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Pre-Workout Stretching

Stretching is integral to getting the most out of your exercise programme - as swimming is an allbody workout, try to stretch all of the major muscle groups before you swim.
The best way to do this is to stretch each body part in order - holding stretches for 10 to 15 seconds
- and run through this routine three times.
Stretching cold muscles may relieve tension but will have very little effect on flexibility so gently
swim for five minutes before undertaking your stretches.
If youre stretching in the water, your body will cool down rapidly so maintain your temperature by
walking, jogging on the spot or swinging your arms or legs for 20 seconds between each stretch.
You should also stretch after training try doing this in a warm shower, holding each stretch for 30
- 40 seconds to help clear waste products from the muscles, improve post-exercise flexibility and
stimulate the muscle receptors that promote relaxation.
Peregangan adalah bagian integral mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari program latihan Anda berenang adalah latihan semua-tubuh, cobalah untuk meregangkan semua kelompok otot utama
sebelum Anda berenang.
Cara terbaik untuk melakukannya adalah dengan meregangkan setiap bagian tubuh agar memegang peregangan selama 10 sampai 15 detik - dan berjalan melalui ini rutin tiga kali.
Peregangan otot dingin dapat meredakan ketegangan tetapi akan memiliki sedikit efek pada
fleksibilitas sehingga lembut berenang selama lima menit sebelum melakukan peregangan Anda.
Jika Anda peregangan di dalam air, tubuh Anda akan mendinginkan dengan cepat sehingga menjaga
suhu dengan berjalan, jogging di tempat atau ayunkan lengan atau kaki selama 20 detik antara
setiap peregangan.
Anda juga harus peregangan setelah latihan - mencoba melakukan hal ini di mandi hangat, masingmasing memegang peregangan selama 30 - 40 detik untuk membantu produk-produk limbah yang
jelas dari otot, meningkatkan fleksibilitas pasca-latihan dan merangsang reseptor otot yang
mempromosikan relaksasi.
Remember to raise your body temperature before you stretch and if you're in the water, keep your
body temperature up between stretches.
Don't overstretch - your muscle or limb shouldn't be shaking - and hold each pre-workout stretch for
10 - 15 seconds.
Terjemahan :
Ingatlah untuk menaikkan suhu tubuh Anda sebelum Anda melakukan peregangan dan jika Anda
berada di air, menjaga suhu tubuh Anda di antara membentang.
Jangan meregang berlebihan - otot Anda atau anggota badan tidak boleh gemetar - terus setiap pra-

latihan peregangan selama 10 - 15 detik.

Once youve completed your stretching routine, you should continue to warm-up your body before
attempting to thrash out your fastest freestyle lap!
Your swimming session should resemble a gradual build-up in intensity.
MySwimfit session cards will have a warm-up plan included which you should stick to, but if not,
consider these basic principles:
Warmth its all in the name really. If the water or air temperature is cold, its going to take
longer to warm-up.... so take that into account.
Mobility swimming is fantastic exercise for your joints in a weightless environment.
Nevertheless, bursting into ten lengths of butterfly isnt going to do your shoulders any
favours. Concentrate on relaxing your joints and gliding through the water as you warm-up.
Pulse rate by warming-up, you are avoiding any oxygen deficit or pre-training tiredness
but dont take it too easy! You need to be gradually raising your pulse to ensure the warmup effects are maintained.

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