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Characteristics of highly creative individuals creative thinking involves imagining familiar things ina new Light, digging boelow the surface to find previously undetected patterns, and finding connections, among unrelated phenoverna.* Roger von Oech, Expect the unexpected Look at the following characteristics and think about yourself or other people who you perceive as creative, As you go through each description, sec if you can calculate ‘a rating for each description into the categories: most of the time; sometimes; infrequently. This exercise may help you decide if you o others fal into a group that is considered highly creative. Obviously, the more times you rate "most of the time,” ‘the more likelihood that person can be classified as highly creative. Highly creative ineividuals may: + 1-Display a great deal of curiosity about many things; are constantly asking questions about anything and everything: may have broad interests in many unrelated areas. May devise collections based on unusual things and interests. + 2. Generate a large number of ideas or solutions to problems and questions; often offer unusual ("way out’), unique, clever responses. + 3. Are often uninhibited in expressions of opinion; are sometimes radical and spirited in disagreement; are unusually tenacious or P + 4. Are willing to take risks, are often people who are described as tent ~ fixating on an idea or project. "high risk taker, or adventurous, or speculative.” ‘+ 5. Display a good deal of intellectual playfulness; may frequently be caught fantasizing, daydreaming or imagining. Often wonder out loud and might be heard saying, "I wonder what would happen if..."; or "What if we change by easily changing, elaborating, adapting, improving, or "Can manipulate ideas ‘modifying the original idea or the ideas of others. Are often concerned improving the conceptual frameworks of institutions, objects, and systems. + 6.Display keen senses of humor and see humor in situations that ‘may not appear to be humorous to others. Sometimes their humor may appear bizarre, inappropriate, irreverent to others. + 7. Are unusually aware of his or her impulses and are often more open tothe irrational within him or herself. May freely display ‘opposite gender characteristics (freer expression of feminine interests in boys, greater than usual amount of independence for girls). +8 Exhibit heightened emotional sensitiv cencitive ta heauty, and vicibly moved hy aesthotic oxperionces, May be very + 9. Ate frequently perceived as nonconforming; accept disordered of chaotic environments or situations; are frequently not interested in details, are described as individualistic; or do not fear being classified as "different." 4+ 10. Criticize constructively, and are unwilling to accept authoritarian pronouncements without overly critical self examination. Adopted and adapted from the scale for Rating Behavioral Characteristics of ‘Superior Students by Renzulli and Hartman A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something. rank Capea (lm director) ‘What will people think? There is strong social pressure to conform and to be ordinary and not Here are some overheard examples: Creative Person: "Tlike 10 put water n my orange juice so it's less sweet." Ordinary Person: "You're weird, you know?” Ordinary Person: "What are you doing?” Creative Person: "We're painting our mailbox." Ordinary Person: "You're crazy." Creative Person: "Why don't we adda line garlic?” Ordinary Person: "Because the recipe doesn' call for garlic." Ordinary Person: "Why are you going this way? It's longer." Creative Person: "Because like the drive." Ordinary Person: “Did anyone ever tll you you're strange?” 1. Creative individuals have great physical energy. but they become extremely quiet ‘when they ae at rest. This restful period can lead others to think that they are not feeling Well or that they are unhappy, when the tuh i they are Fine 2. Creative folks tend to be both highly intelligent and naive at the same time, 3. Creative people are disciplined and playful simultaneously. In some creative people, this can mean that they are responsible and irresponsible atthe sme time as wel 4. Creative minds move between a spectrum of fantasy and imagination and a firm {grounding in reality. They understand the present and need to keep in touch with the past. ‘5. Creative individuals seem to be both introverted and extroverted, expressing both traits ‘at once, An image to explain this might be that they are shy showofis, if you ean picture tha 6, Creative people ae sincerely humble and extremely proud in a childlike way. It requires ego to have a risky, fresh ideo. It takes self-doubt to hammer it out to a workable fom. 7. Creative folks don’t fel as tied to gender roles. They eel di don't feel the barriers of authority or the rules of what they are 8. Creative individuals are thought to be rebellious. Yet, in order tobe creative one as to understand and have internalized the traditional culture, Therefore creativity comes from {deep roois in tradition, Creative people ate traditional and cutting edge. ‘9, Creative people are deeply passionate about their work, yet can be extremely detached and objective when discussing it 10. Creative people are highly open and sensitive, which exposes them to pain and suffering, but also allows them to feel higher values of joy and happiness. High Achiever, Gifted Leamer, Creative Thinker Page 1 of 4 a ft High Achiever, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker dentifaton of gifted students is clouded when concerned aduts misinterpret high achievement 35 Gitedness, Fgh-achievng tudenis are natced fo thr onaime, neat wel-develeped, ad correct [earring products. Adults Comment on these tudes’ consistent high grades and note how wel they ‘scclimate to cass procedures and dscuselons. Some adults assume those studerts are gited because ‘her school appropriate behaviors and products suface above tne pica esporses of grade-level studeris Educators wth expertsein gtd education ae frutated tying to help eter educators and parents Understand at while gh achievers are valuable pavicipants whose nighsevel model's welcomed in ‘Sassen, they loam crferety fom oiled learners In silane n whach they are respactea ana ‘encouraged, gies stvgentsPunking s more complex wih abstract inferences and more diverse erceptons than i ypical of high achievers. tulting hose dferences to educalors and parents can be attest In 1809, Janice Szabos pubshed a comparison of he bright cid and the gifted leener. Her comparison hobs o delineate diferences between the two groups and provides a usetl formal fer discussions However, some ofthe fers ised in he comparison are questionable. For examgl, the aid leamer is {edted wth heveg wid sly Ideas In realty, tis croatva thinkers who exhibit the ideas often called ‘id oF sly, otal gifted learners deronsirate that aspect ofthe cestve process. As e second example Of concern, Szabos iss bight children es enjoying srighforwar, sequential presentations, This ty. nrguebly, some aio Ieamers also enoy svaghiorwerd, sequential presentations ut inl questions and responses to such presentation may dramatcaly difer fom the questions and responses of braht children. As fal Example, Seabos' comparison states that ated learners prater adults while bight chien enjoy peers. ‘This statement has negative connotations leading tothe stereotype tha gifted lamers ae so out cf sync wih solely and have such poor soclal sls hat they can only communicate with adults In realy, gied Tearmers seek idea mates rather than age-mates. They enjy the compary of peers when the pee group Uinderstonds the shared ideas, Responding to those concemn, 2 three-way comparison of high achiever, agited learner, and a Creative tinker is proposed fr you fo consider ans ponder No‘column is nieded o be mutual” fxcusNe For example. ]@high achiever mght also be acretive hiker, anda ged learner might aso bea creative tunkor a creative tinkr might also be a high achiever, and agited learner might also be ‘high achiever ‘This tree-cluma comparison emerged aver saveral years while working with students Fepresenting al thee of hese groups. Hundreds of wachers ana students revlewed and Giscussed the tome as he comparison developed ‘These students end teachers found the following cartoons helpful in understanding the comparison since ‘high achievers, gfe learner, and creative thnkore co-exist m may classroom Inthe fat cartoon he {eacher announees an assigiment and the hgh achiever quick testa determine what the teacher ‘mast wants so he can please and satis the teacher's intentions: "What do you realy want?” The gied ‘Romer ponders whet fo do thal would mos intrest her as she learns. "What | would keto dois. Simultaneousy. tho creative thinker’ mind begins to race wth al ofthe diverse and varied possibilities that could be explored hupwww hertckingore.convhigh-gtereate him 7272008 High Achiever, Gifted Learner, CreaiveThinker Achiever Creative Teamer —Usamer Response to an Assignment Page 2 of 4 Later, inthe second cartoon, the teacher poses a question tote cass. The high achievers delghted Decause ne knows the answer andi n cont. "On, know that ancwerl" The ged learner considers muliple nuances and atematve perspectives “The queston cous mean “Another way to s3y thats” or "Wah, but." The cresove thinkers stil cbsessed wi the seemingly ‘ort might suggest. or “ancloss possbiies ofthe eae aeignmen, concentrating 80 much on his Weas tat he completely misses the teacher question Tigh Achover laa | ahe2 Gitted —Creaive ewer Leaner Response toa Question ‘Consider sharing this three-way comparison with your gfted students to ether percents. f you wh, rather ther responses canbe shared with ha aunor at fhe ama listed below. Stnaating Secuss.on an fostenng agreement isthe goal. The resis might any or extend understanang among Sdminisrator, teachers, pares, and students of the marvelous sities and afrences among high ‘Schievers, gid learners and creative thinkers hup.vwwow.bertekingore.conhigh-gtcreate him 72008 High Achiever, Gifted Leamer, Creative Thinker Page 3 of 4 Gifted learners prefer idea-mates rather than age-mates. “They enjoy the company of peers when the poor group ‘understands the shared ideas. [ TAnigh Achiever] A Gied Learer [A Greatve Thinker Remembers the answers, Poses unforeseen questions. Sees exceptions. Is itorestea Iseurous, Wonders Isatentve, Is selectively mertaly engaged. Daydreams; may seem off task Goneratos complex, abstact Ovorlows wi ideas, many of idoat, which will ever be develope. ‘Works hardto achieve Knows without waking hard Pays wih ideas and concepts Ponders with depth and motile perspectives Generates advanced ideas ‘Answer the questions in deta Injets new posses. Performs at the to ofthe ‘foun, Responds wih interest and Exhibits fesings and opinions Shares bizarre, sometimes ‘opinions, fom multiple perspectives. confcing opinions. 's beyond the group. Is in own group. Leoms wih esse ‘Aroodyhrows, Quoetone Wnt Needs Sto repeitonsto Nad 1:3 epetions to fees ares to uenteam " smprchends in-depth, 2 with doae-mary of Comprenends at high evel Or Se Inch never be downed Enjoyatne company ofage Prefers iecompary of Prefers he company of create poo Spiotecuat peers peersuteion werks sone Understands comples abtract Creates complex sbsvact Relishes wid fthe-wal nuror ‘uo amor CGraspe the meaning, Infere and connects concepts. Makes mental leaps: Anal Completes assignments on Inates projects and extensions Inietes more proects that wil roe SsSments ers complet lesen lentense 's independent and Is ovo and contnvaly Is orginal araconinaly 's accurate and complet. ovaopog. dovebong Enoys school often, Enjoys slfirected learring. Enjoys creating [Absorbs information. Maripulatos information, Improvses. Is technician with experisein isan expert who abstacts Is an inventor andicea ‘aed, beyond the fe ‘generat. Memorizes well, Guesses.andinfors well, Creates and bainstoms wal ‘Anticipates and relatos hpi bertickingore.comhigh-gtereate him 72/2008 [ACCREATIVE THINKER. Sees exceptions. Wonders. ‘ayareams: may seem off task ‘overfiows with dea, many of whieh wal mover be developed Plays wth ideas and concepts Inects new posses, Ie in owa group. ‘Shares bare, sometimes confletng opinions ‘Questons: what ‘Questions the nee for mastery. ‘overfons with ideas~many of which wll never be developed. Fretersthe company of reatve pers, but often works lone. thos wi, ff heal humor. Makes mental leaps: Aba Inktes more projects than wil ver be completed 'sindependent and unconventional 1s xignal and continually developing Improves. \san inventor and ies generator. Creates an aistrts wel Ie inet Innever fished with pssbaies, May nt be motvateby grades. \siosycrati; ‘Steps to Consider in the Administration of the LSA Paper Questionnaire Note to teachers: Pon ond implement a weltorgoised and personalised inreduction to LSA. briefly deseibe the Learning Styles concept ond the LSA inetrunent Explain how Y0 respond Yo the ‘questionnaire and how to filout the personal dro requested on the Response Sheet, Please explain to your students: ‘This SNOT e Test? may ook Ike a tet smo tk atest and evon tate ike atest -butti not 2. There aren rat or wrong answers. nly cnas hat ae te for you. Ths assessmert wl gv you ‘some impo ides to help you bocome @ more sucoss lamer. The result wil so eb your parents, he sehec ard our eeches adj he eacting methade and iaming enionmert ep Youleam beter. 5. whan yu ae answenng he questons, think cf astuaton wren yeu ae earring someting new sncior tt “4. When using the LSA Junior Mfr each statement, choose one othe the posse answers: Tue, Fae, Ooet Krow. When using ho othr instants, you can tok as many catomonts per quston| ‘8 you need to ek al hose ari ony those a 3094 you. 5. Ifyou nood ogo up and ake aeak dite te yu ate werking on his 100 Yo doco remerroo to be caret and nto dtu anyone oe 6. Inthieinetumant, come eatoments wil be exact Ie sre ox mean he opposite. Tiss necessary to make surotho toes working cro Asks Ar hae any quesions™ ‘Suggest "Lats co he rst question together” ‘Ask aga OK, any questons?™ (0, Reassure thm.“ you have any questons ding is actvay please lel Kew oie yourhand and tht you" "1 Tothar:"Now begin, and remember be honest” Alternative methods of administration: Sedelal he tena er tert hey ee Yo your rc end woh 1 & Gr how todo the assessment: Le. aque! corner, read abud, more than ore stig, rabies alowed, ee + Administer in2 setson first the questionaire, then tlly up & fill nresponse sheet After completion af the paper questionaire, check thatthe Responge Sheet i correctly filled ot {only the page neds t be handed infor the schal Ye process ten the computer. Students keep ‘he questonrare for ote sizeusiong withthe teachers and/or paren © eeeSteneny ees Teaching Style Analysis" Inaching Se Analyte ‘ Education eet yemmeetertaa oes eee ; personal teaching style is it Version possible (0 become more flexible and match your, stytot0 tno toarning needs of your wtneee Teaching Style Analysis* ~~~ The siatoments on he owing pages wi ety you recogisa your personal Teaching St Byresponding 28 qucay ond Nonesy 0 ou tah you wil gt he eauts mos ust ou Please follow these instructions carefully: Ll Sts ec i ey SSeS eee L2 P30 yours oy crcing oon romero sch guston and work rough Parts 1. Sten ucrdonnate a acy pascbie, woe orang or yang Bock a een ati caa ae eget te (4, transfor ne ests oto te Response Sheet and rotunitfr processing, or enter your ‘Nauta loathe TSE stare programine NB: Some of the factors may be beyond your influence, nevertheless, pleas let your ‘anewors reflect the ACTUAL sitvation In Your most recent teaching experiences. Teaching Style Analysis™ - Questionnaire Part | Answer the following questons according tothe FREQUENCY of twir occurrence In your teaching, (Ckcle ‘one number ony foreach answer) Please rte yourset 5 -Almost aways 2 -Qccasionally 4. Frequent Rarely ever 3. Sometimes 0 -Itdependsiundecided 1. Doyouuse background music during your classes? 543210 2. Doyou keep your classroom quiet (except during discussions)? 545210 3. Are there computers and other electronic media avaiable in yourclassroom? § 4 3.2.10 4 Doyou expect your students o work at their desks? 543210 ‘5. Doyou alow students 1 siton the floor. cushions arsoftfuriturein class? § 4 3.2.10 sit unconforaoie fr you theres not enough ata ight in your aseroom? 5432140 7. Da you prove the opportune for students to work in low ight areas? 543210 8 Are you aware thal temperature can influence your students concentraton?_ 5 4 3.21.0 9. Do you allow your students to woar warm confortable clots in class? 543210 410, Do you instruct your students to work by themselves in your classes?” 543210 11, Doyou allow your students to work wth «frend during classes? 543210 42. Do you provide leering take or aml groupe of students? B4o2t0 13. Ae there possbiles fr your students to work within team projects in class? § 4.3.2 1:0 14 Ave you closely controling your students schoo! or classwork? 543210 15. Do you tend to step back and become the fect of your stuns reaming? 543210 16. Ae your students required to sit sl during the earning process? 543210 17, Do youalow your students to stand up stretch cr move around while they ‘are Tstoning @ you, oreaming something aout? 543210 18. Do you do energising exercises (Ike Brain Gym, or e08s-overs) wih your ‘tients in lacs to help thom eoncontrate batter? s 43210 48. Ave your students generally ellowed to eat, nibble or dink water during ase? 6 43.210 20. Do:yau gat annoyed when your students chew on pens, pencis and other things while you teach? 549210 21, Doyou suoges hat students should have their ‘most ficult subjects during morning hours wee they are fresh? 543210 22. Ace you aware thal your students’ learning ably is influenced by their bio ren (ner best me oF day)? 543210 TSA Education (© 2005 creative Learning 2 Teaching Style Analysis™ - Questionnaire Part | Name set: ‘Answer tne following questions according to the FREQUENCY of ther accucrance your teaching, (Ckcle fone number ony foreach answer) Please rate yoursel: 5 Almost aways 2 Occasionally Frequent {ray ever ‘3 Sometimes 0 “te dopendsiun 28, Do you make sure your students foe! good about your teaching? 543210 24. Can your students physically experience what they are leering in your class? § 4 2 2 1 0 25, ls there alot of hands-on tasks for your students in your teaching? 543210 26. Are your students alowed o fiddle, doodle or hol something whieIstenng lrspeaking dunng your classes? 543210 27. Do you provide possiblities for your studets o vaso what they have heard, son oF fead? 543210 28, Do you use aot of visual (ike pictures, OH transparencies, mind maps, sr9phis, wal chats, videos) in your teaching? 543210 20, Iethereaustained sent reaging (upto 30 mewles) going on Hyoureassos? 5 4 3.210 20, Do,you accent that some students need ako themselves (outloud orin ‘halt oad) fe Deter understand what hey are learning? 5432140 31, Doyou insist that your students participate in class group discussions? «5 43.210 32, When you teach something new and cliffcul, do you lecture the whole lass, Standing in ort of Be Back! white board? 33, Da you lke your teaching job nd are you interested in learning new professional skis 543210 ‘34, Do you ten to complete tasksiprojects even when tey are boring or aticuk? 35. Do you expect your etusens to strty flow rules and regulations set by the schoo! and yours” 543210 26. Doyou question the chal rulesleducation eyelem you have to work under? § 43.2 10 37. Is your teaching jo important o you and do you take your duties seriously? _ 5 43.21 38, Do you make sue that your students’ ferent loaming styles are matched ‘and do you teach according f thei leaming Needs? 543210 38, Would you say that you ae creative in your teaching? 543210 40. Once you have estabished classioom routines, do you stityfolow them? § 4 3.2.10 441, Doyou tke change and get bores when you have to flow routines in your daly class;oom work? 543210 42, Are you concemed about curiculum content and flowing yourlesson plans? 5 43.2 10 TSA Education (© 205 Creative Leaning 3 Teaching Style Analysis™ - Questionnaire Part | Nee: Sehoo! ‘Answer tne following questons according to the FREQUENCY of ther occurrence In your teaching, (Ckcle ‘one number only foreach answer) Please rat yourslt 2 - Occasionally Hardly ever 0 O:O},O+#O0/20 »O 7O:OlhQ»O|,0O 20 *OeO}*»O2O/,O0+«0 *O2O0)2O+«0]s0 a = TeAEdcaton (2005 Creare Leeming Learning Style Analys/s” Senior Version for students 14- 18 years ‘The etatemonts on the following pages wl help you 1 recognise your personal Leaming Syl. By answering {= accurately ae you can, you wil got the mort eal ros, you wil undortand how You lem best. Please follow these instructions carefully: ‘es hrough och statement nd tik bout yours when yu are eeing er apg. nan ae, ep ee acon Orn LA serial asa tito LB macrn mera gongs, et Nahar 0 a a om ‘ears tate ote eae fe AE ero /3). coos ot sttmrts tr ray fo yo en you rycen i soneig est tte Sa Ch ete Ober ba (4. sage manner ar eka (0-4 eh tan (18-155 ant wri ests ‘eee ‘rae you rns nth LSA Regn Sh tor rcs or tir SCORN [5 Tsar ve ora tree Class:, Mark only statements that are really tus for youl 44 realy neat quit when | concentrate [nen | stusy or read I nave to get awa trom noise ad distractions. Trae noise, musi, the TV and taking raduoae my concentration. C1 =Pecpie round mo, who tak and move. realy bother me wnen | study or read 4B __1tke background music when I ead or study. lust ean consartrate non the classroom s absolutely quit, endo my nomework, | ike tobe na lade where ther people are talking or > wore an study, read or concentrate much better wih the TV or radio on. 2A _Iprofor to werk with lots of ight Tent study or readin a room with ow ight. ‘When I concentrate, tad or study I sith onal the ight inthe room, Hike to rd or do my homework outdoors 28 _|proforclasercoms or study aroas with ow or dim bh Tike to do my homewerk vith most of th ight of. ‘Teo much Fuoressentight gives me heacaches andlor makes me jumpy or nervous ‘Teen reed under tables and in dark comers 3A __I work best ina room with a warm, comfortable temperature. ‘Tpreterthe warmer weather morths of spring and summer. fant tink when | am cold ike to waar sweaters of extra clothing even indoors, {8 __I realy ike cool temperatures in classrooms or study areas Whon ts toe war, cant concontrate. —Iiretr the cooker weather mothe fhe sctoo year. ‘Teenttike wearng warm ccthes indoor, they make me feel uncomfortable, 4K Vike to sit up straight when I mite or study ‘THust cant do ay schoolwork ie down or stetch out —ierandconcenrate best n= st sry, ‘Tlpteter ta de my nomework a a table oF cesk 48 __1 prefer to ait on sot chai, cushion or couch when I study ‘Tlstean concentrate when | have to stata desk or table [[ —Bemeties | work on my Becorsetchecouton a couch ‘realy lie to read or study on the feo 5A __| enjoy feng out about new things in my school subjects. ‘Ties important tome that lam suesesstulla my sues fal good when Ido wal at echool ways want fo eam mare 158 School is vary boring forme. Fa rater do oter things than go to school or study ‘Nobody reat cares Go welin eho. Oy Tits arto fin anything interesting | could study or lea, LSA Senior Name: lass Mark only statements that are really true for you! {64 _No one has to remind me to gat my schooMork done. ‘Tent tke leaving project unrishea to start a naw one, aways ty to finch my assignments and tasks before do something els, Oy A 1ike to stick to a task units finished. 8 _When lam intrested no-one has to remind me to fish something ‘Treaty tke nang several projects ong atthe same time Tlgst bored if can't do many diferant tings ata time. C1 =12ccy besten can taka treats oan, Gr do somaining else in between, 6 __| have io be reminded over ard over again to do things | arm supposed to do. ‘Whenever can I put things of, hoping | won't Rave to do hom rarely fs things stat and somecne has to push me fo do my homework C1 When tate a break, I get dstracted and ofen forget fo go back to my task TA __| simost aways do what Im told todo, or what's expected of me. ko tobe given res, than | know what odo. pect my teachers and stent Poe msections, fam batter when | know someone wil check UP on my Work a5 a ways ike to 60 things my Way. prefer to make up my own rules and | ofan hear that lam a rebe Cy “Sometimes chalenge a teacher or adut fea tonal abut an nse. ‘TTaeve schools have too many rules and regulations fr students, TC _1 aways tke todo what's ght and keep my promises most ofthe ime Teepe enous not make exeuses toe noon me Nght tnng Ea The de something wrong. | aplogse arty to cect son as can ‘TSehoal ie important to me and I take my slides seriously, 7D __Heving fun is much more important than going to schoo! or studying. ‘Ti.dont alnays do the "sah ting or what teachers/adlls expect me to do. Gy —oten ante haters cores my makes. ‘Tost of he time I don't keep my promises and dont think ofthe consequences 8A __ ke to be told exacty ow fo do something iy sehootwerk ia much beter when Tan flow instructions, refer o receive clear rections batore | start something 1 ~Ferescut tasks (need clear guéetines then | know what to do, #8 _J cont tke tbe tots how to do things. Unless tm suc, fa raer ty derentsluions than ask or hlp oreer to reure out how to get ngs done witout flown nstuctons O =i wore things aut for myst {86 __Once Ihave developed routine | ko to stk with it ‘Tent changes to my work or study pater ‘Teed daly routines to gel my schooler done. 1

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