas transmission of Chan Buddhism and, in
time, adapted the postures he had taught them into fighting movements. Thus, this enigmatic
and austere monk earned his place in history as not only the 28th Patriarch of Chan Buddhism,
74 | P a g e


but also as the first Patriarch of Zen Buddhism in China and the father of Shaolin Temple
[T]here is little doubt that the figure of Bodhidharma casts a long shadow in terms of his
influence on both Buddhist thought and Shaolin Boxing. Still, less discussed is the monks
importation and propagation of certain yogic principles and ideas that seem to have been
influenced in their character by Patanjalis Yoga Sutras, the foundational work of Raja
Yoga143 [bold added]

Exhibit: Teaching Christian children the Martial Arts144


Leporati also highlights the sobering fact that Bodhidharmas uniquely yogic
approach and contribution to Shaolin Temple Boxing which came to be known
as Kung Fu, also raises levels of internal bodily energy (kundalini Shakti). This is
otherwise known as Serpent Power, or the Star Wars Force (Ki), as explained in
Part 1. Leporati documented Kung Fu's relationship to Yoga:
The Sinew Change and 18 Monks Boxing sets attributed to Bodhidharma confer strength and
flexibility on the body. The Marrow Washing set raises levels of internal bodily energy
(kundalini shakti) and strengthens and elongates the spine, thereby tonifying the nervous
system. Although methods of physical conditioning were also well-known in China prior to the
75 | P a g e


appearance of Bodhidharma, it is in this uniquely yogic approach that Bodhidharmas
contribution to Shaolin Temple Boxing shows itself to be a profound step towards achieving
what the old Tai Chi proverb encapsulates also as the goal of Tai Chi Chuan: the health of a
lumberjack, the pliability of a child and the peace of mind of a sage.
Although Shaolin Boxing, Tai Chi and Hatha Yoga are distinct vehicles in and of themselves for
achieving higher states of consciousness if practiced with the proper intention, they can also
be, as Bodhidharma recognized, invaluable conditioning tools for formal seated meditation.
Shaolin Boxing then and Pantajalis Yoga share a common ideational structure. Although kung
fu as practiced at Shaolin Temple continued to evolve into the complex and the deadly
science of fighting we understand it to be today, this art was and is still profoundly shaped by
the ethical precepts codified in the yama-niyama of the Sutras and the on-going re-shaping of
perception that is Chan Buddhism, thus giving even further credence to the old Chinese axiom
that states: Kung fu begins with the conquering of the opponent and ends with the
conquering of the self.145 [bold added]

The late Dave Hunt further connected

Yoga to the Martial Arts in his powerpacked little book, Yoga and the Body of
Christ: What Position Should Christians
Hold? Hunt specifically examines the
spiritual connections:
The true yogis from India, however, refer to yoga
as a means of arousing spiritual energy that they
believe generates amazing psychic powers that
could be very destructive what is this energy
to which Ken Harakuma [yoga instructor] (and
others) are referring? Is this the ki, or chi, of
martial arts, which has no physical

Exhibit: Dave Hunts 2006 expose on Christian Yoga146

explanation and clearly comes from the spirit world? Yet in spite of warnings backed with
factual data about its dangersand that it can even open the door into the occultyoga
continues to grow in popularity everywhere.147 [bold added]
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Hunt highlights the occult power of kundalini (popularized as the Star Wars
Force.) He then lays out the spiritual snares encountered by anyone attempting to
awaken the Kundalini (i.e., Star Wars Force), whether professing Christian or not,
...[Y]oga, though parts of it may be physically beneficial, was designedthrough its physical
positions, stretching, and breathing exercisesto yoke practitioners with the Divine allegedly
within us all. One cannot adopt even the physical aspects of yoga without becoming
spiritually ensnared. This is a fact rooted in history, which no amount of denial by Western
yoga instructors can change. It is true that the yogis asanas (physical positions) can have a
dramatic effect upon the body and may even lead to improved health. Likewise, the pranayama
(regulation of breathing) may seem to do the same. The ultimate goal of all yoga, however, as
[Carl] Jung clearly understood, remains the awakening, through the asana and pranayama, the
Kundalini divine power, portrayed as a serpent coiled three and a half times when at rest at
the base of the spine. Awakened, it moves up through the seven chakras along the spine and
bursts into the thousand-petalled lotus in the cerebral cortex.
At the point, the yogi is flooded with the divine ecstasy of the alleged union of atman (the
individual self) with Braham (the universal self), resulting in the self-realization of that thou
art. This could involve tantra, with uncontrollable sexual urges, and other dangers. Thus the
ancient texts warn the novice yogi coming into self-realization always to have his guru present
for protection from potential disaster. Such is the clear caveat repeated by all of the ancient
founders of authentic yoga. Tragically, this fact is either not known to, or is deliberately
ignored by, most yoga instructors in the West today.148 [bold, underlining added]

We examined the Martial Arts manipulation and manifestation of this Ki Force

(kundalini) in Part 3 of this booklet, and delved into its connection to the popular
Star Wars Force in Part 1. Thus, having documented the solid historical
connections and spiritual linkages between the two systems, we can conclude the
same spiritual dangers lurking in Yoga also apply to the Martial Arts. These are
sobering facts to consider while reading the following sections of this report.
Can a man take fire in his bosom,
and his clothes not be burned (Proverbs 6:27)?

77 | P a g e


Master Pastors
Yoga and Martial Arts continue together in popularityeven amongst
Christianswith most practitioners not recognizing the mother and child
relationship of these two systems. Christian Martial Arts evangelists do not
consider that the very forms, techniques, and breathing regimens adopted from
these Eastern occult traditions carry embedded within them a dark spirituality
that can and does destroy those who practice them. These systems cannot be
Christianized any more than Hinduism, Buddhism, or Taoism can be Christianized.
Yet many practitioners attempt to do this. It is therefore not surprising that there
are prominent Christian pastors teaching these Eastern disciplinesalongside the
Bibleand many of them are Masters in the Martial Arts.
For example, one pastor links to his Kung Fu website directly from his church's
Kung Fu San Soo Diamond
Bar teaches the ancient
art of self-defense,
brought to America by
Jimmy H. Woo in 1935.
Pastor Raul Ries is one of
Grand Master Woos
first generation students
and he has two assistant

Exhibit: Kung Fu San Soo Diamond Bar website149

Masters that have trained for many years with him. The studio focuses on the main tenants of
the art: confidence, morals, values and hand to hand combat. This ministry allows you the
opportunity to grow and develop in Kung Fu; as well as, fellowship and receive Godly

This Kung Fu ministry purports to help practitioners grow and develop in Kung
Fu as well as receive Godly instruction, thus mixing the two. On a separate
78 | P a g e


website, highlighting this pastors direct lineage to the Grandmaster of this
particular Kung Fu system, a brief biography is given. Notice this explanation:
As a Christian Pastor and a Master in the art of Kung Fu San Soo, Raul has been asked many
times about the conflict between the two. Because Lo Si Fu never taught the mysticism
associated with Kung Fu, he does not see a conflict. Lo Si Fu did not rely on mystical powers,
but confidence in ones abilities. He would always say, You can take my life, but not my
confidence. Lo Si Fu dedicated his life to teaching Kung Fu San Soo, in its purist form. In
memory of his dedication and leadership, whose presence surpasses words, Raul has continued
on, in this tradition.151 [bold added]

Sadly, the fact that this Pastor/Master does not see the conflict between the
twothe Martial Arts and the mystical powers inherently connected to
themdoes not nullify the dark truths documented in this online booklet. Kung
fu cannot be divorced from its Eastern mystical roots any more than Yoga or any
other Martial Arts forms can be compartmentalized from the underlying Eastern
On the same Master/Pastor's biography website, his brotheralso a pastoris
also listed among many other notable Kung Fu Masters. But unlike the first, this
other brother's martial arts activities appear to be conducted independently from
his church. Take special note of what he says about protecting the purity of the
Eastern discipline hes mastered:
Jimmy [grandmaster Woo] greatly opposed the integrating or mixing of other arts, whether it
be with the intent to better the art or to create a new one, he was committed to keeping the
art pure as it had been handed down to him by his ancestors.152 [bold added]

Notice how fervently as this Kung Fu Master endeavored to keep his Martial Art
free from foreign corruption. Oh, that Christian believers and pastors would be
just as committed to keeping the faith, once for all delivered to the saints (Jude
1:3) pure from these Eastern influences and syncretic efforts! Dave Hunt made
this exact point in his book warning Christians about Yoga and the Martial Arts:
Christian yoga? How could that be? The falseness of such an idea should be clear from the
fact that yoga originated long before Christ was born and He certainly never practiced, taught,
79 | P a g e


or commended it. Neither the apostles nor the early church engaged in yoga. One cannot just
adopt a religious practice and call it Christianity. This faith was once [for all] delivered to the
saints, and believers everywhere and at all times are exhorted to earnestly contend for it
(Jude 3). It is therefore dishonest to introduce some new elementparticularly something
like yoga, which comes from Hinduismand call it Christian... If the Word of God is no
longer the Christians guide, what kind of Christianity could the practice of yoga be?... Those
who teach and practice Christian yoga must have therefore departed from Scripture.153
[bold added]

Can it likewise be said that those who teach and practice Christian Martial Arts
have departed from Scripture? (See 1 Tim. 4:1.) Given the historical and
spiritual correspondence between Yoga and the Martial Arts documented earlier
in this article, this becomes a legitimate question.

Martial Arts in the New Age

Historical Eastern Martial Arts mysticism, just like Yoga, is an essential component
of the modern New Age Movement. Christian discernment expert Ray Yungen
authored a excellent book titled A Time of Departing about the New Age
spirituality that has infiltrated much of the church today, specifically devoting an
entire chapter warning about the Yoga of the West.
Dave Hunt spent chapter 3 of his book Yoga
and the Body of Christ connecting the Eastern
philosophies of Yoga to New Age Spirituality,
especially noting the influence of Marilyn
Fergusons blueprint for launching the New Age
Movement, her book The Aquarian
Pastor Larry DeBruyn warned about this same
sort of syncretism155 in his article YOGA:
Posture to Apostasy:
Exhibit: Note the 666 symbol156

80 | P a g e


Can yogic practices be integrated with the Christian faith?:
Christianity cannot be integrated with yoga and remain Christian. To think otherwise
mindlessly imperils the Christian truth and faith. As the managing editor of Hinduism Today,
Sannyasin Arumugaswami, remarks:
"Hinduism is the soul of yoga based as it is on Hindu Scripture and developed by Hindu sages.
Yoga opens up new and more refined states of mind, and to understand them one needs to
believe in and understand the Hindu way of looking at God... A Christian trying to adapt these
practices will likely disrupt their own Christian beliefs."
Wedded to the Hindu system of philosophy and psychology, Yoga refers to the mystical union
with the universal spirit. Yoga practices are meant to aid practitioners experience oneness
with the cosmos.
East is east, and west is west, and if Christianity is to remain Christian, the twain, meaning
yoga and Christianity, should never be integrated. The soul that is engaged to Jesus Christ
cannot commit spiritual harlotry by flirting with the yogic practices intended to introduce them
to Hindu gods. As John the Apostle wrote: Little children, guard yourselves from idols (1 John
5:21).157 [bold added]

Christianity cannot be integrated with the Martial Artsthe offspring of Yoga

and remain Christian. The twain do not meet nor mix.158 The underlying Eastern
monistic belief system is totally at odds with Christ and His Word. (This all is
One New Age connection to the Martial Arts was highlighted in Part 2.)
Nevertheless, Christian Martial Arts ministries are proliferating at an alarming

Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness,

but rather expose them (Eph. 5:11).

81 | P a g e


Exhibit: Note the 3 logos of The Christian Combat Team159

Exhibit: Another 666 CMA logo on top of a cross.160

"You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together (Deut. 22:11).

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Christian Martial Arts Ministries
Despite the strong warnings from Scripture against mixing darkness with light, i.e.,
the integration of the Martial Arts into Christianity, a simple Google search will
pull up hundreds of thousands of Christian Martial Arts websites. Several of
these ministries were profiled in Part 4. Notice how many of them are mixing
Martial Arts with evangelism:

Exhibit: Martial Arts is a component of Rick Warrens The Daniel Plan161

Rick Warrens Saddleback Church and satellites: A total body workout for any age or
shape. Great cardio, strength and conditioning, muscle toning through martial arts/self
defense drills. Build God's temple to live out His purpose!162 [bold added]

Mighty ministry: Ministry and martial arts go hand-in-hand at one northwest

Oklahoma City church. At 5:30 a.m. each
weekday, the Rev. Tom Lyda dons his
martial arts uniform to teach a
taekwondo class at New Covenant
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lyda, a taekwondo black belt, is one
preacher who packs a powerful punch.
This is soul, body and mind its the
whole thing, he said of his martial arts
class.163 [bold added]
Exhibit: Pastor/Martial Arts sensei Lyda leading a Bible study164

83 | P a g e


Gospel-Centered Martial Arts: College Park Church has partnered with the Gospel
Martial Arts Union [GMAU] to provide an academy for gospel-centered martial arts in
our church. This academy offers level-specific training for kids (ages 5 and up) and adults
in a context of discipleship. Gospel-centered martial arts provides [sic] skills that can
help kids and adults prevent, defuse, and end physical and emotional attacks. But it also
provides an arena to build relationships and be discipled as we use our minds and
bodies together.165 [bold added] [Ed. Note: The GMAU is profiled in Part 4.]

Jesus-Centered Karate: A church is using a Karate Club rather than a Bible Club to
teach Christians to imitate the life of Jesus and walk in His footsteps. Values best
exemplified by Jesus Christ such as respect, self-control, responsibility, community
service, self-confidence, perseverance, and love is now being translated into Karate
kicks and blocks at Judahs Lions, a ministry of the Michigan-based Hidden Springs
Church... What better item or focus to have a karate club centered around than the
Lord [who] embodies the same traits the martial arts focuses on? The church-based
club offers students self-defense techniques combined with Christian teachings.166
[bold added]

Martial Arts to teach biblical principles: When Jim Scott teaches strikes, punches,
roundhouse kicks and other taekwondo moves, hes got more in mind than the
stereotypes people get from martial arts movies. Scott said hes thinking fitness,
character development and yes, self-defense. He said hes also thinking biblical
principles and the opportunity to share Jesus Christ with others. Victory Taekwondo is
more than a taekwondo school. Its a ministry of Shady Grove Baptist Church, where
Scott has served as pastor since 2012. Its an outreach ministry we started in January
that teaches biblical principles through practical
application, Scott said. Its a way to share the
Gospel and Gods word through a fitness
program...167 [bold added]

Martial Arts Chaplaincy: [Fran Pultro is] the lead

chaplain-pastor of the Christian Black Belt
Association (CBBA), a national organization of
Christian martial artists. His first lessons were at
the Chuck Norris studios in California before
Norris became a famous actor and author of
bestselling books, The Secret of Inner Strength,
and The Secret Power Within: Zen Solutions to
Real Problems Many Christians, according to
Pultro, do not believe the martial arts is
Exhibit: Fran Pultro (red) Pastor/Chaplain Martial Arts168

84 | P a g e


compatible with Christianity, but the support of being with other Christian martial
artists helped develop the martial arts chaplaincy within CBBA. He said many of the
chaplains in the CBBA had been military chaplains, and the program is modeled after
military training Pultro is also the editor of Wisdom for the Warrior: the Bible for
Martial Arts.169 [bold added] [Ed. Note: Chuck Norris is profiled in Part 1 & Part 3; the
WWB Bible is cited in Part 4]

The Karate Church: Some ministers preach in robes, some in fine three-piece suits.
Pastor Rod Brayfindley prefers karate clothes For Brayfindley, karate was a good way
to provide such residents with a nonthreatening introduction to the church and its
teachings Yet the dichotomy of basing a church that preaches peace on a sport often
perceived as violent isnt lost on Brayfindley Mark McGee, who heads Grace Martial
Arts Fellowship in Tampa, Fla., said the Eastern religious nature of some martial arts
practices also poses some conflicts. I came to see how well they work together as I
studied the martial nature of Israel in the Old Testament and saw that God had
purposed for them to fight, win and conquer countries and civilizations, McGee said...
Most of all, the karate program brings Brayfindley and the congregation a sense of
credibility and connection in the community. If they come here for the karate and
happen to discover the church, thats fantastic, Brayfindley said. If they never do
begin attending the church, thats OK, too."170 [bold added]

Exhibit: Christian Combat Team gives karate demonstration in church171

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Can Christians Be Martial Warriors?
From these and other excerpted testimonies, the reader will notice the
unbalanced approach of relying solely upon the support from the Old Testament
in order to justify the combat nature of the Martial Arts within Christianity. But
even with wrested support from Gods Word, the Eastern religious nature of
some Martial Arts practices also poses conflicts for Christian martial artists.
Many strongly defend what they do. They make peace with the stark
contradictions by further skewing the Scriptures towards the Old Testament.
Pastor Mark McGee in the example above confesses, I came to see how well they
[Eastern concepts mixed with fighting techniques] work together as I studied the
martial nature of Israel in the Old Testament and saw that God had purposed for
them to fight, win and conquer countries and civilizations.
Readers will recall from Part 4 that Psalm 144:1 is a favorite theme verse for many
Christian Martial Arts ministries: Blessed be the LORD my strength, which
teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. In this Psalm King David, the
man of war, is simply blessing the LORD for giving him strength in battle during a
very difficult time. This verse does not
sanction the Eastern Martial Artsnor the
core mystical beliefs rooted in them. This Old
Testament verse (and many others like it) is
being taken out of its proper context and
misapplied to Martial Artsin Christs name!
In the Church age believers are called to view
the Old Testament through the lens of the
New, not the other way around. There is no
biblical support in the New Testament for a
Christian Martial Arts. Its simply not found.
Exhibit: The Warrior Bride of Dominionism depicted172

Troubling implications arise when one considers that the Dominionists use this
same unbalanced approach in attempting to support their aberrant theologies via
the Old Testament in isolation from the New.173 Both groups employ warrior
86 | P a g e


language and spiritual imageryincluding practicing spiritual
formation/disciplines to attain (by the flesh) higher levels of perfection. But the
Martial Arts practitioners take it a step further by teaching forms of actual
physical warfare. Both groups not only find themselves at odds with God and His
Word, but are actively engaged in leading many people astray.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting
down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:305).

Carnal or fleshly weapons would include fists, feet, and other body parts used to
inflict harm on others. (See the detailed list in Part 4.) It is especially egregious to
discover professing believers attempting to use such fleshy arms (and the Ki
Force)in conjunction with evangelizing the lost with the Gospel of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ!
Matthew Henry eloquently explains this New Testament passage quoted above (2
Corinthians 10:1-6). Take special note of the appointed means (which appears
feeble to some) that God has ordained to defend against the reproach of men
and to conduct godly spiritual warfare:
2 Cor. 10:1-6 While others thought meanly, and spake scornfully of the apostle, he had low
thoughts, and spake humbly of himself. We should be aware of our own infirmities, and think
humbly of ourselves, even when men reproach us. The work of the ministry is a spiritual
warfare with spiritual enemies, and for spiritual purposes. Outward force is not the method
of the Gospel, but strong persuasions, by the power of truth and the meekness of wisdom.
Conscience is accountable to God only; and people must be persuaded to God and their duty,
not driven by force. Thus the weapons of our warfare are very powerful; the evidence of truth
is convincing. What opposition is made against the gospel, by the powers of sin and Satan in the
hearts of men! But observe the conquest the word of God gains. The appointed means,
however feeble they appear to some, will be mighty through God. And the preaching of the
cross, by men of faith and prayer, has always been fatal to idolatry, impiety, and
wickedness.174 [bold and red added]

87 | P a g e


Indeed, outward force, i.e., Martial Arts, is not the method of the Gospel. But
the Word of God tells us what is mighty through God: the preaching of the
cross, by men of faith and prayer. This God-given means has always been fatal
to idolatry, impiety, and wickedness. This is Gods true plan. We dare not fight
against it. But those pragmatic souls, who attempt to improve upon what the Lord
God has written, actually become agents of darkness, not of light.

Exhibit: Martial Arts Ministries postures175

Warriors of Light and Truth... or of Darkness?

Charisma Magazine recently published an insightful, yet troubling, article entitled
Warriors of Light, highlighting the considerable attempts currently made by
professing believers to Christianize the Eastern Martial Arts in an apparent bid to
be more seeker sensitive. But are Christians to be warriors in the physical sense
in order to reach the lost with the message of Christ? Or is this Martial Arts gospel
in reality a false gospel? The author adopts a pick-and-choose approach to
seeking truth:
Though some Christians denounce all forms of martial arts because of ties to Eastern religion,
others use karate, tae kwon do, tai chi and jujitsu to reach seekers with the message of
Christ.176 [bold added]

88 | P a g e


The message of Christ is lost in a sea of mixed religious signals as the founder of
the Kung Fu style cited in this article unsuccessfully attempts to divorce his
authentic Eastern religious art from its roots in order to re-frame it within the
secular American mindset of health and fitness. Astute readers will notice the
similarities to the arguments used to justify Yoga as merely health and fitness:
Grandmaster Pui Chan, founder of the Wah Lum Kung Fu Temple, insists his Chinese martial
arts school is not a religious institution--it just appears that way. The green-roofed, redbrick
building set amid bamboo trees on a 1.2-acre site in Orlando, Florida, could be mistaken for a
Buddhist temple. Two lion statues guard its entrance, and statues of Buddha and other gods
perch over a main room inside. Before classes start, students bow at an incense bowl and an
altar adorned with photographs of
dead Chinese kung fu pioneers.
"The temple is not about religion,"
Chan maintains. "I'm Buddhist, and
my wife goes to Catholic Mass
weekly, but we don't teach religion
here. It's about health and
Exhibit: Grandmaster Pui Chan website177
Chan, 65, is a well-known figure in the martial arts. He immigrated to the United States in 1968
and brought with him a personal expertise in Wah Lum, a kung fu discipline that originated in
China almost 400 years ago. He opened his schoolthe first of its kind in Americain 1980.
Today he has more than 30 similar schools worldwide.178 [bold added]

The doublespeak of the Christian martial artist below, schooled at conservative

Dallas Theological Seminary, who has examined Chans Kung Fu temple,
muddies the waters even further:
His Orlando temple is an anomaly, according to Keith Yates, a Christian martial artist whose
graduate thesis at Dallas Theological Seminary examined the spiritual aspects of martial arts.
Yates points out that the majority of martial arts schools are secular. "Are the martial arts
intrinsically spiritual? The way most Americans practice it, no. It is simply another form of
exercise or sport," says Yates, 52, who holds the highest attainable 10th degree black belt in
tae kwon do. "On the other hand, the Asian founders of the martial arts certainly did think
there was a spiritual aspect to their art and practice."179 [bold added]

89 | P a g e


So according to these so-called experts, is it right or wrong for a Christian to
practice the Martial Artsor attempt to Christianize them? The subtle answer
seems to be that it doesnt matter one way or another. Despite the utter
confusion regarding this important issue, the Charisma article appears to give
positive weight to the Martial Arts by pragmatically documenting the burgeoning
popularity of the Martial Arts within the American cultureas well as the swelling
approval within the Christian communityregardless of any Scriptural
prohibitions in doing so. Notice that it is benignly referred to a sport:
Warriors for Truth - Whether spiritual or secular, martial arts have mushroomed in popularity
in American culture since the early 1970s when they rose to prominence with the TV show
Kung Fu. More than 5 million Americans and as many as 1 billion people worldwide practice
karate, kung fu, jujitsu or
other self-defense styles,
according to Frank
Silverman, executive
director of the Martial
Arts Industry Association.
Nationwide, he says, there
are more than 30,000
martial arts schools...

Exhibit: Warriors of Truth disturbing imagery180

Coinciding with its rising popularity among the general public, the sport has been embraced by
many churches and Christians who have launched ministries that they say reach an untapped
segment of society. "There are many people who will come to a karate demonstration who will
never come to a church service," says David Clinard, 40, president of 600-member Fellowship of
Christian Martial Artists (FCMA), an organization in Charlotte, North Carolina, that emphasizes
evangelism and discipleship training.181 [bold added]

But perhaps these budding Martial Arts adepts, untapped segments of society,
are attending these spectacular karate demonstrations in droves for the
entertainment value alone, rather than to know Christ and Him crucified. In light
of these troubling trends within Christianity, take note of the various Christians
such as Warriors of Truth in this Charisma article who have embraced the
90 | P a g e


Martial Arts, they say, in order to evangelize the lost. (Other martial arts
evangelists were cited in Part 4.) As I read these testimonies, I wondered
whether the folks smitten by these organized Martial Arts events were merely
captivated by the karate demonstrations they witnessed rather than by the
Gospel of Christ, or if even it was clearly presented. The Charisma article listed
several examples of Martial Arts evangelism:
Jesse Vaughn, 45, an FCMA member and a Christian who has been involved in martial arts for
33 years, says he has organized evangelistic martial arts outreaches at which people have
responded to an altar call to receive Christ. "People are really captivated by martial arts," says
Vaughn, who has started a martial artists group called Warriors of Light. "But they don't always
see a live display of martial arts. They'll watch you, and if you don't talk too long, they'll listen
to you."

Exhibit: More disturbing Christian Martial Arts imagery182

Jeff Naayers, 41, ... who started Wah Lum Kung Fu and Tai Chi of U.S.A. in Columbus, Ohio,
which has about 250 students, says the opportunity to use the [martial] arts as a gospel tool is
unique. In the last three years more than 70 students at his school have received Jesus or
rededicated their lives to Christ. "It's the only thing that is in every culture. Every society in the
world practices some form of martial arts," says Naayers, who attends a charismatic church in
Columbus. "Because of that it gives us a commonality and a vehicle to share the gospel."
James Sang Lee, a black belt in kung fu and tae kwon do who has a self-defense workout video
91 | P a g e


series, says he has been able to lead many people to Jesus through his martial arts skills. "It has
served well as an icebreaker," says Lee, a 31-year-old Chinese American..." It has also helped
break the language barrier because martial arts is visual and needs no English to share as an
activity to connect with people," he told Charisma.183 [bold added]

The question must be asked how Lee has been able to lead many people to
Jesus without communicating the Gospel using language, which, according to Lee
is a barrier. The images that lost men and women see in a visual art form, like
the Martial Arts, cannot save them from their sin, the devil, nor the world. Only
the Holy Spirit, working through the spoken or written Word of God, can perform
that eternal work, quick, and powerful, sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb. 4:12).

Exhibit: Another example of a CMA school logo184

The Charisma article continues by illustrating how other devoted Christian

martial artists have feverishly endeavored to reclaim this taboo art. The
question then arises: reclaim the Martial Arts from whom? New Agers?
Buddhists? Satan? This admission belies an obvious consciousness of guilt. Why
92 | P a g e


attempt to reclaim or sanctify Eastern practices that have long been deemed
taboo or forbidden by the Lord?
Reclaiming a 'Taboo' Art - Burton Richardson, 41, a contributing editor for Inside Kung Fu
magazine for more than 12 years and a martial arts instructor in Hawaii, told Charisma that "it is
fascinating to see the absolute explosion of Christian-based martial arts."...
[H]e cites a full-time pastor in Florida--Christian
Harfouche... as an example... "This is a trend that has come
to the forefront very recently as more and more Christians
look for martial arts training but are wary of looking into a
school because of the fear that they will become
indoctrinated into a mystical approach that contradicts
their faith."
He is perhaps one reason Christian martial artists say the
sport arts have come a long way from being traditionally
dismissed by churches based on several assumptions,
including that they are tied to the occult and false
religions and advocate violence for believers who are
taught in the Gospels to turn the other cheek. "For years
the body of Christ has shied away from utilizing
Exhibit: Grandmaster/Pastor Christian Harfouche185

the avenue of martial arts to minister to people," says Harfouche, 46, who was licensed and
ordained by the Lester Sumrall Evangelistic Association. "We kind of called it taboo It's a
platform that has been vacant. But now it's being occupied... God's breathing on our ministry
and on other ministries like it." Harfouche holds black belts in jujitsu, tae kwon do, kung fu and
several styles of karate, and is also the founder of Victorious Hands Karate, a self-defense style
that uses a series of control holds186 [bold, red added]

93 | P a g e


Exhibit: Black Belts for Christ logo187

Pastor Harfouche, and other Christian martial artists profiled in this Charisma
article, once again rely solely upon biblical support from the Old Testament to
reclaim this once taboo art form. Heavily dismissing its Eastern occult roots, he
instead searches for and finds biblical roots where there are none. As
mentioned previously, there is no biblical support in the New Testament for these
so-called Christian Martial Arts ministries. Its a terribly deceptive mixture
because it leads people away from the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ and into
the throes of darkness. For example:
...Harfouche says the disciplines have biblical roots... "I discovered that the Assyrian and
Persian armies from the Old Testament were called military arts, which is where the word
martial comes from," he notes. "Also in the Bible, King David's mighty men were utilizing
martial techniques on the battlefield. The nation of Israel had its own military arts, but they
were serving Jehovah."
According to the Gospel Martial Arts Union, one of several Bible-based martial arts
organizations in the country, a careful reading of Judges 6-7 "shows the foundational principles
of martial arts techniques in Gideon's most notable battle"188 [bold added]

This Master Pastor has even resorted to turning poor Gideon into a martial artist!
Fully aware of the Eastern roots of the Martial Arts, the Christian martial artists
profiled in the Charisma article opt for a more compromising solution to this
94 | P a g e


undeniable problem. They point to the popular trending of its more secular
aspects as justification for supporting it and ignore the spiritual harm. Note the
following admissions:

Exhibit: The Christian Combat Team drawing a crowd189

Secular vs. Spiritual - What about concerns by Christians that the disciplines are associated with
Eastern spirituality? Leaders of martial arts ministries maintain that the majority of martial arts
schools do not offer any sort of spiritual program. "The trend is going more secular," Vaughn
told Charisma
Vaughn and Naayerswho are sifus, or master kung fu instructorsare longtime students of
Chan's, who in addition to founding the country's first Wah Lum temple brought the Shaolin
Buddhist Monk tour to America in 1991 for the first time. Both men are keenly aware of the
religious undertones of the kung fu system, which draws from philosophies taught by three
major Asian religions: Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism
Downplaying the spirituality of his style, Chan claims bowing and incense burning are mere
gestures of offering respect to his deceased martial arts instructors. Chan now primarily
teaches tai chi, which is rooted in Taoism, a Chinese mystical philosophy. Chan's temple,
which numbers more than 300 students, displays yin and yang signsthe black-and-white,
round Taoist symbol that represents cosmic principles from a Chinese dualistic
philosophy190 [bold added]
95 | P a g e


Signaling to readers that this approach might not be fully effective, these
Warriors of Truth claim additional protection by having invoked the blood of
Jesus while visiting the Shaolin Templethe birthplace of Yogic Kung Fu.
Unfortunately for them, and others who follow after them, this sort of Christian
incantation does not inoculate anyone in blatant disobedience to the Lord and His
Naayerswho has formed Warriors of Truth... says they have "prayed and pleaded the blood
of Jesus," while visiting the Shaolin Temple, located near Zhengzhou, China.191 [bold added]

Exhibit: Another Master Pastor:

Yeshua-Do Founder Sensei/Rev. Vitold Jordan,
7th Dan Black Belt192

It is chilling to contemplate that the something down the road that is going to
happen in the Wah Lum [Kung Fu] system, may be judgment and not blessing.
Among the Christian Martial Arts Organizations positively cited in the Charisma
article, those emboldened below, have been cited in Part 1, Part 3, and Part 4 of
this booklet:
96 | P a g e


Christian Black Belt Association

Christian Martial Arts Association

Chuck Norris

Fellowship of Christian Martial Artists

Gospel Martial Arts Union (GMAU)

International Christian Karate Association

Warriors of Truth Ministries

Christian Teachers of The Way

& the Star Wars Ki Force
To further underscore the extremes martial artists have gone to sanctify these
unbiblical Eastern religious practices as Christian, many have produced training
manuals and teaching guides to supplant the Bible on this important matter.
(Other so-called Christian martial arts courses and teaching materials were
examined in Part 4 of this booklet.) Additional Christian resources are profiled
in my updated and expanded e-booklet, My Life in the Way, which includes the
following two examples:
The back cover of Michael Chens book, Christianity & Martial Arts Power, reads in part:
Chen deftly illustrates the correlation between Christian tenets
and traditional martial arts chi kung concepts. Throughout the
book, he uses numerous appropriate and instructional passages
from the Holy Bible and connects them to essential martial arts
concepts such as chi, or life energy[bold added]
While Mr. Chen, and authors like him, presents much biblical
truth, serious problems arise in his pursuit to marry this truth to
the ungodly Eastern mysticism. One glaring example is found on
page 14 of Mr. Chens book:
Exhibit: Christian Kundalini, i.e., The Force

97 | P a g e


For the Christian, chi is the power of God active within the individual.[bold added]
In citing equality between the impersonal chi (ki) force of
the Far East and the Holy Spirit of Godthe third person of
the triune godheadMr. Chen has committed blasphemy
(See Jn. 16:7-14; Rom. 15:13, 19; 1 Cor. 2:4; 1 Thess. 1:5).
Putting a Christian imprimatur upon such error in no way
sanctifies the Martial Arts, but further highlights the unholy
mixture of two incompatible belief systems. Practitioners

For an example of how this is justified, see this

excerpt from Wendy Williamson's Martial Arts, the
Christian Way:
Exhibit: The Bible PLUS Martial Arts194
Martial arts, the Christian way, is an excellent tool for educating young people about the Lord
Jesus Christ. It brings them to accept Christ as their personal savior; teaches them how to love
the Lord God with their bodies, minds, and souls (Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27);
draws them near to the Holy Spirit, who instills the Fruit of the Spirit in their beings (Galatians
5:22-23); shows them how to put on and wear the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18); and
encourages them to fulfill the great commission of God (Matthew 28:16-20).
It accomplishes all of this through the presentation of Biblical doctrine and a methodology that
works for modern-day youth. [bold added]

The Bible PLUS Martial Arts = Error

Unfortunately, many of the biblical texts cited in Ms. Williamsons book are
grossly misapplied and often conflict with sound doctrine. Referencing 1 Timothy
4:7-8, the author makes the statement:
In keeping with this teaching, Christian martial artists spend their time and energy
physically training for spiritual fitness [bold added]

Is this what the apostle Paul is teaching from this passage?

98 | P a g e


Read the verse:
...exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is
profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come (1
Tim. 4:7b-8).195

This biblical passage actually negates what Ms. Williamson is teaching her readers. Physical
disciplines can in no way perfect the spiritual fitness of a person; that job belongs to the
indwelling Spirit of God (See: Gal. 3:3; Rom. 8:5-8). Teaching that Martial Arts methods,
techniques, and philosophies can in any way sanctify a
believer is heretical and deceptive. God calls His
believers to be separated from this mixture of truth
and errorand those who propagate it (See: 2 Cor.
6:14-18; Rom. 16:17; Deut. 4:2; Prov. 30:5-6).
Wendy Williamson has since published a Christian
Martial Arts curriculum designed to impart her own
recipe of the Bible plus the Martial Arts. In the photo
below, note the karate fist salute imposed over the
Cross, a symbol of Christs death for helpless
sinners.196 [bold added]
Exhibit: Karate fist overshadowing the cross197

Nearly twenty years ago, in his landmark book, Occult Invasion, Dave Hunt
warned about the flood of darkness invading the Church of Christ. Even then, he
alerted us to the dangers of the Star Wars Force and the true source of its birth:
The Star Wars film series started a trend 20 years ago. George Lucas promoted witchcraft by
introducing the Force with a dark and a light side (black and white magic). The Jedi knights were
the followers of the old religion, another name for Wicca, or witchcraft. The laser sword was
not a weapon but a divination device which only those initiated into its powers could use. Luke
Skywalker couldnt make it work until he learned to go into an altered state and let the
Force take over. Obi Wan Kenobi became Luke spirit guide, communicating with him from the
other side. Darth Vader, who seemed the embodiment of evil, turns out to have U Thants inner
perfection and joins Obi Wan on the other side of death, thus revealing the oneness of all. Yoda
is a yogi who teaches Luke the power of positive thinking. For millions of young children the
occult Force took the place of God.198 [bold added]

99 | P a g e


But quite astonishingly in this hour, the millions of young children who used
the occult Force in the place of God are now multitudes of professing
believers and even Christian pastors! This is a sobering indictment upon our
generation. I admonish those, who practice the dark things examined in this
booklet, with the words of the apostle Paul, And that, knowing the time, that
now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than
when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast
off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. (Rom. 13:11-12)
He that loveth his brother abideth in the light,
and there is none occasion of stumbling in him (1 John 2:10).
This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,
that God is Light,
and in Him there is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with Him
and yet walk in the darkness,
we lie and do not practice the truth;
but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light,
we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:5-7).
Therefore come out from among them,
and be you separate, says the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing;
and I will receive you (2 Cor. 6:17).

100 | P a g e


Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because
many false prophets are gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)

Note to the reader:

This e-booklet was adapted from a five-part article series first posted on Herescope in
March/April 2016. Herescope is an online journal published several times a week by
Discernment Ministries, Inc., revealing heresies and false teachings affecting the Church today.
Copyright 2005-2016 Discernment Ministries unless otherwise noted. For more articles, books,
and newsletters go to E-mail:
Ed. Note: Photos not otherwise attributed in Part 2 come from the publisher's collection of
personal photos taken in stores before Christmas 2015. Shopping for anything related to the
Bible story about the birth of Jesus proved to be a totally unfruitful exercise! Even the usually
ubiquitous Santa took a back seat to the Star Wars Christmas of 2015.
The Star Wars graphic from the cover page of this e-booklet was taken from



THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK online script written by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett (from a story by George
Lucas); see:
Chris Agar, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Crosses $2 Billion At Box Office, Feb. 7, 2016,; see:
Online script of STAR WARS (Episode IV) A NEW HOPE, from the JOURNAL OF THE WHILLS by George Lucas
(Revised Fourth draft), January 15, 1976 LUCASFILM LTD; see:
Ibid. The Empire Strikes Back script.
See:, Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977);
Gaylene Goodroad, My Life in the Way: From the Broad Way of the East to the Narrow Way in Christ, 2009 ebooklet, (revised and expanded 2014), pp. 43-53; see:
Note: In 1987, as a second-degree brown belt, I was named the Hawaiian Okinawa Kenpo Karate-Do (HOKK)
student of the year.
Note: Hawaiian Okinawa Kenpo master Paul Ortino Jr., now an 8th Dan, was a student of Seikichi Odo. He has
written a short bio of Odo. Joseph Bunch, the other student of Odos mentioned in the article, was my sensei. He is
now deceased. See:

101 | P a g e



Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pp. 18-19.

See Nishiyamas official website:
Chuck Norris, The Secret Power Within, Broadway Books, NY, 1996, pp. 127-130; and Chuck Norris and Ken
Abram, Against All Odds: My Story, Broadman and Holman Publishing, Nashville, TN, 2004, 2006, pg. 55. See also,
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 117.
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 2.
Terry Mulberry, So, Whats the Problem with Yoga?, Discernment-Ministries Newsletter, May/June 2013, Vol.
24, No. 3; see: See also, Ibid. Goodroad,
My Life in the Way, pp. 6-7, 19.
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 7.
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pp. 6-7.
Indiana University (IU) website; see:
The Woo Factor: Rick Warrens Healthcare Reform Model, Herescope, Mar. 24, 2011; see:
Candy Gunther Brown, The Healing Gods: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Christian America, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2013, pp. 3-4. Ibid.
Gunther-Brown, pp. 175-176.
Graphic taken from; see:
Ibid. Norris, The Secret Power Within, pp. 127-130. See also, Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pp. 43-54.
Chuck Norris (secular autobiography), The Secret of Inner Strength: My Story, Charter Books, New York, 1988-89,
pg. 84.
Norris book available at; see:
Chuck Norris and Ken Abram, Against All Odds: My Story (Christian autobiography), Broadman and Holman
Publishing, Nashville, TN, 2004, 2006, pg. 41. Norris also spends most of Chapter 9 (pp. 58-65), When Warriors
Collide, discussing these occult visualization techniques.
Popular neoevangelical terms -- What do they really mean?, Herescope, Oct. 13, 2005; see:
Gaylene Goodroad, Metaphysical Mysticism Masquerading as Science - The Rise of End-Time Occultism Part 6,
Herescope, Oct. 4, 2013; see:
Pastor Lawrence A. DeBruyn, Unshackled: Breaking Away from Seductive Spirituality, Moeller Printing,
Indianapolis, IN, 2009, pg. 44.
Pastor Larry DeBruyn, BEWITCHED! Evil Eye over Evangelicalism, Discernment-Ministries Newsletter,
March/April 2010, Volume 21, Number 2; see:
Not Prana: The Holy Spirit as Personal Comforter, Herescope, Jan. 12, 2011; see:
The Dark Side of Karate, Linda Nathan and Tonie Gatlin, Bloomington, IN, 2004, pg. 42.
Gaylene Goodroad, Mainstreaming Mystic Mindedness: Eastern Meditation as the Universal Cure-All,
Herescope, Nov. 23, 2015; see:
See also: Sarah Leslie and Pastor Larry DeBruyn, Altered States: A Different Gate - The sober Christian in a
spiritually inebriated age, Herescope, Apr. 28 2011; see:
Below are articles previously published about the Presencewhich also deals with the Eastern Meditation that has
infiltrated the Church through Contemplative Spirituality and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR):

The PASSION of the PRESENCE - & the Purpose of the Passion Part 1, Herescope, January 25, 2014;
Presence Eschatology - Part 2, Herescope, February 25, 2014;
Bridal Eschatology Part 3, Herescope, March 08, 2014;
The Perfectly Obedient Bride Part 4, Herescope, March 26, 2014;

102 | P a g e


The 2nd Coming of the Presence Part 5, Herescope, April 12, 2014;
The Battled Bride: Part 6, Herescope, April 22, 2014.
Pastor Larry DeBruyn published an article on Herescope on December 31, 2013, titled The Present of His
Presence. The article has now been posted as a downloadable PDF file at the Discernment Ministries website:'s%20Present%20of%20His%20Presence.pdf.
Ibid. Norris, The Secret Power Within, pp. 131-135.
Graphic taken from Walmart website; see:
Wikipedia; see:
Graphic taken from; see:
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way. See also: Gaylene Goodroad, Chuck Norris - HIS BELIEFS, HIS
ASSOCIATIONS, HIS MISSION, Herescope, July 19, 2010; see: See also the KickStartKids website:
Photo taken from WND website; see:
See: NRB website:
No joke! Chuck Norris mano a mano with Farah - Superstar faces grilling on stage at Christian media
convention, WND website, Nov 30, 2014

Graphic taken from; see:
42; see;
A Star Wars Christmas Gifts, Decorations and Xmas Jumpers for Star Wars Fans, Dec. 2015, Alternative
Christmas blog; see:
Natalie Robehmed,, For Disney, Biggest Payday On Star Wars Won't Be At The Box Office, Dec. 16,
2015; see: See also, Chris Agar, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Crosses $2 Billion At Box
Office, Feb. 7, 2016,; see:
Aswath Damodaran, Intergalactic Finance: Why The Star Wars Franchise Is Worth Nearly $10 Billion To Disney,, Jan. 6, 2016; see:
Personal photo taken in a major department store in December 2015.
Ibid. STAR WARS (Episode IV) A NEW HOPE online script.
Ibid. STAR WARS (Episode IV) A NEW HOPE online script. See also:
Graphic taken from see:
50; see: A kendo stick is a practice sword that is
make of bamboo or wood.
Wikipedia; see: See also:
52. Wikipedia, Yin and Yang; see:
As In Heaven, So On Earth, Herescope, July 9, 2007; see:; Gaylene Goodroad, Metaphysical Mysticism Masquerading as Science - The Rise of EndTime Occultism Part 6, Herescope, Oct. 4, 2013; see:

103 | P a g e


mysticism-masquerading-as.html; and The Berean Call (TBC) radio interview (Tom McMahon) transcript, Should
Christians Practice Martial Arts? with Gaylene Goodroad (Part 1), Nov. 21, 2014; see:
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pp. 5-6.
Ibid, RETURN OF THE JEDI online script.
Graphic taken from
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS STAR WARS (EPISODE VII) online script, written by Lawrence Kasdan, J.J.
Abrams & Michael Arndt. Based on characters created by George Lucas; See:
Graphic taken from
Graphic taken from; see;
Quote from: Chuck Norris, The Secret Power Within, Broadway Books, NY, 1996, pp. 128-129; and Chuck Norris
and Ken Abram, Against All Odds: My Story, Broadman and Holman Publishing, Nashville, TN, 2004, 2006, pp. 128129. Bold and underlining added.
See where New Age
leader Marianne Williamson is quoted from her 2004 book The Gift of Change, p. 78.

Gaylene Goodroad, My Life in the Way: From the Broad Way of the East to the Narrow Way in Christ, 2009 ebooklet, (revised and expanded 2014), pg. 18; see:
Joshua Maggid, Mind of No Mind, Metaphilos blog, March 15, 2006; see:
Gaylene Goodroad, Mainstreaming Mystic Mindedness: Eastern Meditation as the Universal Cure-All,
Herescope, Nov. 23, 2015; see:
See also: Sarah Leslie and Pastor Larry DeBruyn, Altered States: A Different Gate - The sober Christian in a
spiritually inebriated age, Herescope, Apr. 28 2011; see:
Below are articles previously published about the Presencewhich also deals with the Eastern Meditation that has
infiltrated the Church through Contemplative Spirituality and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR):
The PASSION of the PRESENCE - & the Purpose of the Passion Part 1, Herescope, January 25, 2014;
Presence Eschatology - Part 2, Herescope, February 25, 2014;
Bridal Eschatology Part 3, Herescope, March 08, 2014;
The Perfectly Obedient Bride Part 4, Herescope, March 26, 2014;
The 2nd Coming of the Presence Part 5, Herescope, April 12, 2014;
The Battled Bride: Part 6, Herescope, April 22, 2014.
Pastor Larry DeBruyn published an article on Herescope on December 31, 2013, titled The Present of His
Presence. The article has now been posted as a downloadable PDF file at the Discernment Ministries website:'s%20Present%20of%20His%20Presence.pdf.
70; see;

Aikido-No-Sekai blog, Mushin: The Mind without Mind, March 23, 2014; see;
Graphic taken from StarWarsAnonymous website; see:

104 | P a g e



Graphic taken from:


Graphic taken:

Online script of STAR WARS (Episode IV) A NEW HOPE, from the JOURNAL OF THE WHILLS by George Lucas
(Revised Fourth draft), January 15, 1976 LUCASFILM LTD; see:
Graphic taken:

Ibid. STAR WARS (Episode IV) A NEW HOPE online script.

See Encyclopedia
Graphic taken from Johnlinkmovies website; see:
Screenshot taken:


Norbert Vogelmair, Too many mind: Last Samurai - Truth or fiction?, paper for the 1st Dan Aikido, October
2012; see: See also: THE LAST SAMURAI online
script, by John Logan (Revisions by Edward Zwick & Marshall Herskovitz); see:,-The.html.
Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris movie poster sold on; see: The photo still is from the motion picture, Way of the Dragon
(released in Hong Kong in 1972) and Return of the Dragon (released in the USA in 1974). See: and
What is the Kundalini Spirit?, Search the Scriptures Daily radio program (TBC) with Dave Hunt and Tom
McMahon, Oct. 6, 2007; see:

John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, Eugene, OR, 1996, pp. 360361.
Book graphic taken from
Book graphic taken from
Chuck Norris, The Secret Power Within, Broadway Books, NY, 1996, pp. 127-130; and Chuck Norris and Ken
Abram, Against All Odds: My Story, Broadman and Holman Publishing, Nashville, TN, 2004, 2006, pp. 128-129.
Ibid. Ankerberg & Weldon, pg. 362.
RETURN OF THE JEDI online script by Lawrence Kasdan & George Lucas (from The Novel by George Lucas (Third
Draft). Property of Lucasfilm Ltd.; See:
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS STAR WARS (EPISODE VII) online script, written by Lawrence Kasdan, J.J.
Abrams & Michael Arndt. Based on characters created by George Lucas; See:
RETURN OF THE JEDI online script by Lawrence Kasdan & George Lucas (from The Novel by George Lucas (Third
Draft). Property of Lucasfilm Ltd.; See:
Graphic taken from; see:
Graphic taken:

Laura Bagby interview with Chuck Norris,, Chuck Norris Gets a Kick Out of Life; see:

105 | P a g e



Graphic taken from the Issues in the Church blog; see:
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 4.
Ibid. Norris, The Secret Power Within, pp. 5-6.
Graphic taken:

Ibid. Norris, The Secret Power Within, pg. 33.

Gunther Browns book available at; see;
Candy Gunther Brown, The Healing Gods: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Christian America,
Oxford University Press, New York, 2013, pg. 213.
Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 12.
Ibid. Ankerberg and Weldon, pg. 362-363.
Graphic taken from the website; see:
91. Ibid. Norris, The Secret Power Within, pg. 128.
Ibid. Norris, The Secret Power Within, pg. 144.
Graphic taken:


Graphics taken from the Cross-Training Christian Martial Arts website; see: and
Defenders of the Faith Martial Arts Ministry website: see:
This verse has been removed from the GMAU logo now prominent on the updated website, however, the verse
was cited by the school going back to 1998; see the Pastor John R. Himes article, Can a Martial Art be Religious?,
of this GMAU journal which also traces some of the martial arts history:
Photo courtesy of Martin and Joy Erdmann.
See Fight Church video:

Screenshot taken:


Screenshot taken:

See: See also:
Graphic taken from older version of the GMAU website. The image has since been taken down.
GMAU and the Horizon Christian Fellowship of Morgan County have both upgraded their websites since the
photo of Pastor Russell was posted. See new websites: See also:
Graphic taken:
100. The Martial Arts Ministries website was changed since the graphic was cached. See the new website:
101. Ibid. Martial Arts Ministries website.
Graphic taken:


102. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, jujitsu; see:

103. Wisdom for the Warrior, The Bible for Martial Artists, (Preface), NIV, Kings Highway Press; see: See also: Wisdom for the Warrior Bible; see:
104. Ibid. Wisdom for the Warrior Bible.
105. Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 43.

106 | P a g e



Black Belt Magazine, August Issue 1969 (Vol. Vii, No. 8); see:
107. Ibid. Black Belt Magazine, August 1969, pp. 34-36. Note that the BJU issue is still current. See the following
documentation on the Champions for Christ Karate Team:, and a
2010 article in The Collegian, "Martial arts team combines karate, gospel presentation," by Jordan Wellin, See also:
Graphic taken:

108. See:

Fight Church official trailer; see: See the video at


Graphic taken:


This map was adapted by the author based on martial arts training. See Gaylene Goodroad, My Life in the
Way: From the Broad Way of the East to the Narrow Way in Christ, 2009 e-booklet, (revised and expanded 2014),
pg. 7.
Wendy Williamson, Martial Arts and the Christian Way, Agapy Publishing, Kalamazoo, MI, 2002, pg. 54.
Exhibit taken from:
Candy Gunther Brown, The Healing Gods: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Christian America,
Oxford University Press, New York, 2013, pg. 46.
Exhibit taken from:
Gaylene Goodroad, My Life in the Way: From the Broad Way of the East to the Narrow Way in Christ, 2009 ebooklet, (revised and expanded 2014), pg. 7. See: Hidetaka Nishiyama & Richard Brown, Karate, The Art of Empty
Hand Fighting, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont, Tokyo, 1959, 1960, pg. 35. See also:
Exhibit taken from:
Exhibit taken from:
Paul Jerard, The Foundation of Martial Arts Yoga; see: and See also: and
John Leporati, The Scholar Warrior-Bodhidharma and Patanjali: The Father of Zen and The Father of Yoga,
Martial Arts; see:


Ibid. Leporati, Martial Arts

Graphic taken:


Ibid. Leporati, Martial Arts

Daves book is available at the Berean Call; see:
Dave Hunt, Yoga and the Body of Christ: What Position Should Christians Hold, The Berean Call, Bend, OR, 2006,
pg. 44.
Ibid, Hunt, Yoga and the Body of Christ, pp. 38-39.


Ibid. Pastor Ries church website; see:
See: See also a YouTube video displaying
photos of Master Xavier Ries Traditional Kung Fu San Soo Seminar 6/27/2015 (Published on Jul 3, 2015):

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Dave Hunt, Yoga and the Body of Christ: What Position Should Christians Hold, The Berean Call, Bend, OR, 2006,
pg. 23.
Ibid. Dave Hunt, pp. 43-60.
For additional resources exposing the practice of yoga, see: "YOGA & CHRISTIAN YOGA-All the things they failed
to warn you about! Resources on the Philosophy, Teachings and Dangers of Yoga, compiled by Chris Lawson
(Updated July 20, 2015); see: See also: Terri Mulberry, "So,
Whats the Problem With Yoga?, Discernment Newsletter, May/June 2013, Vol. 24, No. 3; see:
Graphic taken:

Pastor Larry DeBruyn, YOGA: Posture to Apostasy: Can yogic practices be integrated with the Christian faith?,
Herescope, August 15, 2011; see:
Note: Gunther Brown (pp. 57-58) adds Pilates to this same dark family of Eastern practices that cannot be
Christianized: Joseph Pilates (1883-1967), the movements founder, adapted philosophies and form from yoga,
Zen Buddhist meditation, classical dance, and martial arts.... Pilates is sometimes called yoga in motion. Rael
Isacowitz, one of the most influential modern Pilates instructors compares the Pilates view of mindfulness,
centering, and energy with that of ki in aikido, chi in tai chi, tan tien in chi gong, and chakra in yoga. [bold added]
Exhibit taken from Combat Team website:
Graphic taken: See the history of this symbol on Berit Kjos glossary of occult symbols:
TRIQUETRA: The triquetra -- with or without the circle -- has been found on runestones in Scandinavia, in ancient
goddess-oriented pagan groups, in Celtic manuscripts, and on early Germanic coins. It is associated with numerous
mythical gods and goddesses and has been used as a protective charm by Wiccans. Sometimes the symbol is
reversed -- pointing down rather than up. The three points may also be round rather than pointed; see:

See: For further information on
Warrens The Daniel Plan, see: The "WOO" Factor: Rick Warren's Healthcare Reform Model, Herescope, March 24,
2011; see: To read more of the fascinating historical
documentation from The Aquarian Conspiracy detailing the New Age involvements in the actual transition of the
American healthcare establishment and its government policy, see Part 5 of this series of articles by Berit Kjos and
Sarah Leslie: This series underscores concerns
about Rick Warren's Daniel Plan for healthcare reform: Part 1: Rick Warrens New Age Health Gurus Part 2: Reiki
"Power" Part 3: The WOO Factor Part 4: Changing Science, Changing Mind 3-Legged "Health" Care: The Agenda
of Rick Warren's "Daniel Plan".
Carla Hinton, Mighty ministry: Oklahoma City preacher combines Bible study, martial arts,, Jan.
3, 2015; see:


Ibid. Hinton, Mighty ministry


Jennifer Riley, Church Uses Jesus-Centered Karate to Teach Christian Values, Christian Post, July 8 2007; see:
Michael W. Pannell, Pastor using martial arts to teach biblical principles, Sun News; see:
Ibid. Pultros photo is an exhibit from Marian Betancourt article.
Marian Betancourt, Fran Pultro on Martial Arts Chaplaincy: Restoring the Spiritual to an Ancient Art,
PlainViews, Nov. 19, 2014; see: Note:
Master/Pastor Raul Ries, et al, also contributed to Wisdom for the Warrior Bible; see: See: described in Part 4 of this article series:

108 | P a g e



Paul Wahl, The Karate Church, Ministry Today Magazine, Oct. 31, 2008; see:
Exhibit taken from Combat Team website:
This exhibit is explained and fully documented in this post:
Sarah Leslie, WHAT IS DOMINIONISM? Apprising Ministries, Jan. 1, 2011; see:
Matthew Henrys Concise Commentary, 2 Corinthians 10:1-6,; see:
Graphic taken:
Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light, Charisma Magazine; see:
Exhibit taken from:

Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.

Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.
Exhibit taken from:



Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.

Graphic taken:
Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.
Graphic taken:


Photo exhibit taken from: Note: Mike

Oppenheimer has written a lengthy critique of Dr. Harfouches Miracle Faith Center, aligning him with false
teachers such as Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley, and Kenneth Copeland; see;
Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.

Exhibit taken from:


Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.

Graphic taken:


Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.

Ibid. Eric Tiansay, Warriors of Light.


Exhibit taken from Yeshua-Do website:

Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 40.


Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 41.

Ibid. Goodroad, My Life in the Way, pg. 42. For original footnotes see online book My Life in the Way.
Graphic taken:
Dave Hunt, Occult Invasion, Harvest House, Eugene, OR, 1998, pg. 329.

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