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Team Echo

P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa,S, Jagtap

6 Oct 2016

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II.  Design Exploration Report:
toryboarding & Brainstorming

Submitted to Dr. Lynn Dombrowski

Problem Space

Feeling Safer
on Campus:

Concerns for safety on campus and in crowded situations

Our team goal for this project is to develop a preventive and reactive
design solution to make campus feel safer in emergency situations
(i.e. late night, bad weather, health related issues etc.) for students,
employees and police.

Report Contents
1.Executive Summary
2. Brainstorming Report
3. User Requirements
4. Storyboarding Report
5. Design Solution Choice


Team Name: ECHO

Team Members
Haley Rios 317 694 6539
Sandeep (Sandy) Jagtap 551 998 5472
Carlos Sosa 317 714 7672
Pruthviraj (Raj) Narayanaswamy, 917 640 4421

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Executive Summary
At Issue: Personal attacks and property theft are growing concerns at IUPUI.
Students and security officers are equally worried about safety on the campus.
Our research highlights following key factors that can strengthen campus safety:

Knowledge of on campus safety resources to students

Knowing the presence of friends and campus police

The Smartphone as communication channel

Improved lighting conditions at night

The knowledge of the spoecific location of the victim in need

A better transport service late at night

A better way to track property and valuables
The objective of this report is to describe and evaluate the various possible design solutions that our team has generated.
The final three alternative solutions were picked after selecting, eliminating and
combining ideas based on their viability and ability to enhance campus safety:
1. A Location-Sharing and Tracking App:
An application that can track the locations of individuals seeking assistance. It might use
GPS to inform friends and Campus police where there are/going and provide an easy way
to request emergency assistance
2. A Safety Information/Resource App:
An application that can:

C ompel students (in the form of a MANDATORY information course/activity) and
the IUPUI campus community at large to become aware and familiar with
the resources they have at their disposal and

P rovide better, more useful Campus alerts of dangerous/hostile situations.
3. A wearable device:
A wearable device that can attract attention for help and provide victims location to the
police when in need. Also, this wearable can be extended to track property and valuables.
As we will discuss in detail in this report, we concluded that our final solution should be amalgamation of the
first and second ideas, as we believed the solution should economically viable, social and able to exploit the
already existing resources on the campus. The wearable solution can become an extra feature in future, but for
now, we are concentrating on personal safety as a prime concern.
The solution is a mobile app that we have branded, B-Aware (working title) that not only educates, increase
confidence and empowers students but also enables campus police to react to a situation quickly on and before
the crime or theft incident. The feeling of having friends and police officers around with knowledge of safety
resources are the key factor that can strengthen students confidence in campus security. Also, it would empower
students with set of necessary skills and information to react to emergency situations wisely.

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Executive Summary
Why we should consider the B-Aware app
As part of our initial research, we discovered that campus safety at IUPUI is a growing concern. Robberies, personal attacks and carjackings Have become both more prevalent. Regardless of whether the crime statistics indicate an increase in instances of crime or not,
the IUPUI campus population perceives campus crime as a major concern. Based on our Interviewswith student and campus security
personnelits clearly evident that there are several issues:

There is not enough security personnel patrolling campus

Property (principally cars and bikes) are not monitored carefully enough

Student/employees simply do not know enough about how to keep themselves safer on campus

There is not enough ample lighting at night in public areas like garages/parking lots

Call boxes exist, but frequently, students do not know where they are located
We would like to create the design solution to Help both campus
employees/students and campus security reach a point where IUPUI security has the resources to react better to safety issues and
where students are better aware of the security services available. Weve explored several product/service options that campus
security might consider implementing to address these issues:

The use of drones,

Increasing the amount of light fixtures on campus (and
possibly adding motion-activation sensors)

Designing a wearable security/alarm device that students can carry with them,

Apps that help locate students in need of help

Workshops that clearly Communicate/review campus
safety procedures and available resources
The concerns are vast and frankly, campus security currently doesnt
have the resources/budget to address all of these issues at this
time. Additionally, Many students may not be able to afford the
more technologically-advanced solutions. Our proposal focuses on
the communication of security measures that can be taken as
preventive steps (from the student/employee perspective) and the
responsive methods/resources that campus security can employ to
amplify their presence on campus, thus making people feel safer.

Will inform the IUPUI student/employee
population of every security procedure and
resource available, while also
Increasing their confidence in IUPUI
campus security personnelthat it will respond
swiftly and adequately to emergency situations.
IUPUI students/employees will be better aware
of what they (Individually) can do to make themselves safer and what Campus security is doing
to, in fact, make them feel safer.
Campus Security will have a better presence on
campus and will reach out more into the campus
community to estable dialogue and better awareness of safety resources available.

We propose the development of B-Aware.

Effectively, this product will address both the proactive and reactive aspects this security issue has presented to our group.
We want to provide the student population with every security procedure and resource available, while also increasing their
confidence that security personnel will respond adequately to emergency situations. Essentially ,we want them to be made aware
of what they (Individually) can do to make themselves safer and what Campus security is doing to, in fact, make them feel safer.
We hope to make the case that B-Aware will be an easy-to-use, cost-effective and informative app that will satisfy the
need for better awareness of safety precautions and give campus security a useful tool for more comprehensive
responses and a better feel for the needs of the campus community.

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Brainstorming Report
Brainstorming Sessions
Team Echos brainstorming sessions were a relative success. As we began to brainstorm, it was evident that we had many ideas that
were not necessarily geared toward the users requirements as reestablished in the last report. Essentially we needed to weed out
several ideas from the several dozen (including many wild ideas) we wrote down on the whiteboard.
We think it is fair to conclude that when we brought outsiders in to discuss our problem space, they did not really grasp what it was.
Campus safety, essentially public safety, seems to be a divisive topic for many people. Each persons sense of security and what is
important to their daily rituals is obviously different, and seldom did our outside brainstormers consider a solution that would benefit
the whole campus. In addition, our Individual brainstorming sessions frankly brought forth few original ideas. They were effectively
refinements of the original thirty five.
We chose three design alternatives to pursue further:
The final three concepts that we chose to pursue in storyboarding all stemmed from our initial brainstorming session. The other sessions provided important details and features that we have applied to our original ideas. We think the group was quite thorough and its
approach to brainstorming and we dont foresee any major idea differences in future brainstorming activities
pertaining to this project.

22 Sept 2016: Initial Brainstorming Session

2 Oct 2016: Finalizing Choices through voting. We selected our ten top ideas and reviewed our perceived merits and concerns over each idea.

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Brainstorming Report continued

Organizing Our final group of ideas took a two-hour meeting to evaluate the positives and negatives of each direction. Once we
expressed these features, we voted for our individual choices and selected the concepts that recieved the most votes. It was challenging to get to the final three, as we really looked hard at the concepts that revolved around our interviewees multiple comments about
insufficient lighting on campus. We simply got to the point where we acknowledged that lighting should be increased and improved as
a matter of course, but that it was not a viable solution to which technology could be applied.
2 Oct 2016:
Whiteboard notes illustrating the final selection process of the best Team Echo directions

We selected using voting methods.

We chose ten top ideas and reviewed our
perceived merits and concerns over each
4 Oct 2016:
Final review of our three final concepts and
determination of storyboard scenarios.

29 Sept 2016:
Brainstorming Session
Raj works on his next ideas

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Brainstorming Report continued

User Requirements

Choosing our user requirements was honestly not difficult. We primarily gravitated toward those criteria that came up most
often in our interviews and discussions. Simply put, as we discussed the problem space more in depth over the next few
meetings, we understood more deeply about the real issues concerning our user(s). It may be unique that we have two distinct
personas (student/employee and campus security personnel) that need to use the product we develop. We are confident that
we can meet the needs of both Personas, but its going to be a challenge to make sure that both are completely satisfied.
The following user requirements specifically address our problem space, feeling safer on campus:

User Requirements (UR)

UR1 Reactive:

The design solution should provide easy-to-use, immediate access to

communication between IUPUI student/employee and IUPUI Security
personnel. This includes monitoring and location detection. There should
also be a feature that integrates social networking (locating nearby friends
and broadcasting personal location).
UR2 Preventive:

The design solution should also include an information/instruction

component. This should take the form of a required/mandatory online
resource (website or app). Essentially, the user needs to know all campus
safety resources that are available to them. This also provides campus security
with an opportunity to create better brand awareness on campus.
Successful implementation of this solution should result in more targeted
security patrolling and an increased student use of campus security resources
through navigation and planning.
UR3 Integrated:

The design solution should utilize technology to establish a continuous

dialogue between campus security and anyone on the IUPUI campus.
The use of existing security technology ( phones (for text alerts) and
existing campus security landmarks (call boxes) and escort services) needs to
be seamlessly integrated into a sophisticated, comprehensive app that is an
easy-to-use and reliable way to feel safer on campus.

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Storyboarding Report
The following pages showcase the storyboards for each of our final design directions.
Each storyboard depicts a key use case for that design solution provided bt Team Echo
team members and includes a short description of the use case beneath each storyboard.

Storyboard planning

We divised a simple matrix to assign and draft our storyboards. We charted our previously determined personas and the three
design directions and roughly sketched out how we would tell the scenarios and to which team member each storyboard
would be assigned.

2-4 Oct 2016: Determining Storyboard Ideas/Assignments

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Storyboard: Location-Sharing and Tracking App

Scenario 1: Rosa The Student

This scenario illustrates, how knowing the presence of patrolling police cars can make students feel safer in the hostile situation. The storyboard shows student being
followed by the hooded figure while walking to home from library in the late night. She immediately pulls up safety application to locate her friends and patrolling
police cars around. Depending on the gravity of situation she could either communicate to her friend showing on the map or one of the police cars and request for
assistance in the form of escort service or just patrol nearby area. The app can also reroute her to follow the path where her friends are walking by.

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Storyboard: Location-Sharing and Tracking App

Scenario 2: Taylor The Patrol Officer

This scenario illustrates the efficiency of the response of campus police officer to the emergency assist requested by the student in the hostile situation. The storyboard shows an on-duty patrol officer patrolling around the campus. Suddenly control center receives the emergency help alert from the student. The control center
sends coordinates to the officer. As coordinate are received electronically, the officer makes the quick direction changes with on-screen navigation. He finds a student
who requested assist and checks with the student whether she needs any help.

Reflection on Storyboard process (S. Jagtap):

As I started creating the storyboard, I realized the importance of context in which design solutions are used. This context made me
design the interface more specific or focused to solve particular use case. Also, I realized various touch points a user can have to the
design solution. Also, its effective way to visualize and communicate the application and user behavior in the various scenarios.

H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Storyboard: A Safety Information/Resource App:

Scenario 1: Rosa The Student

Through an IUPUI required online workshop students like Rosa can review a variety of different topics such as how to properly utilize campus alerts, emergency
call boxes, B-aware location detection app, and how to communicate effectively with campus security. After taking these workshops hold will be removed from her
records and she will be better informed about all of the resources offered on campus. Rosa will know where to located helpful tools when she needs them.


H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Storyboard: A Safety Information/Resource App:

Scenario 2: Taylor The Patrol Officer

Campus control center and security such as Taylor will develop a workshop for students to learn about campus safety and resources they offer. Taylor will go out and
ask students about their concerns, level of knowledge of recourses, and survey they on safety topics. With this data he and the control center will develop a helpful
workshop that members of the campus community can feel safer from.


H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Storyboard: Wearable Device

Scenario 1: Rosa The Student

This scenario depicts the reactive aspect of the design solution using a wearable technology. In this storyboard, the Persona - Rosa W. put forths the key use of
design solution by demonstrating a noise activated wrist- band. When the stranger approaches Rosa, she triggers the panic alert on the wristband grabbing the
attention of the public as well sending an alert message to the Campus Police. Campus Police can get the GPS location details of the victim and can reach the scene


H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

Storyboard: Wearable Device

Scenario 2: Taylor The Patrol Officer

This storyboard illustrates a rapid response by Campus Police to an emergency situation involving the use of wearable technology. Persona - Taylor C., campus security personnel responds to an emergency alert received at Campus Police control center. When the victim activates the panic trigger on the wristband, it sends out
an alert message to the Campus Police requesting immediate attention. Campus Police broadcast the victims GPS location to other patrol units and send the victim,
about the oncoming help.

Reflection (P. Narayanaswamy )

Creating the storyboards helped me understand the effectiveness of using simple figures to depict a lucid picture of the context. In an effort to deliver
a simple story to illustrate the key use of our design solution, I was pushed to understand how the design solution can actually fit in a real scenario.
Coming up with an idea during brainstorming was easy, but trying to build a concrete picture around the design solution during storyboarding reminded
me of - Spaghetti and marshmallow approach, where feasibility is achieved based on how the solution is brought up.


H541 HCI I: Midterm Design Project

II. Design Exploration Report: Storyboarding & Brainstorming

6 Oct 2016

Design Solution Choice

Team Echo

S. Jagtap , P. Narayanaswamy, H. Rios, C. Sosa

As the development of the project progressed, especially during

the storyboarding process, we have concluded that it would suit
the project best if we combine our first two solutions. It is apparent that the location detection app would be extremely helpful to
both campus security and the campus community. We also have
determined that it is critical that the campus community at large
is aware of all available resources (both existing and what we
propose) that campus security offers.

Our final solution is amalgamation of the first and second ideas, as we believed the
solution should economically viable, social and able to capitalize on the already
existing resources on the campus. The wearable solution can add an extra feature
in future but for now, we are concentrating on personal safety as a prime concern.

Our solution is a mobile app that not only educates, it also

increases confidence and empowers students. Additionally,
it enables campus police to react to a situation quickly on and
before the crime or theft incident.

Specifically, Our design solution is an app that will:

A) provide for the immediate communication between the campus community and campus security (in terms of monitoring and
location detection) and
B) also provide the needed instruction for how to best utilize this
app and other security measures currently provided by campus
security. Essentially, It will create better safety awareness on
campus and improve the relationship between the campus community and campus security.
We strongly feel that this combination of our first two ideas
addresses several issues:

From the campus security standpoint (our second
persona), it helps establish more trust and confidence
by providing clarity on the safety options available
on campus in a cost-effective manner that amplifies
current safety resources.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, it provides
the campus community (students and employees) with
an easy-to-use, immediate access safety communication set of preventive planning tools that can be
accessed through their smart phone. It simply allows
them to feel safer because they can communicate with
friends and campus security.

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