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The work-line of our annual planning is set into a specific context which is
described in this section. It is going to be divided into different sections: the
environment, the family, the school and our specific class (Primary 5).
Our school is a public school that was founded few years ago and, for this
reason, there are no classes in all Primary Education years, only until Primary 5. There
are between two and three classes in each year group, with an average number of 24
pupils per class.
Pupils attend our school from the surrounding neighbourhoods. The area around
the school is a very new part of the city in which are living young families of a mid-low
economical level. There are cultural offerings near to school for children to join, such as
the Municipal Library, some exhibition centres and a cinema.
Our school encourages families to be partners in their childrens learning
progress and work. There are some activities in the school that encourage parents in
their children learning in a direct way. These activities are designed and organised
among teachers and parents through the Parents Association of the school.
Referring to our school centre, it has got two zones in one building: one is for
pre-Primary Education, who has one storey with six classrooms, two toilets and the
cleaning room; and the other one is for Primary, which has two floors. In the ground
floor we can find the Headmistress and Head Deputy offices, the staff-room, secretary
offices, resources room, two toilets, the library and the computers room (with one big
screen). In the first floor there are the Specific Needs for Educational Support pupils
reinforcement class, the music class and twelve classrooms. In the playground there is
one big area for Primary Education which includes a football and basket court, and it is
separated to the Pre-Primary area, that is in the other side of the school.
Our school belongs to different educational projects: Plan de Fomento del
Plurilingismo (Bilingual Project), Plan de Lectura y Biblioteca (Reading Project),
Introduccin a las Tecnologas de la Informacin y la Comunicacin (ICT Project),
Hbitos de Vida Saludable (Healthy Habits Project). Focusing on our area, which is
English language, the Bilingual Project of the school determines the teaching guidelines
in the bilingual areas of our centre, which are Natural and Social Studies, Arts&Crafts,
P.E. and Music. Therefore, as bilingual school, we teachers work on the Portfolio
Europeo de las Lenguas (European Language Portfolio), through which, apart from
being part of our students assessment, they are developing their learning autonomy.
Our syllabus is focused on one specific class of our school: Primary 5. It is an
heterogeneous group of 24 pupils with similar number of boys and girls. According to
Piagets theory of development stages, these students are in the concrete operational
stage, which makes them being able to establish logic relations. The atmosphere
between our children is very comfortable, there is no discrimination and they all respect
each other.
In the group, there are two cases of children with special needs: one ADHD boy
and one girl who has partial-blindness; having both of them some curricular adaptations
in all areas.
The physical distribution of the classroom has got some changeable parts and
some others which are immobile. There is one blackboard and one interactive board, a
computer on the teachers desk, some wardrobes and shelves for collecting the
classroom material and one table per students with the possibility of moving them to

organize in different distribution depending on the task. In one part of the classroom, we
have the English corner.
We already know who are our students and how is the context in which they
develop their learning process, so now we are going to define the different teaching
points, beginning by the ones that answer the following question: what abilities and
goals are our learners going to achieve?

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