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Ingls - Aula 11: Interpretao de texto e vocabulrio

[ Houveram mais de 150 casos de microcefalia no Brasil em 2014]

h) A doctor does not want to test a vaccine on pregnant women. T / F

Zika virus could affect four million people 2nd February, 2016
[Os mdicos no querem testar as vacinas em mulheres grvidas]
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that the Zika virus outbreak in Latin America
could turn into a global pandemic. Many scientists say the outbreak could be more serious than Synonym Match
the Ebola virus. Ebola killed over 11,000 people in West Africa in 2014 and 2015. The WHO Combine as palavras da primeira coluna com os seus sinnimos dispostos na segunda coluna.
estimated that the Zika virus could infect four million people by the end of 2016. The virus has 1. warned
a. usual
been advancing across South and Central America in the past year. Dr Margaret Chan, Director2
b. moving forward
General of the WHO, warned that Zika is "spreading explosively". She added that it has quickly
c. danger
gone from being a mild threat to being frightening. Warmer weather means the mosquito that 3. advancing
d. tried out
carries the virus is also spreading worldwide. The Zika virus is linked to a large rise in birth defects 4. mild
in Brazil and surrounding countries. In particular, scientists say it causes a disease called 5. threat
e. slight
microcephaly. This is where a baby is born with a smaller head than normal, and with brain 6. linked
f. advised
damage. Health officials in Brazil reported that around 4,000 babies were born with microcephaly
7. normal
g. moral
last year. This compares to fewer than 150 cases in 2014. The Colombian government has just
h. connected
reported that more than 2,100 pregnant women in Colombia are infected with the virus. There is 8. difficult
i. hard
no vaccine for Zika and it will be difficult to find one. A doctor said a vaccine would have to be 9. tested
tested on pregnant women, and that would be "a practical and ethical nightmare".
10. ethical
j. Worldwide
Sources: CBS News / /
True / False
Phrase Match
Volte ao texto e cheque se as informaes abaixo so verdadeiras ou falsas.
Combine as expresses abaixo de modo que elas construam sentenas.
a) The WHO has announced there is a global Zika virus pandemic. T / F
[A Organizao Mundial da Sade anunciou que existe uma pandemia global de Zika virus]
1. turn into a global
a. Explosively
2 the Zika virus could infect
b. the virus
b) The Ebola virus killed over 10,000 people in West Africa. T / F
3. Zika is spreading
c. women
[ O vrus Ebola matou mais de 10.000 pessoas na frica Ocidental]
4. a mild
d. rise in birth defects
e. Pandemic
c) The WHO said four million people could have the Zika virus in 2016. T / F
f. Damage
[ A Organizao Mundial da Sade afirmou que quatro milhes de pessoas podem ter o Zika virus 6. linked to a large
em 2016]
7. in Brazil and
g. threat
8. brain
h. than 150 cases in 2014
d) The article says the mosquito with the Zika virus likes cold weather. T / F
9. This compares to fewer
i. four million people
[O artigo diz que o mosquito transmissor do Zika virus gosta do tempo frio]
10. pregnant
j. surrounding countries
e) The Zika virus is linked to many birth defects in South America. T / F
Going back to the text
[O Zika virus est associado com o nascimento de muitas crianas com problemas na Amrica do
Quais fatos esto relacionados as palavras abaixo, de acordo com o texto.
the WHO / outbreak / global / pandemic / infect / advancing / mild / frightening / linked /
f) Microcephaly is where a baby is born with a larger than average head. T / F
disease / babies / health officials / pregnant / virus / vaccine / nightmare
[Microcefalia uma doena na qual o beb nasce com o tamanho da cabea maior do que o
considerado normal]
g) There were 150 cases of microcephaly in Brazil in 2014. T / F

Responda as questes abaixo relacionadas ao texto.
1. Qual foi o primeiro lugar onde a epidemia de Zika vrus teve incio?
(a) frica do Sul
(b) Amrica Central
(c) Amrica Latina
(d) Brasil
2. Quem Margaret Chan?
(a) Uma mdica especializada em doenas virais.
(b) Uma grvida afetada pelo Zika Virus
(c) Diretora da OMS
(d) A mdica responsvel pelo desenvolvimento da vacina contra o Zika vrus.
3. Alm de ter se transformado de uma pequena ameaa para uma epidemia, o Zika vrus gera
preocupaes porque:
(a) o nmero de casos tm aumentado com o clima frio.
(b) afetou tambm o Brasil, sede das Olimpadas de 2016.
(c) o mundo j enfrenta uma grande epidemia do vrus Ebola.
(d) o grande nmero de casos mostra que o mosquito que carrega o vrus est se
espalhando ao redor do mundo.
4. As charges abaixo podem ser associadas quais fatos trazidos pelo texto?

5. As charges abaixo podem ser relacionadas de que forma? H algum contedo que as
aproxime? Com qual propsito elas foram criadas?

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