Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Q1 of 7

How long have you and your boyfriends been _______?

making out
going out
going in
coming out

Q2 of 7
I don't know how you _______ with only one part-time salary?
get in
get up
get by
get over

Q3 of 7
We _______ some information on insurance.
are searching
are looking in
are finding out
are looking for

Q4 of 7
My daughter has a talent for languages. She _______ French in just 2 months in

picked up
made up
got up
took up

Q5 of 7
You were sick last week. You still _______ that cold?
haven't taken over
haven't made over
haven't got over
haven't got off

Q6 of 11
I just _______ my former boss on the street.
came into
ran in
found in
ran into

Q7 of 7
My children _______ most of the time.
get on
get off

get in
get up

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