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What are the key attributes of a successful aquaculture business

- The key attributes of a successful aquaculture business is fish farming

experience, market knowledge, understanding of species site selection
requirement, appropriate system design and business management experience

Explain the daily fluctuation in DO

- The daily fluctuation dissolve oxygen are be influence by photosynthesis of
green plant. Example green plant is phytoplankton. Phytoplankton make process
of photosynthesis using carbon dioxide, water, and light to produce glucose and
oxygen. The oxygen that are produce will increase the dissolve oxygen in the
water, the rapid supply of light will continue the photosynthesis that will produce
oxygen and increase the dissolve oxygen. During the night, phytoplankton
cannot do photosynthesis because absent of light. This situation will increase the
dissolve oxygen because cannot produce oxygen. The highest dissolve oxygen
concentration is during dusk because the continue supply of light to do
photosynthesis. The lowest dissolve oxygen concentration is during down
because no supply of light to do photosynthesis

Why is construction of ponds at elevated heights expensive?

The construction of ponds at elevated heights expensive is because of cost of
water supply, construction equipment so heights expensive, difficult of
maintenance, difficult of construction and easy to surface run of

Why is EIA important in the selection and construction of fish ponds

EIA important in the selection and construction of fish ponds because to identify,
predict, evaluate on the impact on the environment of the proposes project and
detail out the mitigating measures prior project approval and implementation.

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