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In the past few years the issue of making decisions has been presented under a variety of
aspects by specialists, academics and practioners faced with the ever-increasing complexity of
organizational life in our country. These concerns have as a starting point the fact that decision
processes occupy a major position in the organizational activity, representing key moments. The
progress, the changes in the the organizational structures is fundamentally determined by the
quality of the decisions since the functionality and viability of any organization is ensured by the
decisions that are made..
The decision, as a basic component of the decisional system, is an essential element of
management, specifically as its instrument of expression since it is found in all its functions.
Developing a relevant decision is based on an essential fact, namely, understanding the
decisional problem. The decision making appears as an intricate process where gathering and
processing information, studying and selecting multiple alternatives as well as expressing the
option for one of them holds an important place in the activity of economic entities.
The possibility of improving the decision-making process depends on its understanding and
analysis. Knowing the principles and the basic concepts holds an important place among the
premises of the degree of accuracy of these analyses
A variety of individual styles, often based on creativity and human reasoning, intuition
and experience were used in solving the same type of problems, at the expense of quantitative
methods and scientific approaches.
Currently, management clearly bears the mark of scientific progress, with its tools and
models to enhance the effectiveness of management decisions . Under these conditions,
managing becomes dynamic, with a complex problematic, whose solution requires a great deal
of discernment, capacity of clear delineation of objectives and conditions, the courage to
abandon what is outdated as well as appealing to the opportunities offered by information
technology, which has become a competitive weapon extremely effective in achieving
organizational objectives.
The importance of using specific tools in the process of managerial decision background,
both in economic entities and other areas of life in contemporary society decisions arises from
the need for taking superior clear and accurate decisions, highly substantiated, sometimes
having a particular significance for an organization, on which may depend its very existence.
This study is a short approach, both theoretical and practical of specific instruments of
decision-making process within economic entities.
The material is organized into three suggestive chapters: Aspects of information, decision
and decision making, Specific tools for decision making and Application of decision making
tools to S.C. Superstar LLC.
Chapter I focuses on the importance of the informational system, the link between the
informational system and the decisional system, information technology, defining and
classification of management decisions as well as the stages of the overall process of making
The methods and models of supporting decisions as well as the specialized techniques of
decision making are to be noticed in chapter II.
The final chapter presents the application in daily practice of the instruments intended to
substantiation the decision in case of S.C. Superstar LLC.

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