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Risk Assessment

Within our filming, there are some risks that we have to acknowledge,
identify and analyse.
1. I am filming in a meat factory, which is quite an old building.
This means that some areas of the building may be delicate or
easily broken. There could be possibilities of falling objects or parts
of the building falling through due to being so fragile.
2. Heavy equipment could be strenuous for individuals, we need to make
sure equipment is carried between the whole group to prevent any
damage to an individual or the equipment itself.
3. I am planning to work in the dark which could create a risk of not
being able to see things around us. As I am filming in a meat factory as
well as a large glass house, that I am not highly knowledgeable about,
there may be the caution that we could damage, fall over or misjudge
the area...especially in the dark.
4. The other location I am using to film is a large glass house. The glass
is a necessity when it comes to being careful as it is easily breakable
and either myself or one of the actors could hurt themselves (if broken).
5. Within the meat factory there may be dangerous tools which will need
to be avoided in case of an injury. To prevent harm I could ask for all the
dangerous equipment to be put away safely.

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