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1.1 Introduction
Defect identification can be performed by human, and they can accurately
identify the objects type and shape then perform sorting based on unlike
appearances and sorts of the object. Nevertheless, this inspection is heavy duty job
and its fast process with long working hours of operation which make workers often
experience in fatigue. Person focuses most of his/her time on similar operation for a
long time and as an outcome a person may get tired, or person may decrease his/her
eyesight power.
Glove manufacturing companies produce several types of gloves, such as:
latex examination gloves, medical gloves, household gloves, general purpose
gloves, fabric type glove and many more. Their aim is to be competitive in the
market and deliver best quality products to customers. Best quality glove has to be
durable and defect free. Durability of the glove can be improved having research on
material selection. However there are some milestones to produce and deliver defect
free gloves due to some unwanted faults in glove manufacturing process. These
unwanted faults produce defects on gloves, such as: hole, scratch, bleeding color
and so on. To reduce number of defected gloves, process which gives defect to the
glove has to fixed and every single glove has go through inspection process.
Inspection process can be done manually or automatically where human manpower
are not needed in the process.
This research studies on developing automated glove identifier and remover.
By using automated inspection system, gloves with small holes and cuts, and
different thickness and different width of glove compared to expected results could
be taken away by sorting mechanism. And this results in reduction of defected
gloves and it will be beneficial socially, economically and environmentally. From
the social aspect, it is beneficial for customers and clients. Because they will receive
high quality and non-defected gloves. Economically and environmentally benefits

come from reduction of waste product and its recycling process. To achieve all of
these benefits, number of defected gloves has to be reduced and defect found gloves
has to be recycled. Automated defect identifier and remover has to be applied as an
intelligent inspection system since human workers experience in fatigue by over
Automated defect identifier can be achieved by using concept of control
engineering which studies more about controlling and monitoring systems. It helps
to build a system which can identify the defected product and pinpoints the location
of that defected product. There are two approaches to implement such system. The
first approach is a pattern recognition based on readings from sensor. In this case if
the readings doesnt match with the pattern, the product is to be found as defected.
The second approach works based on threshold values, such as if residual value
comes more than threshold value, the product is found as defected. Image
processing, RFID, Morphological operation and other techniques can be used in
order to accomplish first and second approaches. Advantages and disadvantages of
each techniques will be reviewed and appropriate technique and approach will be
Once the defected glove is identified, it has to be removed by using sorting
mechanism. Sorting mechanism has to pick that identified glove and place it in
specified coordination. There are several types of mechanism for pick and place
operation, for instance: intermediate ones are flip flop mechanism, rotating disk
mechanism and complicated one are cartesian coordinate robot, scara robot and
spherical robot and delta robot. Complexity of these robots based on their type and
degree of freedom. Proper selection of sorting mechanism will be explained with
calculations and it will be implemented in the system.

1.2 Research problem

Since most of the glove manufacturing companies aim to manufacture
competitive products, winning the competition in the market is based on the
productivity and quality. In these manufacturing companies, large amount of lost
have been encountered due to defects on produced gloves. (Tamnun, Farjana &
Ahmed, 2013) gives several examples for defect types, such as: scratch, fly, dirty

spot, hole, yarn, color bleeding and so on. If these defects will not be detected
properly, these will cause massive affect to the manufactory.
Identification of defected gloves and building a sorting mechanism to pick
and place operation is one the demanding application in industries. This type of
systems will give socially, economically and environmentally benefits and hence it
is complex work to achieve it. According to research done by Karunamoorthy et al.,
(2015) autonomous defect detection system increases such examination efficiency
and propose satisfying recognition precisions for the quality control in industries.
Automated inspection systems have been studied for a long period of time.
Numerous researches have been conducted in this field, and research papers have
been published. Several techniques have been applied and their results have been
learnt, however these systems still have drawbacks in recognizing defects. Tamnun,
Farjana & Ahmed, (2013) also explain the drawback of Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) systems which are designed for finding the defects. They say that artificial
neural network consists of multilayers to identify the defects on the product. ANN is
trained by using back propagation method and the system requires multiple times of
training in order to give better results. Computing time to train the system for
couple of times will require long period of time.

1.3 Research questions

Questions mentioned below will be the research questions and those will be
discussed further as the task advances.
1. What is the impact to industries by using automated defect identification
2. What are the problems of current used detection method?
3. What is the advantages of new detection method to industries?
4. What kind of method will be applied to identify defected gloves in image
5. What are gloves main features and characteristic those have to be taken into
consideration while image processing on finding the defected gloves?
6. How can a sorting mechanism find the location of the defected glove
resulting from program written?
1.4 Project aim and objectives

Only several journals have been done on automated glove defect identifier
and remover. Since Asia Pacific University is offering an opportunity to conduct
this research and researcher has chosen this topic based on interest. Aim of this
project is to set to design a system that will identify defects of the gloves and
categorize them into several sorts.
Objectives help to narrow down works to be done in project and these
statements are main objectives of developing project.
1. Design an inspection system to detect defected gloves.
2. Develop a mechanism to categorize gloves into several types.
3. Evaluate the accuracy of detection system.

1.5 Justification for the research

Identification and sorting systems can be used for sorting based on object
size and color or based on objects defects and bruises. Huge jump in industries
have been made due to automated image processing techniques. Numerous filtering
techniques and physical cameras have been utilized in their respective applications.
Automated defect detection system helps to reduces labor cost and wastage
of materials, and also helps to improve productivity, health and safety. Hence, with
these all factor, system contributes sustainable development in manufacturing.
Instead of people, robot will work in this heavy duty job, besides it is faster and
more accurate compared to human. Hence, robot does not get tired and can work for
a long period of time non-stop.
This task explores one of the method of control engineering and tries to use
its abilities for analyzing unlike segmentations of specified area on certain gloves. It
will be beneficial for most of the glove manufacturing industries to come up with an
automation process in order to reduce the labor cost and increase the efficiency of
inspection of gloves.

1.6 Organization of the rest of the chapters

Chapter 1 explained about a general overview of the report. Introduction and

background about this project is provided. Research questions were identified and
based on these questions project aim and its objectives were found. Finally
justification for this report were explained.
Chapter 2 will discuss about image processing defect detecting algorithms
and pick and place mechanisms. Literature review will be done, every single journal
will be summarized and journals will be compared each other and analyzed.
Contents in the journals will be studied carefully and new knowledge will be
applied for developing system.
Chapter 3 will provide an information about selected method and design of
the defect identification system. Selection of material, design of system,
configuration of the system will be discussed.

1.7 Summary
First chapter gave a general introductory to the report. Manual defect
detection technique and its disadvantages were explained. Advantages and
sustainability development factors of automated defect detection system was
explained. Different applications of automatic defect detection for various industries
were given as an example.
It is said that quality control and reduction of wasted materials helps to
improve sustainability. Design of the system is the combination of electrical and
mechanical components and it is mentioned in project background. Research
questions were identified and aim and objectives were set. Justification for this
research were given and essentiality of this application were explained deeply.
Overall, automated glove defect detection system is expected to give
economic and hygienic solution for industries while increasing health and safety
conditions and reducing labor cost. System will able to identify defects on gloves
and sort them based on algorithm. Suitable sorting mechanism will be implemented
and overall system will be tested.

2.1 Introduction
Main aim of doing literature review is to gain related knowledge on
automated glove defect identifier and remover system based on current and past
researches done. By doing literature review, advantages and disadvantages of past
researches will be investigated. Relevant information gained will be used to develop
better automated glove defect detection system.
Nowadays, numerous efforts with diverse procedures and several methods
have been taken into consideration. Since this project is considered as a high
demand project, several researchers have been investigated on similar projects. And
researchers were attained estimated results. But in the other hand, some of the
researchers failed to succeed to build automated defect detection system.
2.2 Literature review
2.2.1 Defect detection techniques using Artificial Neural Network
Researchers (Karunamoorthy et al., 2015) were able to create a system
which can detect defects of the fabric materials automatically by using image
processing in MATLAB. The process is called as Identification of Defective objects
(ID) and it begins by taking an image input to the system, and image will be tested
respected to sample images in database. Image will be enhanced using histogram
function and it will be converted into binary image then binary image goes to
trained neural network classifier. Classifier determines whether fabric is defected or
not and gives a proper command to microcontroller.
Database consists of 256 by 256 defective and defect free fabric images and
this is divided into three groups: dot, star and box patterned fabrics. Results from 20
samples tabulated in table above. ANN providing an astonishing 95% of accuracy
with classifying defected and defect free fabrics while ID method without ANN
defects in fabric material only.

Table 2.1: Comparison of ID followed by ANN with ID method alone

(Karunamoorthy, Somasundareswari & Sethu, 2015)

ID Method

ID followed by ANN Classifier

Without ANN





Done by Trained ANN

of Fabric faults



No.of samples needed for Not

One sample for each type of


defect (For Training ANN)


Nasira & Banumathi (2014) proposed an algorithm to identify and classify

defects of woven fabric materials using ANN. Initially image is acquired and preprocessed and then its histogram is normalized. These steps were used to extract the
feature in the image. Minimum resolution used was 300dpi, in contrast maximum
human vision is 300dpi. Image is stored in the memory and it converted into gray
scale level. Resolution is increased by 100dpi step by step and till it reaches to
1200dpi as a maximum resolution. By using digital filters, noise in the image is
reduced. Filtered image is then changed into binary scale. By using imhist function
in MATLAB, histogram of the image is taken. Back-propagation neural network
used to train the ANN classifier.
Table 2.2 below tabulates the results which are taken based on 30 different
fabric images and 10 of them are picture of defected fabrics and remaining are
picture of non-defected fabrics. ANN was trained by using backpropagation method
based on 4 different types of fabric defects. And system achieved high rate of
success in identifying defect free fabric materials. System can detect holes, dropped
stitches and scratches up to 75%, 60% and 70% respectively.

Table 2.2: Comparison rate of defect detection

(Nasira & Banumathi, 2014)


Success rate
Training (%) Testing (%) Overall (%)

Defect free
Dropped stitch

Research on automatic fabric fault detection has been proposed by Habib et

al., (2014) and researchers say that fabric defect inspection firstly analysis the scene
and selects feature in the scene. Then information goes to image acquisition,
followed by image preprocessing and feature extraction. The following step of
defect inspection is classification, and this research mostly focuses on different
types of classification techniques.

Figure 2.1: Percentage usage of four types of classifiers

(Habib & et al., 2014)
Paper compares four types of classifiers, classifiers are: Artificial Neural
Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Statistical Test (ST) and ModelBased Clustering (MBC). Figure 2.1 above indicates which classifier is often
chosen and often utilized. Classifier Neural Network is one of the popular method
and it is considered as most used classifier with 76.47%. Other three classifier not

often used in projects and their usage percentage shows less than 12%. ANN was
utilized in their project as a classifier and result achieved is satisfying where
accuracy of the defect detection system reaches to 94%.

Edge detection techniques

A research on edge detection technique for image segmentation proposed by
Dhankhar & Sahu (2013) states that objective of this study is to deliver a review of
several methods for image processing based on edge detection technique and
examining their performance based on problems such as false edge detection, noisy
pictures or lost edges. Steps for edge detection were given and they are filtration,
enhancement and detection. In the first step filtration, some of the random noises
were filtered and image smoothened, then in following step quality of an image is
improved and lastly image is detected based on its edges.
There are two main techniques for edge detection: Gradient based and
Gaussian based. Dhankhar & Sahu (2013) states that gradient based technique is
divided into three, which are sobel operator, prewitt operator, roberts operator.
While Gaussian based technique is divided into two, which are Laplacian of
Gaussian (LoG) and canny edge detector. Comparison of all methods shows that all
gradient based techniques are simple and easy to use but relatively sensitive to
noise, while technique LoG provides simple approximation but magnitude of edge
inversely proportional to noise ratio. Moreover canny edge detection technique,
gives better detection even in noisy images but this technique is complicated and
time consuming due to complex mathematics. Since MATLAB can handle all the
mathematics, canny edge detection method yields an excellent results.
Experimental investigation on identification of currency using image
processing has been conducted by Vashishtha & Sadim (2015) and their image
processing methodology is based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
technique. Suggested technique is utilized to eliminate non-linear dependences
between variables and extract the core of principal of data. The methodology of this
research consists of two steps: first, classifying identical measurement database
notes, in following step, pattern matching is done by calculating the edges of
inserted currency notes and matching measurement with template currency notes in

database. Image has been converted into gray scale from pixels. Then edge
detection technique has been applied in order to extract the identity of currency.
PCA method is used to decrease the huge dimensionality of the information to
lesser inherent dimensionality of feature scape which is known as independent
Borkar & Atulkar (2013) conducted their project on developing fuzzy
inference system to detect edges of images using MATLAB software without
defining threshold value. Canny edge detector algorithm has been used in order to
determine the edge of images. Fuzzy logic is a rational classification which is a
postponement of multivalued logic. Fuzzy depended method is a fast and it delivers
reliable correctness and this system is beneficial for image classification. Fuzzy
inference structure is a technique that takes inputs as a vectors and it produces
output based on defined rules. Set rules are built by using toolbox Fuzzy logic in
MATLAB and membership functions are defined.
Researchers (Nagrale & Badge, 2013) worked on project which is for
development of automated inspection system using image processing and their
research differentiates several types of sorting mechanism and explains each
mechanisms advantages and disadvantages. Nagrale & Badge (2013) says that:
machine vision technique has been applied in design automated inspection system
and procedure for this method follows as: thresholds the image where image is
converted into gray scale level and segmentation is done to simplify the
representation of an image for easier examination. Blob technique is then applied in
order to target the object shown in the image. Recognition of pattern has been done
at the end to matching pattern with its template.

Defect detection using other techniques

Research on defect detection on fabric materials using weighted morphology
was conducted by Priya & Kumar (2012) and they say to find the defect on fabric,
image is taken and it went to pre-processed image processing where image is
decomposed into its bit planes. It is found that significant data about shape of defect
lies in lower order bit planes and that particular location is extracted by weighted

Figure 2.2: Bit-plane decomposition

(Priya & Kumar, 2012)
Methodology of decomposing of digital image helps to analyze the
characteristics of each bits in the image.

Rather than highlighting gray level

pictures, only specific bit is highlighted. Regarding n-bits, plane 0 consists of all
lowest order of bits, and as the number of plane increases, bit number also increases
respectively. Figure 2.2 describes 8 bit image of fabric material. Vital information
about texture of fabric lies on bit plane 0 and bit plane 1. Algorithm is written based
on readings from bit plane 1 and numerous pictures with dissimilar types of defects
were examined. It is found that false alarm rate equal to 2.2% for the examined
samples. Accuracy of finding defects on fabric materials using weighted
morphology reached to 93.2%.
Aziz et al (2013) use morphological process and Discrete Cosine Transform
(DCT) to identify faults on fabric materials. Figure 2.3 above shows the working
principle of inspection system. 1.3MP camera was installed 28cm above the
conveyor belt where the fabric material passes. Image captured from camera was
converted to gray scale and unwanted noises removed by using median filter.
Adjusting the intensity of the image is done by using morphological process. DCT
was used to support morphological process since morphological process doesnt
give acceptable results. By using DCT, high and low frequency components of the
image were found. Components with high frequency of particular image link to
rapidly varying pixel values. In the other hand low frequency components relate to
large measure feature in the picture. In the following step, thresholding process is

applied to segment the pixels which are having high value. And defects lies in those
pixels. Several steps done to enhance the quality of the image and defect found
fabric is identified and defect are shown in the monitor itself.

Figure 2.3: Automatic defect detection system

(Aziz et al, 2013)
Zhang & Hang (2013) used Butterworth filter with multi scale and multi
orientation to detect the defects on fabric material based on single color.
Methodology of this research different than other methods used. First sample image
of fabric is processed by group of filters. Group contains nine filters since one
single defect may give unlike forms after image has been filtered. Output images
after filtering are binarised and then they are fused in order to rebuild the binary
image which differentiates faults from the background. In Figure 2.4 above shows
detection of various defects on fabric material after processing by Butterworth

Figure 2.4: Evaluation of system on defect detecting

(Zhang & Hang, 2013)
Forty two samples were used by researchers to evaluate the system. And
system detects 39 defects and makes detection rate to 92.86%. Only 1 false alarm


and 2 misdetection occurred while testing and their percentages are 2.38% and
4.76% respectively.
Identifying fabric faults using wavelet filter is done by Vaibhav et al., (2013)
and their proposed methodology consist of image acquisition, histogram
equalization, median filter, RGB conversion and wavelet decomposition,
thresholding, morphology filter and finally proposed method can detect the defect.
Image acquired by using CMOS camera and it is changed to gray scale image,
histogram equalizer was utilized to get equally distributed intensity with better
contrast picture. 3x3 Median filter was applied to reduce the Gaussian noise in the
image. Thresholding technique is used to segment the defect. Morphology filter is
used to remove the noise which is created by median filter. Drawback of this
method is wavelet transform fails to identify faults because of color alteration and
smooth edges otherwise it gives promising results.

Sorting mechanisms
Sarkar & Yadaiah (2015) did their project on automation object sorting
which utilizes robotic arm to pick and place operation and states that system
categorizes items based on their color, dimensions, eccentric and sorts using robotic arm
and efficiency reaches 80% using tesseract optical character recognition method. Robotic

arm designed has for small mobile robot and it has 4 axis rotation. These all axis has
been accomplished by using NRS-995 motors and NRS-585 servo motors. When robot
moves up and down, axis 2 and 3 is used to maintain the angle of gripper at constant rate
respect surface. Weight of the load goes up to 250gms and it can grip objects which

is having less than 60mm wide. Arm can reach up to 230mm distance and requires 5
Amp to operate. color objects. Several samples were tested in order to check
accuracy of the system. Accuracy of the system ranges from 60% to 80% based of
the color of the object.
Nagrale & Badge (2013) compares several mechanism for sorting machine
and they are: rotary disk type, pusher type, flip drop. Working principle of rotary
disk type mechanism is that camera fitted on top of conveyor belt. Conveyor belt
runs and transport products and camera captures and sends data to program,
program decides which object to choose and which one to reject and sends

command to microcontroller. Product goes rotary disc and disc rotates 90

clockwise if the products is chosen otherwise it straightly drips the product in
declining section. In pusher type mechanism, there are two pushers located
diagonally respect to conveyor belt and they will push the product to acceptance or
rejection section in respective to program order.

Figure 2.5: 3D design of flip flop mechanism

(Nagrale & Badge, 2013)
Lastly, in flip flop mechanism, product is either released to the acceptance
center or rejection center by spinning the block by 90. As a conclusion, authors
propose flip drop mechanism which is illustrated above as a sorting mechanism
because it requires less space and less moving parts.


Figure 2.6: Working principle of sorting mechanism

(Phuoc et al., 2015)
Researchers (Phuoc et al., 2015) designed a system to sort objects based on
their color. From the Figure 2.6 above, it can be observed that first image is
captured and computer receives the image and segments the color based of image
processing technique. Noise is filtered and image is threshold and position of the
object is identified. 3 Degree Of Freedom (DOF) delta robot is designed and it is
used to pick and place operation. Response of the motors of 3 DOF robot by using
C++ program. Movement of the delta robot is determined by using inverse
kinematics. Corresponding GUI is created in order to monitor the system, GUI
shows labelled products to pick and indicates the location of that object. Results
shows that system is 2-3 times faster than labor force with minor errors.
Table 2.3: Summary of literature review

Year of

publishing name





Methodology used



Identification of defective

95% of

hy et al

objects by comparing with


Nasira and

Artificial Neural Network

60% to 75% of





Table 2.3: Summary of literature review (Continuous)


Habib et al

Backpropagation is used to

94% of
93.2% of


Priya and

train the ANN.

Bit-plane decomposition and


Aziz et al

based on algorithm wtitten.

Morphological process and

Several defects

Discrete cosine transform

are found

Zhang and

Butterworth filter is used and

92.86% of


output is compared with


Vaibhav et al

Median filter and


thresholding is used to find










the defect.
Edge detection technique by



and Sahu

using Canny method.

Edge detection using

90% of accuary

and Sadim

Principal Component

Borkar and

Fuzzy inference system to



detect edges of images using





Nagrale and

Blob technique is used to



Sarkar and

target the object in the image.

Mechanics is applied to
60% to 80% of


construct the sorting




Nagrale and

Flip flop mechanism is




Phuoc et al

3 degree of freedom robot is

2-3 times faster

controlled by C++ program.

than labor force

Researches on defect detection method using Artificial Neural Network and
defect detection with other methods have been studied. It is observed that there are
several ways to approach for current development. Image processing using edge

detection techniques and sorting mechanisms also have been studied from journals.
Journals gave several dissimilar ideas to solve the problem in designing automated
glove defector and remover. This work does contribute to current industries and
From table 2.3, it can be seen that Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is
mostly used as a classifier for automated inspection systems. Another type of
classifiers used are: Support Vector Machine, Model Based Clustering (MBC) and
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). ANN, SVM and FIS systems are considered as an
intelligent system where these type of systems can be trained to find defects of
fabric materials. The most effective methods are ANN and it uses tries to reduce the
error by using back-propagation method. However training and finding proper
weights of neurons in ANN using back propagation requires a long period of time
even with high computational power computer. FIS systems does not require a long
period of time for computation and system can work even without training.
Therefore FIS will be chosen and will used as a classifier to the system.
There are also other approaches without using ANN and other intelligent
systems to determine the defects. For example: bit-plane decomposition,
morphological process, Butterworth filter and median filter with thresholding.
Advantages of this systems are that these systems can be created and applied easily.
And they also produce reliable results with more than 85% of accuracy in finding
defects. But these systems are really sensitive to noise where unwanted noise may
lead misleading result. And in addition, any external classifier has to be integrated
in order to determine defected glove. Therefore, these systems will not be utilized in
developing automated glove defect identifier.
Edge detection in image processing will be used for feature extraction. From
the table above, there are several methods to approach edge detection, they are:
edge detection using Canny method, edge detection using Principal Component
Analysis and last two methods are FIS and blob technique to find edges in the
images. Since FIS can detect edges, any other technique to find edge will not be
Since title of the project is automated glove defect identifier and remover,
sorting mechanisms are well researched. Sarkar & Yadaiah (2015), build system to

sort objects and disadvantage of this proposed system is that accuracy is too low,
where it can sort objects with 60% to 80%. It is aimed to achieve better result. Flip
flop mechanism has been studied and it is known that flip flop system is not
applicable for sorting several types of products. At the end, 3 degree of freedom
robot which is called delta robot has been studied and it is known that it is suitable
for sorting several types of products with fast response. But main disadvantage of
this delta robot is it has a complex structure and it is difficult to troubleshoot when
troubleshooting is required. Concept of sorting mechanisms has been observed and
based on knowledge gain, sorting mechanism will be proposed.



This chapter explains about proposed methodology of current developing
prototype based on studies done from previews researchers. Proposed methodology
of this project will be explained with the help of flowchart. Investigation will be
done on choosing proper materials and justification will be given about chosen
component. Design of the concept will be illustrated in 3D and all the necessarily
physics calculations will be done based on fundamental engineering principles.
Aspect of sustainable development of this project in socially, economically and
environmentally manner will be explained. Moreover this chapter of this report will
provide information about ethics and professionalism of the suggested development.
Fabric material glove will be used for this experiment. This type of gloves
are mostly used for safety purposes and also used in cold temperature to maintain
the heat of the hand. It is essential to know the dimension of the fabric type of glove
before determining its defect. Because as mentioned earlier, there are several types
of defects, such as hole, scratch, color bleeding and also wrong sizing.

Figure 3.1: Finger measurements

Based on figure above, table is created and tabulated below.
Table 3.1: Dimensions of the glove

Palm Circumference Middle finger Full length




Palm width






Glove with wrong size will be also considered as defected glove and rest
gloves will be sorted based on their proper sizes.

Proposed Methodology
Since manual inspection is a tedious job for human, an automated glove
defect identifier and remover can be used in manufacturing line to increase the
quality and sustainability of the product. Proposed method has to able to identify
defect of the glove and remove the defect found gloves. Methodology will be
explained with a help of block diagram and flowchart.
This project is going to be implemented based on several engineering
subjects, such as mathematics, dynamics, strength of material, control engineering,
machine design, computer aided programs and mechatronic designs and many
more. By using fundamentals of engineering concepts, automated glove defect and
remover will be completed.
Several journals have been studied in literature review in order to gain
knowledge about automated defect detection systems. Several methods of finding
defects and sorting mechanisms have been analyzed through the journals. Results
show that researchers used novel techniques and methods and they have achieved
high rate of success. Based on their designs and methodologies, current developing
project will consist of main three parts as shown in Figure 3.2 below:

Mechanical design: it will consist of conveyor belt and sorting mechanism.

Sensor to get input: input will be taken by camera and images will be sent to


program for analyses purpose.

Program: controlling process will work based on algorithm written and location of
defected glove will be identified on conveyor belt and corresponding command will
be send to microcontroller which controls the sorting mechanism. And
microcontroller will control the movement of the sorting mechanism to remove the
defected glove.


Figure 3.2: Concept design of automated glove defect detection system


Figure 3.3: 3D design of the proposed project

3D design of the project has been created using student version of CREO
Parametric. In order to increase the quality control, both sides of the glove has to
checked and analyzed. Gloves will be passed by glass which is installed at 45 .

Gravity pulls the gloves downwards and gloves will go through the glass. Images
will be taken by using two cameras which are located perpendicular to glass and
they will be aligned at the same line. Continuous images will be sent to computer
and analysis on defect detection of particular glove will be carried on. Classifier
will categorize the defected and defect free products and it sends proper command
to microcontroller. Microcontroller controls the movements of motor and motor
moves the sorting mechanism and gloves will be sorting properly.

Figure 3.4: Drawing of the prototype

From the Figure 3.4 above, it can be seen that the length of the belt is
600mm and height of the belt is 250mm. Conveyor belt is mounted on four legs and
it makes the height of the prototype 400mm. Width of the prototype is 400mm, the
reason is to give support to conveyor mechanism. Dimensions taken was double
smaller compared to sorting machines prototype which is done by other


researchers. The reason why current developing sorting is twice smaller is because
of limited space and limited budget.
Flowchart given in Figure 3.5 below explains how the system works in
detail. Program starts and runs the whole system, and input images to the system
will be taken by using two cameras. Program filters the image taken and extracts the
feature needed from the image. Then program checks the glove whether it has a
defect or not. If the defect is found, program sends command to sorting mechanism
to take a glove from particular location and pick it and place it in recycle bin. If the
glove is found as defect free, program checks its type, once the type of the glove is
identified, program classifies and sends command to sort gloves to sorting


Figure 3.5: Flowchart of the automatic glove defect detector and remover

Figure 3.6: Graphical User Interface of the program

Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the automated glove defect identifier and
remover has been developed based on flowchart of the program. Program consists
of several push buttons to control the flow of the work and several chart axis to
show images which are processing. Built functions in MATLAB will utilized in
order to produce efficient code. Images will be analyzed by the program written and
gloves will be sorted based on algorithm.

Investigation on Material/Component selection

Several components will be used to build actual prototype of automated
glove inspection and classifier system. Main components are: microcontroller,
cameras, motors and software to write the program. This section of the report
differentiates components on the market and discusses their advantages and
disadvantages to increase the current developments durability and efficiency.
Components to build the prototype will be purchased based on review on this








Microcontroller will be used as CPU of the sorting mechanism. A microcontroller is


low cost, small and programmable chip which can be utilized in embedded systems.
Microcontroller can be categorized based on their memory structure, instruction set
and width of their bus. Table 3.1 below, compares the specifications of three type of
Table 3.2: Microcontroller Comparison
Microcontroller types
Arduino Uno

PIC 16F877A

8051 Microcontroller


20 pins

40 pins

32 pins

Flash Memory




Clock Speed




Output Current





RM 50.00

RM 17.00

RM 20.00

Arduino has 20pins and 14 of them can be used for digital I/O purpose.
However PIC and 8051 microcontrollers have 40pins and 32pins respectively. Flash
memory of the microcontroller is 32KB which is equal to flash memory of 8051
Microcontroller, and 4 times bigger than PIC16F877A microcontroller. Arduino
provides less clock speed but it gives higher output current compares to other
Arduino Uno is one the most used microcontroller in embedded systems,
because this type of microcontroller is ready to use. Arduino has built in 5V
regulator, an oscillator, serial communication interface, a micro controller and its
software to compile the programs. And also Arduino consists of big library to
control and monitor external hardware circuitry. PIC microcontrollers also knows as
reliable and percentage of malfunctioning is found very less. Since RISC
architecture is used in PIC, it provides high speed with less power consumption for
controlling and monitoring systems. Disadvantages of PIC family is that program to
written to control the embedded system will be lengthy since it is using 35
instructions. Lastly, 8051 microcontroller is faster than others, while it works
24MHz with 32KB flash memory but its architecture is complicated and which


brings difficulties to understand its functions. Arduino microcontroller will be

chosen as main CPU of the project.
A camera will be used to get input to the program. It sends inputs by
capturing images and images will be stored in the computer. Camera is known as a
remote sensor where it senses objects without interacting with them. There are
several cameras available in the market. Three different cameras chosen and their
functionalities were compared.
Table 3.3: Comparison of cameras
Camera types
Arduino Camera


Raspberry PI
Fixed focus

Crisp VGA resolution

Frame rate



-30 C to 70 C


5M pixel

-40 C to 85 C N/A
1.3M pixel
5M pixel


RM 40.00

RM 105.00



RM 18.00

Arduino and Raspberry platforms produce their own cameras for

engineering applications. Frame rate of these two cameras is 30fps and frame rate of
normal webcam is 15fps. All these three cameras have different features, such as,
arduino camera has electronic exposure feature, while raspberry pi camera has fixed
focus feature and webcam has crisp VGA resolution feature. Arduino and Raspberry
Pi cameras can operate between range of -30 C to 70 C and -40 C to 85 C
respectively. Their resolution is 5MP while resolution of webcam is 1.3MP. Price
also ranges based on quality of the products. Most expensive camera from these
three is known as camera of Raspberry Pi and cheapest one is webcam. Webcam
will be chosen, since it has all the functionalities which are suitable for current
developing project.

Nowadays usage of electric machines are high demanded. An Electric motor

is a mechanism which is utilized to translate mechanical energy into electrical
energy. An electric motor changes electrical energy to mechanical energy. There are
two kind of motors: AC motor and DC motor. AC motors are the induction motors
which they dont use brushes. The difference between AC and DC motor is the way
speed control. Controlling speed of AC motor is done by varying frequency of AC
current, to control speed of DC motor is done by varying armature resistance. The
major advantages of dc machines are their speed control and torque regulation.
Table 3.3 below compares three main types of motors by their application, feature,
degree of rotation, wire connection and price.
Table 3.4: Comparison of motors
Motor types

DC gear motor

Servo motor

Stepper motor
Controlling the


the positions

Strong torque

3 wires
RM 24.90

6 wires
RM 82.40



Degree of rotation
Wire connection

2 wires
RM 45.00

DC gear motor is mostly used for lifting mechanism, while stepper motor is
used for application which requires high torque values. Servo motors is more
applicable for controlling the positions in certain application. Rotation of all these
three motors is 360. Pulse width modulation is generated for DC gear motors by
changing the pulse of the signal in microcontroller. Servo motors comes with built
in encoder to control the position precisely. In this application, DC gear motor and
servo motor will be needed and they will be used for conveyor belt and sorting
mechanism respectively.
Conveyor belt
Conveyor belt is widely used in manufacturing line and it is used to
transport products on it. It consists of frame, pulleys, bearings, motors and belts.


One side of the conveyor belt is powered by motor and this makes belt rotates.
Table 3.4 below gives comparison between several types of pulleys.
Table 3.5: Comparison of belt drives
Pulley types
Belt type
Groove number

V belt

Die Cast Zamak 3

Bearing Pulley

RM 25.00


RM 10.00

Die cast Zamak

RM 32.00

Bearing pulley will be chosen since it is a low cost pulley with durable
Bearing is a mechanical component that is utilized to reduce the friction between
relative moving parts. There are some designs based on application, for instance, a
bearing that gives free linear movement to the moving parts or free rotation around
the constrained axis. Main aim of using bearing is to achieve to required output by
minimizing the friction. Number 210 bearing has been chosen in design, because it
is found that lifetime of the bearing is 6.710 cycles .

There are mainly two software used by engineers to do their simulation,
design, modelling and prototype testing. These software are known as MATLAB
and LABVIEW. Both software have advantages and disadvantages. MATLAB
provides bigger library data while LABVIEW provides easier access for data
acquisition. With huge library data, it is much easier to do programming with
MATLAB. Therefore MATLAB will be used as a main program and corresponding
GUI will be created. LABVIEW will be interfaced if it is required. Arduino will be
interfaced to control the sorting mechanism.
3.4 Concept design derived from fundamental engineering principles
This chapter explains more about calculations on physical laws which are
going to be applied while building this project. Fundamentals of several engineering
concepts will be utilized in order to achieve the objective.

Calculation of belt drive

Mass of the belt can be calculated by using its density value.
m=AB ...........................................................................................................(3.1)
Minimum density of rubber is 1.1kg/m3 and maximum density of rubber is
2.3kg/m3. Therefore, average density of rubber is taken and 1.7kg/m3
= density (1.7kg/m3) rubber material

A = width (250mm)
B = thickness (3mm)
Substituting A and B values into equation 3.1:

1.7 kg
x 0.25 m x 0.003 m=0.001275 kg /m .........................................(3.2)

Result (3.1) shows that mass of the rubber kilogram mass per meter. In following,
required length of the rubber belt for conveyor will be found.

Lo= ( d l + d s ) +2C + ( d ld s ) ................................................................(3.3)
Lo = the total length of the belt
d1 = Diameter of large pulley (6cm)
d2 = Diameter of small pulley (6m)
C = Center distance between the two pulleys (60cm)

Lo= ( 6 cm+6 cm ) +260 cm+ ( 6 cm6 cm )2=138.85 cm ....................(3.4)
Total mass of the belt can be found by multiplying the required length of the belt by
mass of the rubber kilogram mass per meter.

1.3885 m=0.0018 kg ....................................................(3.5)

Next calculation will be done on calculating () angle of wrap

=180+2 ..............................................................................................(3.6)

d 1d 2
1 6 cm6 cm
= sin
=0 rad
60 cm

By substituting equation 3.6 into equation 3.5

= rad ...................................................................................................(3.8)
Velocity of the belt can be found by using formula given below.

2 r
x n ................................................................................................(3.9)
r = radius of the pulley which is 0.6cm
n = speed of the motor and it is assumed to be 20rpm


2 (0.06 m)
x 20=15 x 105 m/ s ..........................................................(3.10)
60 x 1000

Required torque can be calculated by force applied on the belt. By using

Newtons second law force applied will be found. Friction between rubber and
metal is found 0.5. (tribology, n.d.)
F=ma+ mg .............................................................................................(3.11)

m = it is assumed that total mass acting on the belt is to be 0.5kg

a = acceleration of the motor is assumed to be 0.075 m/s2
= coefficient friction between rubber and pulley
F=ma+ mg=0.50.075+0.59.810.5=2.5 N ...................................(3.12)

Torque can be calculated by using formula given below.


T =F x d ....................................................................................................(3.12)
F = force found and it is equal to 2.5N
d = distance known from the axis of revolution and it is assumed to be 50cm
T =F x d=2.5 N0.5 m=1.25 Nm ............................................................(3.14)

Calculation for require torque has been done and it is observed that torque is
1.25Nm including loads. Based on this calculation, DC motor SZGH - 06040DC
will be chosen since SZGH - 06040DC motor can provide 1.5Nm torque.
Calculation for bearing
Number 210 bearing has been chosen in designing of conveyor belt, because
its having 30mm inner radius and 60mm outer radius.
Formula given below is used to find the N:

106 C3
F = Force is equal to 2.5N
C = 99000 for steel material



106 C3 10 ( 99000 )
=6.3310 9 .......................................................(3.16)
( 2.5 )

60 n .....................................................................................................(3.17)
n = speed in rpm, and it is assumed to be 20rpm

1.2210 10
=5280000 cycles=5.28106 cycles ...................(3.18)
60 n

It is found that lifetime of the bearing is: 5.2810 cycles .


3.5 Sustainable development I

Sustainable development of particular engineering project has to help to
preserve natural energy and resources. Moreover, by preserving natural energy and
resources sustainability of the project enables to maintain non-renewable material
for upcoming generation of human population. However, it also provides several
benefits, such as economically, environmentally and socially benefits for current
generation. Sustainability development in this project is highly considered matter to
provide reliable, durable and eco-friendly system. Below, beneficial aspect of
sustainably development of automated glove defect identifier and remover will be
Based on several comparisons done based on material selection, inexpensive
components will be chosen in order to build the prototype. Instead of using
expensive components, they will be designed by researcher to reduce the overall
cost of the project and designed component will be used as replacement of
expensive component in the prototype of automated glove defect identifier and
remover. Since the system is automated, durability of the system is more high
compared to manual inspection systems, which makes it more cost efficient.
Automated defect inspection system helps to save labor cost by minimizing the
number of employees in the inspection line. System sorts defected gloves and defect
found gloves goes to recycling process and recycling processing helps to save
money flow in purchasing new materials for fabric glove manufacturing.
Structure of automated inspection system will be made by aluminum
material which can be renewed and reused. And also, 3D design is drawn by using
help of CAD software and drawing will be used to give better visualization while
building the prototype. Circuit scheme of the system is simulated using Proteus
program before implementation and it helps to reduce the purchasing unwanted and
extra electronic components. System sorts defected gloves and defect found gloves
goes to recycling process and this helps to improve wastage of fabric materials.
Whole system will be powered up by using 12V rechargeable battery, and it can
work for a long period of time without having any fatigue issues. This makes
system more environmental friendly.


As it is known that manufacturing line is relatively hot and humid compared

to temperature outside. Automated glove defect detection system and remover will
be used in that situation and it prevents humans health by taking their tedious daily
job. And also it prevents human inspectors eye power since checking small defects
on fabric reduces power of the eyes. The life span of the automated defect detection
system for glove will be enhanced to reach maximum life span and prototype can be
used for a long period of time.
3.6 Project Management I
Gantt chart
Project management explains more about project planning, cost planning
and time planning in order to meet project aim and objectives in given time. Project
management is opened by initiating and it is processed by planning, executing and
controlling, at the end it is completed by closing. Initial ideas were discussed with
experts and researched deeply, then planning is made to accomplish the given
project successfully by mean of time and quality. Then in following step, project
will be executed and controlled in order to see the response of the whole system,
then at the end project is closed. Time and cost management are also crucial facts
which determines success of the developing project. To accomplish the task on
time, main project has divided into several subsections. To make project more cost
effective, comparison of different components were done and a cheaper component
with similar function is chosen.


Figure 3.7: Gantt chart of this project

Gantt chart of this project can be divided into four major parts, which are
methodology, sustainability development, prototype testing and data analysis.
Figure 3.4 above shows time spent for each tasks, these tasks vary from each other,
and time taken for every single task is different. Major time spent on tasks which
are very important to make this project. Roughly 10 days spent on researching on
title. Since, chosen topic has to be clear for researcher and roughly 10 days spent of
researching about title itself. While doing research on title, several journals have
been found and research papers have been researched. Methodology of the project
is done after completing literature review and methodology of the project had been
developed within 10 days. Creating 3D design was tedious job and roughly two
weeks has been spent on it. One full week has been taken by engineering
calculations in order to create proper mechanisms for automated glove defect
identifier and remover. Sustainability of the project is one of the most concerned
factor and therefore one week has been spent to develop sustainable development of
the project.
Figure also shows time scheme for the second phase of the project. 20 days
will be spent on collecting required component and implementing those components
for hardware assembly. Since it is more based on coding, roughly 2 months will be
spent on programming and software implementation. Prototype will be tested and
results will be collected and these tasks will take approximately 10 days. Data will

be analyzed for 10 days and half month will be used for improvement of the total
Components cost estimation
Table 3.6: Estimated cost of components

No. of piece

Unit price (RM)

Arduino Uno



Servo motor



DC gear motor



Material of conveyor belt







Pulley wheels






Structure of conveyor belt

Rechargeable battery

Estimated cost (RM)


Total: 822

Required materials and components have been studied in material selection

chapter earlier. Based on that chapter, cost of required components have been
researched based on 5 different sources. And average cost of the required product is
taken and total required cost for this project is calculated and total amount of this
project will cost RM822 in Malaysian Ringgit.

3.7 Moral Professionalism and Ethical consideration I

Moral professionalism
Government rules and regulations will be instructs engineers to build better
and proper project under government laws. Since this project deals with detecting
defected gloves, and removes defects gloves from conveyor belt, overall project has
to follow waste management act from National Solid Waste Management
Department (JPSPN). The Malaysian Government requires an implementation of
act 672 and gives three easy step to reduce the waste. Steps are: first product has to
be sorted and next process is to separate products in proper containers. Lastly,

defect found products have to be recycled. Therefore, project follows given

instruction and it initially sorts gloves and separates gloves into different containers.
At the end, defect found gloves will be sent to recycling process.
Ethical consideration
Throughout this development all certified codes of conduct of engineers
have been appreciated, the engineering protection actions regarding the task inside
the laboratories have been plaid and firmly followed. Design of the project has been
developed by using Creo student version in design laboratory in university. GUI and
program to run all the task have created using trial version of MATLAB 2014a. The
sustainability section of the developing project has been taken under contemplation
and all the rules and regulations of the university have been followed.

3.8 Summary
Methodology, concept design of the developing prototype has been done in
this chapter. Methodology of the project explains how to build automated glove
defect identifier and remover with help of block diagram and flowchart. Block
diagram is used to give visual overview and it is also used to give proper
explanation on working principle of developing prototype. Investigation on
materials and components have been done to choose suitable component to the
project. By doing investigation, suitable microcontroller, camera, motor, conveyor
belt and software has been chosen. Calculations have been on conveyor belt, since
this project does not have much moving parts. From the calculation, motor with
required torque has been found and it has been selected. Calculation for bearing has
been done to show the total life cycle of the bearing. Sustainable development
report gave an overview about sustainability of the developing project based on
economically, socially and environmentally aspect. Project management has been
done in order to manage the time and money required. Moral professionalism shows
that project is following all the regulations set by Malaysian government. In the
other hand, ethical consideration shows that only certified or trial version of
software have been used while developing the project.


Aziz, A., Haggag,, A. and Sayed, M. (2016). Fabric Defect Detection Algorithm
Using Morphological Processing and DCT. International Journal of Engineering
and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), 4(11), pp.1-5.


Borkar, A. and Atulkar, M. (2013). Fuzzy Inference System for Image Processing.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering &
Technology (IJARCET), 2(3), pp.1007-1010.
Dhankhar, P. and Sahu, N. (2013). A Review and Research of Edge Detection
Techniques for Image Segmentation. International Journal of Computer Science
and Mobile Computing, 2(7), pp.86-92.
Habib, T., Hossain, R., M, R. and Ahmed, F. (2014). AUTOMATED FABRIC
Foundations of Computer Science & Technology (IJFCST), 4(1), pp.17-26.
Karunamoorthy, B., Somasundareswari, D. and Sethu, P. (2015). AUTOMATED
TECHNIQUE IN MATLAB. International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 4(1), pp.63-69.
Nagrale, S. and Bagde, S. (2013). Application of Image Processing For
Development of Automated Inspection System. International Journal Of
Computational Engineering Research, 3(3), pp.103-107.
Nasira, M. and Banumathi, P. (2014). Automatic Defect Detection Algorithm for
Woven Fabric using Artificial Neural Network Techniques. International Journal
of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(1),
Phou, T. and Truong, N. (2015). Design and development of the sorting system
based on robot. In: 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and
Systems. Busan: ICROS, pp.1639-1644.
Priya, S., Ashok, T. and Paul, V. (2012). Computer vision. In: Defect Detection In
Wooven Fabric Using Weighted Morphology. Coimbatore: IEEE, pp.1-6.
Sarkar, S. and Yadaiah, K. (2015). Automation of Object Sorting System Using
Pick & Place Robotic Arm & Image Processing. International Journal &
Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, 2(8), pp.54-63.
Vaibhav, V. and Bhangale, B. (2015). Fabric Defect Detection using Wavelet Filter.
In: International Conference on Computing Communication Control and
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Zhang, Y. and Han, R. (2013). Fabric Defect Detection Based on Butterworth

Filters. In: Third International Conference on Information Science and Technology.
Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China: IEEE, pp.1099-1104.





Dear KHUSANKUL(TP029644-UC4F1603),
Thank you for selecting this project proposal from our


Your supervisor has approved your request to continue working on this project
proposal below.
You may continue working on this project proposal.
Project proposal id

: 1536

Project Title

: Automated glove defect identifier

and remover
Name of Supervisor




Customer Support Department, FYPBaNK, APU


Project Specification form


The following should be highlighted in the project specification /brief: (Form attached

A. Project Title.
B. Brief description on project background. (.i.e. problem context, rationale,
description of problem area, nature of challenge)
C. Brief description of project objectives. (i.e. scope of proposal, constructs used,
limitations and significance)
D. Brief description of the system/model/design that will be used in this proposal.

E. Academic research being carried out and other information, techniques being learnt.
(i.e. literature - what are the names of books you are going to read / data sets you
are going to use)

F. Brief description of the materials/methodologies needed by the proposal.

(i.e. data collection methods, motors, sensor and etc.)

G. Brief description of the evaluation and analysis proposed for this project.
(i.e. project deliverables and hypothesis, correlation test etc)

H. Illustration of how this project will benefit in the future.

Project Specification Form (Engineering)

Note: The PSF is an online submission. Use this form to discuss your proposal with
your supervisor. Please complete all sections before meeting your supervisor so that
relevant comments can be furnished.

Project Title.
Automated glove defect identifier and remover


Brief description on project background. (.i.e. problem context, rationale,

description of problem area, nature of challenge)
Defect identification can be performed by human, and they can accurately identify the
objects type and shape then perform sorting based on unlike appearances and sorts of
the object. Nevertheless, this inspection is heavy duty job and its fast process with
long working hours of operation which make workers often experience in fatigue.
Person focuses most of his/her time on similar operation for a long time and as an
outcome a person may get tired, or person may decrease his/her eyesight power.
Glove manufacturing companies produce several types of gloves, such as: latex
examination gloves, medical gloves, household gloves, general purpose gloves, fabric
type glove and many more. Their aim is to be competitive in the market and deliver
best quality products to customers. Best quality glove has to be durable and defect
free. Durability of the glove can be improved having research on material selection.
However there are some milestones to produce and deliver defect free gloves due to
some unwanted faults in glove manufacturing process. These unwanted faults produce
defects on gloves, such as: hole, scratch, bleeding color and so on. To reduce number
of defected gloves, process which gives defect to the glove has to fixed and every
single glove has go through inspection process. Inspection process can be done
manually or automatically where human manpower are not needed in the process.

This research studies on developing automated glove identifier and remover. By using
automated inspection system, gloves with small holes and cuts, and different thickness
and different width of glove compared to expected results could be taken away by
sorting mechanism. And this results in reduction of defected gloves and it will be
beneficial socially, economically and environmentally. From the social aspect, it is
beneficial for customers and clients. Because they will receive high quality and nondefected gloves. Economically and environmentally benefits come from reduction of
waste product and its recycling process. To achieve all of these benefits, number of
defected gloves has to be reduced and defect found gloves has to be recycled.
Automated defect identifier and remover has to be applied as an intelligent inspection
system since human workers experience in fatigue by over working.

C. Brief description of project objectives. (i.e. scope of proposal, constructs used,

limitations and significance)
Only several journals have been done on automated glove defect identifier and
remover. Since Asia Pacific University is offering an opportunity to conduct this
research and researcher has chosen this topic based on interest. Aim of this project is
to set to design a system that will identify defects of the gloves and categorize them
into several sorts.
Objectives help to narrow down works to be done in project and these statements are
main objectives of developing project.
1. Design an inspection system to detect defected gloves.
2. Develop a mechanism to categorize gloves into several types.
3. Evaluate the accuracy of detection system.

Several journals have been studied in literature review in order to gain knowledge about
automated defect detection systems. Several methods of finding defects and sorting

have been of
through the journals.
Brief description
the system/model/design
will be show
used inthat
used novel techniques and methods and they have achieved high rate of success. Based
on their designs and methodologies, current developing project will consist of main
three parts:
Mechanical design: it will consist of conveyor belt and sorting mechanism.
Sensor to get input: input will be taken by camera and images will be sent to program
for analyses purpose.
Program: controlling process will work based
on algorithm written and location of
defected glove will be identified on conveyor belt and corresponding command will be
send to microcontroller which controls the sorting mechanism. And microcontroller will

Nasira & Banumathi (2014) proposed an algorithm to identify and classify defects of
woven fabric materials using ANN. Initially image is acquired and pre-processed and
then its histogram is normalized. These steps were used to extract the feature in the
image. Minimum resolution used was 300dpi, in contrast maximum human vision is

300dpi. Image is stored in the memory and it converted into gray scale level.
Academic research being carried out and other information, techniques being
is increased
by 100dpi
by of
and you
till it
to read
as sets
learnt. (i.e. literature
- what
are the step
going to
/ data
are going
to use) By using digital filters, noise in the image is reduced. Filtered
image is then changed into binary scale. By using imhist function in MATLAB,
et al., 2015)
able toused
a system
histogram ofResearchers
the image is(Karunamoorthy
taken. Back-propagation
to train
the which can
detect defects of the fabric materials automatically by using image processing in
ANN classifier.
The process
is called
Research on MATLAB.
automatic fabric
fault detection
proposed byofHabib
et al., objects
(2014) (ID) and it
input to the
and the
be selects
tested respected to
and researchers
in database. Image
be enhanced
feature in thesample
Then information
goes towill
by function
image and it will
binary image
then binary
goes toinspection
trained neural
preprocessingbe and
The following
of defect
is defected
not and gives a proper
and thisClassifier
research determines
mostly focuses
on fabric
types of orclassification
techniques. command to microcontroller.
256 by 256
defect free
images and this is
Paper compares
four consists
types of ofclassifiers,
into three
dot, star
and box patterned
Results from 20 samples
(ANN), Support
Test (ST)fabrics.
and Model-Based
in 2.1
an is
accuracy with
Clustering (MBC).
often chosen
fabrics method
while IDand
without ANN
utilized. Classifier
is defect
one of free
the popular
it is considered
as defects in
fabric material
only. Other three classifier not often used in projects and
most used classifier
with 76.47%.
their usage percentage shows less than 12%. ANN was utilized in their project as a
classifier and result achieved is satisfying where accuracy of the defect detection
system reaches to 94%.
A research on edge detection technique for image segmentation proposed by Dhankhar
& Sahu (2013) states that objective of this study is to deliver a review of several
methods for image processing based on edge detection technique and examining their
performance based on problems such as false edge detection, noisy pictures or lost
edges. Steps for edge detection were given
48 and they are filtration, enhancement and
detection. In the first step filtration, some of the random noises were filtered and image
smoothened, then in following step quality of an image is improved and lastly image is

There are also other approaches without using ANN and other intelligent systems to
determine the defects. For example: bit-plane decomposition, morphological process,
Butterworth filter and median filter with thresholding. Advantages of this systems are
that these systems can be created and applied easily. And they also produce reliable
results with more than 85% of accuracy in finding defects. But these systems are really
sensitive to noise where unwanted noise may lead misleading result. And in addition,
any external classifier has to be integrated in order to determine defected glove.
Therefore, these systems will not be utilized in developing automated glove defect
Edge detection in image processing will be used for feature extraction. From the table
above, there are several methods to approach edge detection, they are: edge detection
using Canny method, edge detection using Principal Component Analysis and last two
methods are FIS and blob technique to find edges in the images. Since FIS can detect
edges, any other technique to find edge will not be integrated.
Since title of the project is automated glove defect identifier and remover, sorting
mechanisms are well researched. Sarkar & Yadaiah (2015), build system to sort objects
and disadvantage of this proposed system is that accuracy is too low, where it can sort

with description
60% to 80%.of
It isthe
to achieve better result.needed
Flip flopbymechanism
the proposal.
and itmethods,
is knownequipment,
that flip flop
is etc.)
not applicable for sorting several
types of products. At the end, 3 degree of freedom robot which is called delta robot has
been studied and it is known that it is suitable for sorting several types of products with
fast response. But main disadvantage of this delta robot is it has a complex structure and
it is difficult to troubleshoot when troubleshooting is required. Concept of sorting
mechanisms has been observed and based on knowledge gain, sorting mechanism will
be proposed.


Structure of automated inspection system will be made by aluminum material which can
be renewed and reused. And also, 3D design is drawn by using help of CAD software
and drawing will be used to give better visualization while building the prototype.
Circuit scheme of the system is simulated using Proteus program before implementation
and it helps to reduce the purchasing unwanted and extra electronic components. System
sorts defected gloves and defect found gloves goes to recycling process and this helps to
improve wastage of fabric materials. Whole system will be powered up by using 12V
rechargeable battery, and it can work for a long period of time without having any
fatigue issues. This makes system more environmental friendly.
As it is known that manufacturing line is relatively hot and humid compared to
temperature outside. Automated glove defect detection system and remover will be used
in that situation and it prevents humans health by taking their tedious daily job. And

of the evaluation
for this
also itBrief
human inspectors
eye powerand
small defects
on project.
(i.e. project deliverables and hypothesis, correlation test etc)
reduces power of the eyes. The life span of the automated defect detection system for
glove will be enhanced to reach maximum life span and prototype can be used for a long
period of time.




Illustration of how this project will benefit in the future.

Sustainable development of particular engineering project has to help to preserve natural
energy and resources. Moreover, by preserving natural energy and resources
sustainability of the project enables to maintain non-renewable material for upcoming
generation of human population. However, it also provides several benefits, such as








Sustainability development in this project is highly considered matter to provide

reliable, durable and eco-friendly system. Below, beneficial aspect of sustainably
development of automated glove defect identifier and remover will be explained.
Based on several comparisons done based on material selection, inexpensive
components will be chosen in order to build the prototype. Instead of using expensive
components, they will be designed by researcher to reduce the overall cost of the project
and designed component will be used as replacement of expensive component in the
prototype of automated glove defect identifier and remover. Since the system is
automated, durability of the system is more high compared to manual inspection
systems, which makes it more cost efficient. Automated defect inspection system helps
to save labor cost by minimizing the number of employees in the inspection line. System
sorts defected gloves and defect found gloves goes to recycling process and recycling
processing helps to save money flow in purchasing new materials for fabric glove






SZGH - 06040DC motor datasheet




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