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The Holocaust Blood Libel

It has become common among the far majority of people to accept the
Holocaust as fact. After all, if anyone denies it, or even questions it, they face
intense shaming and cries of anti-semitism. An Israeli-born Orthodox rabbi in
NYC has come out and claimed that fewer than a million Jews died in the
alleged Holocaust by Adolf Hitler. Though we thankfully have no Holocaustdenial laws here in America, if the Jew was in Europe, he could actually be
arrested and sentenced to prison under Holocaust denial legislation, given
that he is lessening the suffering. Denial laws literally state that exactly six
million died, to the point where you could potentially be convicted of a crime
for saying that only 5,999,999 died (not even joking, this is really the law
there). Of course, he is denying on an esoteric technicality, but there is a
serious chance he would still face trouble in Europe. Before I go any further, I
would like to preface this with one simple thing: I was not raised with this
ideology. I didn't grow up saluting a framed picture of Hitler. My mother
strongly believed in equality and I was raised accordingly. The conclusion I
have come to here has been one based off of facts, logic, and reasoning, and
I hope that continuing forward you will have an open mind about the subject
just as I did.

The first and foremost myth that I would like to debunk is that of the "six
million jews incinerated in an oven". Auschwitz produced 66,000 death
certificates from memory. This dovetails with red cross figures for the work
camps taken as a whole. It dovetails with the coal ordered for the
crematorium. But although you may think the Nazis fabricated this number
(though if you believe that, you are one step closer to understanding how I
can believe the Jewish numbers were fabricated), instead let me show you
something irrefutable: Math. With modern technology it is possible to cremate
a body in about two to four hours depending on the mass of the person. In
the 40's the time would have been closer to about ten hours. But, let's
pretend they're right. Let's pretend that it took them only an hour. Let's
pretend there's a bakery. This bakery has existed for five years, and it has
fifteen ovens, each oven can make one loaf of bread every hour.
15 x 24 = 360
360 x 365 days = 131,400
131,400 x 5 years = 657,000
And yet people say they bought 6 million loaves of bread from this bakery. Do
you see the issue? You can certainly claim that they incinerated multiple
Jewish prisoners at once, and yes, that may speed it up negligibly, but as I
have already mentioned, it takes 2 to 4 hours today, depending on mass. A

fat man does not burn as fast as a child. This would only exaggerate the more
mass you added on. Fire does not burn equally throughout fatty tissues and
organs. Still, 657,000 is a massive number and not to be ignored. (Source: A
But it isn't six million. Not even close.
Bergen-Belsen was another site of death, however even the most
rudimentary digging will reveal that the great number of deaths resulted from
Typhus disease. (Sources:, Were
some executed? Doubtlessly. But the far majority of deaths were the result of
food shortages from Allied intervention and sickness.

You may be familiar with this image. If you've ever had a history class, I
suspect that to be the case. Surely, that is an evil Nazi pushing these corpses
into a mass grave, right? No. It is a British soldier on the bulldozer, after the
"liberation" of the Bergen-Belsen camp on April 19, 1945. These photographs
were taken at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. This was a camp
located in the northern part of Germany, and mainly used as a camp to house
prisoners of war (POWs). Jews were only a small minority among the inmates
at Bergen-Belsen, which included Czechs, Poles, Germans, Roma, gypsies,
Belgian and French POWs, and a large number of Soviet POWs. Today it is
acknowledged even by proponents of the orthodox "Holocaust" story that
there were no homicidal gas chambers nor any mass murder conducted at
the Bergen-Belsen camp.
The reason for mass deaths at Bergen-Belsen were outbreaks of disease
(including typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and dysentery) at the camp in
the last few months of the war. Right before the end of the war, tens of
thousands of inmates from camps in the east had been evacuated to BergenBelsen, overcrowding the camp. Conditions inside Germany were horrendous
as Germany was being invaded from the East and West by the Allies.
Germany was largely destroyed by a mass bombing campaign, with
infrastructure and railway and other supply lines significantly disabled. In
this environment, it was difficult to supply the camps (and free German
civilians) with food, medical supplies, and other goods. As a result, many of
the inmates died from disease in the final two months of the war.
But what about German racism? The German hatred of Slavs? The German
hatred of gays and Jews? Try to look at it from the perspective of the time
period. Everyone hated gays then. Yes, even Americans. Jews? The Jewish
people were directly responsible for Germany's myriad economic hardships,
and were a rampant source of drugs and prostitution. (Source:, though this is not the only
example of Weimar Decadence.) Slavs? As Adolf Hitler's acceptance of the
Croatian people and declaration of them as Honorary Aryans shows, this was
likely little more than a way to prepare the troops for war against the USSR.
The Russians have consistently shown themselves to be unrelenting and
zealous, but that carries with it a certain aggressiveness and wont to war.
Indeed, the Russian's greatest enemy in World War 2 turned out to be himself.
To top it all off, there were various races besides German in the Wehrmacht.
This is usually conveniently left out during history class. Their ideology was
not one of blind hatred and callous racism, but of fact. One German soldier at
the front caused an average loss of 7.78 Russians for one German casualty.
US Army calculations say the results of the battles in WW2 were only possible
when the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were, in total, 20 to 30 percent more
effective than the British and American forces they faced. This was accessible
whether the Germans were in attack or defense, if they were locally in place
with higher numbers or, what was the rule, in lower numbers, if they had air
cover or not, whether they had won the battle or lost at the end. Under all
combat conditions, despite their lower numbers, German Wehrmacht soldiers
caused approximately 50 percent higher losses than they suffered. (Source: The ideal of the German

Wehrmacht was to accept only the best. Black, slavic, asian, yes, even Jewish
wishSoldiersMark.htm). All could be accepted if they met the standards of the
German soldiers, which were undeniably superior to that of opposing forces.
There is yet another issue; one of logistics. German military figures put the
army size at roughly 10 to 13 million. The exact numbers are conflicted
depending on what source, but the overall size remains similar.
USA 14.9 million
Britain 6.2 million (includes empire & Dominion forces)
France 6 million
USSR 25 million
China 10 million
Other 15 million
Germany 12.5 million
Italy 4.5 million
Japan 7.4 million
Other 5 million
As I said, numbers are conflicted, but you can see that even allowing for a
margin of error of a few million, the Germans were heavily outnumbered.
Managing 6 million prisoners is no easy task, considering prisoners have an
annoying tendency to not want to be prisoners. Transporting bodies,
arranging executions, quelling riots and escape attempts - these things are
not done easily even with today's advancements in prison security. Fighting a
war on multiple fronts, holding territories, keeping supply lines running, all
the while managing the deaths of 6 million prisoners would be a logistical hell
for even the most gifted commanders.
I would never deny that people died in World War 2 as a direct result of Nazi
actions. But just as we cannot ignore those deaths, we cannot ignore our own
hand in it. We cannot ignore the Japanese prison camps. We cannot ignore
the rampant rape and mass murder of German people that followed Allied
victory. If we are to point the finger, we must also take responsibility, and not
throw needless accusations to demonize our enemy so we can feel validated
about destroying a culture, a nation, a people, and the entire future they
held. General Patton himself said we have defeated the wrong enemy.
The only difference between us and them was that we won.

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