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When Event:

I understood the concept of Academic Readiness Spiral, I started to think about different aspect
of the teaching process. This took to me to the concept of CLD students, which is the one that we
have been applying since the first moment we have been here. However, many times we are not
aware about the changes and the difficulties that our students have to face in order to accomplish
the acquisition. Yet, sometimes we tend to do things because what we think similar to the way we
have been taught, that is what we called empirical practice. I can conclude that as a experiential
for diversity readiness, the ARS bids teachers and instructors standards to analyze and support
the growth qualified differentiated and inclusive instruction. Finally, the spiral demonstrates that
the professional growth starts with reflections on teacher practice and culminates with readiness
for application and advocacy, however, during the process many variables such us, environment,
CLD students and their families, curricular readiness, instructional readiness, and defensibility of
practice were studied.


I thought that motivation should come from the way I teach. However, now I can say that it is a
step forward.
I thought that when I dominate this concepts, Academic Readiness Spiral in all of the levels,
Culture and Language Diverse Students and also the different theories I will become a better
Step 1 Assumptions:
I have a bias that all that teachers need to know is the student Academic dimension. In addition,
this information was taken via difficult standardized test which give me both; information about
the students and also the opportunity to plan.
Based on my prior socialization, I learnt that when we want to motivate students we can plan
warm up activities such as: games, contests, pictures and so on and so forth.

I strongly believed that working with parents is an insubstantial activity, I thought that the work
that they should do is to offer the initial education to students; likewise, to be the complement of
the academic process followed in the schools.
Step two: Validity of assumptions
After having being informed about the importance of the Students biographies, as well as
students and families cultures I bear in mind how interconnected are all of the processes. I
understood that the motivation and engagement are not going to come isolated, but as a mean of
a very well complemented, sequenced and planned process. Now I understand how important is
to have a reflective process on teaching practice. What are the concepts implied in the
environment; now I know that it is not only the physical setting but also the political and socio
economic factors.
I am aware that I have to take in consideration many variables when I think about a process
centered on the student, and what is more on a CLD student, I have to know the aspect that
comprises this Academic Readiness Spiral, the curricular Readiness, which makes me think
about how we conceive the curriculum, sometimes we see this aspect as a mere tool to follow
and a content which will be stablished on the books. The same with the programming and
instructional readiness, now I am conscious that I have to prepared very good what to say and
how to do it during all my session.
Step 3
My prior socialization was making me think teaching as a very technical process. I used to see
my students with different level of learning as a liability. I though they did not need my help; as a
result, my planning was centered in the students strengths rather that their weaknesses. When I
was in school I learn to take that approach.
Moreover, I thought that the more advanced and technical the book is, while I dominate the book
and its methodology I would become a better teacher, the more grades and test I apply to my
students the more responsible I was when measuring my students skills. Now I will think better
and see education as a holistic process. I will analyze all of my process not in order to eventually

become a better teacher, but in order to support CLD differentiated instruction, because they do
not learn English as native speaker
Step one
I grew as a person by making humbler. Always talking a lot can be less effective than doing the
thing correctly. In the professional field I find this topic very interesting in order to draw future
research, the first level of the spiral for instance is the basis for my capstone project, now I want
to find out what is the relation that this process have in regard to the teaching practice. What I am
looking for is knowing if a reflective teacher goes to the next level of the spiral and see how they
are considered by their students
Step two
Based on what I have learnt in this session regarding to different concepts in my daily practice
from now and on; I will be more careful about finding out my students prior knowledge and
interest. I will try to conduct interviews with parents, I will try to visit their environment, to stay
away of my comfort zone. This concept will very important at the moment of planning my
process. At the same time, I will do socialization session with my colleagues in Ecuador so that
they know how can we develop our career. Under all we are the ones called to support this
important process in our society. First thing we have to do is informing and leaning, by this
means I would like to reduce the amount of blind and empirical practice that we, as Ecuadorian
EFL teachers may have.

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