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Starter Pack for IB Physics Teachers










General notes on my files

This CDRom has been produced in ISO9660 format which is recognised by both Mac and Windows operating
systems. It contains every file which I currently use in teaching IB physics, except for files containing student
records. Most of these have been developed over many years to reach their current state. Note that most of these
files were written on Macintosh using Appleworks, an integrated package which works (almost) seamlessly
between Mac and Windows operating systems. I have converted many files to Word or PDF format for broader
access. A few files have been originally prepared in MS Word or Excel.
If a file should open but you get a message saying the file is corrupted, or the file cannot be found (or anything
else), try dragging the file onto the desktop and opening from there.
Where a document has obvious gaps, it is probably due to a missing diagram which had been manually pasted
onto the paper you will have to use your imagination. Most of my Appleworks documents are complete with
scanned images.
I usually use either Palatino or Times New Roman as my standard font. If the documents font is not available
Windows will substitute another, and this will usually disrupt the formatting. If the document looks messy,
embedded diagrams overlap text, etc, then first try Select All text and then changing the font or font size.
In most cases I have added the file suffixes needed by Windows to recognise the files and their parent
applications. Appleworks uses the suffix .cwk files with this suffix will need Appleworks installed in order to
read them.
You are welcome to use these files in any non-profit way that may help you in your teaching of physics. Please
feel free to adapt, modify, delete, supplement, share, distribute wherever and whenever you feel appropriate.
Steve Udy
Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong
March 2005

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