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Course name
Teacher name


+ + + +

Class No.


Assessment proportion
Final exam (50%)+ Class Performance (30%) (including attendance, class participation etc)
(30%)+ Presentation(20%)
Final exam proportionFill up the blanks (50%), Write suitable phrases (50%)

(please write the complete sentences instead of yes or no.)
To what extent the exam covered the knowledge they should learn in this semester?
It sufficiently covered the basic requirements of the Listening and Speaking Course. The key areas like
comprehension, listening, speaking skills and memorization were examined.
Did it match the syllabubs well?
The exam was designed keeping the syllabus in mind and the syllabus contents covered in the class was
amply covered.
Could the students finish all the items within the time limit?
Yes, they all could finish it within the stipulated time.
According to the result, the final exam is easy or difficult to the students?
The results show that the exam was not too difficult and yet it was sufficiently challenging for everyone.

They needed to prepare sufficiently for the exam and brush up the knowledge elements they gained in the
classes. An exam orientation session was designed and conducted for the same in the penultimate class for
this purpose which helped the students to get oriented to prepare well for the exam.

To what extent the students understand the knowledge according to the feedback in exam result? Make
some analysis to the testing items the students failed frequently.
The students seem to have mostly acquired the basic elements envisaged in the syllabus satisfactorily.
There were a few students who needed more encouragement and motivating during the classes since their
language proficiency level was poorer mostly due negative attitude to and they seem to have made great
improvement. Generally students were better with writing skills than speaking skills. Fluency of speech
was poorer compared to the contents. The other common areas of mistakes were listening errors, grammar
mistakes and spelling and punctuation errors.

Teaching reflection in this course.some good experiences or teaching methods and some improvements.
The students were very cooperative and open minded. They showed much enthusiasm and dedication.
Many of them have started spending at least 15 minutes everyday for improving the English language
skills. I used stories, songs, videos, activities etc and it seems they are more impacted when oral teaching
methods are adequately supported by modern media options. Many of them are also eager to know of all
the current opportunities available to them to improve their language skills and demanded guidance for
their choice of the options.


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