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________ is an important element of virtue and means being whole,

sound, and in unimpaired condition.
Select one:
b. Integrity
2. Expert power usually stems from
Select one:
b. a superior's credibility with his or her subordinates.
3. Social responsibility is
Select one:
a. an organization's obligation to maximize its positive effects and
minimize its negative effects on stakeholders.
4. The degree to which a firm understands
stakeholder demands can be referred to as
Select one:
d. a stakeholder orientation.



5. Which of the following do not typically engage in transactions

with a company and thus are not essential for its survival?
Select one:
c. Secondary stakeholders
6. Which moral philosophy considers an act to be morally right or
acceptable if it produces some desired result?
Select one:
b. Teleology
7. Which moral philosophy is based on the premise that equal
respect must be given to all persons?
Select one:
d. Utilitarianism

8. Which moral philosophy evaluates the morality of an action on the

basis of its consequences for everyone affected (seeks the
greatest good for the greatest number)?
Select one:
b. Utilitarianism
9. The 1960s saw a rise of consumerism. What is consumerism?
Select one:
b. Activities undertaken by independent individuals, and groups to protect

their rights as consumers

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an ethical
corporate culture?
Select one:
c. Employees are expected to be in the communication loop through
resolutions and corrective actions.
11. The apathetic organizational culture exhibits
Select one:
e. minimal concern for people and performance.
12. Anticompetitive strategies that focus on weakening or destroying
a competitor have spurred antitrust legislation and include all of
the following except
Select one:
a. free samples.
13. Concerns involving copyright infringement on books, movies and
music, and other illegally produced goods relate to which type of
ethical issue?
Select one:
c. Intellectual property rights
14. Studies have found that more than a third of the unethical
situations that lower and middle-level managers face come from
Select one:
c. stakeholder expectations and pressures.
15. During the 1990s the institutionalization of business ethics was
largely driven by which piece of legislation?
Select one:
d. Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
16. Multiple elements work on individuals to affect their behavior.
While an individual may intend to do the right thing, ________ can
alter this intent.
Select one
d. organizational or social forces
17. An individual who defines what is right by considering his/her
duty to society, not just to other specific people, is in which of
Kohlberg's stages of cognitive moral development?
Select one:
e. Social system and conscience maintenance
18. According to Kohlberg's model, as a person progresses through

the stages of moral development, and with time, education, and

experience, he/she
Select one:
e. may change his/her values and ethical behavior.
19. Which moral perspective defines ethical behavior subjectively
from the unique experiences of individuals and groups?
Select one:
d. The relativist perspective
20. Although both structures can create opportunities for unethical
conduct, which organizational structure tends to be more ethical?
Select one:
d. Centralized
21. Which of the following is not one of the rights spelled out by John
F. Kennedy in his "Consumers' Bill of Rights"?
Select one:
b. The right to be ethical
22. Which is not one of the four sources of criminal and civil laws?
Select one:
d. Common law
23. Which moral philosophy evaluates the morality of an action on
the basis of its conformity to general moral principles and respect
for individual rights?
Select one:
c. Rule deontology
24. The perceived relevance or importance of an ethical issue to the
individual, work group, or organization is
Select one:
b. ethical issue intensity.
25. A person who offers a facilitation payment in order to secure a
contract that will keep her company from going bankrupt and
laying off hundreds of employees may be a
Select one:
c. egoist.
26. An organization that delegates decision-making authority as far
down the chain of command as possible and has relatively few
formal rules is
Select one:
c. decentralized.

27. ________ law defines the rights and duties of individuals and
organizations (including businesses).
Select one:
a. Civil
28. Which of the following is not a benefit that primary stakeholders
tend to provide to organizations?
Select one:
c. Supplies of capital and resources.
29. When unethical acts are discovered in a firm, in most instances
Select one:
e. there was knowing cooperation or complicity from within the company.
30. Conflicts of interest exist when employees must choose whether
Select one:
a. advance the interests of the organization or those of society.
31. Enlightened egoism
Select one:
d. centers on the long-term well-being of others.
32. A person uncomfortable with his employer's unspoken policy of
hiring only white men is experiencing
Select one:
c. a conflict of interest.
33. An individual who believes that an action is ethical because
others within his or her company and industry regularly engage in
the activity is probably a
Select one:
e. relativist.
34. Which is the last of Kohlberg's stages of cognitive moral
Select one:
b. Universal ethical principles
35. Principles are
Select one:
d. laws and regulations that guide behavior in the world of business.
36. Those who have a claim in some aspect of a firm's products,
operations, markets, industry, and outcomes are known as
Select one:

e. stakeholders.
37. Which of the following statements about power is true?
Select one:
c. Power can be used to motivate individuals ethically or unethically.
38. War metaphors are common in business. This kind of mindset can
be dangerous for business leaders because
Select one:
c. it may foster the idea that honesty is unnecessary in business.
39. An advantage of the decentralized organization is that
Select one:
c. each worker knows his or her job and what is specifically expected as
well as how to carry out designated tasks.
40. Ethics is a part of decision making
Select one:
a. at all levels of work and management.
41. What is a primary reason why some small businesses resist the
opening of large chain retailers like Walmart or Home Depot?
Select one:
b. Because the large size creates economies of scale and they can charge
lower prices
42. An ethical issue is a problem, situation, or opportunity
Select one:
d. requiring society as a whole to choose among several actions that must
be evaluated as right or wrong.
43. Business ethics, as a field, has passed through which of the
following states?
Select one:
c. Theological discussion to recognition of social issues to a field of study
44. The primary objective of antitrust laws is to
Select one:
b. promote strategies that enhance business welfare over consumer
45. Which of the following is not a method typically employed by
firms when researching relevant stakeholder groups?
Select one:

a. Guessing
46. If management fails to identify and educate employees about
ethical problem areas, ethical issues may not reach the critical
Select one
e. awareness level.
47. Which of the following industries tends to generate a high level
of trust from consumers and stakeholders?
Select one:
d. Technology
48. The ability to influence the behavior of others by offering them
something desirable is best described as
Select one:
c. reward power.
49. A court found an oil company guilty of placing profits over the
safety and well-being of its employees. This situation can be
classified as
Select one:
e. an ethical issue.
50. ________ have been found to decrease unethical practices and
increase positive work behavior.
Select one:
e. Good personal values
51. Which moral philosophy evaluates the morality of an action on the
basis of the equity, fairness, and impartiality of the action, with
rules serving as guidelines in the decision-making process?
c. Act deontology
52. Issues related to fairness and honesty may arise because
business is sometimes regarded as a
Select one:
d. game governed by the rules of society.
53. Which moral philosophy evaluates the morality of an action on
the basis of principles or rules designed to promote the greatest
overall utility rather than by examining situations individually?
Select one:
c. Rule utilitarianism

54. Which of the following is not one of the six "spheres of influence"
to which individuals are subject when confronted with an ethical

Select one:
a. Educational attainment
55. Through time an act can come to be viewed as unethical under
which of the following philosophies and perspectives?
Select one:
c. The relativist perspective
56. Which of the following is not a provision of the Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?
Select one:
a. Creates an organization to pay the bills of low-income consumers
57. Ethical issues in business typically arise because of conflicts
between individuals' personal moral philosophies and values and
Select one
b. values and attitudes of the organization in which they work and the
society in which they live.
58. The exacting organizational culture is interested in
Select one:
d. performance but has little concern for employees.
59. Which of the following is the first step in the ethical decision
making process?
Select one:
d. Recognizing that an issue requires an individual or work group to make
a choice that ultimately will be judged by stakeholders as right or wrong
60. A stakeholder group that is absolutely necessary for a firm's
survival is defined as
Select one:
c. primary.

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