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Nama: Ilham kumala S

Jurusan/smt: PMH/1
Kelas: A


When I was in senior high school I wanted to
continue studying in the university state islamic ,
Sunan Kalijaga in Yogyakarta and when I took the
exam for admission to university that I was not
accepted but I received in univeraitas Islamic state
north Sumatra and I'm not going to college in his
hometown and in saatitu I am very confused what
to do
one day, I remember the teacher talk English I
never told there was a village in east Java that the
vast majority of its use English or commonly called
the village of English located in pare district Kediri,
east Java, without thinking I ask permission for my
parents to get permission and finally after going
through the process of debate that is long enough I
went to pare, but not directly there, I departed
from the field to Yogyakarta alone on a plane
because I have relatives there from jogja I went to
pare used train, and when it got there I felt like a
stranger in the land itself because verry different
from my hometown in terms of language and its

other i stay in pare for about six months a lot of

experience I have gained over there and could not I
tell here, so much and thank you 've listened to my
life story

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