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Poems of Maharishi

That One, the Ultimate Truth, the Plenum, manifested first
as the Fundamental Energy Particle, the Chit, the Life Force.
These, spinning, repelling, clashing, combining
Transformed as elements of various kinds and they
Coming together became millions of stars and galaxies
and further as sensing living beings and as humans with the faculty
for fair judgment. Knowing this history of transformation of the Divine,
let us live happily by being of service to all.

Ellaam valla
It is the Omni potent Divine
Present everywhere fully
Dont you believe it because you have heard it
By self enquiry, study and contemplation, realise the truth yourself.
He is the powerful working order in the physical body.
He is the consciousness in everything.
He comes as pain or pleasure as the result of ones own actions,
whether one is a scholar or is illiterate.
The power in the minutest particle is His action
and you are a highly evolved combination of these.
You are in Him and He is in you.
So who is He and who are you? Where is the separation?
If you forget Him you are small.
If you realise Him you are great.
When you realise that you and He are one,
That is Perfection of Consciousness and that is Liberation.

Azuththam enum
By the single motive force of compression, the Divine brings in to
manifestation the entire universe, from atoms to stars and galaxies,
diversified living beings from one sense to six senses and
with great efficiency protects, provides for and ultimately deletes them.
Till we mature to understand that this Divinity is also functioning as
our own consciousness, we see the different manifestations as
separate. But when we realise the Truth, we can see the oneness in
everything. That is the state of ecstasy!

Beginning the journey as fundamental particles and
proceeding onward to countless inanimate forms and
then on to living beings of senses one to six , ultimately I got this
wonderful human life. But I moved around without any direction,
tossed by countless thoughts and actions, as a result of which
I wanted to know as to who I am. It is then that you made me
perceive my life force, by activating the divine Kundalini shakthi in me
and declared my True Self to me, Oh my loving Master!

Oh my Master, You taught me the art of
streamlining and quietening my mind.
In that state when there are no mental waves,
Ecstacy is bursting forth in me!
As the ultimate of goal of
my journey through various births
you gave me a life of constant self awareness and peace.
This is the happy news I want to share with you!

Consciousness is Divinity, said Thayumaanar.
Thiruvalluvar declared that we could realise
the consciousness within oneself.
The methods to realise this was shown by the wise Thirumoolar.
Delving deep in to Consciousness, Ramalingar
poured out ecstatic poems. Let us remember all those,
who, merging with consciousness, formulated the code of right living
and all those who lived such an exemplary life.

By the gentle touch of your finger at the centre of my eyebrows,
you made me perceive my life force.
To get over imprints of sins and
to realise my consciousness, you gave me Thuriyam.
To completely eradicate all my impurities
and to realise the Divine, you raised my consciousness
to merge with the Universe and beyond.
You taught me how to master the five senses with awareness.
You made me perceive the life force in the physical body
and showed the divinity in life force as Consciousness.
You gave me the principles of virtuous life with which
one can live in harmony, love and friendship with the whole world.
You taught me the Kayakalpa yoga, the Karma Yoga and
a set of simplified physical exercises
transforming my physical and mental well-being.
Oh my Master, my salutations to you!

10 Epporulai
Whenever someone thinks of an object, an action, a quality
or a person repeatedly, the thoughts influence the person
and there is a corresponding change
in the physical and mental characteristics.
This great phenomenon is called the principle of mutation.
Whoever, respecting the Master, puts the teachings
in to practice, will surely be elevated and
will reach the ultimate goal of human life.

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